
by Hunknown

20 Oct 2023 4607 readers Score 9.7 (63 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


Who’s Who in this chapter

Kareem (a fiercely straight middle-eastern man in his late thirties) has been sexually tortured by the evil Sex Police; his roommate Lance (a 20-y.o. charming hooker with many connections) helps him. Kareem meets again McLaughlin, the guard who tried to stop his torture, rousing Captain O’Rourke’s wrath.

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~ More about the Cube ~

Coffee. Eggs and bacon. Kareem woke up in his bed, but thought he was still dreaming: the familiar smell seemed too beautiful to be real, after what he had to endure in the last twenty-four hours, the arrest, the Cube, the ‘throne’...

“Hey, sleeping beauty! Rise and shine!” – Lance announced opening the curtain of Kareem’s bedroom – “Breakfast’s ready, and you haven’t eaten anything since… don’t know even when!”

“How long have I been sleeping?” – Kareem slurred, and Lance smiled: “Since yesterday at noon, when you… well… blacked out in my arms, after crying all the tears you could cry. I hope you feel better, now.”

Kareem remembered with utmost uneasiness Lance’s protective arms holding him from behind, on his bed, comforting him during his breakdown; he didn’t like to have been seen helpless and desperate that way, nor he liked being so… intimate with another man, especially a male escort like Lance. But he couldn’t deny that Lance had been like a life buoy for him, when he most felt lost and alone. Suddenly, a doubt chilled Kareem’s heart: “We… We didn’t do… err… anything, right? Just a hug, no?”

Lance wasn’t pissed off by Kareem’s lack of trust, he seemed actually surprised: “You are truly heterosexual, aren’t you?”

“That’s what I’m trying to explain to everyone since I was brought here” – Kareem said sullenly – “but apparently no one believes me. Including you.”

“Hmm… What color is this napkin?” – Lance asked, showing the burgundy napkin he held in his hand. “Red… Why?” – was the immediate reply. Lance pointed to the buckle of his own Fendi belt, with the widely renown double ‘F’ on it: “And what brand is my belt?”. Kareem huffed, shrugging his shoulders: “I have no idea. Final Fantasy?”. Lance rolled his eyes: “OK, one more: what does it mean BBC in porn?”. Kareem seemed lost: “I watch porn, but… uhm… Beautiful Babes’ Cunts?”

Lance shook his head, defeated: “Fuck, you’re hopelessly straight!”

“And you’re stubborn! It’s not like I’m an alien or something!” – Kareem chuckled – “I’m straight, yeah, and this straight man is starving, so… since you were so kind to cook, maybe we can grab a bite. Er… If you don’t mind, that is…”

“Come to the living room” – Lance smiled wide – “There’s enough food to feed ten straight men! And a gay one!”

When they’d wolfed down their breakfast, Lance looked at Kareem, still wearing the same tight t-shirt and the stretch shorts and said: “Time to go shopping. And to walk around a bit, so you can take a look at the Cube and the people living here.”

“Oh, before we go…” – Lance suddenly added, taking something from a small box bolted to the wall – “Here is your daily medication. See, on the pill there’s your name, they’re tailored by the A.I. on your personal health conditions”.

“I’m not sick, why should I take a medication?” – Kareem objected, but Lance pushed the pill into his hand: “We’re all on PrEP, at the Cube. This pill actually is something more, it prevents HIV and all sexually transmitted diseases from spreading. It’s for our safety.”

Kareem shook his head: “I don’t plan to have sex with any man living here, so why on earth should I take this pill?”

“It’s mandatory” – Lance said seriously – “And don’t even think to throw it away or something: the A.I. reads our bio-chips and they will soon know. We don’t want to deal with the Sex Police anymore, right? Come on, take your pill.”

Reluctantly, Kareem swallowed his pill with some water, and then they went out to the street. Kareem looked around with wide eyes, surprised at the sight. He expected a depressing, colorless and prison-like environment, but the Cube was actually full of life, full of people and full of colors. And light! The warm morning light inundated the streets, though there was no sky above, nor sun: the light seemed to come straight from the tall ceiling.

Lance started walking, followed by Kareem, who felt uneasy: “Wait… I… I can’t go around dressed like this! I mean… people can see my junk through the stretch fabric!”

“Yeah…” – Lance replied with a dreaming tone, glancing at the man’s crotch – “But don’t worry: apart from causing stiff erections and a few spontaneous orgasms, nothing bad will happen. Just ignore the moans you may hear around.”

“You… You can’t be serious!”

“Ha ha ha! No, I’m not serious, buddy. Stop being so self-conscious about your sexy body and enjoy the walk. Come, I’ll show you around!”

They walked leisurely along Delta Avenue, watching the shop windows. What most captivated Kareem’s attention was the peculiar fashion of the Cube: half of the clothes on display were skirts of different lengths, ranging from knee-long to crotch-short. And what was even more surprising was realizing that several of the walkers-by wore skirts and boots, with an open shirt or short t-shirt to go with it. It was all extremely… queer for Kareem.

“Don’t worry for the money” – Lance said, misunderstanding Kareem’s stares at the clothes on display – “I’ll pay for everything. I’d really like it to be a gift for you, but if it makes you feel uncomfortable, you’ll repay me when you get a job, OK?”

Kareem nodded, as he didn’t really have any other option than accept Lance’s offer; and then cautiously asked: “What kind of jobs can be done here?”

“Every kind of job, depending on your skills and past experiences. What is your expertise?”

“I was a Public Relations manager, outside. I mainly worked in politics, you know, electoral campaigns and such…”

“I’m afraid there isn’t anything vaguely related to P.R. and politics here. But I’m sure you’ll find something that suits you. Check the job openings on the net, and wait for a good opportunity.”

“Yeah, like I have time to wait, flat broke as I am…” – Kareem mumbled to himself, but Lance didn’t hear him: “Oh, wait here, Kareem, I have to speak to a person, I’ll be back in no time!”

Lance disappeared behind a corner and Kareem stood for a while on the street, pretending to look at the shop windows and trying not to be noticed, almost naked as he felt. After a short while he felt a strong grip on his arm and a low voice ordering: “Come with me!”

The man harshly pulled him toward a narrow alley; Kareem couldn’t see well his face, but he knew way too well the dark-green uniform he was wearing: the Sex Police. “No! Leave me alone!” – he shouted, trying to wriggle out of the officer’s grip, but the man briefly turned his head and hissed: “Shush! For goodness sake!”

Kareem shut his mouth, recognizing the man: he was McLaughlin, the officer that during the torture on the ‘throne’ defied Captain O’Rourke’s authority stopping Kareem’s ordeal.

When they were hidden in the alley, McLaughlin hurriedly said: “We have no time to chat, but I need to warn you, Mr. Bashir. Be careful. O’Rourke got specific orders about you, orders that he seems very glad to follow. Don’t know exactly what’s going on, but you have a dangerous enemy. Fly low and stick to your roommate, he’s more powerful than he may seem.”

Kareem was aghast, but found enough voice to say: “Thank you, McLaughlin, from the bottom of my heart. Not only for the information you passed me, but also for what you did yesterday for me. The Captain must’ve been pissed off…”

McLaughlin’s face briefly contorted in a smirk of discomfort, and Kareem placed his hands on his forearm: “Did he punish you? Shit, I’m so sorry… What has he done to you?”

The officer shook his head, unwilling to talk, but Kareem looked intensely into his eyes and recognized the deep shame and pain of those who had been subjected to an unmerciful violation, the same pain and shame he spotted in his own eyes, that morning, looking at the mirror: “The throne?” – he gasped, horrified – “Did he force you on the throne?”. McLaughlin blushed beet red, tried to speak, but all he could do was to nod his head.

“I’m in debt with you” – Kareem said seriously – “I don’t know how and when I can ever repay you, but I owe you a big one. Fuck, I’m so sorry for you, it must’ve been terrible. I guess you are straight, right?”

“I am” – the officer confirmed in a trembling voice – “and I am… I was a virgin, just like you… Yes, I know that you are truly straight, Mr. Bashir, I know it for sure. And O’Rourke knows it, too. I have to go now. Take care, Mr. Bashir, and watch your back.”

“You too” – Kareem replied, watching McLaughlin disappearing down the dark alley.


~ An unconventional shrink ~

Kareem leaned over the nearest wall and bowed his head, scared and defeated. O’Rourke was on his tail, and he was apparently determined to ‘punish’ him for being straight. But what could he do more that what he’d already done? O’Rourke had already taken away what he had most sacred, the symbol and the proof of his masculinity, his anal virginity. What further degradation had O’Rourke in store for him?

He felt lost, in a dangerous place, and almost screamed when Lance’s voice joyfully said: “Here you are! I couldn’t find you anymore! But… What happened? You seem again on the verge of a breakdown…”

Kareem, with halting words, related what McLaughlin told him, but chose not to reveal the name of the informant, because after all McLaughlin was a member of the Sex Police, and Lance instinctively distrusted them. Lance was worried about the news, but what most worried him was seeing Kareem, a man in his prime, shivering like a kid scared for the upcoming punishment. “Kareem, we have to fight, and I need you to be strong and confident. I know you’ve been hurt and violated in the most horrible way, but you have to react, and be again the strong, dominant man I’m sure you are.”

“I’m not a man anymore, can’t you understand it?” – Kareem screamed, exasperated – “O’Rourke split open my man-hole, the guards sucked my man-tits and I… I came like a whore, while they laughed at me! I had an orgasm, Lance! While my ass was being fucked hard and my tits were sucked and squeezed!”

Lance stared at Kareem, shaking his head: “Fuck, they didn’t only mess with your body, the messed with your mind, too. I can help you with your practical needs, but helping you finding again your balance and your serenity is out of my abilities. But I know who can help you. Come, it’s about time you meet Doc Stevens.”

“Who is this Doc Stevens? Do we have to walk for long?” – Kareem asked, giving an uneasy glance at his own bulging crotch. Lance shook his head, stifling a smile: “His apartment is Zeta-13, it’s a short walk. Trust me, it’s just two Avenues away” – he added with a comforting smile, noticing Kareem’s puzzlement – “You don’t remember much of the Greek alphabet, do you? Delta, Epsilon, Zeta…”

Lance confidently led the way through the square-grid plan of the Cube and soon they were facing a ‘door’ covered by the usual curtain. There was no plaque or anything, just the apartment number. “He was a respected psychiatrist, outside” – Lance explained – “but he chose not to practice anymore, once he was ‘eradicated’. Not officially, anyway. He’s the most sensible person I’ve ever met.”

He pressed a button next to the door, and after a moment the curtain opened. Behind, there was a man who looked anything but a shrink. He was in his late forties, completely bald, but with a long beard. He was wearing what looked like a medieval blouse, partly closed on the chest with leather laces and long enough to cover his crotch, but not an inch more. His muscular legs were in full view from the upper thighs to the ankles, as long as most of his chiseled chest. His torso, his legs and his arms were hairless, probably clean shaved, and the smoothness of the skin made more apparent the athletic muscles twitching at every move of the fit body.

“Lance!” –Doc exclaimed with a wide smile, and then turned his gaze to Kareem: “And you must be Mr. Bashir…”

“How do you know?” – Kareem gasped, and the man chuckled: “Knowing people is my job. And besides, you’re on everyone’s lips. Unfortunately…” – he added with a comically resigned glance – “…only metaphorically, they tell me. Please, come inside.”

Kareem moved to follow Doc inside, and noticed that Lance wasn’t coming in: “Are you leaving me alone?” – he asked, and Lance smiled: “What you tell to Doc should stay between the two of you. See you later at home!” – and off he was.

“So… What now?” – Kareem asked, when in Doc’s study, a comfy room filled with books and bookcases. “I’ll ease your task, Kareem” – the shrink replied – “I know what happened to you. The ‘throne’, I mean. Should we start with talking about that?”

“There’s not much to say… I was a man before sitting on the throne, and now… I don’t even know what I am. I feel like O’Rourke tore my manliness away from me…”

“I know that in your culture, Kareem, you are regarded as a man only if you act with confidence and courage, and you physically confront the enemies, when needed; and above all you must fiercely guard the… integrity of your body. Is this what makes you feel uneasy?”

“Yes… No… It’s not just that. I’ve lost my anal virginity, Doc, and other men have caressed and kissed my body in the most… unnatural way, and I…” – Kareem’s voice lowered to a whisper – “I had an orgasm. I came buckets, Doc! That fake cock was drilling my ass like it was a whore’s cunt… and I reacted like the whore I am. I couldn’t hold back! I came from having my ass and my tits worked by other men! I’m not a man anymore, Doc, and there’s nothing you can do about it!”

“Hmm…” – Doc mumbled, thinking hard – “I could talk to you about the men’s physiology, about how a man’s mind works, but they would be void words for you. Are you willing to try an experiment with me, Kareem? But I warn you: it involves being touched by me, by a man. A sexual contact, I mean. You can keep your pants on, I only ask you to take away your t-shirt.”

“I don’t have much to lose anyway…” – Kareem commented, nodding his consent; he faltered for a moment, and then took away his t-shirt. Much to his surprise, Doc Stevens, too, took away his blouse; underneath, he wore a weird underwear, a sort of Japanese fundoshi that encased his bulge leaving little to the imagination. Doc slowly moved sideways and gently pressed his almost naked body on Kareem’s back: “I’m a man, Kareem, and the thing poking your buttocks is my manhood. How does this make you feel?”

“The truth, Doc? I feel extremely uneasy” – Kareem replied, trying to keep his voice firm. Doc Stevens hugged Kareem from behind and held him tight, pressing his own chest on Kareem’s back even more: “And now? How do you feel having a man holding you in such an intimate way?”

“More than uneasy, Doc. Don’t take it personally, but it’s almost… disturbing.”

“Good, that’s the reaction I wanted to cause” – Doc mused, much to Kareem’s puzzlement, and then began brushing his hands all over Kareem’s torso, moving down to his thighs, cupping his buttocks and playing with the thick body hair. Kareem felt the unmistakable pressure of Doc’s stiffening cock pressing harder on his clothed ass, and became a little restless: “Is this going much further, Doc?”

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~ What being a man is all about ~

“Yeah… I know you hate being touched like this by a man… It’s almost repulsing, right?” – Doc replied, and intensified his sensual caresses even more, moving his fingers up to Kareem’s nipples and starting tickling them with his nails. Kareem felt a moan form into his throat, but forcefully suppressed it. However, despite his efforts, what he couldn’t suppress was his own growing erection.

“A man is enjoying your body, Kareem…” – Doc whispered sensually into Kareem’s ear – “Masculine hands are roaming every inch of your skin. Can you feel my arousal? I’m hard because I find you sexy, Kareem. A man finds you sexy and is pressing his bulge on your ass…”

“Ooh… I… I hate it… I… nnngghh… I don’t want your hands over my body…”

“I know, and I believe you, Kareem… I know you are straight, I know you find man-sex abominable…” – Doc growled, making his hand move down to Kareem’s crotch – “And nevertheless you’re hard…”

“I… I can’t help it! I told you, I’m not a man anymore…”

“No Kareem, you 100% man, no doubts about it… If a man is properly stimulated, no matter how disgusting that touch is for him, he gets hard and his body prepares for sex. This is how we men are made, it’s bred in our bones, there’s nothing you can do to prevent it. On the throne, your body had been viciously violated, but also masterfully stimulated, and your body… your manly body… responded as it was supposed to.”

“But I came…” – Kareem moaned, succumbing under the Doc’s sensual caresses. “Yeah, you came like a man, Kareem. Despite the pain, despite the humiliation, you acted like a man, you spread your seed. On that throne you proved that your manliness was more powerful than any torment they were inflicting you. You’ve never been more of a man than in that moment… and you still are… I can feel the tension in your shorts… Your manly body demands satisfaction… You’re a man, Kareem, a stud, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise… including yourself. Say it, Kareem…!”

“I’m a man… OOOHH… Don’t stop, Doc… I’m a man… And my body demands satisfaction…”

Doc Stevens was surprised, but not that much, when he felt Kareem’s hand gripping his wrist, and then pushing his hand down, toward his crotch, until his fingers slipped under the elastic waistband of the stretch shorts. Doc felt Kareem’s wiry pubes under his fingertips and asked softly: “Are you sure? We can stop…”

“Don’t make me beg, Doc… Please… I feel on fire… I’m a man, and I need… I need…”

“…to spread your seed?” – Doc suggested, and Kareem breathed: “Yesssss…..”

Doc cautiously grabbed Kareem’s shorts and pulled them down, along with the skimpy thong he wore underneath. Kareem didn’t stop him, and his cock sprang to full attention out of the tight confinement. Doc spat on his hand and gently grabbed the throbbing meat, stroking it slowly and sensually. By now, Kareem had thrown his insecurities to the wind and started moaning louder. Doc coupled his masturbation with some more expert tit-work, making Kareem groan for the pleasure.

“I’m stroking your cock, Kareem. I’m servicing your manly body with passion. Do you think I’m less of a man for this?”

“Fuck no, Doc…!” – Kareem slurred, lost in his pleasure – “You’re all man to me…! You know my body way better than any woman… Ooohh..!!! Keep going, Doc, don’t stop!”

Doc Stevens covertly smiled, knowing that he succeeded in restoring Kareem’s confidence in his own manliness. Everything was going as planned… but he surely didn’t expect to feel Kareem’s hand reaching back and searching for his stiff bulge. Doc didn’t back off, and silently let Kareem caress his bulge, encased into the fundoshi; and didn’t stop him when his hand pulled on the side of the bulge and set his stiff manhood free.

“You… You don’t think I’m less of a man for doing this, Doc, do you?”

“I think that you’re so confident in your manliness that you’re not afraid to touch another man and give him pleasure… Mmmhh… Yes… Ooohh…!”

For a while the two men went on stroking each other, climbing to the highest levels of their pleasure. The small study echoed with restrained moans, low manly growls and hard breaths. At some point, Doc asked with coarse voice: “Are you man enough to let me take pleasure over you, Kareem? I swear your sacred hole is safe, don’t worry…”

“Yes…” – Kareem slurred, keeping his eyes shut. He felt Doc move around a bit, and then felt his thick manly member intruding between his ass cheeks. Kareem gasped and stiffened, but Doc soothed his fears: “Your hole is safe, I swear. Trust me, Kareem.”

Doc Stevens tilted his hips and pushed his greased cock between Kareem’s thighs, brushing over the perineum, until the engorged cock head was firmly pressing on the back of Kareem’s balls. The thick body hair covering Kareem’s private parts made Doc hiss for the intense sensation.

The meat rod started moving back and forth, and Kareem felt weird: he knew he was giving pleasure to a man, and yet he was exhilarated. He felt powerful, knowing that another man’s pleasure was in his hands, and flexed his thighs, to add more pressure on the sensitive glans and increase the erotic feeling; and he was rewarded by Doc’s moan: “Oohh…! Fuck, you’re as hairy as an ape… It’s… so sexy!”

Feeling dangerously on the verge of his climax, Doc reached again to Kareem’s cock and stroked it in earnest. Kareem stiffened, almost holding his breath and groaned: “Doc… You’re making… OOOHHH… You’re making me… CUUUUUUMMM!!”

Doc felt Kareem’s cock pulsate into his hand, while viscous plumes of manly seed fell to the floor; at each shot, Kareem’s perineum bulged out, giving to Doc’s cock the last little push he needed to fall into the abyss: “Awww…. FUUCK!!” – he moaned, while his semen drenched the back of Kareem’s balls and drooled along his thighs.

It took several minutes to them to be able to catch their breath, after the massive orgasms they’d experienced. Doc handed a clean towel to Kareem, while cleaning himself up.

“You’re a fuckin’ stud, never forget it” – Doc than said, looking straight at Kareem – “Your manliness is inside you, no one can take it away, not even O’Rourke, no matter how vicious a torment he forces you to endure. The harder the test, the greater proof of virility you give enduring it. Remember it.”

Kareem smiled wide, and his eyes sparkled with a renewed confidence. Little he knew that Doc’s words, about hard trials to endure, were prophetic.


In the next chapter: Doc Stevens soothes more of Kareem’s worries. Then, Kareem meets again the concierge Lionel, who gives him more puzzling information. The next morning, Kareem looks for a job, but the interview is definitely not what he expected.

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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