Between Rennie and Jimmy

by Simon Peter

8 Nov 2021 2992 readers Score 9.4 (45 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

He watched her silently, his green eyes, speckled with brown dots behind his glasses concentrated on her animated face, her expressive movements, her beautifully-formed body.

Robert had vowed celibacy. After a few failed relationships characterized by both lust and rejection he felt that it was not really worth it. His lips twitched with the shadow of a smile when he recalled what his roommate had told him.

“Robert,” Jimmy had said with a smirk on his face,” with the horse dick that you have, you should be able to score every night.”

Robert had noticed that Jimmy was interested in him since the first day they roomed together in the college dorms. On later days, his appraisal of his initial idea that Jimmy was gay was confirmed when he often saw Jimmy’s gaze at his crotch whenever he came back from the showers with a towel around his waist and a visible bulge under it. But at that time, Robert had not been into guys and had not given any encouraging signals.

His heart skipped a beat when the girl glanced across the room in his direction and their eyes met for a second. He felt as if she had read his mind, his attraction, his lust. Robert ached to know more about this girl. He sauntered nonchalantly towards where she was standing, with a glass of white wine in her hand, conversing with an older couple.

They were at a book-signing reception for Robert’s English professor. Robert had not seen the girl in any of his professor’s sessions that he attended. He wondered: perhaps she was the professor’s daughter? He watched her hands and was relieved to see that there was no wedding ring on any of her manicured fingers.

She could not have been older than twenty years, Robert estimated. She had that innocent, young, I-have-just-gotten-out-of-my-teens look. Her blond hair cascaded around her bare shoulders, reaching halfway down her back. These days most girls dyed their hair different shades of blond, Robert thought, but he could tell that this girl’s hair was naturally blond. He couldn’t determine the color of her eyes though, but the fleeting glance had stirred feelings inside him that he had promised himself not to have them again.

Robert kept his gaze on the girl as if she were the only person in the whole place. He strained to eavesdrop on the conversation, but all he could hear was her lilting, sing-song voice that mesmerized him. He had already loved everything about her, at least what he could discern from a distance. She became an enigma that he felt he had to unravel.

To Robert’s anxiety, mixed with elation, he watched the bewitching girl smile at the couple and break away, heading towards where he was standing.

“Hi,” the girl addressed Robert as she came near. She had a killer smile.

Robert smiled back and nodded his head, unable to answer her greeting because of a sudden lump that mysteriously formed in his throat and a perceptible stomach flutter.

“We haven’t met,” the girl continued in her lilting voice, even though his only reaction to her greeting was the smile. She, of course couldn’t tell about the throat lump and the stomach flutter.

“I’m Rennie,” she plodded on, showing a perfect set of white teeth between two red lips.

The girl was certainly forward, Robert thought. “Robert,” he finally managed to mutter, bewitched by her smile.

Rennie had noticed the way Robert was gazing at her as she was talking to the couple. The fleeting glance at him had given her the impression that she knew this handsome guy for centuries. Using her peripheral vision, which she was able to use quite effectively, she was immediately attracted to him. She had estimated him to be at least 190 cm tall, slim, with a chiseled face covered by a light beard. She had decided not to let the evening go before she got to know him. If he didn’t approach her, she was going to approach him.

“It’s really Renalda, but I prefer Rennie,” she explained, not fazed by his mute silence. “Nice meeting you, Robert.”

“Likewise,” he finally managed to say, taking her proffered hand in his for a shake. As soon as the skins touched, both Rennie and Robert felt a surge of electricity transmitted into their bodies. They both knew that this was not a chance meeting at a chance event.

“Um…,” Robert glanced at her glass, “can I get you a refill?”

She smiled. “I think another glass will make me tipsy and I will not be able to answer for my behavior,” she giggled.

Usually, Robert was never lost for words, except now. He recalled his vow fleetingly, but vows were made to be broken, weren’t they? Suddenly the hall seemed to suffocate him and he felt his armpits getting wet.

“It’s quite clammy in here,” Robert said, rubbing his neck, silently suggesting that they leave somewhere to be alone together.

“There are a few people I need to see,” Rennie said. “It’s been nice meeting you, Robert.” Was she a tease?

Robert stepped outside onto the narrow patio, cursing himself. What a dunce! He couldn’t understand the conflicting feelings warring inside him. On the one hand, he had been scorched by failing relationships; on the other hand, this girl had bewitched him totally.

Fishing a cigarette out of his packet, he lit up, reflecting. His gay roommate, Jimmy, had introduced him to gay sex. It had started one night when Robert was stood up by a girl. He had been both horny and in a foul mood. Jimmy obliged by giving him a blowjob. He had to admit: it had been the most gratifying cock sucking he had ever had. No girl had sucked him off like Jimmy had.

Thinking about that first blowjob from a guy, Robert semi-erected. He adjusted his elongating dick inside the tight briefs he wore under his loose linen pants. Jimmy had helped him buy those off-white pants since Robert was a jeans guy. He knew nothing about dress pants. But he had to admit that the pants looked quite sexy on him, especially with the slim-fit button-down black shirt that Jimmy persuaded him to buy along with the pants.

As he inhaled on his cigarette, he thought about Rennie. He liked the way she looked, moved, conversed, but mostly, the way she had asserted herself. He could tell that he has attracted her. He did look handsome, he admitted. Jimmy often told him so. But Jimmy was referring to his handsomeness when naked and horny. Still, clothes made the man, Robert had read somewhere.

The sound of someone coming out onto the patio made Robert look around. It was Rennie. He quickly stubbed out his cigarette into the small metal pocket ashtray that he carried with him and that Jimmy had bought for him claiming that a gentleman, even if he were a smoking gentleman, never littered.

“Can I have one of those?” Rennie said as she approached, motioning toward the stubbed cigarette.

“Oh, you smoke too?” Robert commented, taking the cigarette pack out of his pants pocket.

She gave him an enigmatic smile and took out a cigarette. She held it between her index and middle fingers. She looked very sexy. Robert flicked his Bic lighter as she placed the cigarette between her lips. She sucked in and coughed out a billow of smoke.

“You don’t smoke,” Robert laughed, digging out his pocket ashtray.

She stubbed out the just-lit cigarette, her eyes tearing.

“I thought I might want to try,” she confessed, “and now seemed like a good time.”

“A good time? What makes this a good time to start smoking? The book signing?”

She laughed. It was so sweet that the flutter in his stomach suddenly returned.

“No, silly,” she said moving closer to him, almost touching hips. “I wanted an excuse to come out here and join you.” She placed a hand on his downy arm.

The lady was coming onto him with force, Robert thought.

At the same time, Rennie was thinking the same thing: was she coming onto him too fast? But she had liked him the second she laid eyes on him. And why wouldn’t a woman come onto a man she fancied? Who had set the rules? If she wanted to fuck this guy, by gosh, she was going to fuck this guy.

She kept her hand on his arm. Tentatively, Robert placed his arm around her waist and drew her closer. Their lips met. Stars shone, fireworks shot out into the sky, violins played, drums rolled.

“Coffee?” Robert managed to breathe as they broke away from each other’s lips. He had erected and his pants bulged visibly.

“Love to,” she breathed back, feeling his throbbing erection against her thigh.

“I make mean coffee,” he suggested, pressing on her, his cock throbbing.

After their first year in the dorms, Robert and Jimmy had decided to rent a small apartment during the second year. Robert liked rooming with Jimmy. Although basically Robert was a ladies-man, he did enjoy the occasional sex with Jimmy. But that had not been the reason. It was basically because Jimmy was neat and ordered. He was discreet about his relationships and never flaunted his homosexuality. He was also smart, and they both liked the same kind of music, mostly jazz and blues and the same kind of shows, mostly sci fi and fantasy stuff. Jimmy cooked well, and Robert was a barista.

Rennie was not a coffee person, but she would never pass the opportunity. She watched Robert grind the coffee in the small kitchenette in his apartment. He looked so serious about this. As he measured the ground coffee into the French press pot and poured boiling water over it, she studied his body. He looked awesome and she shivered inwardly at this hunk preparing coffee.

Rennie had noticed that the apartment was shared, with a feminine touch. “You don’t live here alone,” she commented.

“No. I have an apartment mate, Jimmy. We go to school together,” he explained as he waited for the coffee to brew in the pot.

“Oh, I see. I must say, she keeps a tidy place.”

Robert snickered. ”Jimmy is a guy.”

“Oh?” Rennie was surprised, but gladly surprised.

“Both Jimmy and me, we like to be neat.”

“So you and Jimmy…?” she inquired inquisitively.

Robert raised one eyebrow as he slowly pressed down the coffee grinds, giving her the it’s-none-of your fucking-business look. The apartment filled with the aroma of fresh coffee. Rennie suddenly decided she liked coffee, after all, regardless of the relationship that might have tied Robert with Jimmy. She wondered if she was going to like getting laid by Robert, and her lower parts shivered. He couldn’t be gay, could he? She wondered. But he looked so manly and was evidently very sexually attracted to her. His throbbing erection against her thigh earlier was ample proof. She pushed away these thoughts and made up her mind that she was going to enjoy the evening.

She stepped closer as Robert reached for two mugs and started pouring the steaming coffee.

“This is quite a brew, Robert. It smells heavenly.” Rennie said wrapping an arm around his waist.

“You are heavenly.” He put the press pot down on the counter, turned, and took her in his arms. The kiss was deep and hungry. All vows were forgotten as Robert’s nostrils were filled with her feminine scent, a mixture of lavender and rose or something like that. She pressed back against him, feeling his hardness, his maleness, greedy, lustful, promising ecstasy. Thank God, she told herself, this was no gay man.

Robert had earlier messaged Jimmy to stay away, and that he had company. The two mates had had an agreement. Whenever one of them needed the privacy of the apartment with a partner, the other would go see a movie or something.

As Robert’s and Rennie’s lips were glued on each other, and their tongues probing into each other’s mouth, Robert reached down and cupped Rennie’s breast, feeling the hardened nipple, poking through the sheer material of her blouse. She grabbed his butt, pressing his crotch harder onto her, feeling the firmness of his butt muscles. Their moans were full with mutual yearning and desire. As if on an agreed cue, both slipped their hands under each other’s tops, caressing the skin. Slowly, they started shedding off their clothes, their lips never breaking contact.

Naked, Robert and Rennie settled down on Robert’s bed. She reached over and held Robert’s hard cock. She was amazed by the size. Rennie had had her share of men, but Robert’s cock was a new experience for her. It was thicker and longer than any other man she had been with. She bent and kissed the knob. Robert moaned. He moved his own hand up her inner thigh and felt the wetness in her crotch. His cock throbbed in her fist when he felt the pubic hair around the warm vagina and her warm lips encircling his cock ridge. He loved pubic hair on his women as much as getting head.

Rennie was mesmerized my Robert’s manhood as her body shook with the intensity of his playing with her pussy. She wanted him inside her, desperately. She normally was not too excited about sucking cock. But she knew how turned on a man can be with a mouth around his member. She just worked the knob pressing under the ridge already feeling the beginning of a gag. Robert sensed this and he gently pulled out of her mouth.

Robert laid Rennie on her back and knelt between her legs, licking up her thighs, looking at her face with his intense green eyes. His tongue found the hairy vagina, slurping and sucking on the cunt lips as Rennie grunted and held his head by the hair, spreading her legs wider. Her body shook with immense sensations, impossibly swelling into a crescendo. She jumped when she felt one of his fingers massaging her butt hole as he kept his mouth on her pussy, his tongue flicking the lips and the clit. He loved giving head, unlike Rennie. The silk feeling on his tongue gave him immense erotic sensations. Whether it was pussy or cock, the feeling of a partner’s member on his tongue and at his lips sent shivers throughout his body and made him so much eager to fuck.

“Fuck me,” Rennie whispered, unable to take the teasing any more. She needed his hardness inside her. “Oh, please fuck me, Robert,” she had a pleading tone, her body racked. She was more than ready for a hard, deep fuck.

Robert slid on top of her, licking up her belly to her boobs, sucking on her tits, so firm under his lips, up to her neck, then to her lips. He towered over her sprawled body, supporting himself on his hands. When she looked down between their bodies, she saw his cock pointing at her, the slit glistening, majestic, lustful, pulsating. Her juices were already flowing. Slowly, Robert lowered himself on her and his chest pressed on her breasts as he found her lips and pushed his tongue between them into her mouth.

Rennie found it hard to breathe, her heart racing, her body aching to be fucked. She then felt the knob of Robert’s hard cock stretching her pussy. Automatically, she raised her butt to give him better access. As he thrust, she groaned with the initial pain of penetration. Even though she was wet enough to lubricate him, the thickness of his cock stretched her vagina like at no other time before. She tried to ease the pain by spreading her legs and then wrapping them around his waist. She relaxed and her vagina opened to receive him.

Rennie whimpered as she felt the cock shaft slide into her. The feeling of this initial thrust was magical. She tried her best to relax and accept him, but the splitting pain made her cunt contract around the hardness.

Robert felt the tight pussy fighting his invading cock. He reached down between their bodies and found her clit. He rubbed on the engorged clit as more juice was produced. He knew that he was bigger than most other men. But he was too horny to take his time. His thrusting was urgent. He died to bury himself inside her. As soon as he felt her relax, he entered.

“Easy baby,” she whimpered.

He thrust harder. Finally, he was inside. He grinded on her as they kissed, her whimpers turning into loud moans of pleasure, the pain miraculously receding, being replaced by burning desire. He pulled out, raising his body on his arms and smiled at her, his cockhead teasing her pussy lips and clit.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, and entered her again.

This time, she sucked him in. He repeated this a couple of times, pulling out his cock, teasing, then penetrating and sliding balls-deep, until he felt her vagina ready for fucking. Ever so slowly, enjoying every second, he started fucking her: the whole length of his cock sliding out of the wet tunnel, then the slow thrust inside.

Rennie wrapped her legs around Robert’s waist, her heels at his muscled butt, pressing him in, needing him to go deeper and deeper. Her arms were around his neck pulling his face down to her. She felt his bigness massaging her insides, and she started her first orgasm as he licked her face and pounded her cunt. She dug her fingernails into his shoulders, not caring if she drew blood or not. Her squealing surprised him, coming so soon, and he fucked faster and deeper feeling the warmth of her flowing juices in his thick pubes as she cummed again, and again. The vibrations and squeezing of her vagina on his rod made him explode with force, and he emptied his nuts deep into her cunt, his back arched, his chest gleaming with sweat, his eyes shut tight, his mouth wide open, his grunts loud and animal-sounding with every squirt he shot into her body.

Exhausted, Robert slid out of the flooded cunt and flopped beside Rennie, breathing hard. She put one hand on his heaving chest, playfully rubbing the wet hair patch in the middle as she wrapped a leg over his groin, feeling his slimy cock under her thigh, still semi-hard and throbbing, amazingly big. He turned his head towards her and they kissed.

“Amazing,” he muttered.

Robert had fucked both woman pussy and man ass. This, however, was more vehement than any other fuck he had had. Jimmy’s ass was firm and muscled and needed a lot of lubricant. It often took Robert extreme effort to penetrate the tight man hole. But Rennie’s cunt sucked his cock in like a vacuum cleaner. Although Jimmy was tighter, Rennie was wetter and her naked woman body under him sent chills down his back and into his nuts that when he ejaculated, it was with such a force never experienced before. He was glad that Rennie didn’t require him to put on a condom. He was clean, and he hoped she was clean also. He loved the feeling of skin against skin as his bare cock ploughed into her vagina.

With regret, Robert watched Rennie pick up her clothes and put them on.

“Call me?” she said, with a flush on her face and a glint in her eyes.

Robert nodded, still lying naked on the bed, the sexiest man she had ever been with. Robert wondered what Jimmy would say when he got back and smelled the scent of sex filling the apartment. His balls twitched. Let Jimmy find him naked and slimy with his cum and with Rennie’s juices. Robert felt a bit kinky. Yes, he would fuck Jimmy as soon as he got back, without even washing. His cock would drive Rennie’s orgasmic cum into Jimmy’s ass. He needed Jimmy’s tight ass after Rennie’s wet and sucking pussy.

Robert closed his eyes with a smirk on his face and rubbed his cock and balls as he heard Rennie close the apartment door behind her. He erected. Strangely, the image that popped into his mind as he closed his eyes and rubbed his hard cock was not Rennie’s naked body; it was Jimmy’s raised butt, puckered, lubed and twitching.

Jimmy walked in some ten minutes later, froze when he saw Robert lying on his back, his body shining with sweat, his legs spread wide, his cock rock hard. He glanced around the room. There was nobody else.

“Got stood up?” Jimmy asked, his eyes glued on the naked and erected masculine body.

Robert smirked. “Come here,” he said with a grunt, his abs heaving.

Jimmy immediately dropped to his knees between the spread and hairy thighs, and licked up the cock shaft.

“Damn, Robert. Tastes different.”

Robert laughed. “You like it? You like woman juice?”

“You fucked, I can tell that at least. But you are still hard and horny!”

“Suck my cock, Jim,” Robert said pushing Jimmy’s head down onto his shaft.

Jimmy eagerly obliged, taking in the whole shaft down to the thick pubic hair, vibrating his throat around he pulsating knob, moaning, straining to look into Robert’s glazed eyes. He slowly bobbed up and down, taking the whole cock from head to base with each swallow.

Soon enough, Jimmy was rewarded with a thick load down his throat.

“Woman or no woman, Jim, you’re the best cocksucker ever. Your ass isn’t that bad either.”

“Want some of that, big boy?” Jimmy snickered as he shed off his clothes and jumped next to the panting Robert, grabbing the semi-hard cock, stroking it, bringing it back to erection.

The following half hour witnessed the hard fucking of Jimmy’s ass. Robert took the sprawled body under him with amazing power even after having cummed so many times. His cock refused to go limp and Jimmy’s squirming and whimpering under his powerful thrusts made him even more excited. Rennie’s pussy had be so different. It was too wet, too sloppy. Jimmy’s fuck tunnel fought against his cock, made him work hard to fuck, made him more eager to go deeper and deeper. The ring muscles squeezing on his cock base sent shivers up his spine. The firm butt cheeks rippling against his crotch made him groan with passion.

Robert fucked and dumped his third load into Jimmy. He could not say which load was more fulfilling. All he could think of as he lay on his back, breathing hard, was that no matter what the hole, he was more than willing. Rennie’s pussy, Jimmy’s throat, and Jimmy’s ass: they were his.

by Simon Peter

Email: [email protected]

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