
by Stipa

29 Sep 2019 14099 readers Score 8.6 (121 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Hope this is good written, I  maybe a little rushed this one and got something wrong. I was afraid of losing what was in my head :) 

The guard leads me through the gray corridors. I walk  through the hall that leads to my cell. I'm innocent, but I found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time, but try to explain that to the judge. I failed. When everything points at me. I'm innocent and probably won't get out of here for at least ten years. Specifically, everyone thinks I killed my own mother. Because I am the one that needs money, not my twin brother, everyone thinks it's my fault. My brother was obviously too cautious to leave any proof, plus our finger prints were all over the house. Especially mine. Because I lived with her. I have to reconcile with my fate. The biggest problem is what I see and hear around me as the guard leads me to my cell.

"What am I gonna do to him!"

"No, me first!"

"He'll be my bitch!"

"He has a nice ass!"

"Perfect ass for my dick!"

"Fresh meat!"

"I'll fuck him!"

"That bitch will be good for me!" Anger. Horror! I don't know how I'm going to survive this hell. The air was stagnant. I mean, prison is in question, but again, should it be ventilated somehow? But what I? saying. Say goodbye to your life. We stood in front of the cell and the guard. A chubby-faced man with a big belly yelled.

"Open D678" A metal click is heard and the door of my new "chamber" opens in a moment. I sigh and try to calm my nerves. It doesn't help. Especially when I realize that the cell is not empty.

"Get in!" The guard pushes me so hard that I fall on the solid concrete dirty floor.

"Close D678" The doors close and I turn to them, seeing the guard look at me with a crooked smile on his face.

"Your brother totally fucked you up." Has my brother already paid someone to keep an eye on me. My brother has always been jealous of me because my parents were paying more attention to me. It's not my fault. When I confessed that I was gay, they became extra protective of me, which was never a good thing for my twin brother. Guard looked up at my cellmate and said.

"Enjoy Darnell!" He shouted so loudly that everyone could hear him. He laughed maliciously and disappeared from sight. Immediately there was an outcry from the surrounding cells.

"It's not fair!"

"That fucking ass was made for my dick Darnell!"

"I can say goodbye to having sex with that pretty twink!" I was scared. What the hell. Is this new cellmate of mine a gang leader, when everyone acting that way. What the hell. I shudder and slowly get up and finally see my cellmate. I swallow, because the guy is a giant. He's black. He has wide shoulders and a perfect chest with six pack. His hands are strong and big. I mean his muscles have muscles. He doesn't have a shirt on so I can really see his body. From one dark nipple to the next is a tattoo with decorative letters. It says PEACE. Around his neck are two intertwined thorns. From the chest to the navel extends a loop of different things. There is a pair of black lines between which is a lighter line with initials and numbers. Obviously years, and the initials, don't know what they mean.

Navel is decorated with a rose. On one hand is a woman holding a dick in her hands, and on the other, heart from which blood drips. I'm not a fan of tattoos, but they fit this guy. I look up and see  full lips that are brighter than his dark chocolate skin. Then nose that is sharp and has apparently been broken several hundred times. Then dark almost black eyes that stare at me grimly. He has a solid jaw with a dimple in the chin. Yummy. Stop Jonah. You can't think about this guy like that. Who knows what crime he did. His head is shaved and has a gold earring in his left ear. He's really well built.

He rests against the opposite wall between the bunk bed and the sink and has a leg bent in the knee and leaning against the gray wall. He stares at me darkly with hidden interest. He stretches his lips into a beautifully half smile. Stop Jonah.

“Are you done?” He asked, at which point I finally stop looking at him and sat down on the lower bed that contained the blanket and pillow that had been prepared for me.

“What?” I asked, seeming stupid, looking him straight in the eye. They say it's a mistake to look into the eyes of someone who thinks it's a challenge, and this guy might think that. He smiled and climbed onto his bed and disappeared from my sight. I sighed and stared at the opposite wall that housed the toilet. I sighed again as I heard a rumble on the bed above me.

I thrust my head into my fists and pulled at my dirty blond hair. I almost screamed if frustration, but I didn't need problems. In other words, I didn't want to bring problems to myself. I lay down on the bed and stared at the bed above me. Darnell is a big guy. He really is a buff. Maybe ... Don't go that way, Jonah. You don't need protection. You can protect yourself, You may not be that big, but you have a black belt in karate. You can take care of yourself. I put my hands behind my head. The boyfriend left me as soon as I was arrested. I still remember the day I was arrested.

Ricky got me nailed to the mattress and pounded his big fat dick into me when cops got into his apartment and arrested me. That evening, he left me over the text message saying he didn't want to wait for me. I found out he was cheating on me whole time we were together. Suddenly I noticed movement with a corner of my eye, and in a moment Darnell got down. Just then, a metal click was heard and the door opened, but there was a loud scraping so I realized that all the doors had been opened.

"Dinner!" A voice was heard. I didn't move. Darnell had on his back an angelic wing that drops off the bottom feather and one demos wing. He looked over his shoulder and smiled and disappeared. He didn't tell me anything. I wasn't in the mood for dinner, and I wasn't hungry either.

I ran my fingers through my slim body. Unfortunately I don't have six pack, but I'm still muscular. Suddenly a shadow appeared on the door. It wasn't Darnell. My blue eyes met the green eyes of a man in his fifties. He had gray short hair and a hooked nose with a well-groomed black beard. He was muscular, but with a hint of beer belly. He puffed the cigarette smoke and checked me out from head to toe. He dropped the cigarette on the floor and stumped it over.

"Guys, keep guard while I fuck a pretty boy!" He said in a raspy deep voice. I immediately stood up and panicked. There were two other guys at the door. One black haired with deep blue eyes and a sinister smile and the other had turned back to me so  I  only saw he was short and had brown hair.

I tried to get past them, but older man came at me and pushed me on the bed and tried to turn me on my stomach. I was faster and kicked him so hard in the stomach that he fell to the floor and gripped his stomach. He hissed.

"Guys grab the bitch and take his pants off." Fatty and the other got to work and each one grabbed my hands, but I didn't give up without a fight. I managed to hit the shorter guy, but not hard enough because they held me to one side. They turned me on my stomach.

"Now you will see what happens to those who try something on Vincenzo Boscorelli." He said pulling off my pants. And in a moment I felt his dick on my anus. I tried to scream, but my head was pushed in the pillow so no one could hear my screams. He put one hand on my hip.

"You have the perfect ass bitch!" I screamed, but to no avail, as the other two held me  down so hard that my wrists hurt. Vincenzo hit my ass with his free hand. Tears came from shame and fear. I fought against tears as well as against my rapists.

„I'm going to enjoy this." Vincenzo growled and began to shove his dick into me. I squeezed my anus muscles as hard as I could.

"Open bitch or it will hurt!" He was pushing, and I had already started to reconcile with my fate. Suddenly my hands became free and fell on the mattress. I heard some fuss in my cell. I quickly pulled on my pants and turned. Darnell and three other black guys and a white guy beat my rapists.

I got up and joined Darnell who punched Vincenzo with his fists. Vincenzo sobbed. I bypassed him and stopped  on the other side of him and grabbed his throat and squeezed. He started choking. I hit him on the side with my fist so he was out of breath. Then I tossed him on the floor and started kicking him.

Darnell grabbed me and dragged him away. He whispered in my ear, tickling my ear.

"It's over." I growled in  frustration and pulled away from Darnell's hands. I walked past them all and ran out into the hall. Frustrated I hit the bars of the cell and pulled on my hair.

"Calm down, man." Darnell told me in his deep manly voice. He put his hand on my shoulder. I turned to him and stared at him. I had to get out of here, which he obviously read in my eyes.

"Come on, dinner's not over yet. You guys get rid of the trash. ”He turned to me first and then to the four who helped us.

"Don't worry Darnell." He was approached by a white man who had incredible green eyes.

"Yes, I've been wanting to deal with this garbage for a long time." He was approximately build like Darnell's, but without tattoos, at least visible ones and black short hair.

"You'll pay for this." Screamed Vincenzo in pain.

"No we won't." Darnell told him coldly and led me to the canteen for dinner.

The canteen was the same color as the rest of the prison. Gray. Along one edge was a row of food tables that some prisoners brought from the kitchen. The rest was full of tables and benches. Darnell led me to an empty table in the far corner of the room and sat me down. I sat opposite him. Darnell put his hands on the table and stared at me.

"Good Left hook."

"Thank you." I said, looking shyly into my hands. I don’t know why I’m shy now, I just almost got raped and I hit a guy. I'm like that. I obviously can't do anything about it.

"Here, you are either a top dog or a bitch, and I saw how you looked at me when you first saw me. I'm not comfortable with this because you might enjoy it, but I offer you protection, me and my gang will protect you, and you would be my bitch. It means that I fuck you and you suck me and I treat you almost like a slave. ”I look around us and realize that many are watching me predatory, just waiting to see what happens next. See if they have a chance to take me over. Maybe I'm paranoid, but it looks that way to me. I don't want to be somebody's bitch. Not here, at least. I hate it when I have no control over my life. Already a lot of control has been taken away from me and now Darnell wants the rest. I look back at Darnell who is watching me closely.

"So you like to rape. I think if a person does not enjoy it, it is rape. "

"No, that's not the point." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

“It's not?” He sighed and looked around before leaning across the table and quietly telling me.

"I'm Bi, but if anyone finds out. They won't stop until they turn me into a bitch. "

"And it's okay for me to be one?" I asked sarcastically.

"You don't get it. This is how you have protection. I can take care of myself because I have a gang. You would have the same if you agree. ”

"Why doesn't someone on the gang be your bitch?" Darnell straightened up and looked at me seriously.

"Two are my cousins and the other two their bitches." He said it almost gently. So I realized that they were more than bitches. They are partners who act that way to survive prison. Could I be one of them. I don't know.

"I have to think about it." I said at last, and it was at that moment that the four of his guys joined. That white man smiled at me.

"I'm Tim, and these are Jerome, Joe, and Greg." Jerome and Greg had some similarities to Darnell. Obviously these are his cousins. Every one of them were handsome in their own way. But I liked Darnell the most. I don't know why, but he really appealed to me. I don't know what to think about it. Tattoos are not appealing to me, but as I said earlier they fit him. Obviously I have to think about everything, but I'm too hungry now. Suddenly my appetite opened.

After dinner, I was walking towards the showers, I could feel eyes on myself. I didn't look back. I didn't want to see them, but I felt them. I was irritated and they got on my nerves. When I entered the showers I realized that it was empty. This does not look good. I should have agreed to fucking protection. Darnell is handsome. How bad can it be to be with him. Better with him than that old man who smells like he hasn't been in the shower for ten years. Better with Darnell who gave me the choice than Vincenzo or Bosco as they informed me that his nickname was. Better Darnell than Bosco the rapist. Just when I turned around, to get back to my "cage" that I share with Darnell, to announce the decision, five men entered. But great. They were different ages. The youngest one was around nineteen and the oldest was around fifty.

"Bosco sends greetings!" Said the tallest and largest of them. He was well build with the tight muscles that made prison clothes crack at the seams. His green eyes looked at me with malice.

"I think he said we tell you your brother says hi." My brother acted so fast. He has already found my abusers in prison. I knew he hated me, but this much. This was some horse head guy. He was not as fast as the first one to respond. I could handle one or two, but all five. No way. The two of them noticed I was holding something. I realized my favorite toothbrush. What the hell my brother did.

"Bosco told us he was paid to rape and kill you." He laughed viciously. I'm all pale. Is my brother so cruel. Why this surprises me. They started approaching me like some scared animal. That's what I was. Frightened. I slowly backed deeper into the showers. They laughed, revealing their mostly yellow teeth. Some of them don't even care about oral hygiene. I went backwards until I collided with a wall that was covered with white tiles. They were few feet away when a door bust open suddenly. Darnell and the rest of his gang came into the room. My attackers turned to the newcomers, and I took advantage of it and took my toothbrush and thrust it into one guys thigh. He screamed in pain and fell to the floor I knocked down the biggest one by hitting him on the back of his knee. But the ugly one punched me that hard so I fell to the floor hitting the tiles with my head. It was ringing in my head.

“Faggot, how dare you?” Hissed one. With a twinkle in an eye, I saw that Darnell and the gang were coming toward us, and a fight ensued. I tried to get up, but there was so much ringing in my head that I fell again in pain. But I didn't want to let go so I gritted my teeth and got to my feet. I joined the gang in a fight. I grabbed one fat guy and hit him twice in the muzzle so I knocked him out. Then I joined Darnell and Joe in finishing the ugly one until we got rid of him too. When everything calmed down I turned to Darnell.

"I thought I could do this alone. Obviously I can't. It is hard for me to admit this because a lot of control over my life has already been taken away, but ... ”I paused as the last words stuck in my throat. The gang realized that so they got Bosco's guys and pulled them out and left us alone. I swallowed and tried again.

"I'll be your bitch Darnell." I somehow managed. Darnell smiled at me and looked around us and pulled me into the closest shower. He pulled off his clothes, revealing his magnificent body and a beautiful fat big dick surrounded by black hair.

"You don't know how much you turned me on when I saw you beating Cole and Reg." Those are the guys I knocked down. Good to know

"Really?" I was blown away by Darnell's words.

"You're beautiful." Darnell said, pulling me deeper into the shower. He opened the shower and the water started pouring down on us. Darnell grabbed my shoulders and pushed me to my knees. I understood the message and sucked his dick. Darnell moaned in pleasure. I looked up and saw that he threw his head back. I licked his head with my tongue and swallowed as much as I could that wonderful dick. I grabbed the rest of it in my hand and jerked it off. I sucked his dick. Up - down, up - down. Darnell had water dripping from the shower down his neck sensually across his Adam's apple. He put his strong fists on my head and stroked my cheek with one, running the other through my hair. I thought he would be rough, but he was surprisingly gentle. Too gentle for my taste. I released his dick and he looked at me.

"Don't be so gentle. I love it rough and I won't break. ”I said smiling at him and swallowing his dick again to the root almost. With one hand, I squeezed his big testicles a little. Darnell pulled my hair so hard that tears almost started to flow, but I didn't drop his dick from my mouth. Namely. I tightened my lips around him. I moved one hand to his dick and started jerking it while massaging testicles with the other. He pulled me by the hair, controlling the rhythm at which I sucked him. Up and down, up and down. I licked his dick like ice cream. It was salty but again kind of sweet. He moaned with delight. He fucked my mouth. I tried to swallow the whole thing, but it didn't work. I felt he was close.

"I'm close!" He tried to push me away from that magnificent dick, but I didn't give in, as much as his pulling my hair hurt. I came at the same time he started filling my mouth with his salty cum. He growled and shook, almost losing his balance. He put his fists on the shower wall and lowered his head so he was looking at me. I released him and stood up. I licked my lips and smiled.

"This was fun." I said patted his chest and then washed his perfectly carved chest and back.

"I'm going to fuck you tonight, and you're going to scream like I'm hurting you, because that's how it must be, if you want to survive, because they can't think I'm weak if you want protection and I survive.”He said, walking away.

"I'll be at the door." He said, leaving me alone to take a shower.

After the much needed shower, we went back to our cell, where Jerome, Joe and Greg were sitting on my bed as Tim stood against the opposite wall. They turned to us and weighed us. Joe smiled and started to say something clever.

"Not a word." Darnell cut him. But Joe ignored him.

"So ..." But before he could say anything, Jerome put his hand over his mouth.

"Enough Joe."

"You'd better be silent otherwise I'll got your mouth busy with my dick." Tim said, walking away from the wall. I noticed we interrupted them in the card game.

“What you're playing?” I asked pointing to the cards on my bed.

"Poker of course." Greg replied, returning to his cards.

“Strip poker?” I asked dead-serious. Everyone turned to me, and Joe laughed.

"Keep him. I like him. Unfortunately, it is not Strip poker. ”The first part he said to Darnell and the second to me.

"So why are you here Jonah." Why I'm surprised they know my name, I mean Bosco's gang wants to kill and rape me all day. I look at them all, and Darnell climbs onto his bed in the meantime.

"My twin brother pretended to be me and killed my mom. ”Everyone was skeptical.

"Yeah right." Jerome said, not looking at me but looking at the cards.

"And you. Why are you here? ”I asked, leaning against the toilet.

"I killed the man because he called me a fag." Tim said, and Joe broke in.

"He has a really small wick." Okay. Good to know. "I ended up here for drug dealing." Joe finished, and Darnell coughed. I looked up and met his penetrating gaze.

" I killed three man. One raped my sister and the other two tried to kill me for killing their buddy. ”I sleep with the killer.. Good to know.

"Have you ever took drugs yourself?"

"Yes I did, the rest of the bastards are drug virgins." The rest got up at the same time. Joe took the cards and everyone left us. I stood leaning against the wall and watched Darnell, who was really sexy. He was lying on his side looking at me with lust.

"So you are innocent?" He asked soberly.

"Yes." I said, and Darnell lay on his back and put his hands behind his head.

"Why would your brother do that?" Nobody has ever asked me that. My finances have always been more important to them.

"He hates me since He found out I was gay. Parents were giving me more attention, and he was always in my shadow. ”

"Just that?"

"I don't know. He always liked to spend more money than he had, who knows. Maybe he had some big debt. ”I shrugged. I lay down on my bed and imitated Darnell with my hands behind my head. I sighed. Within minutes, a voice was heard..

“The lights will be out now” The cell door creaked and closed and within a few minutes the lights went out. A dead silence ensued. I heard the rustle on the bed above and Darnell was down. He bent over and whispered to me.

"We have to be quiet for the time being until I fuck you." He said, and got between my legs and spreading them wider.

"Bite your hand." He said softly so I could barely hear him. I bit my hand and Darnell lowered his head and pulled my pants down with his teeth. He blew and tickled the head of my dick. He looked at me and reached out and lifted my shirt. He caressed my stomach and chest with his hands. Gently exploring them. During this time, he sucked my dick so that I bit my hand harder. I just hope I don't bite her off. He sucked my dick. He licked it and massaged it with his tongue. He pulled away and spat on it. Then he licked one finger on his right hand and put it to my anus. He licked my dick with his tongue from head to testicles. He swallowed one testicle tenderly, then another. During this time he slowly pushed one finger into my anus. He climbed with his tongue again from my hairy testicles to the dickhead and sucked my dick again.

Up and down, up and down. He was sucking my dick as he fucked my ass with his finger at the same time. I tried not to throw my head back and moan heavily, but others can't known that he was sucking me, so I bite into my hand. That would leave traces of my teeth. His other hand ran across my body. He tickled me gently and caressed my body. One finger in my ass was replaced by two. He charged hard and fast. I wanted to scream with pleasure. Fuck he sucks good. He straightened up and pulled his fingers out of my anus.

"Now I'm going to say some words I don't think, and you will pretend not to enjoy yourself. It has to be that way. ” I just nodded. He grabbed me around the waist and turned me on my stomach and pressed against the mattress.

"Start pretending." He whispered in my ear as he put all his weight on me. I felt his fat dick on my ass.

"No please no!" I screamed and grabbed the sheets with my hands.

"Just like that. ”Darnell whispered, placing his dick on my hole.

"NO!" I screamed, rolling my eyes. I can't believe I'm doing this. Funny, but we have to pretend.

"Shut up bitch!" Darnell growled and thrust his dick into me to the root. His hips joined my buttocks to create applause. Loud applause in the deep silence. I screamed in pain as he entered me dry. He lowered his lips to my ear, gasping for breath.

"What a tight bitch you are!" He growled into my ear. He filled me with his length and thickness.

! Aaah! Please stop! ”I cried, but I actually enjoyed it. I lifted my ass so that he got even deeper, if possible. He slowly began to pull his dick out of me, but only halfway through and then ram it into me again.

"NO!" He kissed my neck gently. Pumping his dick into me. Inside and out and repeating the action.

"Darnell please NO!" I turned my head to him and smiled at him. Darnell gave me a smile

"Shut up Bitch!" He growled, accelerating the pace of pumping his dick into me. He pushed my head into mattress with his fist and held it as he thrust his dick into me harder and faster with each movement. So fast that the collision of our skin was heard as our hips joined. For a moment the moans from the neighboring cells were heard. Obviously, a similar action was happening around us. I reached out and clasped my hands on the bars of the bed railing. I was screaming, pretending to be in pain and not enjoying myself, but I actually wanted everyone to know that Darnell was fucking me good. I wrapped my hand around my dick and jerking off. Darnell was pounding into me like a beast.

"NO!" I screamed again, pretending that I'm in pain.

"Shut up bitch!" He growled

"Enjoy my dick Bitch!" He laughed.

"Guys he's so good. Really tight! ”There was laughter from the surrounding cells. It was humiliating, but still good. His dick was a perfect for my hole. In a few moments, I came on the sheets below me. Darnell grunted when I squeezed his dick with my anus muscles. He rammed into me a couple more times and filled me with his sperm. He pressed all his weight on me, pressing me harder against the mattress.

"You were great." He whispered in my ear and kissed my neck gently. He pulled his dick out of me and got up and climbed onto his bed. I lay on my back feeling my sperm because I was lying on it. Great. I smiled bending my leg at knee and putting my hands behind my head. I think I’ll enjoy having Darnell as my cellmate. He really knows how to use his dick.


by Stipa

Email: [email protected]

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