Becoming fully Submissive

by PCLatex

3 Feb 2024 4148 readers Score 9.5 (27 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

There’s a first time for everything and this was mine; my first time submitting to a rubber bondage session. Something I’d fantasised about for a long time. Ever since to first time I’d stumbled across some very old photo mags of men in tight rubber suits, gas masks and restraints. 

From a very early age I discovered that being tied up by my friends was exciting, and I found it arousing to dream of being helpless in someone’s power while they ‘played’ with my penis. I’d always liked being tied up by the guys I’d grown up with, and in the scouts, in first aid lessons, volunteered to be the ‘model’ for demonstrations of splinting and immobilisation. Of course some of the guys always managed, by ‘accident’, to have a bit of a grope and trying to get me to ‘get a stiffy’. For forms sake I’d always protested, but secretly fantasised about being naked or in a rubber suit and totally in their power.

As for my family … I was a pariah. Kicked out, cut off and not welcome. At least, not welcome in the family home since my youngest sister outed me. She’d walked in on me having a good wank with my latest clandestine copy of a rubber bondage magazine. She’d grabbed it, and run off screaming that is was a pervert to my mother — who made a huge scene about it. My father had sneered, and from then on called me ‘Poofter, and a whole lot of less savoury names. My middle sister was a bit different, but it still meant I had little contact with any of them. As soon as I could I moved out and cut my ties, luckily enough having won a scholarship for my art to study art at the local Art College.

Now, a full two years since leaving school and just finishing my second in university, I’d finally plucked up the courage to meet a ‘top’ who wanted to introduce me to rubber and bondage sexual scenes. It had taken this long for a good reason. First I’d never wanted to admit that I was Gay, though I guess the signs must have been obvious and second, while I’d met and grown up playing sport with several guys I fancied … they were just not Gay. I’d finally had to accept that I was Gay when my eldest sister confronted me after finding some of my Gay magazines. We had a long talk about it, and she’d been very supportive, even when I ‘come out’ to my parents. They weren’t happy, and there’d been a huge row. Sis had found me a room in the student hostel and I’d moved out as soon as I’d started my college course. I no longer had contact with my family — even Sis had now distanced herself, saying I had to find may own way through this now. 

The hostel was run by a woman with very strict rules and ideas about ‘proprietary’ and she made clear she didn’t tolerate sex in any form! No visitors in rooms, no sex in your room — but it was cheap and it was clean, and I wasn’t in a position to argue. 

In my first year at Uni, I met and got to know a few other guys and discovered I wasn’t alone, and wasn’t some kind of ‘sick fuck’ — the favourite description of anyone not ‘one of the boys’ among my classmates at school. That had opened a new world to me, and a few slightly awkward sexual encounters, none particularly satisfying. It was usually a quick bit of ‘oral’, usually in a dimly lit booth or the toilet stalls in a public toilet, or the front seat of someone’s car. Always furtive and always rushed and never naked as in my fantasies, and seldom involving any reciprocity. At least I learned to give a good suck of someone’s cock and to like the taste of cum, but at the same time I was trying hard not to be ‘Gay’ and not go any deeper.

Then I’d met Bruce online. About ten years older than me, he made no bones about who he was, what he was, and what he wanted. Up front he was open about being into rubber and bondage and that he was a ‘Top’. He was everything I wasn’t. Happy with his sexuality, in a good job, had his own place, and confident in himself. I’d been very cautious, and we’d met a couple of times in a quiet pub, or over coffee in a small coffee shop run by a Gay couple. A friendship developed and we met regularly. Even though our friendship was, at this stage, entirely platonic, it was fun. We shared a sense of humour, and he encouraged me to open up, never putting pressure on me for sex, though we often talked about it — usually on my initiative. He was easy to talk to, and took an interest in my studies

It had taken a while, but I’d eventually shared my fantasy … and agreed to let him make my fantasies real. Now I was stood on his doorstep, scared as hell about what I was about to commit myself to, and at the same time on a sexual high in anticipation. At his invitation, I’d come prepared for the whole afternoon and the night …

I’d prepared myself thoroughly as he’d instructed — not easy when you live in a single room, in a former boarding house now a student hostel, with a shared bathroom. Specifically I wanted to be fucked while totally in his power. To me it was going to be a sort of ‘right of passage’. A confirmation to myself that I was not just Gay, but a submissive for bondage, and a latex fetish lover. It had taken me a long time to find a man I liked enough to submit myself to, and to invite him to be the one who put me in latex, restrain me and then carry out my fantasy. He’d suggested I shave my crotch and between my legs, that I use a small enema and that I give myself a good wank before coming to visit him. The shaving had been tricky, but I first ‘trimmed’ everywhere with an electric hair trimmer, then used several disposable ‘ladishave’ razors I got at a local toiletries super store. And a load of ‘after shave’ cream recommended on the razor package. 

After today, there could be no going back, no denying my sexuality, or my fetish. I’d asked him to film me submitting to him, and planned to post it on my favourite fetish website. 

The moment had arrived. I was stood at his door, terrified of what I was about to do, but determined to go through with it. I rang the doorbell.

“You made it.” He grinned. “Great, come on in.” Holding the door, he stood back as I entered holding my backpack with my toiletries and a change of clothes. “Just drop the bag at the coatrack. There’s a couple of things to discuss before we do anything.” Shutting the door firmly, he steered me into the living room and waved me to a seat. “You still keen to do this? You really want me to fuck you in rubber, fully restrained, and film it? Do you trust me completely?”

“Yes.” Seating myself carefully on the edge of an armchair, I grinned. “I’ve come this far — shaved my pubes and around … and done the enema thing … I’m not backing out now.”

“Okay, but now there’s going to be a few rules. From the moment we start, you are to do exactly what I say. No questions, no arguing. ‘Yes, sir or no, sir’ as applicable. Understood?”

“Yes,” I caught his raised eyebrow. “Sir.”

“Good, you’ll get the hang of it.” Smiling he leaned back. “Right, now let’s be absolutely clear. From the moment we start, I am in charge. I will put you in latex, I will restrain you, but what happens after that is my decision, and my choices of action. You will simply accept it.”

Yes, sir.”

“Now, have you thought of a ‘safe word’ for use if you don’t want to continue?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Okay, you can tell me when we’re ready to get into the scene I have planned. We’ll also need a signal in case you’re gagged and can’t say it, so here’s what you do — open your hands fully and slap the surface you’re on, or if that’s not possible, move your hand in a slapping motion. Got it?”

“Yes, sir.” My guts were twisted in a knot, I was wound up like s spring now in anticipation and leaking precum. The pouch of my now inadequate thong was already wet.

“Good, then stand up, remove all your clothes, fold them and place them on the hall table. Then come back here and stand with your feet apart, and grip your hands at the back of your neck while I inspect you.”

“Yes, sir.” I obeyed his instruction to strip, folded my shirt, teeshirt, jeans and the thong I’d opted to wear. Then added my socks to the pile, collected it and my trainers, and placed them on the table before returning to the living room and standing as he’d instructed, my cock now stiff and erect.

“Not bad,” he said, walking round me. “Yes, you’ll make a good figure in the latex I’ve got for you.” His hand fondled my erection, then explored my scrotum as he smiled into my eyes. “You have a very nice cock, not too big, but above average. You’re enjoying my handling it?” 

“Yes, sir. Very much, sir.” That was true, unlike my previous encounters, his touch felt good. Sensitive, gentle, but firm, and … just good.

“Good, because it’s going to get a lot of attention.” He smiled. “Shall we begin?”

“Yes, sir.” I managed, a little breathless.

“Good.” Releasing my balls, he smiled. “Go back to the hall, turn right toward the back of the house. Ahead of you is a door. Open it and go down the stairs. Wait for me at the bottom. Do not touch anything. Clear?”

At the foot of the stairs I found myself in a room facing a device that looked like an operating table with heavy straps hanging from it. Beyond it was rack upon rack of what looked like gags, butt plugs and dildos. A hanging rail to the left held a collection of suits, harnesses and other things I couldn’t identify, and to the right, more selves held a variety of hoods and other ‘toys’. The delicious scent of latex filled the air and kept me aroused.

Beyond the hoods and toys was another door, suggesting at least a further room, and the wall to my right had attachment points secured to it. The lighting was arranged to focus on that table and the wall. I could now see the ‘table’ had wheels in the heavy base suggesting it could be moved and repositioned. The lights were cleverly arranged so that shadows were minimal, meaning the subject on the table or attached to the wall would have no part of him, except where he was in contact with the surface, hidden by shadow.

“Don’t turn around. Spread your feet and place your hands on your head.” His voice came from behind me and sounded different.

Obediently I did as instructed, hearing him descend the stairs as the door above closed. The scent of his warm rubber grew, and then his hands were caressing my butt, and stroking the area between my legs. I started as a finger, the rubber textured, touched my virgin hole, gently pressing the puckered area around it.

“Hmm, a virgin here? Still want to change that, Mark?”

“Yes, sir,” I whispered. His finger was sending signals I’d not felt since, as a teen, I’d had a prostate examination … “Yes, sir, I still want it …”

“Very well. Now tell me your safe word.” His rubber textured finger pressed gently against the opening, slowly forcing it to admit his entry.

“Yes, sir.” My brain was scrambling as his finger forced itself into me. I managed, “Mother!”

“Good choice.” The finger remained where it was. “‘Mother’ it is.” His free hand gripped my cock. “Now walk round the table to the rack on your left. Keep your hands where they are. It’s time to dress you properly.”

The tight black latex suit felt good, though, being slightly small for me, it was a little restrictive. Thin latex bootees and gloves covered my hands and feet and my erection was now confined beneath the tight latex, with a through zip running from just below my waist at the front, all the way up my back to my neck. An attached collar now covered the slider and a small lock secured the buckle on the collar. My face and head was covered by a tight latex hood, the neck of which was covered by the collar of the suit. Only my eye and mouth remained exposed, with holes for my nostrils allowing me to breathe.

Bruce, himself in rubber from head to foot, inspected me critically. 

“It’ll do for now.” He gripped my elbow. “Get onto the table. I’ll strap you to it, and then you’ll get the first session.”

“Yes, sir.” Awkwardly I mounted the table land settled myself onto the padded, surface. 

Bruce wasted no time. Drawing the heavy waist belt over my waist and midriff, he cinched it tight, and followed this up with another across my chest, then secured my arms at the elbow and wrist. Once my legs were secured, he checked everything, then opened the zip at my front. My erection, freed from the confines of the suit sprang to attention, my circumcised glans swollen and taut.

“Perfect. Now for a little electro.” The flexible rings slipped into place and he tightened them to ensure good contact. “A little light torture does wonders for your libido. We’ll start at a low setting and gradually ramp up the voltage.” He smiled. “If you get noisy I will gag you, but, the torture will continue unless you use your safe word. In which case everything will stop and this entire scene is ended.” His gloved hand gripped my shaft. “Understood?”

“Yes, sir.” I bit my lip as the first tingling pulses began. “Nnnf.”

“Good, now I will continue to fit your stimulation unit.” I felt the rubber at my crotch drawn aside and he slipped a moulded unit beneath the rubber and taped it to my skin, then drew the zip down to the root of my penis. “That is the power unit and control of the electrodes attached to your cock. It is automated, so at random intervals it will begin a two minute cycle.” Holding up a remote, he added, “And I can change the cycle, or trigger it using this. I may use it to summon you if we are not in the same room, or to punish you if you fail to respond as ordered.”

“Yes, sir.” I winced as he pressed a button and I got a sharper jolt in my cock.

“Still want to continue?”

“Yes, sir.” I smiled at him. “Yes, sir. I want to continue.” I bit my lip as the tingling in my cock sent a tremor through the root of it and was followed by a sharper sting in my glans. “Sir, if I … um … cum … don’t stop. Don’t stop until … unnnnghh … you’ve fucked me …”

“We’ll see.” Smiling beneath the rather severe hood mask he wore, he caressed my nipples above the belt securing my upper body to the table. “Don’t rush it. We’ve all the time in the world. A first time in full bondage needs to be memorable and special, and so does the first time someone enters your pussy hole.” He paused as I reacted to a stronger than expected jolt from the Tens unit. “Now relax, trust me, and enjoy submitting to me.”

“Yes, sir,” I gasped as my cock jerked and twitched in response to a series of electric pulses of increasing intensity. I bit my lip as it continued, the intensity decreasing and little, then surging almost to the threshold of pain in a series of zaps alternating between the base of my shaft and the point just below my piss opening. Screwing my eyes shut, I fought the urge to cry out as it continued. As suddenly as it started, it stopped, and I slumped in the restraints.

“Well done. You are now getting conditioned to it.” Seating himself at my shoulder, he caressed my face gently. “When I judge that you’re ready, we will move on to the next stage. Remember, if you want to stop, just use your safe word, and we will terminate the session.”

“Yes, sir,” I panted. “I won’t use the safe word, sir. I don’t want to stop until … I’ve been  … I am … no longer a virgin living in fantasies …” The electro started again,  and I whimpered. “Sir, please gag me, sir … Nnnnngh.”

“You want to be gagged?”

“Y-y-y-y-es! S-s-s-sir!” I gasped as the Tens unit began a rapid series of zaps at the head of my cock and at the root where the electrode was round the neck of my scrotum. “Ple-e-e-e-a-se!”

“Very well.” Reaching the shelf he sorted through the gags there. “Open wide.”

“Tha … Gnnnnnn.” The rubber dildo filled my mouth, and the muzzle it was attached to covered my jaw and lower face. The web of straps that held it in place tightened and I. Strained against the restraints holding me to the table as I snorted through my nose.

Lost in my own world now alternating between the excruciating pleasure the Tens electrodes induced in my tortured member, I lost track of time. The pattern was unpredictable, completely random, the gaps between the torment sometimes long enough to let me relax completely, which made the next wave all the more intense. In a slight daze I became aware that he was speaking to me and releasing the restraints. To my alarm, my penis was no longer hard, though it was still ‘tumescent’ and the electrodes were still attached.

“Time to move you to the next stage of your conditioning, Mark.” Helping me stand he steadied me for a moment. “First you need a drink. Want the gag out and you can drink normally? It’s an electrolyte drink and very sustaining for a long session.”

Raising my hand, I touched the muzzle and shook my head. A drink sounded great, but I didn’t want to trust myself to speak.

“Okay.” He grinned. “Means I’ll have to attach the flask to your gag. Keep still.” Holding a flask in one hand, he inserted the sort of ‘needle’ connection used to pump up a ball into the base of the dildo gag. “Suck.”

I sucked on the gag as he clipped the flask to the harness holding the gag and muzzle. It tasted good, and he was right, it was refreshing.

“Time to insert your training plug.” Signalling I should turn round and bend over the side of the table, he used his foot to get me to spread my legs, opened the through zip and applied lubricant gently to my opening. “Ever had a plug in your butt?”

I shook my head.

“It will feel a bit like a cock at first, but it’s tapered, so once the widest part is inside you your muscle will grip the stem and pull the base against your opening.” He paused. “You said you’d had a prostate exam?”

I nodded.

“This will feel similar once it’s in. The plug will be against your prostate and some movements will stimulate it.” His finger felt good as he massaged the lubricant round my tight muscle. “Okay, here it comes:”

I let out a snort of surprise as he pressed the solid rubber plug against my sphincter, slowly pushing it in against my clenched muscle. It was painful, and I whimpered as the thing got larger, and then suddenly it was inside me. I felt the zipper close, and straightened up slowly, my cock now straining to full erection.

“Let it settle before you try to move too much.” He helped me turn. “How does it feel? Good?”

Carefully I nodded. The thing was touching my prostate, and the touch — as it had during my prostate exam — was sending signals into my cock and my testicles …

“Okay, now just stay there for a minute until you get used to it.”

Get used to it? How does one get used to it? A tingle in my cock warned me the electro was starting again. I moaned as a series of tingling shocks rippled through my member, stimulating it and at the same time causing it to ‘soften’. I’d asked for this. It was torment, but what torment, it was the torment of pleasure promised and withheld. Of anticipation of pleasure building up and not being fulfilled. 

“Feeling steadier now?” 

Bruce’s voice brought me back to reality, my semi-flaccid cock still feeling the results of its latest zapping. I nodded.

“Good.” Taking my elbow, he said, “Time for some more restraint.” Lifting a heavy rubber garment, he opened it, and held it up. “Put your arms into the sleeves, I want to make sure you’re properly restrained while I prepare the next phase.”

Inserting my arms, he drew the jacket up to my shoulders and moved quickly behind me and zipped it closed as I realised that I was now wearing a a really heavy strait-jacket. Securing my arms loosely, he secured the straps between my legs, and then began to secure the straps down the back of the jacket, drawing these as tight as he could, then tightened the strap securing my arms across my chest, and fastened the cuff over my crossed forearms at the front. The final touch was to secure the attached collar and lock the buckle.

“That should hold you.” He smiled. “I see your drink is empty. Want another? Or is that sufficient for now?”

I managed to make a sucking sound. 

Detaching the flask, he fitted another. “Take it slowly, I’m going to put you in your cage now. This way …” 

Steering me to the door I’d noticed earlier, he ushered me into a second room, the centre of which was occupied by a bondage throne. Walking moved the plug inside me and I was having to fight the urge to dump my load as I moved. To the left of where we stopped was a steel cage made of thin steel bars and designed to fit a person quite closely. The Back half stood open. 

“In you go.”

I stepped inside carefully, and turned to face the room as he instructed. It was a tight fit, roughly man shaped and once closed and secured, I had very little room for movement. 

“You fit the cage well, I was a bit worried it might be too small.” Checking that my penis was positioned through an opening in the bars, he adjusted my stance and smiled. ”Be good. Remember you’re on camera. Oh, I should warn you, I expect the plug is doing things to your prostate … movement is likely to be … interesting.” Shutting the cage, he locked it, then waved the key. “Now I have to prepare your next little experience.” Holding up the Tens remote, he smiled, his hand gently caressing my rigid member as it stood erect through an opening in the bars. “Enjoy yourself. You’re well on your way to fulfilling your desire …”

In my cage, in a straitjacket, gagged, plugged and trying to deal with being zapped by the Tens unit on its variable timing and strength of zapping I was too focussed on this to notice the time passing. It felt like minutes, but, was longer.  I was just getting my breath back from a particularly intense cycle, when I became aware that he was behind me , his arms slipping round my waist as he stepped into the cage and held me tight against his body.

“I think you’ve earned a little reward, Mark. You’re doing very well, so as a reward you can give me fellatio.” Holding me against himself, he said, “You said you wanted to experience it all. You know that taking a man’s cock in your mouth is also part of being Submissive. Agree?”

I nodded firmly. I’d given head many times, and liked it, though on my previous times, it had always been a ‘quickie’ and more a sort of half ashamed ‘thanks, that was great, but don’t tell anyone’ type of event. Hardly something considered or with much by way of ‘love’ in it. Bruce’s words and his embrace, suggested something different.

“Turn around and come with me.” His arms released me, and he moved back, just keeping his hands on my hips as he steadied me.

Guiding me out of the cage, he took me through an opening I’d not noticed. It gave into a small space, not much bigger than a toilet. The only furniture in it was an old leather chair. Turning me again, he removed the gag and muzzle, then surprised me by planting a kiss firmly on my mouth. My jaw was stiff after the lengthy wearing of the gag, but I managed to respond and he, after a moment’s hesitation, repeated the kiss, this time inserting his tongue.

“Happy, Mark?” He asked gently. “Is this what you hoped it would be like?”

“It’s different …more intense … But I love it … Sir.”

“Then let’s see how you enjoy this.” He removed the codpiece he wore, releasing his stiffening member. Seating himself, he smiled. “Kneel between my legs, and show me what you can do with your mouth — besides give a good kiss.”

“Yes, sir! Thank you, sir.” This I knew I could enjoy. This was not going to be some furtive and hurried ‘get his cock in my mouth and get a mouthful of cum’ as quickly as possible. Kneeling with his steadying hands on my shoulders, and biting my lip as the plug shifted inside me and rubbed my prostate, I settled myself, kissed his now rigid shaft at the junction of his scrotum and shaft and smiled up at him. “Sir has a beautiful penis ..”

He steadied it as I began to nibble and kiss my way to the gorgeous flared ‘head’, then used my tongue to lick the sensitive spot below the opening and catch the drop of precum. He asked good, as I shifted slightly to get that beautiful glans into my mouth.His hands gripped my head as I worked, guiding me, steadying me, slowing me down, until he erupted and I savoured his warm jizz as it filled my mouth.

Nor was he in any rush to stop me as I sucked and licked his now softening dick. Eventually releasing my head, he leaned forward, gripped my head again and planted a firm kiss on my mouth. 

“Well done. Now it’s time to change your restraints.” Grinning he helped me stand then led me back to the first room. “First the strait jacket comes off.”

The removal of the jacket didn’t take long, but recovering the feeling in my arms took longer.

“My arms feel numb.” I commented as he put it aside.

“Yes, they will be. Flex them, do some ‘angel wing’ movements. You need to get the blood flowing again.” Turning, he watched me. “Put some energy into it! That’s better.” He watched me for a few minutes, a curious smile on his face. “Ready to continue? Need a break?”

“Actually …” How long had I been here? I’d lost all sense of time. My bladder said it was longer than I thought. “I need a leak, but I don’t want to stop …”

“Okay. No problem. Back up against the wall, where the restraints are attached.”

“Yes, sir.” I guessed relieving myself was going to be delayed. Positioning myself where he’d indicated, I let myself be strapped to the wall, with my legs slightly spread, my arms at a parallel angle and my torso fixed firmly to the padded wall. 

“Now then, I’ll hold a bottle for you and you can take a piss.” He grinned as he slipped the electrode off my penis, and fitted my semi-hard cock into the neck of a medical ‘bottle’. “Let it go.”

“Thanks, sir.” I shivered as my bladder drained, my cock now almost limp.

“Hmm, you did need that. Well done holding out this long.” He put the bottle aside, and deftly refitted the electrode. Leaning close, he kissed my mouth. “Game to continue?”

“Yes please, sir.” I shivered as I smiled. “Thank you, it’s even better than I dreamed, sir. Please don’t stop until …”

“Okay.” Kissing me again, he stood back and grinned. “Don’t go away now, I’ve a few things to prepare for you.” Producing his remote, he pressed the key. “Just to keep you eager.”

With that he was gone, up the stairs with the ‘bottle’ and I was alone in the ‘dungeon’ contemplating the table on which my ordeal had begun, the rows of butt plugs, and other toys and restraints beyond it, and, of course, trying to deal with the irregular pattern of short jolts in my genitalia. He was gone for some time, and when he returned he ignored me and moved directly to the back room. I could hear him moving things around, and preparing something, but couldn’t see or guess what he was doing.

“Blindfold time.” He grinned as I winced as the latest pattern of electro torture pulsed through me and his mouth found mine in another gentle kiss. “Ready for your finale?”

“Yes, sir.” I gasped as the electro stopped. “I hope so …”

“Good.” Slipping a tight rubber hood over my head he made sure I could breathe and my mouth was open. “Now I’m going to put you in a sling. What I do from there on will be filmed, like everything up to now, but you won’t see it until you have the video. Ready?”

“Yes, sir.” I felt him steady me as I moved away from the wall and he positioned himself behind me with one arm round my waist, his hand gripping my erection, and the other round my chest, his hand on my tight nipple beneath the rubber suit. A shiver of anticipation ran through me as his hard cock pressed into my rubber covered crack. “I’m ready, sir.”

Kissing my neck, he chuckled. “I think you are.” 

Carefully he made me walk like this and then, turn around. I felt the edge of what I realised was the ‘sling’ against my buttocks, and he carefully positioned me, had me lay back, then secured my arms below me to chains anchored to the floor. Then he had me raise my legs and secured them splayed apart and drawn back to more chains above me. 

His hand found the base of the butt plug and I groaned as it was carefully withdrawn and I sensed him moving close between my legs. His erection touched my opening, ready to enter me, as he said, “This is your last chance to use your safe word. If you don’t I will gag you and fuck you. The cameras have the perfect view, and you’ll be able to see it all later.”

“Yes, sir. Gag me, sir. I have no safe word, sir.” I smiled. “Fuck me, sir. Please.” 

The gag was the same one he’d fitted earlier. A rubber penis held in place by a half face muzzle. With it secured, he applied lube to my now tightening hole, and pressed his big glans against it. I jerked as a powerful jolt of electro gripped my cock, and suddenly he was inside me.

“Want more electro my gimp?”

I shook my head, trying to get my breath and savouring the feel of his gorgeous penis inside me. The electro had relaxed my sphincter, so that he’d entered without any effort, and now I tried to grip his shaft. This felt infinitely better than I’d imagined.

“No safe word, remember? I have it recorded.” He chuckled. “And a little electro from here on makes it even more intense for us both.”

The current tingled this time, as he gently began to hump my butt. He knew how to use his cock, and how to hit all my sweet spots. He was right, the electro stimulated me, but also made sure I couldn’t ejaculate — a short sharp zap at regular intervals made sure of it. The sling moved as he did, somehow lengthening the stroke, and keeping us joined. 

It reduced me to whimpering and moaning as it continued. I was in heaven! It was the most beautiful experience of my life to feel the flood of his warmth deep inside me, and then to remain joined to him like this for as long as I could keep his softening cock inside me. But he wasn’t finished either. The butt plug slipped back inside me and then he removed the electrodes from my cock — and replaced them with his mouth.

I didn’t last long. I tried, and failed. Expertly he drained me of my pent up load, then fitted my cock and balls into a moulded codpiece, secured it at my waist with a belt, and another between my legs and slowly released me from the sling. Fitting a slave belt to my waist he attached my wrists to it, then steered me in the same manner he’d done earlier, to the stairs, and up these into what I judged must be his living room. 

Here he seated me, kissed my rubber covered forehead and said, “Stay here. I’ve a little celebration planned for you.”

Guiding me into another room, he positioned me carefully, then whispered, “Now we lose the gag and the blindfold.”

I blinked as the hood came off, and gasped in surprise. In front of me was a table, laid for two, a candle at the centre, wine in thin stemmed glasses, and a light cold meal laid out. Tears pricked me eyes as I stared at it. 

“Congratulations, Mark.” He hugged me from behind. “You are now a fully qualified Gay Fetish Sub.” His kiss was warm, loving and gentle. “Shall we celebrate your arrival?”

Turning in his embrace, I smiled, my eyes wet as I ventured a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Bruce …” I sucked a deep breath as my stomach reminded me that breakfast was a long, long time ago, and now it was dark outside. “For the most wonderful …”

His kiss cut off my speech. 

“No, thank you, Mark, for giving me the privilege of being your first Master.” Releasing me, he freed my wrists, and drew out a chair. “Now let’s eat, and then we can discuss what we do from here.”

Seating me, he moved to his own seat, and suggested I help myself to the selection of salad, cold meat and fresh bread rolls. While I did so, he poured the wine. Raising his glass, he smiled. 

“A toast, Mark. To your first full bondage experience, to your embracing our fetish, and to your submission.”

Raising my glass, I blushed as we touched glasses. “Thank you, Bruce — Master — for making it so special for me.”

“It’s a pleasure.” Taking a drink, he lowered the glass and helped himself to some food. 

Over the meal our conversation ranged over my course — art — and life at the ‘hostel’, what we liked reading and just about everything except sex, fetish or anything related. Finally, he leaned aback in his chair, the food eaten, the wine bottle empty, and asked, “Are you wanting to dash off back to your room at the hostel? It’s pretty late — the buses have stopped running, and it’s quite a walk.”

“Oh shit!” I gasped as I realised just how late it was. “The Hostel locks the doors at half-ten … I’m locked out now!”

“I guess that rules out my next suggestion then.” A wicked grin appeared on his face. “Guess I’ll just have to take you downstairs again and lock you in the dungeon for the night.”

“At least I’m dressed for it … sir.” Grinning, I stood and began to gather the used dishes. “The dungeon sounds far more comfortable than the bench outside the hostel.”

Standing, he collected the rest of the dishes, then led the way to the kitchen. “Everything in the dishwasher, Mark.” He watched as I loaded it. “Hmm, useful as well.” He was behind me as I straightened up, and had my wrists attached to the slave belt almost before I realised what he was doing. “But, since you’re going to be here overnight, I think somewhere more comfortable than the cage is called for.”

“The cage is …” I got no further as he turned me to face him, wrapped me in his arms and pressed his mouth to mine.

“How does sharing my bed sound?” Kissing me gently again, he held me close. “Or am I being too rushed?”

“Your …” I shook my head. “No, Bruce not rushed … I’d like that.”

“Even if it means you could get more sexual contact?” Laughing, he added, “Because I can’t promise not to …”

“Especially then …”