Cabin Fever

by Ty Jordan

29 Jan 2020 3551 readers Score 9.1 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Sonny found out about “Greg’s Grappling Camp” by reading some online reviews of the place by young guys like himself who had attended. They also wrote individual blogs about experiences at the summer Camp, some of which contained references to sexual encounters there. Too shy to participate in actual wrestling classes, and never having much luck in a gay bar, Sonny decided to sign up for a fewdays at G.G.C. There he could meet guys as well as maybe engage in some informal wrestling, his secret passion.

The trip to the Camp required a six-hour drive, and he had started later than planned. He also stopped along way for some quick food. A warm and still sunny early evening had arrived by the time he reached the Camp. He unloaded his camping gear, signed in and took a quick stroll around the immediate area. Sonny had never seen so many good-looking, in-shape guys in one place! It didn’t take him long to hear guys talking about the non-wrestling reputation of the place. One camper explained the meaning of the letters G.G.C. as “Greg’s Guys Cum” or “Great Guys Cum.”

Sonny wondered if he would witness a sexual match during his stay. Besides offering training sessions in wrestling, the Camp encouraged members to drop in on any matches underway in the cabins scattered throughout the Camp’s wooded property, or to initiate their own matches with fellow campers. The G.G.C. had no special clothing requirements, but most guys wore the unofficial “camp uniform” of just tee shirts, briefs and sandals.

One guy Sonny met made an interesting comment about the Camp’s history. “Can you believe it? This place was once a Boy Scout camp! Can you imagine all those boys running around here, getting naked, and discovering sex with each other? They must have loved the place!”

As Sonny explored the Camp, he stopped to read some notices pinned on announcement boards. One described a nightly “wear-anything-or-nothing” campfire. Another said, “Wrestlers Make Better Lovers.” Sonny found a trail and followed it into the woods. He heard grunting sounds in the distance and walked toward them. The sounds came from a small cabin ahead. He went inside to investigate. A group of guys encircled two handsome, naked fighters. Sonny stayed behind most of the spectators but still had a good view. A blond-haired wrestler had locked a black-haired guy in a choke hold using one leg. With his neck squeezed between the blond’s upper thigh and bent knee, the victim could hardly draw a breath. His face became redder.

“I’ll ask you one more time: gonna suck my dick?”

The victim tried to say something, but Sonny couldn’t understand the garbled words. The blond guy released the choke and sat on the victim’s chest in a schoolboy pin. He slid himself forward, letting the end of his dick rest on the guy’s chin. “Take it!”

The pinned guy tuned his head away, refusing to cooperate. But the blond repeatedly rubbed and slapped the guy’s face with his hard dick. The dark-haired victim kept resisting. To punish the opponent for not acknowledging his cock, the blond grabbed the guy’s right hand and started to bend it backward across his thigh. The victim immediately screamed in pain and loudly submitted. Instead of releasing the hand, the blond bent it back farther.

“I submit!” repeated the dark-haired guy.

The blond wrestler went on torturing the wrist. “Are you right-handed? I hope not!”

“I submitted, your fucker!” screamed the victim.

“Gonna suck it?”


Using his left hand, the blond seized the guy’s left tit and squeezed into it. The guy shrieked and grasped his opponent’s arms. The blond pinched the tit harder and harder.

“I give! I give!”

“Put your arms down if you want me to stop!”

The agonized victim let go of the wrestler’s arms, but held them poised nearby, ready to grab the arms again.

“Put ‘em down all the way!” demanded the blond.

The guy at last did so. The blond responded by ending his tit squeeze and wrist-breaking hold. He showed some mercy by massaging the tit as the guy tried to recover from the pain. Yet a minute later, the blond grasped both eye-catching tits and dug into them big time.

“Stop! No more! I give!” yelled the victim.

The blond lessened the pressure but never let go of the pecs. A few seconds later he gave it to the tits again. Sonny saw the blond’s cock jump. The blond continued to alternate between increasing and de- creasing the tit torture, driving his victim crazy with pain.

While watching it, Sonny became becoming powerfully aroused. A guy next to Sonny nudged him and spoke. “This is some match!” Though captivated by the match, he also noticed the stiff bulge in Sonny’s brief.

“Sure is,” answered Sonny, hardly aware of anything except the sexy sight taking place right in front of him.

The guy beside him gave Sonny’s chest a quick, buddy pinch. Sonny smiled and giggled, never diverting his gaze from the match.

To get Sonny’s attention, the guy started to stroke his chest affectionately through the tee shirt. Sonny smiled and finally looked at the guy. He seemed a few years older than himself, had a terrific build and a face that, for some reason, he couldn’t turn away from. The stranger slipped his hand under Sonny’s tee shirt and fondled his chest and gut. Sonny tingled from the guy’s touch. The hand moved lower. It felt Sonny’s stiff cock through the brief. The guy held the heat-radiating rod motionless, as if appraising it in some mysterious way.

To Sonny the stranger’s hand holding his cock seemed like the greatest feeling in the world, like a gesture of true friendship. Wanting to reciprocate somehow, he put a hand on the stranger’s brief-covered butt. He ran his hand across the ass, feeling the elastic leg openings of the low-rise brief. The stranger grinned, still holding Sonny’s cock. Sonny stroked the round ass, getting more excited. With no special encouragement from the stranger’s hand, Sonny’s cock soon released a spurt of pre-cum into the brief. The guy grinned again as he felt the it—proof that his touch could give Sonny a massive turn-on, and a likelihood that more holding and wrestling could soak the brief. He gave the cock a friendly hug, then released it, en- joying the feel of Sonny’s pre-cum on his fingers.

When both guys looked again at the match, they saw the blond’s cock leap up in greater excitement as he worked on his victim’s tits, forcing the guy to submit repeatedly. When he finished having his fun, the blond wrestler got up and stood beside the guy, his cock proudly standing straight up. The dark-haired guy rolled over onto his stomach to protect his tits. Exhausted, he made no attempt to get to his feet. Sonny thought the match would end there, with the loser cringing in pain.

But the blond wanted to hear more submissions. He sat down on the guy’s lower back, facing the shoulders, and stretched the guy’s arms across his thighs. Grasping the guy’s chin with both hands, he pulled the guy up and into a camel clutch. Pulling further, he put a great strain on his victim’s back. Unable to open his mouth to submit, he flailed his hands frantically. The blond wrenched the body backward even more, showing his teeth through a snarling smile of victory. “I’m gonna break you, dude.”

He really made his victim suffer, prolonging the hold to keep him in an unending state of submission. The blond suddenly pushed his victim’s face to the mat, ending the hold. Breathing rapidly, the dark-haired guy didn’t move. The blond swung around and straddled his victim. He grabbed the guy’s legs, securing the feet under his armpits. He lifted the guy’s thighs off the mat and pulled back, drastically arching his spine.

“Yeah! Crab the guy!” someone yelled.

The victim instantly tapped out, urgently slapping the mat without stopping.

The blond let go of one leg with his right hand, but kept the extreme crab on the other leg with his left. He looked down at the guy’s defenseless ballsack hanging in front of him. The guy’s balls seemed to attract his right hand like a magnet. He hand moved toward them, then onto them. The trapped victim tried to twist himself away, but he didn’t succeed. He swore loudly as his opponent’s fingers began to playfully examine his testicles.

“Never had a guy check out your nuts before?” asked the blond, inspecting the shape and hardness of each gonad with his curious fingers.

“Fuck you!” yelled the guy.

“Settle down, man!” urged the wrestler. “You should be proud of these. I bet every guy here would like to give ‘em a good feel!” He held out one ball prominently for the crowd’s reaction, then the other. The assembled guys expressed their approval with enthusiastic shouts.

“Hear that?” continued the wrestler. “They like your balls, man. But the thing about sexy nuts like yours: they attract wrestlers who want to use them as targets!”

After the blond concluded his examination, he let the leg and body drop to the mat. Humiliated and out of breath, the dark-haired guy didn’t move. The blond rolled him onto his back and sat on the guy’s legs, facing the crotch. Showing some sympathy, the blond began to affectionately stroke the guy’s thighs. He gradually worked his way up, paying special attention to the guy’s muscular, inner thighs with his thumbs. Before long the victim’s partially hardened dick became fully hard—a development that the audience members watched with great interest.

The victim started to relax, but not his cock. The muscle twitched as though fighting an invisible opponent. The blond’s hands now erotically rubbed and kneaded the thighs very close to the guy’s balls. In fact, the blond occasionally touched the sack as he rubbed the thighs. The sack-touching became more frequent, causing the skin to tighten around the testicles.

The dark-haired guy froze when the blond fastened the fingers of his left hand firmly around the top of the sack. The spectators watched the fingers slowly lift it up where they could all see it. Then the fingers con- stricted the skin, forcing the balls to press boldly against it.

“You deserve a good ball-massage, man,” suggested the blond. “Better not move.”

He held his right hand close to the sack, stuck out his first two fingers, and aimed them at the captured balls. He put a fingertip against each testicle, preparing to use what looked like a special maneuver. The blond began to gently push the fingertips into the testicles then out again, slowly and repeatedly. As the blond executed the maneuver, he pushed his fingers into the testicles more and more. The victim didn’t move as advised, but he did a lot of moaning and cursing.

The move looked sadistic—the assembled guys watching it certainly thought so. But in reality it began to feel almost soothing to the victim. The surprised crowd heard the guy’s groans becoming more erotic than painful. They also saw his cock twitch, then leap up, as though the blond’s fingers somehow commanded it to do so.

The crowd became very quiet. They considered themselves lucky witnesses to something rarely seen: a wrestler using a minimal amount of pressure on a guy’s balls to take the fighting urge out of him. They stared transfixed at the unusual move, obviously performed by a guy with a special knowledge of testicles, a a real expert. The move definitely had a trance-like effect on the dark-haired victim. He seemed to succumb to it, like an athlete caught in a match-ending sleeper hold.

The blond had more planned than that. At one point with his two fingers pushed into the testicles, he kept the fingers firmly in place, instead of pulling them back. The blond then proceeded to gradually push them forward harder, challenging their solidity. The crowd gasped as they saw the fingertips slowly force their way into the alarmingly bulged-out testicles.

“Ah!” yelled the victim, as though suddenly shaken from his trance-like state.

The blond pushed his fingers in deeper. “Give it up, man! I’m gonna make your nuts yield to me, or die!”

The dark-haired guy yelped and slammed his hands to the mat. “I submit! I quit!”

The winner released his shocking two-finger ball press and raised his arms in victory. He moved off

the guy and sat beside him as the crowd cheered. He looked down at the loser. “Thanks for the match, man!” He leaned down and kissed the dazed victim.

The loser held his balls, but everyone could see that he appreciated the kiss. “You sure got my balls good with that one.”

“It scares the shit out of a guy but it can make him really horny!

The guy’s cock twitched, proving the point. The blond held it in his hand. His defeated opponent groaned as a thankful pleasure swept through his shaft. But without warning the blond locked on a brutal squeeze that included most of the cockhead. The spectators moved closer. They watched the victim’s face redden and whispered to each other about it. The guy’s loud cries of pleasure and pain electrified them. Some of the guys started to rub their own cocks.

“Ah!—I give!”

The victim sighed in relief when the blond loosened his grip. But soon the winner began to re-apply the squeeze, especially focusing on the pleasure-intoxicated cockhead. The guy bucked and wheezed, hardly able to tolerate the pleasing torture. The blond again eased up on the squeeze only to reignite it. He kept this up, giving his victim short breaks to recover from the many pleasure attacks.

“That’s it, edge him!” said a spectator.

The repeated squeezes became too much for the guy. He sat up and tried to throw the blond off of him. The blond put an open hand on the guy’s chest, pushed him to the mat and held him there as he continued to pleasure the cockhead with his other hand. Hoping to end the torture, the guy grabbed the hand. But he couldn’t muster the strength to pull it away from his pleasure intoxicated cockhead. He soon gave up.

“You can’t stop me, boy. I’m stronger than you.”

The defeated guy resorted to resort to his only option—simply holding the arm whose hand had his cock. Sonny watched this with a mixture of sympathy for the guy and a desire for the blond to keep the cock torture going. Some of the spectators closest to the wrestlers noticed a drop of sperm emerge from the victim’s cum hole, then another. The blond used the drops to lube the hole’s stiff rim, intensifying the guy’s pleasure.

The blond smiled. “Your cock wants to come, boy!”

The spectators moved closer.

“I’m gonna make you show me what you’ve got in those balls!”

“No!” gasped the dark-haired guy. “Not in front of these guys!”

The blond thought for a moment. He stopped the cockhead torture and held the rod firmly in his hand. “I wrestled you because I wanna see your cum. I didn’t wrestle you so these guys could see it.”

The dark-haired guy looked relieved.

“So this match just became private, boys,” the blond said to the group. “You get to leave and imagine want happens next!”

“Come on, make his cock submit!” challenged someone.

“I am gonna do that using a special hold of my own. Why should I show it off to all you guys? Close the door after you leave!”

“Damn!” said a disappointed spectator.

“Thanks for the match anyway,” said another as he reluctantly got up to leave.

The blond watched the last guy leave the cabin.

“It’s just you and me now,” the blond said to his defeated opponent, releasing the guy’s cock. “Get ready to cum as you never have.”

The victim looked up at his muscled conqueror with fearful yet admiring eyes. “Do it—you won me fair and square, man.”

The blond looked at the guy’s bulging, solid sack and reverently ran his fingers over it. “Nice nuts.”

He crawled on top of the guy and sat on folded legs facing his stiff cock. “You’re gonna feel my P.E. hold.”


“It’s an endurance hold—on your pump. It’ll make you shout and sweat and strain like hell.”

The guy became worried. The move sounded like something way beyond the pleasure of a typical orgasm.

“It’s gonna make you pump like a wild man. You’ll feel better than you ever have, but it’ll hurt too at first. Don’t beg me to break the hold, because I won’t—not even after you cum. I’m gonna keep your pump goin’ ‘til I own it!”

The guy’s cock throbbed excitedly, eager to shoot without knowing what would make that happen. The blond moved his right hand toward the target. He suddenly locked on the hold, sadistically jolting the guy’s pump into action. The victim’s body jerked. His mouth opened in shock as hot sperm immediately exploded from his cock. He gripped the blond’s sides and grunted in disbelief, feeling the strange hold take full control of his pump and his pleasure. He cried out in shrieks of submission as the hold forced his cock to keep pumping. The blond had him trapped in the ultimate test of male strength: not muscle power, but sexual power. The guy gripped the blond harder, knowing he had no way to escape this hold. “Stop! You own my pump! You own it!” he yelled….

Sonny, and the stud next to him in the cabin, both stepped outside together. The stranger made an unexpected suggestion. “How about you and I finding an empty cabin with a mat?”

Sonny agreed, hoping for something like this to happen—to wrestle with a really handsome guy. Yet, Sonny had little wrestling experience and far fewer muscles than the tall, well-built stranger, which troubled him. But he just couldn’t throw away the opportunity.

The stranger introduced himself as Reed. As the two guys walked along the trail, Reed thought himself lucky to have paired up with Sonny. He had made a deliberate effort to get next to him while watching the squash match. Sonny’s slender body and boyish face greatly attracted him. Reed could almost feel the youth’s energy flowing into him. He did want to wrestle the younger guy—and to dominate him—but he wanted something much more challenging: to take him home as his lover.

They found an empty cabin at the end of a long trail. It had a large wrestling mat, plus a small table piled with blankets and one cum-stained brief that Sonny didn’t notice.

“You O.K. wrestling naked?” asked Reed, slipping the brief between the blankets.

Sonny had fantasized about nude wrestling, but had never done it. He looked at the handsome stud in front of him and pulled off his t shirt and brief, yet with a sign of concern in his eyes.

Reed saw that trace of doubt and reassured him with a smile. “It’s gonna be fun, man.”

The fun started even before their bodies touched. Stripping revealed two athletic males with hot-looking dicks that began to harden as they observed each other. Reed’s especially long rod definitely distracted Sonny, while Reed had never seen balls more massive than Sonny’s—not even in professional porn photos. The two guys dropped to their knees on the mat and locked arms. Reed suddenly pulled Sonny to his chest and unleashed a serious bear hug on the guy. Sonny thought he could force the arms apart and slide out of it, yet every attempt to do that failed. Reed reapplied the bear hug several times, each time increasing its power. He had another purpose—to press himself against the youth’s dick and make it fully hard. Sonny’s dick promptly complied, ready for action.

But the prolonged bear hug had the opposite impact on the rest of the youth’s body. Breathing became more difficult. Sonny had little energy to fight back. Yet he did not want to show weakness and submit. His arms flailed and then dropped as though lifeless to his sides. His head fell on Reed’s shoulder.

With his mission accomplished, Reed opened his arms and let the youth fall to the mat on his back. “Almost put you out with that one!”

The wrestler stood up and gazed at the motionless youth beneath him, struggling to regain normal breathing. “You don’t know how hot you look right now, man,” Reed professed. He stared at Sonny’s handsome physique, his wide leg spread and his fully erect shaft, which clung to the youth’s heaving gut as though cemented to it. Reed wished he could trade places with that cock.

He grasped the youth’s head and pulled it off the mat. When Sonny’s shoulder blades rose from the mat, the wrestler dropped down and locked his legs around his opponent’s arms, scissoring them securely behind the guy. Without the use of both arms, Sonny could do nothing but lie beside Reed and wait to see what he would do next.

Reed placed an open hand on Sonny’s chest and began to affectionately slap and stroke it. “Firm pecs, dude.” He moved his hand to the right pec and spent some time feeling and massaging it, which gradually calmed the youth. He did the same with the left pec.

“I can see you’ve done some exercising. It shows,” complimented the wrestler. But as he said those words, his gaze mostly fell on Sonny’s cock. His eyes gave the smooth, robust cock a long inspection.

Reed could only distract himself from it by tickling the youth’s tit with a finger. Sonny jerked a little. He positioned it between his thumb and first finger and began to squeeze. The youth clamped his teeth together in pain as Reed pinched the tit long and hard.


“No!” gasped Sonny, trying to withstand the pain, but his cock liked it, lifting itself from the gut several times.

“I’m not letting go until you give,” announced Reed. He pulled up on the tit, making Sonny cry out. He kept pulling on it, finally forcing the youth to loudly submit.

Reed soothed the aching tit with a welcome massage, but soon attached his fingers to the left tit. “We’re gonna see which one hurts the most.” He pinched into it full force.

Sonny yelled in agony as Reed went to work on the tit, squeezing and pulling on it with his steel-like, clamped fingers. This time the anguished youth quickly submitted.

Reed responded with another appreciated massage. “I think the left one’s more sensitive,” offered Reed. He patted the chest, then fondled Sonny’s gut, teasing it with intentionally fake but sexy claw holds. His claw hand occasionally rubbed against the tip of the youth’s pleasure-sensitive cock—something done on purpose. The cock jumped up excitedly each time. The wrestler in good humor placed a finger vertically on the cock to hold it down.

“Your cock’s pinned, man!”

Reed held the rod down for a minute, then lightly dragged his fingertip teasingly down the cock and back up again, making Sonny giggle. The finger did this numerous times, occasionally taking trips around the big ovals beneath it. Reed got a kick out of seeing the youth’s sex muscle react. It begged for an orgasm by frequently swelling as though pumping out sperm. But Reed always stopped short of triggering an explosion. He wanted to see how long he could edge the youth, tantalizing him with pleasure. Sonny gasped, expecting an orgasm that never came.

As he toyed with the naked, turned-on youth in the cabin, Reed became a pro at understanding and controlling Sonny’s levels of pleasure and pain. The youth didn’t know it yet, but he had become a slave to whatever the wrestler did to his body.

When the teasing ended, Reed let the cock jump for a while, watching it closely. He released his leg scissors and sat on Sonny’s chest, facing the cock. He held the rod admiringly in his hand. “You’ve got a good one here,” said Reed, marveling at its stiffness. He continued to hold it motionless, feeling the rod pound in his hand. Even though the wrestler didn’t move his hand, Sonny still groaned in pleasure, having waited far too long for someone to touch it.

Reed kept holding the cock, like he had claimed it as his own. After a while, the youth felt Reed’s fingers move slightly. A few moments later, Sonny began to feel a vague pain building in his cock along with the pleasure. The pain increased, gradually surpassing the pleasure. It grew so much that Sonny became worried. With Reed in front of him blocking his view of the wrestler’s hands, Sonny had no idea what caused the pain and put his open hands on Reed’s back in fear.

The wrestler smiled. “This hold’s one of my favorites.”

Sonny’s cock flexed several times, trying to free itself. The youth groaned louder as the pain got worse.

“You can handle it, dude,”

Sonny bit into his lower lip, attempting to do that, not knowing how long the pain would last. Then without any warning, something very different happened. The youth’s head lifted from the mat as a short burst of pleasure stabbed his cock, then subsided.

“A big one!” said the wrestler.

“What?” gasped the youth, letting his head fall back to the mat.

“You shot a load for me. Just one. Feel good?”

“Yeah,” said Sonny, still confused.

Reed held the cock normally again, giving the youth time to cool down. But soon Sonny felt the pain return to his cock. This time—because he expected an intense pleasure to follow it—he didn’t get as frightened.

“You like pain, boy.”

Sonny didn’t reply, but he thought about the wrestler’s comment. Maybe he did accept pain, as long as Reed engineered it. Just like before, the pain grew slowly, steadily in his cock until it reached a peak. Then came a second pleasure burst.

“Another good one!” reported Reed, observing the load of sperm.

The youth groaned and stroked the wrestler’s back. “Did I shoot again?”

“Yeah, a single load, right onto my gut.” He paused. “When I was a teen, a dude and I were wrestlin’ on a bed in our jeans. He caught me in a head scissors and slid a hand under my Levis. He put this same hold on my cock. It hurt, but then it made me shoot a load. He did it five or six times over maybe twenty minutes. It was only one shot at a time, but the shots sure got my Levis soaked! Afterward he showed me how to do the hold. Pretty cool, huh?”

“Yeah,” moaned Sonny, feeling the pain again. “Are you gonna show me how it”s done?”

“Maybe later, if you’re a good boy!”

The pain began to increase, more slowly than the previous times. But it now seemed to feel better to Sonny. He started to desire it—and the pleasure that it later produced. Although he wouldn’t have a full orgasm, at least one shot at a time is better than nothing, he thought to himself.

After the third shot, Reed carefully scooped up some of the youth’s loads with a finger. He turned around, sat on Sonny’s gut, and sucked the cum off of his finger. “Umm. You taste great, man.”

Sonny stared in wonder, watching Reed suck on the finger like a piece of candy. It shocked him that his cum could give the muscular wrestler so much pleasure. With Reed facing him up close, he could now get a good look at his huge cock. Its outrageous length staggered him. He cautiously felt it as Reed used his finger to pick up more of the youth’s cum from his gut and lick it.

The wrestler grinned, letting Sonny’s hand worship his shaft. “It’s ten inches.” He scooped up the rest of the cum and held the wet finger in front of the youth’s face. “Open.”

As in dream, Sonny obeyed, opening his mouth without an objection. Reed lowered his finger into the mouth.

“Suck it. Yeah, that’s right, suck it.” The wrestler kept his finger in Sonny’s mouth longer than necessary, giving directions on how to use his tongue. “Now swallow. I wanna feel it.” Reed lightly placed a hand on the youth’s throat so that his fingers could confirm the swallowing. “Yeah, that’s hot, man!”

The wrestler pulled his finger out of Sonny’s mouth. He slid himself closer, bringing his huge shaft only

a couple of inches from the youth’s face. Sonny looked up at it in awe as Reed put both hands on his throat. He felt Reed’s fingers gradually press into his throat. “Like my big cock, man?”

“Oh yeah, for sure,” whispered Sonny.

Sonny felt Reed’s thumbs slowly press deeper into his throat, just under his jaw. They seemed to make his mouth open without his direction. “What would you like to do with it?”

Sonny gasped, hardly able to speak. “Lick it!”

The thumb pressure increased, making the youth’s eyes open wide in fear. “I’ll lick it, man!”

Reed smiled and reduced the choking pressure, allowing Sonny to breathe and speak easier. The hands started to gently massage the youth’s throat.

Sonny saw the tall shaft move in short jerks. “It’s beautiful.”

The wrestler again started to push his fingers into Sonny’s throat—but the choke lasted for only a few seconds. During the next few minutes, the chokes came several times, with breaks between them. When the youth started to gasp, the fingers would relax to let him breathe again. The wrestler left no doubt that he had absolute control over Sonny. The on-and-off choking slowly began to seem tolerable to Sonny, even kind of sexy. It certainly did for Reed, whose long shaft blatantly twitched in front of the youth.

“You get one lick,” stated the wrestler. He moved closer. Sonny stuck out his tongue and groaned in pleasure as he took his one lick. But he made it a long one. Reed grinned and slid back a little, taking his shaft out of the tongue’s reach.

“Damn! It’s so warm and hard! I felt it pulsing on my tongue!” exclaimed Sonny, sounding almost childlike in his excitement.

The wrestler saw a look of unmistakable desire on the youth’s face. Sonny did have a real urge to lick it again and again, but Reed held off for now: he intended to build on that desire, to allure him to the point of exasperation. So he sat with hands on his thighs and smiled down at Sonny. He taunted the youth for several minutes by flexing his giant shaft for him. Sonny watched amazed as the long cock moved according to the mental command of the wrestler.

Sonny and Reed could sometimes hear the sound of faint male laughter as the campers sat around the campfire with their new friends. The two had no campfire, but they did have a very hot time in their cabin, just having the company of each other.

The wrestler stretched out over Sonny in a pushup position. He slowly lowered himself, allowing the youth to lick most of the shaft. Sonny seized Reed’s sides to keep him from pulling away. But after a moment the wrestler did easily pull away. He sat up again and started to enticingly jack the long cock.

“Thanks for the lube,” he said.

Sonny’s eyes now burned with desire. His faced seemed to say, “Don’t do that! Please let ME do it!”

Reed decided to go a little further with the kid. He pulled his jaw open with a hand and slowly eased his cockhead further into the youth’s mouth. The shaft ’s circumference posed no problem for Sonny, but its length did. Pushing it in more than two inches made the youth begin to gag. The wrestler pulled it out and started over many times, until Sonny could take about three or four inches of the shaft without gagging. Rather than fuck the youth’s mouth, Reed kept it anchored there. Sonny soon learned how to use his tongue on the shaft and to suck it. Reed threw his head back as he reveled in the fantastic pleasure tickling and prickling his cock. Sometimes the wrestler moved his shaft back and forth so that Sonny could adjust to that motion. But he finally had to shove the shaft much more deeply into Sonny’s throat.

For Reed that produced a tremendous rush of pleasure, but it made Sonny gag so violently that the wrestler had to pull out completely. He sat beside the coughing youth and rubbed his gut, then his cock, to relax him.

“You did great with my ten-incher, buddy!” The wrestler moved his hand from Sonny’s cock to the enormous testicles. He took a lot of time examining them. “Your ‘nads are somethin’ else!” He fondled one, then the other, not wanting to stop. “Ever do any ball-wrestlin’?”

Sonny shook his head no.

“You’ve got the nuts for it. Want me to show you how?”

Sonny hesitatingly nodded his head, agreeing to something totally unknown to him.

The wrestler sat on Sonny’s chest again and wrapped each of his hands around a testicle. The youth flinched, but Reed only held them, nothing else. The wrestler considered himself lucky to have testicles so huge in his hands. He began to fondle each one, at first moving them so minimally that Sonny didn’t notice. But he did notice a hint of seductive pleasure that intrigued him. The wrestler’s hands on his balls felt amazingly good.

In fact, Sonny thought about how great his whole body felt even when Reed did something that caused him pain. Somehow that made him feel more attractive to Reed. He wanted to show off his body to the wrestler, something he hadn’t done with other guys. The idea of fighting with Reed and losing became more important than winning a match. Having Reed conquer him had the odd result of becoming more sexually aroused.

For his part, Reed hoped that Sonny would take his more violent moves in stride and not fear them. He wanted the youth to ride out the painful holds, to embrace them. He hoped that Sonny would realize they amounted to an expression of his love for the guy.

Reed began focusing his attention on the youth’s left testicle. It hung slightly lower than the one to the right and seemed larger. He put a modest yet extended squeeze on it, astonished by the testicle’s hardness. The youth reacted with sexy groans. Reed identified the groans as pleasure by watching Sonny’s cock twitch as he squeezed the giant gonad. He slowly pulled it lower and lower. Sonny groaned louder—not from forcing the testicle down, but from the raw pleasure he felt as the wrestler slowly assaulted it. Reed brought the ball up again, then gradually forced it down once more. He repeated this action over and over, getting himself incredibly horny.

“Damn! Your big nut is turnin’ me on, dude!” he said, continuing to pull down on it. For a variation, Reed started moving it in slow circles, and that caused Sonny even more pleasure. The youth put both hands on the wrestler’s back and massaged it as Reed unhurriedly worked his magic on the testicle.

The tender pulls and tugs had a soothing and tranquilizing impact on Sonny. “Oh damn, that feels so awesome! I can’t believe balls can feel so good, man!”

Reed smiled and kept moving the testicle. In fairness, he knew that Sonny’s pleasure came not from just pulling on it, but also from the testicle slightly rubbing against the lowest part of the youth’s cock as Reed forced it down and up again. He also knew that if he wanted to, he could make the kid cum by pushing the testicle against the cock harder and longer. Sonny didn’t know that: it became one of Reed’s little secrets of control.

The wrestler heightened Sonny’s pleasure by adding pull-downs on the right hand testicle as well. Reed had to devote one hand to each testicle, since their immense size made it impossible to hold both of them in one hand. They also sat on opposite sides of the cock, so that pulling down on both rubbed each of its sides.

The wrestler finally pulled down both heavy testicles as far as they could go and kept them there—a final submission hold for most guys. But for Sonny it felt more erotic than painful. The youth began to feel pain when Reed put the squeeze on both testicles while he held them down. The squeeze became increasingly severe, commanding Sonny to at last express his torment.

“Ah! No!” he yelled, gripping Reed with both hands.

The wrestler’s biceps bulged as his fingers clamped into the testicles with more power. Sonny pleaded with him to stop, but the killer squeeze went on.

“They can take this, man!” Sonny could only imagine Reed strangling his helpless testicles, depriving them of life, slowly depleting their ability to function in the future. Alarmed, the gasping youth gripped Reed’s back. The squeeze had reached the breaking point, where any guy—no matter how muscular—would instantly submit to it. Sonny cried out, yet despite his desperate position, one part of him did not want Reed to let go: contact with the wrestler’s body still electrified the youth, even in extreme holds like this one. Because of this, Sonny found himself caught between two powerful, conflicting emotions—to escape and to endure.

“Spread your legs, man. You’ll feel better,” suggested Reed. “You’ll look hotter too!”

Sonny immediately spread his legs, not knowing why that had importance. Yet soon afterward he did begin to feel better, tougher. His balls tightened.

“Yeah, that’s it, boy!” said the wrestler, feeling them stiffen. “You’re makin’ my cock jump!”

Sonny spread his legs wider.

But as Reed intensified the squeeze, the youth gasped like one trapped in a strangle hold. Nothing thrilled the wrestler more than getting hold of Sonny’s balls, one in each hand, and putting long submission squeezes on them. He grinned as his fingers pressed into the giant, egg-shaped testicles, gradually be- ginning to flatten the balls into discs.

Sonny luckily couldn’t see the ball-crushing holds, but he soon found himself unable to breathe or scream or move or think. The wrestler kept the balls clamped for an hour—or so it seemed to the youth. When Reed finally opened his hands and released the balls, they still felt clamped long afterward.

Reed turned around, bent forward and kissed the youth. “You’re one hot dude to take that one!”

Sonny could hardly celebrate outlasting the hold: his deep and frantic breathing restricted his speech for some time. He made no move to shield his balls from another brutal hold—not even when the wrestler gazed at them and rested a hand on the youth’s upper thigh.

“Do they hurt, dude?”

“Not much,” replied Sonny, actually surprised at how good they felt.

The wrestler lay down on top of Sonny, chest-to-chest, and playfully nudged his shaft against the youth’s cock. “You must like havin’ your nuts bear hugged: your cock is sizzlin’, dude!” To Reed, Sonny’s cock did feel like a piece of molten pipe pressing against his gut. “Speaking of fire, did hear ya about the campfire



“Do you want to go, or would you rather stay here with me?”

“Stay here.”

“Me too,” replied Reed, hugging the youth. We can always go tomorrow. They have campfires every night here.”

Sonny noted the word “we” in Reed’s comment. It sounded like Reed already considered Sonny and him as partners, not just guys having a physical experience together that would only last for a few hours.

“I can’t get over your huge, tough nuts, man. The nuts make a guy who he is.”

“Thanks, but you have the muscles. Wish I had yours.”

“Muscles ain’t the only thing, dude. But if you wanna get stronger, I can show you how. I can be your personal trainer. Seriously. You have the body to be a first-rank bodybuilder, but you’ll have to start now. What do you say?”

“How much would it cost me to hire you?”

Reed laughed. “For you, only the physical pain of my special stud-training! No money involved.”

“Are you kiddin’?”

“Not at all.”

“But you’re a much better wrestler than me. Even if I get stronger, you’ll probably always win!”

“Don’t feel like that makes you unimportant. Without a willing opponent, where would I be? And you? We both need each other.” Reed paused. “And every time we wrestle, I’m sure you’ll get better at it—I’ll show you the best moves.”

The youth caught the word “we” again, implying that they would wrestle many times in the future. That seemed like an unlikely fantasy, but also one that he wished would happen. He had to admit that the wrestler’s body felt very good on top of him—like a warm, sexy blanket. The fact that Reed had his long, hard shaft sandwiched between their abs clinched the deal for Sonny. He would train with Reed.

“OK, man, you’ve got yourself a body to train.”

The youth heard Reed sigh deeply, like a great weight had lifted off him. “Damn, I’m glad you said that.”

“When do we start?”

“Right now.” Reed stood up and helped Sonny up also. “Hold your arms out and take a wide stance for me.” The wrestler’s hands proceeded to check out nearly every inch of Sonny’s body—his fingers, his arms, his legs, his feet, chest, shoulders, back, butt, crotch, balls and cock. “Awesome, dude.” Sonny’s cock twitched with every touch.

“If you wanna go one step more, I’ll train you as my stud-boy. That OK with you?”

Sonny paused before replying. “Stud-boy?”

“Yeah. I’ve been looking for a special dude to wrestle naked with whenever I want, who would be mine and no one else’s. He would love me, follow orders and not be afraid of some physical pain when he’s with me.”

“What would I have to do to pass your training? How long would it take?”

“That depends on you. I could train you in just a few hours if everything goes OK. It won’t be easy. If it becomes too much for you, you can quit whenever you want. Of course, I’d hate to see you go.”

Sonny looked into Reed’s eyes. “I don’t wanna go.”

Reed opened his arms and gave Sonny the longest, warmest, most affectionate embrace imaginable. Their cocks, pressing against each other, embraced also. After that, who could refuse the wrestler’s offer?

“I wanna be your stud-boy. What do you want me to do first?”

“Get on your knees.”

Reed dropped to his knees as well, positioning himself so that he faced Sonny’s left side. The trainer held the youth’s cock in his left hand and gave it some friendly squeezes. The trainer’s right hand rested on Sonny’s round butt. After a moment, the wrestler’s left hand abandoned the cock and attached itself to the kid’s left testicle. The right hand slid down the butt and into his crotch. It reached further and took hold of the ball on the right, giving Reed a testicle in each hand. He rested his chin on the youth’s shoulder as his fingers looked for the best grip position around each ball. Sonny could hear the hunky wrestler breathing deeply, anxiously. The equally excited youth loved the feel of Reed’s hand between his legs and the fingers around his balls. He sighed in pleasure and lightly stroked the wrestler’s hand as it held his left testicle.

“Oh yeah,” whispered Reed into Sonny’s ear, finding the right finger positions on the youth’s magnificent balls.

But then the left hand started to slowly pull its big prize forward, while at the same time, Reed’s right hand began pulling the other testicle backward into the crotch. Sonny gasped as he realized the wrestler’s plan. He grabbed the wrist in front and the one behind him as the pulling continued. But the shocking hold had a paralyzing impact on him. He had no strength to dislodge the hands from his balls. Soon the sack stretching got to him. He voiced his alarm in panicky gasps. The wrestler halted the pulling, though still keeping the balls gripped in their present spot.

“Too scared of this one, dude? Wanna call it quits and go home?”

“No!” gasped the youth, determined not to give up and lose Reed.

When the wrestler resumed pulling on his balls, Sonny began to think he’d made the wrong decision. He gasped louder, straining as he felt Reed’s hands forcing his balls further apart, stretching and stretching his sack skin. The backward pull on his right testicle bothered Sonny the most, maybe because couldn’t see the wrestler’s hand in his crotch, just feel it.

Images of super painful submission holds flashed through his mind: guys screaming from agonizing arm locks, extreme backbreakers, crotch-ripping leg splits. Then he realized the screams came from himself as he felt Reed slowly, relentlessly, pulling his sack in two directions. But Sonny did feel somewhat consoled in one respect: the wrestler tenderly pressed his head against Sonny’s cheek and whispered, “You can do this.”

Still doubting he could survive the hold, Sonny leaned his head against Reed’s as a sign of submission plus a plea for help. The pulling continued, but if nothing else, at least it brought them a unique moment of shared affection—something also experienced by straight guys when they wrestle, but never admitted.

Sonny also knew that applying the hold gave Reed a tremendous turn-on: he could hear the wrestler’s breathing increase in speed; he could feel the wrestler’s hard shaft press against his side. The youth definitely wanted to arouse Reed sexually, yet he questioned how much longer he could survive the hold. Sonny gave it everything he had, but the ongoing pull truly frightened him. His cries sounded hopeless. Finally the youth began to tremble. “I can’t take this!”

“If you quit, it’s all over,” Reed reminded him. The stud training ends. We both leave alone. Is that what you want?”

“Fuck! No!” he yelled. Close to sobbing, the despondent youth nervously stroked the hands that clutched his balls. “Fuck!”

“You gonna cry, boy?” The wrestler increased the forward and backward pressure on the testicles.

“It hurts too much!” Sonny kept groaning and struggling against the hold. “You’re killin’ me, man!”

“Fuck that! You didn’t quit because you really like me workin’ on your nuts like this. Isn’t that right?”

“No! No! Yes!” shouted Sonny, driven a little crazed and uncertain by the terror of the hold. “Please, I wanna be your stud-boy!”

“Then don’t fight it.”

Sonny made a huge effort to do that. He took a deep breath and rubbed Reed’s hands as if that would ease the strain on his pulled and squeezed balls.

“Oh yeah, yeah!” whispered Reed in Sonny’s ear. “That’s better.”

Soon Sonny noticed that the hold seemed more tolerable to him.

“Your nuts really get me goin’, dude.” whispered the wrestler. “They can take anything I do to ‘em!”

For a moment Sonny felt proud and warmly stroked the hands. But then the left hand suddenly squeezed into the left testicle with immense power. The youth screamed and instantly tapped and clawed on the left hand.

“Jack yourself!” ordered Reed. “Spit on your hand and start jackin’!”

Sonny did so without thinking. The added pleasure felt great and distracted him from the crushing hold.

“You look hot jerkin’ yourself off. Do it when you need to.”

Sonny accepted that as good advice but also as a warning for what might come later. In a moment Reed lessened the squeeze and Sonny stopped jacking. The wrestler kissed Sonny’s neck as a reward, but then attacked the right testicle with an equally strong squeeze. Sonny started to jack himself once more.

“Yeah, do it! I love gettin’ ya like this!”

Sonny clamped his teeth together as he jerked on his cock. He threw his head back, trying to produce enough pleasure to compensate for or surpass the pain of the crippling squeeze between his legs. Reed meant this as a kind of a sexual competition to see who would win. When it looked to him like Sonny’s cock might get too aroused and shoot off, the wrestler squeezed into the left testicle again, crushing both balls at once. That instantly made Sonny stop jacking. He abandoned his cock and grabbed Reed’s arms in defeat.

Reed laughed and returned to simply holding the two stretched balls.

“Shit!” gasped Sonny.

“You did great!” He released the left testicle but held onto the ball between the youth’s legs. He put his left arm across Sonny’s chest. “You’re awesome, dude!” he whispered, overjoyed by his domination of the youth.

When Reed removed his hand from the youth’s crotch, Sonny collapsed to the mat on his chest.

Reed rewarded the frazzled youth by massaging his back and butt. As the daylight faded, evening shadows made Sonny’s handsome body look particularly erotic. Before long, light of the full moon would shine through the cabin’s window and illuminate both guys in a sexy glow.

The wrestler rolled Sonny onto his back and sat on his thighs. He put a hand around each of the youth’s testicles. Sonny didn’t flinch. Reed fondled the balls in the seductive maneuver that the youth couldn’t resist.

“Are my balls still attached?”

Reed grinned. “Yeah, they’re tough boys! This’ll make ‘em feel better.”

Sonny acknowledged the truth of that with appreciative groans.

“You have another test to pass.”

Sonny believed nothing could feel worse or terrify him more than what just happened. So the youth adopted a more confident attitude. Reed circled his left thumb and first finger around Sonny’s left testicle and squeezed the sack skin until it stretched tightly around the giant gonad. He held the magnificent prize in his hand, staring at it, treasuring its looks and feel.

The wrestler moved his right hand over the bulged out target and tapped on it lightly. To Sonny this mild stimulation made him feel very horny. But he began to groan as Reed gradually increased the power of the tapping.

“Your nut’s gettin’ stiffer! It’s ready for a fight!”

Just as Sonny started to tolerate the taps, Reed paused. Then he hit the naked testicle with a single big slap.

“Ah!” grunted Sonny as his head flew up off the mat. A second slap forced his shoulders from the mat.

“How many of these do you want, dude?”

Sonny thought carefully before he answered. If he said he wanted only one more slap, Reed might consider him a weakling. “Three.”

“Three’s OK, but this nut can take five!”

The youth’s body tensed, preparing for five big slaps. Sonny grabbed onto the wrestler for support.

But this time Reed ordered the hands down. “You’re gonna take these on your own.”

The big slaps came spaced far apart, with more muscle behind each one. Sonny cried out but did not submit. After the fifth slap, the wrestler kept his hand on the testicle and pushed down on it. The youth grabbed the mat with both hands and spread his legs, trying to survive the pressure. He did survive, but his gut heaved long after Reed gave the testicle its freedom.

“Dude, that nut is awesome!” reported Reed. “We’re gonna see if its brother is too!” He secured the right testicle in his left hand and made it bulge out like the other one.

The youth counted the slaps in his mind as Reed delivered them. For the fifth one, however, the wrestler made a fist and punched the testicle instead of slapping it. Sonny grunted and slammed the mat with his hand.

“This one’s for the championship!” announced Reed. He put his fist against the testicle and began to bear down on it. At the same time he twisted the fist back and forth, driving it into the helpless gonad. “Make me proud of ya, boy!” said the wrestler, continuing to turn the fist back and forth while pressing into the testicle.

“Ah!” groaned Sonny, hitting the mat with both fists.

“Damn, you’re hot when you suffer, dude!” Reed continued grinding his fist into the testicle.

Eventually the wrestler released the ball and crawled off the youth. He bent down and gave Sonny the longest, sexiest, most aggressive kiss imaginable. Gasping for air after the ball torture, the kid found breathing difficult with his mouth full of Reed’s tongue. Sonny’s cock took some big jumps. Reed held it steady with a hand while he kissed.

“How does it feel bein’ my stud-boy?”

“Great! Great!” gasped Sonny.

“I got your cock super excited, stud-boy!” said Reed between kisses. He started to jack the cock slowly. The youth groaned in pleasure and put a hand on the jacking arm.

“That feels awesome, man!”

“As my stud-boy, you deserve it.” Reed lovingly moved his hand up and down the youth’s rigid cock.

“It’s too dark outside now to leave the cabin” said Reed.

“Do you think we can sleep in here tonight?”

“I don’t see why not.” Reed got off the mat and flipped the locking bolt on the door. “We’re in! We’ve got our own cabin for the night,” he said quietly. He looked around for a blanket and found one rolled up on a shelf.

Sonny watched him intently in the moonlight. Everything about the guy looked extremely sexy to Sonny. His eyes roamed over the guy’s muscular arms and legs as he moved or stood. But he mostly stared at Reed’s long, stiff cock, which stayed upright regardless of the wrestler’s movements.

Reed threw the blanket over Sonny then joined him under it. “I think it’s gonna get cold in the woods tonight.”

Under the blanket the wrestler resumed jacking the youth’s rod.

“Is my cock big enough for you?”

“Hell yes, stud-boy.”

Sonny put a hand on Reed’s shaft and fondled it. Yours is fantastic, man. It makes mine look small.”

“But you’ve got the nuts, dude. I’m gonna have to play with them every day.”

“Does that mean you want me to stay with you?”


Before saying anything else, Sonny remembered an experience he once had in a large city park while in high school. He ran into a buddy there by chance. They got into some friendly jostling. At one point the guy stuck his hand inside the front of Sonny’s Levis and grabbed his balls. Incited by their large size and hardness, he continued holding them and wouldn’t let go. Then the guy discovered Sonny’s stiff cock, wet with pre-cum. Sonny started swearing as the guy’s fingers went after the slippery shaft, bringing him closer and closer to an orgasm. Finally unable to hold back the cum, he pumped load after load of hot juice into his jockstrap, quickly filling it and generously coating the guy’s hand.

Afterward the guy looked at his hand and the jockstrap in amazement. “Wish I could shoot like that!”

His face red with embarrassment, Sonny tried to ignore what had happened. From then on, at school the guy always called him “Big Shot.” But he never approached Sonny for a second sexual experience. As a result, Sonny felt cast aside. Would Reed do the same thing?

“What happens after tonight?” asked Sonny shyly.

“If you’re game, you move in with me. You OK with that?”

“I guess so,” said Sonny, stunned by the suddenness of Reed’s proposal.

“Do you have a lot of stuff?”

“Not really.”

“Cool! Then it’s not a problem,” said Reed, continuing to slowly jack the youth’s cock.

“We gonna wrestle?”

“Sure, every day. Have you ever wrestled naked in the woods?”

Sonny shook his head no.

“It’s awesome, stud-boy! Tomorrow I’ll take you to a perfect spot for it,” said Reed. We can wrestle all day there if you want to.”

“Won’t someone see us?”

“Not a chance. It’s here on my property.”

“Your property?” asked Sonny, confused.

“Yeah. I own this place. My name’s Greg Reed. I hired a bunch of wrestling trainers to check guys in and manage the Camp. I don’t show up here very much. I own a lot of surrounding land. That’s where my house is.”

Sonny’s mouth dropped open from this unexpected information.

“Tomorrow we can stay my place. It’s a lot fancier than this little cabin!”

Sonny remained quiet, too shocked to respond, as Reed massaged his cock.

“In the morning I’ll make us a good breakfast and show you around. Then I’m gonna wrestle you and make you shoot like crazy. I wanna see your cum in the bright sunlight. Can you handle that, stud-boy?”

“Yeah! If I can make it, you can take it!”

Reed laughed. “That’s a deal, stud-boy!”

Sonny groaned in the pleasure of the wrestler’s fantastic jacking . “Damn! That feels so good!”

“Your cock wants to jump outa my hand! I guess that means you like the idea of bein’ my stud boy!”

“Yeah, I do!”

Reed felt the youth’s cock swelling. He checked out each testicle with his other hand. “Your nuts are bulgin’ with sperm, man. You ready to give it to me?”

“Yeah,” answered Sonny without hesitating.

Reed opened his mouth and with the utmost care closed it around the youth’s cock. He gradually pressed his lips more firmly against the cock, embracing it cautiously, not wanting to escalate the youth’s pleasure too quickly. He knew he must resist a strong urge to quickly push Sonny’s pleasure over the top and, like a vampire, ravenously feast on the youth’s abundant life-juice.

Sonny’s cock pounded, thoroughly infused with pleasure. Eventually Reed started to gently rub the cock with his tongue, testing Sonny to find out how much pleasure the youth could handle without climaxing. Occasionally an intense pleasure-thrill would strike the cock, making it briefly swell in a spasm of excite- ment. Sonny would grunt deeply, not realizing that at those times his cockhead released a hefty spurt of pre-cum. Reed closed his eyes and savored each tasty reward as it independently squirted into his mouth, stroking the youth’s body after each spurt. The inflamed cock couldn’t get enough of Reed’s tempting tongue—treasuring it, anointing it, becoming its best buddy.

The wrestler loved feeling the stiff, warm sex tool flexing in his mouth, reacting to the pleasure building inside it. Sonny’s groans gradually rose in pitch and passion, telling Reed that couldn’t edge the youth forever. Sonny’s eyes and mouth opened wide. The youth began to hold Reed as if his life depended on it. He pushed his butt off the mat and held it as high as he could. “Yeah! Take my cum! Take itI” he cried.

A few seconds later his cock and his entire body jerked as his sex gun fired its first blast of sperm into the wrestler’s mouth. Reed let several big loads accumulate before swallowing them: he wanted to taste the sexy flavor of Sonny’s cum.

Pleasure shook the youth with each shot of his potent male essence. The conqueror quickly lost track of the number of loads he swallowed. They seemed endless. They also never drizzled out; the loads shot out vigorously, seeming to know what the wrestler expected of them. .

When the loads at last stopped, the wrestler rubbed the cock with his tongue in order to keep Sonny’s pleasure going. The youth groaned, exhilarated by the knowledge that he had given Reed his precious sperm. But Reed had drained him of his energy as well.

After he had swallowed the last drop of cum, Reed held his face just above the youth’s crotch. “Nice shootin’, stud-boy!” He kissed the cock several times and licked it. “You’ve got an awesome rod here, dude. It shoots real strong loads, stud-boy—lots of ‘em!” The wrestler checked out the twitching cock with his fingers, inspecting it in different places as he talked.

“Your cum tastes sweet and also salty—delicious, man!”

“You swallowed it?”

“Yeah, every load.” Reed shook the cock back and forth. “It’s still super hard, like nothin’ happened! I want another drink!”

“Not yet, man. It’s too soon!”

The wrestler felt each testicle. “Wanna bet?” Holding the cock tightly with his left hand, Reed placed the middle finger of his right hand on the one place that guys avoid after an orgasm—the ultra-sensitive cockhead.

“No!” gasped Sonny, already feeling an outrageous, stunning pleasure throughout his cock.

But the wrestler began to stroke it anyway, gently sliding his fingertip around the top and side of the head, instantly throwing Sonny’s body into uncontrollable, intolerable pleasure. The youth writhed and yelled, laughing and crying at the same time. Reed grinned, barely touching the head, yet producing a result that would bring the most muscular male to his knees.

“Shoot it, stud-boy!”

Sonny clawed the wrestler and tried to pull him off.

“Yeah! Fight me! Try to escape!” challenged Reed. “But you’re never gettin’ away from me!”

Sonny pleaded for an end of the feather-light, yet punishing pleasure strokes. Yet Reed’s left hand continued to steadfastly grip the upright cock like a statue, allowing the finger of his right hand to prey upon the head without interference.

“No! No!” implored Sonny, gulping air as though caught in a choke.

Reed didn’t stop inflaming the overheated cockhead. With a single finger he forced the youth’s balls to work overtime making him a fresh batch of cum. The youth’s body twisted and thrashed, trying its utmost to escape the gruesome attack of pleasure. Sonny had never felt so helpless, so wracked, or so wonderful.

“Gonna cum for me again, stud-boy? I’m not stoppin’ until you do!”

“Yes! Yes! I’ll cum! I’ll cum!”

The youth’s cock suddenly stiffened. Reed took the cockhead into his mouth again. Sonny clamped his hands onto Reed’s head to hold it steady. Sonny cried out as his cock exploded, filling the wrestler’s mouth with more of the youthful liquid that Reed loved. Each shot made Sonny strain in pleasure—even more than his previous orgasm. Since meeting the wrestler, he began to think of an orgasm as a kind of submission maneuver, a hold that punishes yet also pleases, applied out of respect, domination, and love.

When he finished taking the youth’s sperm, the wrestler’s mouth held the cock in a long, warm clutch. Although drained of cum, the sex muscle kept pumping as though trying to pull up more. Reed loved feeling the cock swell and pound against his tongue—and hearing Sonny’s loud pleasure cries.

Reed probed the cum hole with his tongue, searching for more of the youth’s sperm. That drove Sonny’s agonizing pleasure to a peak he didn’t expect or believe could ever happen. He grabbed the wrestler’s body, hoping it would stop and never end simultaneously.

Sure that he had taken all of the kid’s cum, Reed at last opened his mouth and let the cock cool off in the night air. “Damn! I like what you feed me, dude!”

Sonny twitched and giggled as Reed whispered about future holds he would use on the youth’s cock and huge balls, pausing now and then to lick the youth’s cockhead.

The orgasms made Sonny very sleepy. He grinned as the wrestler’s tongue occasionally caressed the head, making it swell in periodic spasms of pleasure. If only he could fall asleep like this every night, he thought.

Reed listened for sounds in the camp, but heard nothing except tree branches moving in the night breeze. Everyone had apparently fallen asleep at their campsites, or left the camp for the night. No lights illuminated the trails, only light from the moon. Sonny held Reed in a close embrace.

The youth slept most of the night on his stomach, as he usually did. While sleeping, Reed rolled over onto his stomach as well, resting an arm across Sonny’s shoulders. During a dream he awoke, feeling extremely horny. He sat up and began to softly stroke the youth’s back, his curving ass, his upper thighs. He carefully spread the legs apart and slowly slid his hand between the youth’s legs. It seemed to belong there. Reed’s cock tingled while his fingertip lightly nudged the crotch and the big balls. Then the finger started to slink upward, following the curve of Sonny’s butt. It entered the ass crack and crawled along it to the butt hole, where the finger stopped.

The youth sighed, awakening to the sensation. Reed eased the finger down, just inside the hole. Too sleepy to object, Sonny groaned as more of the finger began to enter the hole. The youth’s ass tightened.

“Don’t freeze up on me, dude.” Reed slowly twisted the finger back and forth until Sonny started to relax.

Sonny sighed, feeling the finger slowly caress the hole.

Reed pulled the finger out and spread the youth’s ass cakes apart. He spat generous amounts of saliva onto the hole, then inserted his finger again.

Sonny groaned. “It feels better now.”

Reed put his other hand on the youth’s lower back to hold him down and pushed a second finger into the hole, then a third.

“Ah!” gasped the youth.

A few moments later the wrestler pulled out his fingers and sat on his knees straddling the youth’s upper thighs. His cock twitched, anxious to get to work. He held his shaft down and eased its stiff head into the hole. The youth groaned.

“Yeah, I’m gonna fuck you, stud-boy.”

Sonny could try an escape, yet he knew that wouldn’t work—and also that perhaps he didn’t want to escape. He gasped, feeling the shaft slowly enter him. His ass automatically constricted around the shaft, trying to prevent it from going any deeper.

Reed smiled. “You can’t win: my cock’s stronger than your ass!”

The wrestler kept edging his long shaft into the straining youth, one inch at a time. Reed’s body slowly moved lower as the shaft sank further into Sonny’s warm ass. The process went so slowly that to Sonny it seemed like the wrestler had a cock three feet long. Sonny’s muscles stiffened.

“Relax, dude.” Reed kissed the back of the youth’s neck several times to reassure him.

It took several more minutes for Reed to fully bury his shaft in the ass. His chest finally pressed against Sonny’s back to mark the occasion. He also hooked his arms under Sonny’s, securing the youth in a firm full nelson.

“You can’t get away now! I’ve got your ass pinned!”

Sonny flinched and groaned, reacting to the hard shaft inside him. Reed wiggled and gyrated his butt, flaunting his authority over Sonny. “I like how your ass hugs my cock, stud-boy!”

Sonny could feel the shaft pounding inside him. At first that made him nervous: the warm muscle seemed like a living thing. But that would change. Reed kept his shaft motionless for several minutes. He talked quietly to the youth to calm him down and gain his trust. “I wanted to do this when I first saw you in the cabin. I wanted to get behind you, pull down your brief and…”

“It’s too long for me!” said Sonny.

“Your first time?”


“You’ll come around to it, stud-boy.” Reed licked the youth’s ear.

Sonny smiled. The cock in his ass no longer seemed as terrible as it did a few minutes ago. “It feels better than your killer squeezes on my balls!”

Reed kissed him once more. “But dude, they’re so awesome to wrestle!”

“Do you like me because of my big balls?”

“Sure do! I’m envious. But I also like your cock, your hair, your chest, your green eyes, your stamina, your courage. In other words, I like everything about you.”

“You forgot my ass!” said Sonny teasingly.

“Oh yeah, and your perfect ass!”

“I can’t get over the length of your cock,” whispered Sonny.

“Believe it or not, it’s scared away lots of guys. They wouldn’t let me fuck ‘em,” admitted Reed.

As they talked, Sonny sighed, letting go of much of his tension.

“With your super-balls and my super-cock, we make a good team, man.”

Sonny snickered at the tone of his voice.

“Isn’t that right?” said Reed, suddenly nudging his shaft forward twice to make sure he got a reply.

“Yeah, we do make a team,” said Sonny, grinning.

Reed unhooked his arms, slid them under the youth and hugged him. The wrestler’s arms around him seemed almost electrically charged. Sonny had never experienced anything like it. The hug went beyond mere affection: the arms radiated a powerful, erotic force that took possession of him completely. The body-hug distracted Sonny so much that at first he hardly noticed the shaft beginning to move within him. Reed set his fucking speed at an incredibly slow pace, using only one-fifth of the cock’s length. Nevertheless, Sonny grunted out of concern. Yet after a while, the shaft’s in-and-out rhythmic motion started to feel like a massage to Sonny. Reed kept slowly fucking the youth, gradually using more of the shaft’s length as he did it.

“Does it feel good?”

“Yeah,” groaned the youth.

Reed started to move his shaft somewhat faster, advancing his own pleasure. “I think I’ll make you my slave boy!”

“What would I do as your slave?”

“Whatever I tell you—any place, any time. “Like, if I told you to strip in front of me, what would you do?”

“I’d strip for you.”

“If I had your big nuts in my hands, would you object?”

“No—you own them.”

“Who owns your ass?”

“You do!”

The long shaft began to feel better and better to the youth. Reed upped the pace of his shaft again, and the pitch of Sonny’s groans rose with it.

“Are you gonna cum when you want to, or when I tell you to?” asked Reed.

“I’ll cum only when you say so.”

“Do you want my cum in your ass?”


Reed began to groan as well. He felt himself losing control of his pleasure. \He had held back his sexual feelings for Sonny from the beginning, but now his body threatened to get its way at last. Reed’s body stiffened as his pleasure grew. That surprised Sonny. Although pleasure had him by the throat as well, the youth suddenly seemed stronger than the muscle-bound wrestler on top of him. Reed’s groans transformed into soft cries.

Reed could no longer stop his rush of pleasure. Like the approach of a massive military force, one guy could not defeat it by himself. No male had that power, not even the most athletic or physically fit guy.

“I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” whispered Reed.

“Shoot it hard!” said Sonny.

At the first blast of cum, the wrestler thrust his body forward so hard that it pushed Sonny to the end of the mat. The youth clutched the mat’s edge to hold himself in place, squeezing it with all his strength. The second thrust rocked him just as much—also the third and fourth and fifth. Each time he rammed the youth’s ass, Reed used most of his entire shaft, bringing intense cries of pleasure from both guys. Sperm fired in violent bursts, thoroughly lubing the ass, making it slippery and prompting it to keep shooting.

Reed clung tightly to the youth as his cock went the extra mile for Sonny.

“Does my sperm feel good in your ass, stud-boy?” asked Reed breathlessly.

“Yeah, it’s warm and sexy!”

After they had calmed down, Reed started to pull his shaft out of the ass.

“Leave it in, man,” said Sonny. “I wanna see how long I can handle it there.”

The long shaft swelled in pleasure as Reed pushed it back in up to the balls. “Take all the time you need, stud-boy! Your ass makes every inch of my cock feel awesome!”

“Keep holdin’ on to me—all night.”

Reed smiled and kissed the side of Sonny’s face. “I’m gonna hold on to you a lot longer than just tonight.” He kept his balls tightly pressed against the youth’s crotch. “Your ass is gonna keep me hard, stud-boy.”

Sonny sighed from both the physical and emotional pleasure coursing through him. Reed snaked his arms under the youth and hugged him affectionately. Sonny loved feeling the weight of the wrestler on top of him, with the guy’s muscular arms surrounding him at the same time. That way he felt captured, and also more aroused.

Reed pulled Sonny onto his side, keeping both bodies firmly locked together. He took hold of the youth’s hard cock. He could feel the youth’s body quiver. Reed kept his hand motionless for a long time as he talked.

“Do you ever wear a jockstrap?”

“No, I just have briefs.”

“I wanna see you in a jock. You can wear one of mine.”

“That would be cool!”

“Sometime when we’re wrestlin’ in our jocks I’m gonna stick my hand inside yours and put holds your cock that’ll make you submit over and over!!”

As he spoke those words Reed tightened his fingers around Sonny’s cock. “I’m gonna make you shoot so much cum that your jock won’t be able to hold it all!”

Sonny gasped as he ran that fantasy through his mind, imagining what it would feel like. At the same time, Reed squeezed the youth’s cock harder.

“I’m gonna make you cum so hard you won’t have any energy left, stud-boy! Then I’ll be able to do anything I want to you—you’ll be helpless!”

Reed believed this little fantasy would stoke the youth’s sexual fires, and it did. Sonny’s cock swelled in excitement. Yet the wrestler saved one more move for the clincher. He put his thumb tip on Sonny’s super sensitive cockhead and pressed down on the taut cum hole. The youth jumped as a sharp pleasure ignited his cock.

“Then I’m gonna tie your wrists behind you and work on your nuts til you scream!”

Reed started to press down on the stiff cum hole harder and repeatedly. A glut of pleasure crippled the kid. Sonny cried out in whispered ecstasy as his sperm submitted to the wrestler and raced upward—a requirement that the tormented cock had to fulfill.

Blast after blast of cum erupted into Reed’s hand. “Yeah! Pump it to me!”

Reed had to hold Sonny securely: each squirt of pleasure made the youth’s body thrust forward vigorously.

“I want it all!” Reed made sure he got that by jacking the cock with his slippery, sperm-covered hand.

Even though this brought about a mind-numbing pleasure, the wrestler used very little pressure to achieve it, and very little speed. Sonny cried out and twisted violently, almost breaking out of the wrestler’s grip. But Reed continued to hold him close—as Sonny wanted—while torturing the cock with unending, unbearable pleasure. The youth grabbed Reed’s arm, inhaling and exhaling air in gargantuan gulps.

“Yeah! It feels good, huh?”

“Stop! I’m done, man!”

Reed rolled onto his back, pulling the gasping, cock-impaled kid over on top of him. The wrestler grape-vined Sonny’s legs in a wide split, blocking him from any movement. Then he took hold of the youth’s cock with both hands. His fingers zeroed in on the swollen, rigid head and ravaged it with an unhurried but merciless massage.

“I’m done! I’m done!” repeated the nearly delirious youth, grabbing Reed’s arms.

“Yeah, I know. But when it’s rock-hard like this, I’m gonna go after it, stud-boy!”

Stunned and exhausted, Sonny lacked the strength to pull Reed’s hands away. Not knowing what else to do, he grabbed the wrestler’s thighs in desperation. It didn’t matter if Sonny liked this torturous pleasure or not; his cock wanted it. The youth screamed, unable to fight the desires of his cock.

“Shit!” yelled the wrestler. “You make me so horny!” He suddenly flipped over, putting Sonny under him once more and began to fuck the youth’s ass in quick jerks.

“Ah! I’m gonna cum!” he shouted. As Reed’s cock let loose, the wrestler squeezed Sonny’s cock.

Sonny cried out, too, suddenly overwhelmed by orgiastic pleasure. Reed felt the youth’s warm sperm squirting onto his hands—a sensation that prolonged his own orgasm.

They clutched each other’s stiff body, loudly grunting in the ultimate male experience. Both guys pumped out everything for each other. But even after their liquid pleasure ended, neither guy wanted to disengage. As the stars rolled across the night sky, the two slept soundly, always clinging to each other, breathing the clear, refreshing nocturnal air. Cozy within the moonlit cabin, they didn’t need more light: feeling bodies and muscles provided the only perception needed.

“I love when you hold me, Greg,” whispered Sonny.

“I’ve gotta protect my stud-boy, day and night. You go to sleep. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”

Sonny smiled. “Me neither….”

The two spent the long night dreaming dreams that they would make come true.


by Ty Jordan

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024