BDSM Mansion

by Harlonterry

5 May 2023 1829 readers Score 9.7 (14 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

"Daddy this video they're making  we all gotta see. Two slaves are getting their assholes and dicks tattooed.  Their masters name on their dicks and a sunburst thing on their butts starting at their assholes. 

Yeah I guess I need to see this.

That's exactly what was happening. One boy was in obvious pain, gripping the sides of the chair, eyes closed, grimace of all grimaces on this face. 

The other boy, and I see now I'm not the only one with twins. These boys are California types,  deep tans, I'm surprised there are no other tattoos that I can see. The second boy is bent over a table that cantilevers in the middle. His butt was also being tattooed but his misery was verbal and profane.  

Avery was on the perimeter, watching with arms crossed. His face a puzzle. I would think this kind of thing would be right up his alley. 

"What's the story here?"

Avery's face was now friendly, his attention being taken away from the action   

"They're using one camera!! They should have at least three. The boys faces are classic, the overhead shots are gonna be good but I'd have at least one on their faces. What a waste."

"So why do it?" I'm just curious, the twins are mesmerized by the operation, can't get close enough. 

"Not an Annex production. Private."

"Why here? "

"Long story short: friend of one of my guys. Thes up there were D/s, new contract and they're M/s  long contract. Boys asked to get a tattoo, Master agreed as long as they're discreet,"

"Well, in a way I guess they are."

It took a while, like a really long while but the boys were done with phase one. Now they flip to complete the tattoo debacle.  Front and back. The masters name was Alexander but after A.L.E.X the boy had had enough. The other boy laughed saying he'll get the masters whole name on his dick. I'd like to have placed a bet on the outcome. 

The twins were transfixed by the operation. They kept sneaking sidelong glances at me, gauging my reaction, I figured. To think we're all within a couple years of each other in age, I'm amazed how daring they are. Risk takers. Well, I guess we all are. I decided not to stay for the second half of the show. Audition to preview was waiting for me. 

 Entering the theater I see Richie had fallen asleep watching the video with his brother on a loop. When Alex gets here Saturday we're going to find this Dario character and hopefully the lost brother. 

I carried the sleeping boy to the bedroom. Damn, he didn't weigh anything. Time for a checkup, I think. 

Back in the theater I see the boys are there and ready to see the video with me. 

"This is the first any of us has seen this vid, no preview.  So we can make a decision without seeing the whole thing if you want, Daddy"

"Let's see it. I need to focus on something not disturbing. " 

At least not as disturbing as what was being filmed downstairs. 

The video starts as most do, naked boy smiling. This boy is strikingly cute, blond, smooth. Tasteful tattoos. Two fresh-looking hickies on his neck. 

"Hello. I'm Christian, I'm 19 this month. I like the idea of interning at your resort and possibly be picked for adult gay acting......"

While talking Christian is sitting on a table with a collection of dildos. He is currently riding  up and down on one, as he talks the dildos graduate in size until he sits, without too much difficulty, on a black plug which is quite large. I've seen these used in the basement particularly when they're filming fisting video. Having slid on and off the plug several times, Christian reclined onto his bed and started pushing fingers into his hole. 

I'm not sure if his talk was impromptu or rehearsed but he didn't miss a beat as he worked on his butthole. He has not touched his dick this  whole time until his fingers went in his hole. Pushing three, then four fingers in, he spreads them to widen the entrance. Slowly before our eyes this blond hottie has his whole left hand inside his butt. Not able to push in and out, he twisted and turned his fist. This was when we first hear a reaction from him as to what he was  doing. As he moaned and threw back his head, his right hand started stroking his hardon. A few minutes of this, peppered with more dialog about his desire to be in gay video, the groan grows more intense and a spurt of cum was shot onto his chest and abdomen. The white creamy goo contrasted nicely with his tanned body. Having both hands free he bid  us goodbye in hopes of hearing from us. As the video continued for 30 seconds or so we see Christian remove the cum from his torso and put it in his mouth, licking the fingers clean. The look on this boys face is one of perverse delight. Perfect. 

Both twins put a hand on my knee and give me the 'I'll do anything you say' look. 

"Unfair, you planned this. Tattoos? You know I'd disagree. As an alternative....FISTING?  What kind of a pushover do you think I am?"

Richie and I were sitting on the bed waiting for the twins to join us for a movie. When they arrived their faces betrayed something. 

"Ok, what's up?...."

The boys were holding each other's dick, which was a common sight, as they released them I saw the writing on them. 

"Dick  tattoos? DICK TATOOS?  Couldn't wait, could ya little shits! " I took off after them in a tirade of profanities and ended up chasing them all around the suite.  They finally turned to tackle me to the ground. Giggling and beckoning Richie to join, my chest was straddled with a dick in front and a dick laid on my face. 

Both dicks had black tattoos. In capital letters "JASON" graced both these boys penises. At first I was so angry, but upon inspection. Both dicks running against my face. The giggling had spread to Richie.  

"Do you like them Daddy?"

My sputtering was the only answer I could manage. 

"We thought of putting 'Daddy' but thought that too impersonal". This brought a fit of laughter, just as Andre walked into the room

"What have you boys done?" Andre moves closer to take a look. 

"I can't believe they would do this, should I be just furious or furiously flattered. I can't believe these beautiful bodies are marred like that." I said. 

The laughter was louder and definitely more hysterical. 

"Henna, Jason.  It's a henna tattoo " Andre smiles and chuckles with the boys. 

I'd heard the term before but my uneducated mind wasn't computing. 

"They wash off, Daddy. "

It didn't take long for one of those henna tattooed dicks to be in my mouth and one in my ass. Richie had his head in my lap, head bobbing up and down while Andre was buried in his little butt. 

As if by signal, I'm rolled over so the twin in my ass is now on his back, I'm on top. His dick is still pumping into my butt. The twin who was mouth fucking me moves behind his brother. As I realize what's about  to happen, my protest is smothered by the lips and tongue of the delicious boy on top of me. The second twin slides his tattooed dick in next to his brothers. 

I had thought the pain would be like being fisted (though I never had been) but after the initial thrust it felt pretty damn good. The twin on the floor had less mobility so his dick was continuing a slow fuck that rubbed his dick head evocatively against my already excited prostate. The second twin's dick was thrusting hard, deep, and fast. This was heaven (or was it hell) the two dicks I love in me, are both sliding in and out of my butt stretching me. As the second twin bent over me I could only imagine the look they were passing to each other. The top twin's stroke became faster and harder, I could hear his breath hitch as he felt himself getting closer and closer to his orgasm. The boy shot his load into me, gasping and kissing my back. Slowly pulling out I regret feeling him leave, as soon as he's out another dick takes his place and again the slow strokes and on top the hungry deep, fast thrusts telling of an impending second load to be left in my ass. This dick was ruthless in his attack on my ass. The slamming jerking my body forward and back until with another loud groaning exhale a final push ends the onslaught.  I was surprised when after removal of the second dick, a third was shoved in. The third dick was a frenzy of short and long jams into me. The bottom dick is slow and relentless, my prostate started screaming for release. I'm wondering if I can cum hands free; I never have before but a first time would feel sooo good right now. The third dick had to be Richie, it took him such a short time in my butt for him to also flop on my back gasping as his cum spurted  into me. 

When Richie removed  himself I pushed myself up to a straddling position and bob up and down on the dick still inside me. I feel the copious amount of cum in my ass as I slide along this twins's still hard erection. As his face made eye contact we must both be feeling this enormous explosion that's on the way. I grabbed my dick and with eyes fixed on the boy we begin the smile which ends in the blissful grimace of orgasm. 

Richie had descended on the spouting cum as it coursed from my prostate and ended in his sucking mouth. 

We kinda forgot about the movie. 

I had been a regular customer at a local gay bathhouse from 18-21. There was always  a bunch of guys walking around, waiting for that encounter that might quench an immediate thirst. I always got laid, sometimes more than once. I wasn't too concerned with who dragged me to their room, as long as I got off. 

This bathhouse was like others I'd frequented, never enough ventilation, rooms with doors that locked and those which didn't, a big room with a king sized bed against a wall that rarely got any action that I saw. 

Since I now had the mansion and a football field full of sex equipment I was determined to add at least one bathhouse sequel. Mine will have a room that has a massive bed inside, well padded sides and a comfortable mattress. The entrance requirement was total nudity. No clothes, no shoes, absolutely no cameras or phones. This room is totally dark. No light penetration, just complete darkness and a bunch of naked men. No waiting for mister right or the local hottie, just dicks and butts. With my current luck it would be avoided like a plague. 

The videos have been fun to watch. The dungeon guys have made a couple special requests of those boys who had auditioned,  we invited them  here. Our deal was free transport to the resort, room and board in exchange for looking pretty for our guests for 6 months. 

The boys wanted by the guys in the basement were the nastiest we had previewed. They were drafted into service upon arrival. 

We saw the intern program as ongoing, with hopes of eventually keeping the resort staffed.  We're anticipating hiring  from the intern ranks, plus the basement needs an ongoing supply of boys to torture on screen. 

With the help of the Academy's resident IT genius we located the address (hopefully) of the owner of the phone. His name was indeed Dario. Richie asked to come with us,  I had to confess we may not have any success finding his brother. Richie had mentioned our trip to Avery and Xian, I figured it's a good idea to have a couple big scary guys with us as backup.

Alex, Huntr and Lyric brought  a transvan up this Saturday in anticipation of us all going to find Richie's brother. Good call. There were actually ten of us going hunting. 

The trip to the valley was uneventful except for the two separate stops for taking leaks. At least I pissed before we left. Our phone GPS took us to 11455  Commercial Blvd. 

It was a tall tenement style building of five stories. 

"Do we know where he is in there?" Richie asked, pretty obviously in a hurry. 

"Nope, but with ten of us looking we should find him quick if he's  there."

My anxiety was kicking in "Let's find this scumbag"

by Harlonterry

Email: [email protected]

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