Avorus Stone, A Chase Multiverse Tale

by Chase Huxley

17 Sep 2023 4567 readers Score 9.2 (95 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Chapter 1: The Ambush

Bradeus felt the hair on his burly chest rise as Soren’s soft tongue traced its way around his erect pink nipples. Standing at 6’4, the dark-haired Bradeus towered over the athletic frame of the golden-haired half-elf pleasuring his nipples. At only 5’8”, Soren was a whole head’s height shorter than the hunk, allowing easy access to his sculpted hairy chest and large, round nipples.

It was late morning, and soft rays of sunlight filtered through the forest canopy, offering just enough illumination for Bradeus to admire Soren’s striking green eyes that, at the moment,  glimmered with lust. Naked,
Soren wrapped his hands around the taller human mage’s bulging biceps and then sensually slid them over his veiny foreharms, as Soren dropped slowly to his knees. 

Soren felt cool moss and earth cushion his knees as he unlaced Bradeus’s grey wool pants. He burried his face, with its defined features and smooth, straight nose into the bramble of wild pubic hair and inhaled, taking in the scent of pure, manly sex. 

Bradeus clenched two fists as the half-elf blew him; one around his own hair, and the other around the half-elf’s. He guided the blonde elven head up and down steadily for a couple minutes, using the boy’s warm tongue and throat to massage all nine inches of his own girthy cock. Soren ran his tongue expertly around Bradeus’s penis while being slowly facefucked, applying pressure in all the right places to elicit moans and gasps of pleasure from the rugged human.

Suddenly, Bradeus’s nose twitched, detecting something strange. He pulled Soren off his cock, and a line of thick saliva dropped from the blonde beauty’s lips down past his chin. “Do you smell that?!”
Soren sniffed the air. “...yes...strange gas...FUCK! Magesbane!”

The two muscular men quickly reached for their clothes. They had inhaled small amounts of Magesbane; in under two hours, their cosmic energy would become severely limited, rendering their magic weak and useless. Someone had released the poison gas some miles away, and they must be targeting the mages. Bradeus and Soren knew someone was after them. 

They had been so enthralled in pleasuring each other that they let their guard down. And very soon, they may very well have to pay the price. It was Soren’s fault - as a half-elf, he had the keener sense of smell, which was partly why Bradeus required his companionship.

The two men hastily threw on their pants, tonics, and boots, no time to lace anything up. Soren whistled three short notes, and shortly after, two brown horses rushed over to their owners. Bradeus and Soren, both skilled at the martial arts, effortlessly jumped onto their steads in one swift motion. Full speed ahead, they dashed through the forest, keeping their eyes out for an opportunity to escape their pursuers.

Around half an hour later, Soren turned his head around - a party of around 10 men on horseback were following suit. The two mages’ horses were running out of stamina, having sprinted so hard earlier. Bradeus stretched out his arm to cast a fireball at the pursuers, but only a pitiful little flame sputtered out from his palm, barely leaving embers on the ground it landed it. The Magesbane had worked its way through his system. With limited access to their cosmic energy reserves, the mages began to grow desperate. 

Soon after, water splashed up from the horse’s scrambling hooves as they dashed through a shallow brook. Water. They had passed this brook before; shortly ahead would be a wider stream and a clearing in the forest. Soren threw a leather sack over to Bradeus, who effortlessly caught it. Soren yelled to his companion, “go ahead without me. The Magesbane runs more slowly through elven blood. As long as there is water, I can hold them at bay.” 

Brad grimaced at the thought of leaving Soren behind, but there were no other options. He must protect the Avorus Stone fragments at all costs. He replied, “Okay. May luck be with you my friend.”

Soren channeled his thoughts towards his horse, Thundera, ‘I want you to keep running and follow Bradeus. If you get separated, run into the forest and do everything you can to survive.’ With that leaped off his stead, suspecting that he would might see her again. He landed on a rock in the middle of the stream and begun to methodically wave his toned arms, focusing his remaining cosmic energy into his palms. 

A gigantic blob of water begun to form in front of Soren, as if suspended by an invisible dam. The group of chasers were approaching. As they closed in, Soren leaped eight feet into the air and snapped his arm down and forward towards the men. The water blob suddenly crashed down on the pursuers, knocking out five of the men as well as their horses. The remaining men came to a halt as Soren gracefully landed on his feet behind the stream.   

Then, one of the pursuers, a tall and lean man with silver hair, rode his horse straight at the half-elven mage. Soren crouched to dip his hand into the stream and then flung a huge splash of water at the charging horse. The water turned into sharp needles as it flew, battering and starling the horse enough to cause it to fall. But as this happened, the silver-haired attacker lept off the horse and flew 15 feet in the air, over and past Soren’s head. The man then continued running at lightning speed. ‘Another mage,’Soren observed.

At the moment, Soren needed to deal with the remaining four horseback men; no time to chase after the fleet-footed, silver-haired mage. Soren placed one palm on the rock he was standing on, and then, like a dancer, he whipped his legs around in a circle. Following the motion of Soren’s legs, a thick line of water from the stream lifted up and whipped at the feet of the approaching horses. It managed to knock all of them off their feet. Most of the riders managed to pick themselves off the ground, but one of them hit his head and lay limp and motionless. 

'Shit,’Soren thought, ‘the Magesbane...I’m nearly out of cosmic energy.’ Nevertheless, he held firm and bluffed, “One more step forward and I shall kill you all. If you value your lives, you best retreat.” Two the men froze, looking slightly uneasy. But one man, a huge, hulking figure walked forward slowly while cracking his neck. He had wild, short hair that was unusual color which straddled the line between dark blonde, light brown, and pale orange. 

Soren squinted, and then a look of shock took over. He recognized the man. Kingston! It was Kingston! His good friend since childhood! Soren momentarily felt a sense of elation. He dropped his stance. So the men were actually here to rescue rather than capture them??

But as soon as Soren dropped his battle stance, Kingston assumed his own aggressive stance and palmed the air, sending a shockwave of invisible force through the air which knocked Soren off his feet and into he stream. Soren lay coughing in the shallow water, shocked and confused - why was his trusted friend attacking him?

Kingston smiled coldly. He knew Soren well enough to call his bluff. Soren was renowned for possessing some of the most powerful water magic in the world - at full power, he would have easily incapacitated all 10 pursuers in a single fell swoop. The poison gas had worked. 

Kingston raised one hand upwards and levitated Soren into the air. Soren limply hung in mid-air until, suddenly an unseen force dragged his body forward until his neck was gripped firmly between Kingstons fingers, held high enough so that Soren’s feet barely touched the ground. 

Soren could barely breathe as he stared into Kingston’s cold hazel eyes. Suddenly, Kingston’s iris flashed and momentarily changed to a glowing purple hue before reverting back. Soren instantly understood what this meant. Kingston had become a “dark elf”, a human who made a deal with a dark spirit in order to gain elf-like levels of cosmic energy, as well as immunity from almost all poisons, including Magesbane. Soren thought, ‘Why? Why would the noble Kingston of Azaguar even consider doing such a thing?

Quickly, Kingston concentrated a large amount of cosmic energy into his hand and unleashed bolts of static. Soren’s body convulsed violently as the electric energy coursed through every fiber of the half-elf’s taut muscles. After fifteen seconds of this torture, Kingston released the beautiful blonde boy, who collapsed onto the ground, completely exhausted and barely able to move. 

Soren heaved, struggling to take each breath. The 20-year-old half-elf braced himself for his fate. Soren was prepared to die today. In fact, he’d been prepared for this for years now. The life of a warrior mage was always fraught with peril, and with so much turmoil and violence rocking the formerly peaceful world the past two years, Soren mentally prepared himself each day that he may die a violent death. He felt no fear in this moment. His only regret was leaving behind his wife, Sherylea, alone in this world without his protection.

As if reading Soren’s mind, Kingston said in a matter-of-fact tone, “You will not die today.”
He waved his hand, gesturing for the two men behind him to come closer. “Strip him and search everything carefully.” The two men approached. One was raven-haired, very tall, and looked to be around 25 years old. The second man had hair shaved close to his scalp, and a thick chestnut-colored beard adorned his thick jaw. He was a head shorter than the other man, but stocky and corded with muscle. 

They easily manhandled the now limp-bodied half-elf and removed his tunic, boots, pants, and even his sublicalum undergarments. As the men rummaged through his clothes, Soren lay naked on his back. His short blonde hair looked dark, now that it (along with his entire body) was drenched in sweat and water from the stream. His lean, toned muscles glistened in the gentle forest light even has flecks of dirt and dried grass cling to his skin. True to his elven blood, Soren’s was mostly hairless, except for small tufts of short, silver-ish hair on his armpits and pubic triangle.  

Bradeus and Kingston Images:



Whilst being manhandled, Soren realized how the men must have tracked and ambushed Bradeus and himself. A mere two days ago, they had dined with Kingston, their good friend. They revealed their planned route to this trailer while they trusted so completely; and now Soren must pay the price.

The two men finished their thorough search and reported back, “Nothing, except for a bottle of olive oil and a couple of gold coins.” Kingston cracked his neck and knuckles, understanding that Soren surely transferred the  Avorus shards to his companion. No problem, for Bradeus would surely be apprehended soon by the silver-haired mage pursuing him on foot. 

Kingston popped the cork out of a small wooden bottle. He kneeled down and pulled Soren up by the hair. “You will not die here...as long as you cooperate. Drink.” 

Soren was exhausted and completely confused; his head swam with so many questions he didn’t have the energy to think about right now. His sharp nose smelled the bottle as soon as Kingston opened it. Soren instantly knew what it was: passion potion. 

Passion potion was brewed from mixture of extremely expensive and rare ingredients. A single dose would cost several fortunes, surely more than a mage like Kingston could afford. Soren had no time to ponder. He had been prepared to die but now he had been given a sliver of hope. Sherylea. He must return to Sherylea at all costs. Soren gritted down. He would do anything to survive, to make it home alive to his recently wed wife. It didn’t matter if it meant groveling at Kingston’s feet, licking his boots, becoming his slave, or anything else; Soren made up his mind to submit and survive. 

Kingston ordered his men to grasp Soren’s jaw and open his mouth. Then Kingston poured the golden-hued liquid between the handsome half-elf’s soft, thin lips. Soren obediently swallowed every drop.

Within mere seconds, the fair skin on his cheeks flushed and turned crimson. A warmth flooded through Soren’s body as he faintly noticed that Kingston was smiling, for the first time today. Kingston looked over and flicked his head at his two male companions; they nodded back knowingly.

Kingston and the two men began stripping themselves down while Soren was on his hands and knees, slightly recovering some strength while feeling a fuzzy warmth spreading through his powerful yet refined muscles. He looked up at Kingston and couldn’t help but admire his former friend’s imposing figure. 

The 22-year-old mage had a full head of reddish, light-brown hair, which also coated most of his powerful body. Short, slightly-curly hair carpeted his chest, torso, legs, and forearms. A lighter dusting of hair covered his shoulders, and a bit of his back. 

Kingston was the most muscular man Soren had ever laid eyes on. At 6’5”, he was slightly taller than Soren’s companion Bradeus. He was also more muscular. Bradeus was considered a very muscular man. But Kingston was considered _obscenely_ muscular. He possessed the physique of a man who dedicated each day to training his body and eating copious amounts of lean meats and beans to increase muscle mass. His pectorals looked perfectly square and and bulged out like large rocks in a stone wall. His lat muscles spread wide, and tapered steeply making his hips look unusually narrow by contrast. Kingston’s round shoulders bulged and rippled as he slowly ripped off the last of his undergarments. 

Soren admired Kingston’s face. In stark contrast to Soren’s own graceful boyish looks, Kingston’s face took on a hypermasculine appearance. His eyes were deepest under his strong-boned brow. His defined jaw jutted out forward, almost too far to be considered handsome. Normally, Soren had never been particularly enamored by Kingston’s looks (especially since he usually was distracted by Bradeus’s classically handsome face and perfect body). But as the passion potion worked it’s way through the fair half-elf’s veins, he found Kingston’s intense masculinity to be completely irresistible. 

Kingston observed the lustful look on the youthful elf’s face and chuckled. “You like my body, boy?” A part of Soren urged him to snarl defiantly, but the pleasure potion and common sense won out and he docilely nodded while still on all fours. “Good boy. Now kiss my feet.”
Soren bowed his head down. Kingston’s feet were enormous, and parts of it were covered in light auburn hair. Soren kissed the big toe. Surprisingly, it didn’t smell too strong, the scent of man sweat mixed in with dirt from the ground.

Soren knew his life depended on pleasing his captors. He continued kissing each toe, while he heard one of the men laugh. Soren’s cock was throbbing at the point, the passion potion’s effects slowly taking hold. It swelled to its full 7.5 inches, taking on a beautiful slightly-curved shape, despite being somewhat slender due to his elven lineage. Soren tried to his his swollen cock from view, but his inhibition was slowly fading away with each passing second; and soon, he knew he would beg and scream for sex and actively crave a wide range of debasing acts.

Without warning, Kingston lifted his foot and pressed Soren’s face against the moss-Padres ground. “Do you wish to pleasure me, boy? Do you want to touch my body?” Soren replied, honestly, “Y-yes, sir. I-I can’t control myself, I want you.”

Kingston smiled, still pressing his foot against the half-elf’s handsome, refined face. “Yeah? So what are you going to do about it?” Soren felt his cock throb - it was now painfully hard. “Please sir. Please let me kiss up and down your body. Please-please let me suck your cock.”

Kingston released his foot. “Hmmm...I don’t know if you’ve earned the privilege of touching my cock, but since you begged so politely...you may kiss and worship my legs.” Without hesitation, the once-proud mage began planting rapid, firm kisses around his captor’s ankles and rock-hard calves. Soren felt himself get hornier. Kingston’s leg muscles were huge! And they were so manly, completely covered in hair, unlike the blonde boy’s own smooth legs. As if acting by their own will, his hands began rubbing up and down Kingston’s tree-trunk thoughts; it requires every ounce of Soren’s effort to restrain his arms from touching the studly man’s crotch area.

Kingston, immensely aroused by his former friend’s submission, lightly stroked his cock which had risen to full mast. It was around the same length as Soren’s but almost twice as thick, with veins running down all sides. It pointed straight out and slightly skywards, elegantly stretched out beyond the wild thicket of reddish-brown pubes. 

The effects of the potion continued increasing. Soren was now using his tongue to kiss and lick the godly figure standing before him. He kissed and licked his way up Kingston’s legs and then back down again to his feet, passionately sucking on the tops of each toe. 

Kingston lifted one foot, curled his toes around Soren’s blonde hair and lifted the 20 year-old boy’s head up. “You’re getting rather freaky now aren’t you, boy?” Soren apologized, “I-I’m sorry sir. I’m beginning to lose control of myself. I-I just want to touch you sir. Please. Pl-please let me keep kissing your beautiful feet.” 

The men watching the scene laughed loudly at the debasement. Soren felt humiliated, but didn’t care; the humiliation actually added to his arousal now that the potions effects growing. Kingston ran a hand through his short beard and said, “I’m afraid you’ve already gotten more time with my feet than you deserve...but how about you give some attention to my torso now?”

Soren’s dick twitched as he looked up at Kingston’s furry abs and chest. Normally, the half-elf preferred men with less body hair, but the passion potion increased his lust for anything that signified maleness. A long line of precum drooled from his cock onto the grass below. Without a word, Soren began rubbing his face against his captor’s abdomen, scratching his smooth cheeks against the lightly damp auburn hair.

Soren was so intoxicated that he did not notice one of henchmen take out a small medicinal tablet and swallow it. It was an aphrodisiac that would allow a man to maintain an erection for several hours and ejaculate 3-5 times within that timeframe. At the moment, Soren craved carnal pleasures above all else; and carnal pleasures he would surely receive, in spades.

Soren’s sense of dignity slipped further away with each passing minute and he began lightly brushing his drooling cock against Kingston’s leg, which was rock hard with riding muscles. Soren briefly closed his eyes. He knew he was degrading himself. He needed to obey Kingston, but he tried to remind himself there was no need to further debase himself with vile acts. But he could resist. Every nerve-ending on his smooth, slender cock tingled as it brushed against the coarse hairs coating Kingston’s muscular leg.

Resistance crumbled. Soren began humping the leg like a dog. The henchmen broke out in laughter. One of them said, “Fucking hell! He’s a filthy animal!” Kingston was elated, feeling pure euphoria that the proud, renowned Soren of Dunne was groveling before him, kissing his feet like a slave, rubbing his cheeks against his granite and like a cat, and humping his leg like a mutt.

His huge chest swelled with egotistical pride as his mind swelled with more perverted ideas. “Soren, I haven’t bathed in two days...” Soren had no reaction to those words, for he was too engrossed in rubbing himself against his conqueror. Kingston raised an arm to flex his obscenely large bicep. Then he took a small whiff of his armpit. “Fuck, I smell...”

He continued, “You’ve been such a good boy so far...why don’t you dry the sweat off my armpits...by rubbing your face against it.” A small part of Soren felt disgusted. He had never done such a thing before with Bradeus, who was the only person he’d ever been intimate with. But overwhelmingly, the unnatural lust consumed all of the half-elf’s senses, and his beautifully toned body quivered with excitement. 

Soren dove into the damp, hairy pits with ravenous desire.  Soren’s muscles were still weakened to the point where he should barely be able to stand; but the passion potion caused adrenaline and sex hormones to rage through his body, giving strength. The static shocks from earlier had severely blunted the half-elf’s sense of smell, the ripe pits smelled somewhat mild to Soren.

Kingston shifted one foot back to keep balance against the force of Soren’s eager head burrowing vigously against his pit. The two henchmen began stroking their cocks. They were shocked but aroused by the raunchy act - one of the greatest young mages in the world, with his head stuffed in the pit of a taller, stronger man. Their friends would never believe they’d tale share at the pub.

Kingston pulled Soren by the hair and shoved him into the other pit. “Come on, I want every inch of your face smelling like me. Scent-mark my new bitch so anyone who walks by you will catch a whiff and know you’re my property.” At that comment, Soren felt so humiliated and aroused, he couldn’t contain him himself. A few seconds later began using his tongue to lap at the manly pit, cleaning each drop of sweat off.

With that, Soren’s dick vibrated with pleasure. It was impossibly, inhumanly hard. A fountain of cum blasted out, some of it hitting Kingston’s side, while most of it sprayed into the distance, landing on the ground in ropes up to five feet away. Then, Kingston shoved away Soren, hard, knocking him off his feet.

“Bad doggie. Did I tell you that you could cum? You got your master dirty, you slutty little bitch.” Kingston feigned anger, while his enormous cock stood turgid, each vein bulging. Before giving Soren a chance to respond, he once again raised his hand and levitated the young half-elf off the ground and towards himself. He walked several paces to a grassy area side, and dropped Soren to the ground by his feet. 

Kingston sat down on a short, flat boulder. “Crawl up onto my knees...you need to be punished.” Even after ejaculating, Soren remained almost as horny as before. It was an effect of the passion potion; anyone who consumed a full dose could orgasm between 10-20 times in a single night, with most of them being dry orgasms at a certain point. Soren obediently pulled himself up and draped his exhausted body over his former friend’s knees. 

Kingston used his hand to wipe the cum off of his side. He then smeared it all over Soren’s right cheek and hair. The half-elf now smelled strongly of his new owner’s sweat and cum. He was marked. And then...

Spank. Spank! SPANK! Kingston wailed away at the submissive boy, eliciting yelps and whimpers. Kingston slapped the firm ass several more times, harder and harder. Tears began to well up in Soren’s eyes. More spanks. His formerly smooth, milky butt-cheeks were now crimson red, and at this rate, would probably remain so for days. Soren begged, “Agh. Arggg. Please. Oh, mmmph!!! AGH!”

Kingston kept spanking the red ass. “I’ll consider if you ask nicely, and apologize for shooting your dirty load all over daddy.” Soren attempted to comply, “Please...aghhh....p-plea—agh!!” Kingston raised his hand high and lowered it back down quickly for an extra hard smack. “Nuh uh. Say, ‘Sorry daddy, I’m promise I’ll be a good little bitch boy and do whatever you say from now on.’”

Soren gulped. “Fuck...I’m, I’m sorry daddy, I’ll be good.” Kingston paused for a second, then delivered three more hard spanks, “That’s better, but still now what I told you to say.” Soren cried out, “AGHHH!! I’m sorry! Oh I’m so sorry, Daddy! I promise...I promise I’ll be an obedient bitch slut and do anything you want. Please, please I’ll be your good little boy forever.”

Kingston smiled, pleased with the result. The let the defeated half-elf roll off his knees and fall down with his back on the soft grass. He looked over at his henchmen. They were stroking their cocks a bit faster now, horny from watching Soren’s debasement. Kingston gestured for them to approach. “I want one of you to suck his cock. The other shall pleasure his nipples.”

The two henchmen eagerly followed orders, stretching their necks and cracking their knuckles as they approached the weakened Soren. The tall man with short black hair and an athletic build knelt down and took Soren’s cock in his mouth. So soon after his recent orgasm, Soren’s cock felt sensitive. Very sensitive. The helpless boy slut squirmed and twisted this body from side to side. “Please...ugh...its so sensitive...ah...s-stop...” He squeezed his thighs against the man’s head and his grasped his hands at tufts of grass, pulling a few blades off. 

Too sensitive. Soren couldn’t help from reaching down and trying to push the man off his tortured cock. But as he attempted doing so, the other, stockier henchman grasped his wrists and pinned them to the ground over his head. The muscular, chestnut haired man licked his lips, lusting after the beautiful half-elf; he then bent down and sucked on a perky nipple, while still pinning Soren’s wrists with one hand. 

In this helpless position, all Soren could do was cry out and produce pitiful little whimpers. The man immediately smelled Kingston’s pit on the boy’s face laughed, “You little slut, nice and scent-marked so I know exactly who owns you now.”

He greedily licked around the boy’s hyper-sensitive areola before alternating back to suctioning the erect nipples. Then he began to switch back and forth between the two nipples, rubbing his prickly beard across the defined lines and valleys of the half-elf’s strong pectoral muscles. After a few minutes, Soren’s cock adjusted to the stimulation and he began enjoying the raven-haired man’s oral assault. 
His cries turned to moans, and his pained facial expressions melted into an odd mix of pleasured smiles and occasional grimaces. 

A milky white substance began leaking out of Soren’s nipples. Elves were a unique race in that elven men could lactate upon reacting maturity, whenever their nipples were sufficiently stimulated. The milk was mixed in with pre-ejaculatory fluid, and thus had some of the thick consistency of precum. Soren inherited this trait and he felt embarrassed to be spilling milk at a time like this. The bearded, stocky man lapped up his first taste of elven milk and savored it’s mildly sweet, creamy flavor. “Fuck, man, he’s making milk like a woman. Come take a taste, it’s sweeter than any milk I’ve had.” 

The talk, black haired man, pulled off Soren’s cock right before the elf felt another climax begin to almost approach maturity. He switched his attention to the frustrated boy’s other nipple, “holy shit, he’s actually leaking out his tits” and dove in, licking up a few drops. Tasting it for a few seconds, he eagerly began sucking on Soren’s left tit. Now both men were milking the boy, running their greedy hands all over his smooth, elegant body. 

As one of the hands brushed around his cock and stroked, Soren felt warmth rising from his core and waves of pleasure flooding the throughout his molested body. “Ughhh...fuck...I’m sorry.... can’t.... Aghhh... contro-“ He shot three long ropes of cum, soiling his six-pack abs and smooth chest; most of the cum landed on his pretty face, adding to the dried semen already crusting on his scent-marked cheek. 

The men were pushed over the edge, immensely aroused by seeing the cumshot. The vigorously jerked their cocks, and within two minutes, had taken turns adding their loads to Soren’s forehead and hair. Kingston raised an eyebrow - he hadn’t ordered the men to cum or stop pleasuring Soren. But it didn’t matter, plus, he understood that in drinking some of Soren’s pre-cum breast milk, they’d have ingested small amounts of the passion potion. In a few minutes the men would be all ready to go again.

Still sitting on the short, flat boulder, Kingston ordered the henchmen to drag Soren over and make the half-elf kneel before him. The giant, auburn-haired man calmly rubbed his oversized cock, in slow, light strokes. He gestured down with his eyes, “You want this, bitch?” At this point, the passion potion was in full effect. Soren was drooling, and his eyes dropped lazily. The half-elf couldn’t find words, he simply nodded eagerly, his drool swaying back and forth. 

“Come suck on this bone, you dirty dog.” The formerly dignified half-elf mage crawled forward obediently, and hungrily mouthed the thick, hard cock. Kingston, rested his hands behind his head, and rolled his eyes back in pleasure and satisfaction. He ordered the henchman, “go oil up your cocks. You’ve done a good job today, and I shall reward you.”

As the men walked back to their bags to find some oil, Soren moved his attention to Kingston’s hairy balls. He rolled his long, slender tongue around each sweaty then lapped forcefully at his conqueror’s perineum. Next he dragged his tongue all the way up the rigid dick again, and then began rubbing his faces around the spit-covered cock while still licking it. 

Then, completely taking Kingston by surprise, he wrapped his elegant lips around the tip, and in one quick motion, ran his lips down the entire shaft, swallowing the entire shaft! The passion potion had dulled Soren’s gag reflex and the young blonde could now deepthroat with relative ease. He burried his nose in Kingston’s dense, long pubic bush while massaging the cock head with his throat and running his tongue back and forth along the shaft for the next minute of time. ‘Fuck! This is gonna make me cum,’ Kingston thought to himself. 
He tried ushering all his will power to push Soren off his cock, but it felt too good and he could not bring himself to do it. Instead, he shot the his two-day load straight down Soren’s throat. So deep was the head that Soren could hardly detect the taste of semen shooting into his mouth. “Arghhh! ARGHRUUUGH!!!” The giant, muscular man bellowed as he planted his seed inside his new bitch’s belly.

Kingston firmly pulled the greedy cockslut off his cock and slapped him once across the cheek, but not too hard. The two henchman were back, carrying a large towel and sporting oiled-up cocks, which had not deflated at all since their recent orgasms. Kingston rolled off the boulder and onto the grass on his back. He called out to the men, “How about you blokes take turns fucking both his holes...loosen him up for me why don’t you?”

As Kingston lay resting on the grass, he closed his eyes and contentedly thought about would become of Soren. Within the hour, he would fuck his former friend for the first time, a long time dream would come true. Next, he would use the sacred Sorcerers Orb in his possession to permanently deprive Soren of his cosmic energy. And finally, he debated whether to Soren to a brothel, and ‘allow’ the half-elf to leave behind the turbulent life of a warrior mage for a (possibly) more peaceful existence as a pleasure slave. A half-elven pleasure slave...that would surely fetch a hefty price on the market...

End of Chapter 1

Thank you all for reading this! For fan polls, updates, and AI renderings of how characters might look, check out my new twitter account. [https://twitter.com/ChaseHuxley6]

I’ve been on vacation for the past couple of weeks with no laptop. I decided to write this little spinoff story on my phone, before returning my attention to the main Turning Chase story once I have my laptop again. I’ve found that writing in this fantasy genre is personally much more difficult than he ‘realistic fiction’ genre.

I’ll likely only release one more chapter of Avorus Stone in the foreseeable future. Then, perhaps once I’ve completed Turning Chase, I’ll return to working on Avorus Stone if there’s significant reader demand.

In Chapter 2, Soren’s ravishment continues, we find out what happens to Bradeus, and we are introduced to Chase and Orion (Chase and Bradeus’s father).

by Chase Huxley

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024