Beyond the Veil

by Ottie Otter

13 Oct 2023 691 readers Score 9.6 (17 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

As I passed through the wall of darkness, I felt like I was moving through a dry cloud. Something enveloped me, tickling my skin gently until I emerged on the other side, standing at the top of a staircase. At the bottom I could see Kaden standing, waiting for me. By the way the ceiling sloped parallel to the staircase, it was impossible to see beyond him. 

I started down the steps and a moment later, heard Sebastian’s footsteps behind me. 

“After you,” Kaden said to Sebastian when we reached the bottom, motioning for him to go on. 

Sebastian gave him a single nod and walked past him. We followed him with me between him and Kaden down a tight stone passage that began sloping downward after a few minutes. On and on we walked for what felt like a mile until the tunnel opened suddenly upon a gigantic cavern filled with buildings. None of the buildings here were very tall, but I knew that didn’t matter. The insides of any of them could be massive compared to the outside.

Hundreds of glowing orbs in an array of colors danced around one another near the ceiling, perfectly lighting the entire cavern, though I could see street lights lined up on either side of the road we’d just walked out onto. Every once in a while, one of the lights would dip down to the street, then zoom off to another part of the city with a trail of light flying behind it before returning to the others. 

“So where are we off to?” asked Kaden.

“We’re going to a club called Fang Fancy. A friend of mine works there,” said Sebastian.

“Isn’t that a strip club?” asked Kaden.


My heart skipped a beat. I’d never been to a strip club before.

Sebastian looked up to the lights, placed two fingers in his mouth, and whistled. A light zoomed down to us and stopped in front of Sebastian.

“Where to?” said a high-pitched voice from inside the light.

“Fancy Fang,” said Sebastian, “three passengers.”

“That’ll be $20, please,” said the light. Sebastian pulled out his debit card and tapped it against the light ball which flashed green for a moment.

“Um, what is this?” I asked.

“It’s a transport light. Just touch it,” said Kaden as he and Sebastian both placed a hand on the light ball. I reached out and placed my fingertip on it.

All of a sudden, we were flying, streaking across the cavern. I looked at Sebastian to my right and noticed he and I guess myself, were surrounded by a trail of light, the tail I’d seen on other lights as they zoomed around the city.

We touched down outside a wide building with a sign reading FANG FANCY on it. The light zoomed back toward the ceiling and Sebastian made his way toward the front door. I glanced up at the lights above us one more time before following.

As we approached the club, I noticed a bouncer standing outside. The swooping sensation in my stomach when our eyes met told me he was a vampire. He was tall and muscular with curly brown hair and golden brown hazel eyes.

“Sebastian!” the bouncer said in a friendly, familiar way. “I haven’t seen you in ages!”

How long has it been? For the first time since meeting him, I wondered how old Sebastian was.

“Rico!” Sebastian said. He stepped forward and the two hugged each other tightly. “How’s your dad doing?”

“Still sad after Mom’s death. I miss her, too, but it’s been 112 years. He just can’t move on.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Sebastian said consolingly. “Give him my best when you see him next, yeah?”

“Of course. Are these two with you?” he asked, nodding toward us.

“Yep. Selena here?”

“Of course,” said Rico. “Go on in.”

Sebastian gave a nod to Rico and the three of us walked past him into the club. I could feel my excitement mounting. I wondered what type of magical creatures I’d see on the stage and couldn’t wait to feast my eyes on the sexy men stripping their clothes off for my enjoyment.

Right past the entrance, we stopped by a bar where a beautiful female fairy was mixing drinks. I thought it was odd for a woman to be working the bar at a gay strip club, but I didn’t think too much of it.

“Sebastian!” she said happily, and I assumed she was Selena. “I haven’t seen you around here for quite some time. Your usual?”

“Sure thing, Glisa,” Sebastian replied. So this wasn’t Selena. “A Number 7, neat, for me and give my friend here—” he indicated me, “—a Vamp Vodka club.”

“I’ll take a Tears of the Children of the Forest,” said Kaden.

“Ah, an enjoyer of elvish alcohol,” said Glisa appreciatively. 

She got to work and dropped off three drinks. One I recognized, by its silver color, as Sebastian’s Number 7. The one for me was a dark red, but translucent, like melted rubies. Kaden’s drink was opalescent and seemed to contain glitter.

“What are these?” I asked.

“Mine is an elvish gin,” said Kaden. “Here, try it.”

I took a sip of his drink and it was incredible. Like drinking music. 

“Yours is Vamp Vodka, which is distilled with blood and mine is a Number 7, which is a whiskey made from unicorn blood,” said Sebastian. My mouth fell open as I looked at him, shocked.

“I should explain really quickly,” said Kaden, “that unicorns are real, and that they’re not like what you believe. People think unicorns are these beautiful creatures with gentle natures, but they’re the exact opposite. Unicorns are evil creatures that eat human flesh. If one stabs you with its horn, you become paralyzed but you can feel everything. They eat slowly, ripping the meat from your bones in strips over the course of several days. And they always start at your feet, so you end up suffering for a very long time. Sometimes, they kill with their horn, and that’s the most pleasant way to go out in a unicorn attack.”

“I don’t think I want to try that one,” I said, picking up my drink and sipping from it. It was delicious, though I liked Kaden’s better. Mine tasted like it sounded. Blood, vodka, and club soda. Good, but not fantastic.

Sebastian paid Glisa for the drinks and we turned and headed for the main room where loud music pumped. I could feel my excitement mounting again as I imagined all the sexy men on stage dancing. Blood started to fill my cock as I thought of it.

When we entered the room, all the blood immediately left my dick when I saw a naked woman on stage, grinding on a pole, her breasts oiled up and reflecting the light. Men surrounded the three different stages, all open mouthed and drooling at the sight of the various women on stage. Each stage had several touchscreen devices around it that men tapped before touching their debit cards to it, apparently leaving tips.

“You look disappointed!” Sebastian said with a grin, shouting over the music.

“I thought there’d be more…”

“Dick?” Sebastian said, cutting me off. “Don’t worry, we can go to the gay side after we talk to Selena.”

Sebastian led us over to a table near the main stage where a human-looking woman was dancing on stage. Her top was off and she was leaning against the pole, rubbing her breasts, and winking at the men surrounding her. For the first time, I noticed neon signs hanging around the club with an open palmed hand, overlaid with a circle crossed with a line through it.

The woman on stage gripped the sides of her thong.

“What do you say boys?” she asked with a hint of a growl. “Should I remove them?”

The men and two women around the stage started shouting at her, almost begging her to remove it. As she pulled it down and turned, bending over so her whole vagina was on display, I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my drink.

A buzzer sounded and the circle around the hand on the neon signs vanished. All of a sudden, every dude in the room whipped out their dicks and started beating them furiously.

The woman on stage howled and her limbs elongated as hair sprouted on her body. The transformation took less than ten seconds and the werewolf began to dry hump the air, her swollen vagina on display.

“I really don’t want to watch this,” I said to Kaden and Sebastian as I turned to look back at them. 

Sebastian was looking at his phone, clearly bored by what was going on around him, but Kaden’s eyes were trained on a fairy at another stage who was holding herself up with one arm on a pole, her legs spread wide as she masturbated to everyone watching her. His dick was still in his pants, but he was rubbing it through the fabric.

A pang of jealousy shot through me, but I guessed there was no harm in him watching. It was basically like him watching porn.

I was about to pull out my own phone when another buzzer sounded. The circle and line relit on the neon signs and, grumbling, the men put their dicks back into their pants.

“What is that all about?” I asked Sebastian.

“They’re only allowed to touch themselves when the club wants them to. That way, the patrons are literally edging themselves the entire time and continuously want more. The timer gets reduced as the dancers get tipped so if the guests want to get off here, they have to pay more to the dancers.”

“Did you used to be a regular here?” I asked.

“I was a dancer, actually,” he said. “On the other side, obviously.”

“Give it up for Furry Francine!” a voice called out over the PA as the music faded.

The men went wild, shouting their approval as the werewolf lady walked off stage.

“And now,” the voice said, “put your hands together for the star of the night, Selena!”

A woman walked onto the stage wearing a loose-fitting seaweed green dress. As one of the spotlights swung on her, I realized her dress was literally made of seaweed. 

Her skin was extremely pale, almost grey-white. I couldn’t tell if it was actually that pale or if her hair, blacker than the night sky, was such a contrast to her skin that it looked that pale.

Kaden quickly put his fingers in his ears, but he didn’t take his eyes off Selena.

She leaned up against the pole and started to sing. No words, just a clear, high melody. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on end as she sang, holding her arms up and gently waving them. Everyone in the room, except for Kaden, Sebastian, and myself, grew silent and turned toward her. Their eyes were drooping, their mouths hanging wide open as they watched her.

Her song became faster and she reached behind her, looped a hand around the pole, and swung herself around. As she passed in front of each man, they rose slightly from their seat as if they were about to join her on stage. As her song grew louder and higher pitched, the men started to shake, almost vibrating. They began to groan and pant. Selena threw herself back against the pole, gripped her dress in the middle, and ripped it apart, freeing her breasts as the song came to a crescendo.

Every man and woman, except us three, began to moan loudly and I somehow new that they were all orgasming. Selena stopped singing and everyone threw themselves at the devices, desperately trying to tip her, maybe to encourage her to keep singing. But she just blew a kiss into the crowd and walked off the stage.

“Come on,” Sebastian said, draining his glass. Kaden and I copied him, then followed him toward the back of the club.

The man guarding the employee entrance greeted Sebastian as warmly as anyone else had and let us through without an issue. Several women were in the room behind the main stage in various stages of nudity. All of them greeted Sebastian and stared hungrily at either me or Kaden, sometimes both, but Sebastian led us right back to a door with a star on it that read SELENA, SIREN. 

I had figured she must’ve been a siren with the way her song had driven everyone crazy. Personally, I didn’t see what the big deal was.

Sebastian knocked on the door and it swung open to reveal Selena, still wearing her torn open dress.

“Sebastian!” she said, grabbing Sebastian’s head and pulling it down so his face rested between her breasts. If I didn’t know Sebastian was gay, I’d have been upset. 

“Ugh, Selena,” he said, pushing himself away from her. “Don’t do that.”

“Oh, please,” she said, waving a hand dismissively, “breasts aren’t disgusting. Come in, come in!”

The three of us walked into her room and Kaden shut the door behind us.

“Well, aren’t you just so cute?” she asked me, walking forward and puffing out her chest so her breasts were plumper. “Did you like my song?”

“He’s gay,” said Sebastian. 

The expression on Selena’s face soured, but she recovered quickly.

“No matter,” she said, “Just wait until you see Samuel’s performance later, if you’re going over there.” Then she looked at Kaden and said, “What about you, handsome?”

“Who’s Samuel?” I asked before Kaden could say anything. His eyes were trained on Selena’s perfect breasts.

“He’s my brother, also a siren. He’ll have you lapping cum off the floor when he sings for you.”

Why did that turn me on a bit?

“Look, Sel,” said Sebastian, “we have a bit of a problem. We’re being hunted down by the Krashen collective and need a place to lie low.”

“Why would the Krashen collective be after you?” she asked, finally turning her attention away from Kaden.

“Well, they’re after me, really,” said Kaden.

“Can you put those things away, please?” I asked.

Selena’s eyes darted between me and Kaden for a moment before she grabbed the edges of her dress and pulled them so they covered her. Kaden shook his head like a dog trying to rid its ears of water and his eyes seemed to focus a little more as he looked up at Selena’s face.

“Sirens are dangerous,” he said, more to himself than to us. Selena winked at him.

“Can you help us or not?” Sebastian asked.

“Of course, but you’ll have to talk to Samuel. I’m not in the Trifecton anymore.”

“What’s the Trifecton?” I asked.

“The three most powerful vampire families that run things here in Crimson Alley,” said Selena. “You’ll need their help if you want to hide here. Nothing happens in the Alley without their knowledge. I refuse to pay their ridiculous fees, so they’ve made it clear I don’t have their protection anymore.”

“As if you need protection from anyone,” Sebastian said, sounding amused.

“You know me so well,” said Selena. She turned and glanced at a clock on the wall behind her. “You’d better get over to the other side. My brother will be performing in a bit.”

“Thanks, Sel,” said Sebastian. He hugged her and led us out back onto the floor.

Sebastian started heading toward a door with the gay symbol, two male symbols with the heads interlocked, but Kaden seemed distracted, looking over his shoulder. I peered around him and noticed him staring at the elf he’d been looking at before.

“You can stay on this side,” I told him, “I don’t mind.”

“Are you sure?” he asked, not looking at me. “Thanks.”

I watched as he made his way over to the fairy, who smiled as he approached and took a seat. The buzzer rang out and I turned away as Kaden pulled his dick out, not wanting to see him beat off to a woman.

On the other side of the door, my attention was gripped by all the dick suddenly around me. The room was divided in half. On one side, a huge orgy was happening, with a multitude of magical creatures blowing, fingering, fisting, and fucking each other. 

“We’re not going to that side,” said Sebastian, gripping my arm and pulling me away from a huge-dicked vampire that was eyeing me. He led me over to the main stage where we found open chairs right at the front.

“Now this is more like it,” I said, watching the fairy on stage.

He was gorgeous, with long, dark, forest-green hair. He wore nothing but a bundle of golden vines, interwoven expertly to hide enough so he couldn’t technically be called naked.

He reached over his head, gripped the pole, and began thrusting into the air, his eyes locked on mine. He slid down the pole and crawled over to me.

“You’re cute,” he said, standing on his knees with his groin thrust out toward me. “Would you like to remove this for me?”

“Uh, yeah,” I breathed.

His eyes slid down to the payment device in front of me and I felt Sebastian hand me his card. 

I tapped the $1 button and looked up at the fairy, but he shook his head. I tapped the $5 button, but he shook his head again. Sebastian reached passed me and pressed “Custom”, then entered $100 and pressed his card to the reader. It chirped, accepting the payment and the fairy jutted his pelvis out farther. 

I gripped the edge of the bundle of vines and they fell away at my touch. Not expecting it, I didn’t pull my hand away in time and my hand wrapped around the fairy’s cock. He groaned and began gyrating in my hand, his rapidly expanding cock inflating in my grip.

He stood up, removing himself from me and moved against the pole, his nine inch cock standing straight out from him. He leaned back against the pole and began stroking himself. The buzzer rang out and I couldn’t resist. I pulled the leg of my shorts up so my cock was free and began stroking myself as, beside me, Sebastian did the same.

The fairy watched me, jerking himself off, precum oozing from his slit as he watched me pleasure myself to the sight of him. Too soon, the buzzer rang out again and I had to put my dick away, but it was aching. Remembering what Sebastian said about tips making the buzzer go off, I reached for my card, but Sebastian grabbed my arm.

“Wait for Samuel,” he said.

I didn’t want to, but I nodded and removed my hand.

The fairy on stage snapped his fingers and the vine thong he was wearing came to life. It snaked up his body, wrapping around him expertly and squeezed, causing his muscles to bulge. He groaned as he worked himself, jerking and moaning. My cock was throbbing, begging me to touch it.

The fairy threw his head back and groaned as his cock swelled in his hand. Long, thick ropes of cum erupted from the fairy’s cock and shot into the crowd, though most of it splattered on the floor of the stage.

“Give it up for the Fantastic Fairy!” the same voice called out over the PA.

The fairy gave me a wink as he headed toward the back of the stage.

“And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the main event of tonight’s show: Samuel!”

He looked almost identical to Selena, except his hair was cut short and his jaw was sharp. Corded muscles wrapped around his entire body, and he seemed to be dipped in dew. Droplets of something clung to his chiseled pecs, his eight pack abs, the sharp V line above his pubic area. He wore a skirt of sorts made from seaweed.

Though he’d done nothing more than walk out on stage, the crowd was going wild. Judging by the silence, I guessed that even those people in the orgy had stopped to watch Samuel’s performance.

Samuel grabbed the pole in one hand and swung himself around, bending his body up, and wrapping a leg around it. He spun, upside down, his eyes trained on the crowd. He came to a stop, slid down the pole, then began grinding on it. He stuck out a tongue and ran it up along the side of the pole, his eyes tracking through the crowd until they landed on me.

He smiled, a dark but enticing thing. Samuel turned, his back to me, arched away. As the music swelled, he pushed his thumbs into the waistband of his skirt and pushed. The perfect swell of his bubble ass indented as the tight skirt moved past it. 

He stopped when his ass was hanging out and leaned forward, spreading his cheeks for me, his perfect hole on display. I wanted to jump up onto the stage, to bury my tongue in that hole and have him writhing in my grasp.

Then, he began to sing. Everything was gone. There were no other people in the club, in the Alley, in the whole world, other than me and Samuel.

He turned toward me and pulled his skirt all the way down, letting it hit the stage. His cock was huge, thick, and veiny. He didn’t have a single hair on his body, which normally wasn’t my thing, but which looked so perfect on him. Then he did something unexpected. He climbed down off the stage and walked toward me.

I could hear words in the song. 

“I want you,” they said, “I need you.”

Samuel climbed up onto my lap and kissed me, still humming his song. His voice made my lips vibrate and the feeling spread throughout my entire body. He stood up and pulled my shorts down, letting them pile up on the ground, then slid back onto my lap. Our hard cocks rested against each other and he began to hump me. Our precum mixed, oozing from our cocks, and coating each other in the slick.

Samuel’s song became faster and higher as he raised himself up and lowered himself onto me. My cock slid inside him as if it were lubed up and I felt like I was flying. Samuel started to bounce, his hole sliding over me easily with wet, satisfying sounds.

He took my chin in his hand and bent my head back, bouncing harder and harder as he leaned forward and sunk his teeth into my neck. It was so good, so fucking good, I could barely hold back as he pounded his body into me over and over and over.

I looked back at him. Our eyes were less than an inch apart, his song louder and clearer than ever as through his song, he said, “Cum for me.”

And I came. Samuel slammed his ass down on my cock, burying me deep inside him. My cock swelled, filling him up, before exploding inside him. My body shuddered as a groan ran from my lips and my cum pumped inside him.

Samuel stopped singing and I found myself standing at the edge of the stage next to Sebastian, but Samuel was on stage. That must have been some kind of hallucination. I looked down and noticed my cock out, my cum dripping down the side of the stage. I guess I somehow stood up and pulled my dick out before I came. I was one of the few who did, including Sebastian.

I looked behind me toward the orgy that had been happening on the other side of the room. A thick layer of cum was spreading across the floor beneath the feet of the naked people over there, all of them having came to Samuel’s song. Did everyone who heard the song have the same hallucination as me?

Everyone went wild, crowding the stage as I tried to put my dick away, trying to tip Samuel. He blew a kiss into the crowd and walked off stage.

It took some doing to get past the crowd, everyone shouting for Samuel to come back out. Sebastian led me to the back room where, like the other side, dancers were either naked, having just gotten off stage, or were about to get on stage. 

He led me to a room like Selena’s, with a golden star carrying Samuel’s name. The door was wide open. Inside, Sebastian was sitting in a chair, furiously jerking off.

“Hey, Sammie,” said Sebastian.

“Hey…come on in…shut the door…” said Samuel, breathing hard.

Sebastian shut the door and we stood there, me feeling awkward. 

“I’m jerking off to the image of you,” Samuel said, looking at me in the mirror, “with your hard cock out, groaning as I fed you an image of me riding your cock. Mmmmm. Care to give me a little peek at that hole?”

“I don’t think so,” said Sebastian.

Samuel rolled his eyes and pulled his hand away from his cock.

“I’ll finish this later then, I suppose,” he said, winking at me. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company, Sebastian?”

“We need help from the Trifecton,” said Sebastian. “We’re being hunted down by the Krashen collective.”

Samuel’s eyebrows rose in a look of surprise.

“You expect the Trifecton to protect you from the most powerful wiccan collective in the United States?”

A silence followed Samuel’s words until he started laughing, his entire body shaking with mirth, causing his softening cock to bounce with each laugh.

“I saved Dire’s life,” said Sebastian. “He owes me.”

Samuel stopped laughing, but his dubious smile didn’t leave his lips as he spun his chair to face us. 

“After what you did to his brother, I doubt he’ll help you. Mac is still pining after you, even though he hasn’t seen you in three years.”

“I’ll handle Mac. I know Dire moves his hideout a lot. Where is he?”

“I’ll set up an appointment. Until then, you can stay with me. I’m in the same house with Selena. Go out and have another drink, on me. I have something to finish.”

Samuel leaned back in his chair and gripped his cock, working it gently as he stared at me.

“Come on, Damien, let’s go.”

We headed back onto the dance floor and crossed through the gay section into the other side. Kaden was standing next to the stage where the fairy had been dancing, but she’d been replaced by a witch. The fairy was standing next to Kaden, completely naked, twirling a lock of her clown red hair between her fingers.

“There you guys are!” Kaden said as we approached. “Damien, Sebastian, this is Treya. She’s a fairy,” he added to me.

“Yeah, I figured that out.”

“Kaden has told me a lot about you,” said Treya. 

“Treya is a member of the Fairy Alliance, like Roger. She’s agreed to let us hide out with them for a bit while we figure out our next move.”

“We’re hiding out with he Vampire Trifecton,” said Sebastian.

“You’d rather hide out with a vampire gang than a nation-wide group of fairies?” Kaden asked incredulously.

They both turned to me.

“What do you think we should do, Damien?” asked Sebastian.

“Maybe we shouldn’t stay with either,” I said. “The more people we bring into our mess, the worse things will be. Besides, how likely is it the collective followed us here?” 

Was I cursed? At that moment, I felt like I was. As if summoned by my very words, Peter walked through the front door of the club.

by Ottie Otter

Email: [email protected]

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