Athletic Graduation Seduction

by Al&Kent

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Note to readers:  Naughty Eric wrote a red-hot story about a wrestler and his coach and I sent a comment of my appreciation.  Eric encouraged me to tell about my own wrestling coach.  At first I thought, “NAH!” but then I told my husband Kent about it, and I re-told him my story about my coach when we finally fucked.  Kent and I ended up fucking our brains out, and in the sweaty exhausted after-math he said to me, “Eric was right; post your wrestling coach story; some other guys will find it just as hot as we just did.”  So here it is.

Athletic Graduation Seduction

After high school I had a full-ride wrestling scholarship to Princeton; for a lower middle-class kid from Piscataway it was a dream come true.  It was all arranged by my public high school coach through a buddy of his he’d wrestled with in school who’d become a coach at Princeton.

My coach was Coach Tanner FitzGerald.  Unlike his buddy he was committed to coach in public high school; my luck to have gotten him as my coach at my school.  Coach Tanner as we called him or “TFG” was as tough as they come; more like boot camp (though I didn’t know that until I went into the army after college) than sports.  But he coached us devotedly and took our team to State finals three of my four years in high school.  We won every time.

Coach Tanner taught me about cutting weight before matches, building muscle, and enhancing my stamina; having been a Nationals contender he knew what he was doing.  And being a great teacher and coach he commanded my respect.  But overall being hot as blazes contributed to my devotion; I just didn’t realize it at the time.

Being a very average teen athlete my hormones were rampant.  I honestly didn’t give an F how I got off as long as I got off.  I jacked alone, I jacked with a buddy (until after many many times we offered each other a “helping hand” just that once and that got weird and blew our friendship), rubbed up against buddies wrestling until I lost control and spewed my seed and retreated (it happened more than you might think; there was an unspoken reset-like rule afterward where nobody mentioned it), and of course rabidly pursued girls.  Honestly my experience with girls while frequent was not that great; as least not great as far as the quality of the hand-job, blow-job, or fuck.  I suspected the girls agreed.

Coach Tanner didn’t have to cut to skin and muscle; he looked like an Olympian all the time.  He was also handsome as hell.  TFG was taller in high school at five-eleven than I was at five-nine.  He was a dashing broad-shouldered, narrow-waisted ginger with plenty of muscle on his frame.  He also had a bulge like he was hiding a large banana and a couple of large plums or small lemons in his jock strap.

Like I said I didn’t realize at the time that he or any of the other guys attracted me; I just knew I wanted to be him.  He was comfortable in his skin; I was constantly hoping to grow into mine.  Even as a senior I was grappling with being constantly uncertain; about getting the scholarship to get me the fuck out of my poverty, about if I’d cut it wrestling in college after I got the scholarship, about when I’d get laid or just get off next, and about my above-average sized dick in the lockers.  Yeah having a big dick is great … when you’re trying to fit in; when you’re not trying to not be different than your buddies or trying to get laid by high school girls who basically consider dicks something ugly and inconvenient.  Big dicks?  School girls for the most part wanted nothing to do with me.

Coach Tanner was just comfortable being himself; whether it was in his polo and chinos with the tightness across the pecs and arms and in the butt and crotch when he taught history, in his workout shorts and t-shirt with his whistle around his veiny neck and the same tightness and adding his thick muscular thighs bursting out of those shorts, or when he regularly stripped down to his jock-strap after practice and talked to us about how we did while we undressed, showered, and dressed.  Thinking back not that many years later I realized I noticed more about him than just wishing I was as comfortable and a stud as he was.

My wrestling stayed decent enough to carry my scholarship through but after Princeton my ride was up my prospects for grad school were either to work like a fiend and take it at about half-time to get my MBA or … to accept recruitment into the army and get vet benefits for college that I could use for grad school.  No choice really for me.  It was in the army that I got married and pumped out three kids; it was also where I figured out I was into guys.  (If you’re interested in reading about that discovery I posted my “gay origin story” a while ago.)

Fast forward seven years and I’d finished my army service and finished my MBA Finance.  I’d also had a messy divorce and had my three kids to support, I’d grown-up into the adult I’d thought I was when I went to under-grad but realized I wasn’t when I was in basic training, and I’d sucked and fucked and been fucked by enough guys that I knew that’s what got me off.  I hadn’t been home since I left for basic.  There wasn’t much reason; to say my home-life wasn’t “Father Knows Best” would be a gross under-statement.  Something between “Lost Weekend” and “Mommie Dearest” made me put “home” firmly in my rear-view.  That decision was validated when my parents sided with my alcoholic drug-addicted wife in the divorce; fortunately the judge sided with me and that cemented the rift.

But fate can be a bitch; while I walked to take my MBA diploma with my aunt in attendance while my uncle watched my kids he got the call that my parents had burned their house down with them in it in the middle of the day.  Uncle Paddy got a neighbor to take my kids and met us when graduation ended and gave us the news.  When he told us my aunt looked at me worried as she teared-up; I said something like, “Oh I guess that means there won’t be a lot of their crap left to go through.”  That was it; that was the extent of my grief.

I hadn’t been back to Piscataway even though I lived less than a half-hour away.  It was surreal going back there for the funeral to the parish my parents went to religiously for the hour’s break each week they took from otherwise breaking every teaching the church pushed.  Irish Catholic and I married an Irish Catholic girl; we got married at Union County Hall in Elizabeth.  Her parents stood for us; mine made a scene.  Funny when you think that her parents and I were alike; and my parents and she were alike.

After the funeral when my older brothers and sister and I were thanking the few who came I felt a rush of heat when I saw Coach FitzGerald.  I knew instantly then what I didn’t know when I was his student athlete; he was hot as fuck and I’d do anything to get naked with him and do dirty guy things.  He’d aged very well in the eleven years since I’d seen him; and he filled-out a sport coat and slacks every bit as well as he had his teaching and coaching gear.  My dick was already hardening in my cheap suit slacks: and when I wondered if he had a sweat-stained jock-strap under his slacks I knew my boxers were getting moist.

“Al,” he said and embraced me in a tight hug that seemed to make time stop.  “So very sorry for your loss buddy,” he said by my ear; strong arms and a hard body against mine had me buzzing.  And then he kissed the side of my neck and squeezed our solid-muscle bodies together even tighter.  As me moved back to look me in the eye he grinned.  “Someone never broke training I see.”

I somehow managed to thank him for coming and for the compliment and introduced him to my aunt and uncle who’d been so instrumental in my life while I was in the last part of my army stint and during grad school.

I was stunned that he was there; I was more stunned that when he hugged me there was some primal reaction I had to … his scent.  It made me reel; I had no conscious memory of it but damn did my memory of him flare when I smelled him.

It was my aunt who saw the spark between us.  “Maybe you and Mr. FitzGerald can get together tonight or tomorrow Allan,” she said with a wise and wicked smile that made both of us blush.  I enjoyed his very light skin flushing and nearing the color of his short-cut hair.

We went back to the repaste at my aunt’s and Tanner was never far from my view; he stayed until the small group of people who’d cared enough about us to pay their respects started to leave.  He’d met my shy kids by then, had charmed my siblings, and had given me many a considerate smile and nod along with a few promising gazes across the room.  I learned later that he was giving me an opportunity to give him a sign if I wanted him to interrupt whatever conversation I was having; I wasn’t so good at clues back then.  My husband would say now I’m not much better with the long passage of time; he’d be right as he usually is.

“You two go catch-up.  The kids are for sure for sure fine here as always Al; all night if you want.  You deserve some time.”  My aunt was again pushing us together; and for once that late afternoon I was going to do something other than work, study, take care of my kids, or sneak in a quickie.

We walked silently to the street.  I stopped by my car right by the driveway.  “This yours?  SWEET ride!” Tanner asked me surprised when I clicked the locks.

I was embarrassed by his appreciation as I often was by compliments or notice.  “Yeah.  I work for a car dealer and got this used when a great deal came along; and I get service at cost,” I explained feeling guilty unnecessarily for driving a seven-year-old luxury SUV.  I was still the young man who was trying to be comfortable in his skin; and wasn’t.

“Promise me a ride later … or hopefully tomorrow to breakfast?” he said with a grin.  I was too flabbergasted to answer; I wasn’t used to straight-acting guys being so comfortable with … being gay.  “I’m in the old gray Ford over there.”  He pointed somewhere way down the street.  “I’ll pull up and you can follow me to my place.  Okay?”

I was still reeling but when he said follow him he adjusted himself in his slacks and grinned and my dick helped me find the words.  “Fuck yeah I will.  But don’t you have to get back to school?”  Tanner grinned and looked at me with a playfulness that added to his appeal.  “Do I have you that excited that you don’t remember it’s summer?”

He held my gaze long enough for me to really be off balance.  The blatant promise of what was to come was more out than I’d ever been; and right there there on a suburban cul-de-sac sidewalk in Westfield, New Jersey.  I finally just uttered, “Yeah you do.  Let’s go.”  He winked and nodded then jogged off down the street; I enjoyed the sight of his athletic body in motion before opening my car door.

When I went to get in my hard-on got painfully twisted-up in my slacks.  I was raging hard; lead pipe-hard and had to painfully adjust myself to get myself into my seat.  I was throbbing in my boxers and slacks and my balls were so sensitive as I settled in I felt like the stimulation of the fabric on my sac might make me shoot off in my pants.

I followed Tanner two towns over to the far side of Scotch Plains throbbing all the way.  Every time I braked or accelerated my leg movements made my hard-on move and I felt like I might cum each time.  The drive through narrow streets busy with soccer moms and other suburban weekday daylight activities which I never knew about because of school or work was agony for the long time it seemed to take.  In truth we were driving about ten minutes; long enough for my leaking throbbing dick to soak my underwear.

My brain caught-up with all the longing for this ginger stud that I hadn’t noticed before.  I had no clue if I was going to eat or fuck his fine ass, if I was going to have my hand in his short honey-colored curls while I invaded his throat, or if my hole would be stretched, my jaw challenged, and my hair pulled like reins.  With any luck all of the above.  I felt my pre-cum flow increase.

I tried to play it cool when I parked on the street and he exited his car in the one-car driveway; but in fact I half-jogged to the porch as he got the door open.  The second the front door of his small house was closed behind us we were all over each other.  “How did you know?” I asked panting as we ground and groped and gasped for breath amidst savage kisses.

“I didn’t.” He said.  And then at another opportunity when we were catching-up on breath, “But goddammit Sherbourne,” he said using the name he’d called me always up until today and it went straight to my balls.  “I’ve thought about this for a long time.”

I shoved him away hard.  “Wait a minute.  WAIT A MINUTE!” I panted.  And I almost laughed because Moonstruck flashed through my head.  Then I guffawed thinking I’m no Cher.

“What?  What did I do wrong?” he asked.

I realized just in time I was on the verge of blowing this; he looked hurt.  “Not a fucking thing Coach.  I’m just one second away from cumming in my pants from this fantasy come true and I’d rather do that when the time’s right and not embarrass myself.”

He advanced on me with the hungriest look I’d ever seen in a man; and I’d seen a lot by then.  My back was against the wall; I had nowhere to retreat.  “I’m serious Coach.  I’m that turned-on!”

He grinned almost wider than his handsome face and swept his eyes down hungrily to my bulging pants crotch.  “Well thank fucking god for that!” he said and dropped to his knees in front of me with a groan.  “Fuckin’ knees.  Too many takedowns,” he said looking up at me as he hastily unfastened my belt and slacks and pulled down my zipper.  As he spread open and pulled down my slacks the sexy ginger pushed his face into my boxers and inhaled loudly as he rubbed his face on me.  He ground his face into my pipe-hard dick through the drenched fabric of my boxers and he moaned.

I couldn’t help myself.  I thrusted my crotch against Tanner’s handsome face.  He kept rubbing me with his face; grinding into my dick with first his left cheek then his right and sniffing and moaning.  “Fuck man seriously sayin’ I’m so effing close here,” I pleaded.

Tanner pulled back and sat on his haunches; he wasn’t in contact with my body at all … suddenly I missed it.  I craved it.  “You’re ten years younger than me or maybe eleven.  I will bet that you’ve got more than one in you and maybe more than two or three if I turn you on.”

“IF you turn me on?  My boxers are soaked with my pre-cum if you hadn’t noticed it all over your face.  My bone is hard enough to use as a battering ram.”  He growled and grinned up at me when I said that and I chuckled at my unintended meaning.  “I’m so close to cumming it may just happen because the a/c kicks on and riffles my boxers.  Uh YEAH you turn me the fuck on.  If you stripped right now neither of us would have to touch my dick for me to lose it and shoot my wad!”

“Take off your clothes and shoes,” he ordered in a husky voice.  I started to say something but he continued first.  “Then take mine off.”  Okay now I could get into that.  “Or will that cause you to cum too?  If so, we’ll improvise.”

I slowly unbuttoned my cheap dress shirt.  I’ll say it looked good on me but it was Target and was all I could afford.  I pulled it back to reveal my ripped twinkish upper body and saw Tanner’s obvious appreciation.  “Niiiiiice,” he said … and my dick spewed more pre into my boxers.

I got my outlet store oxfords off with my toes and kicked them away.  “Big feet mmmmm,” he said reverently.  I pulled off one sock and kicked it toward Tanner; fortunately I didn’t fall over doing it.  It fell on his knee and he snatched it up and brought it to his face.  His inhale was loud and approving as I did the same with the other; that one hit his face and he caught it and sniffed both of them deeply with his eyes closed while he did it.  “You smell better than I remember.”

I stopped with my hands on my slacks ready to push them down.  “You remember how I smell?”  I was flashing back to when he hugged me and rocked my senses.

He smiled up at me.  “I’ll be real here.  I didn’t know I remembered your scent until I smelled your neck and something just ignited in me.  Then I remembered that I only used you to demonstrate a hold one time; your sweat and natural scent was too good and I was popping a woody … and might have done worse with my hands on you.  So I held my distance after that. When I smelled you when we hugged at the funeral my body responded with a need for the familiarity of that arousal; it was like a need burst out of somewhere I’d locked it up before.  Then I really smelled you when we were kissing just now and your scent is richer.  I smelled your crotch through your fabric softened boxers and socks; and my entire consciousness is about getting to skin on skin now.”

I repositioned my fingers so I got my slacks and my boxers and pushed them down together.  He whistled as my dick sprung free and my balls bounced low; some pre got flung off my fat tip from my foreskin and sort of arced between us.

“Jeeeeeesus Jude!” he moaned wide-eyed.  “I remembered you were big but … wow!”

I got out of my pants and underwear less than seductively and stood there surprising myself with pride as the coach’s eyes raked over every surface within view but kept returning to my big dick and fat hairy balls.

Tanner leaned forward again and gently placed his face in my pubes this time.  He moaned as he sniffed and rubbed his face against my hard-on and I jumped from the sparks in my crotch.  I reached down and gently put my hands in his red hair; and then I moved them down to his big hard traps and melon-sized shoulders.  I felt my dick drooling more as I felt-up his muscles.

Tanner abruptly swallowed my dick; whole.  I cried out as my head breached his throat and he ground his nose into my thick bush.   “Tanner I … “ but he took one hand and rubbed my fuzzy butt and hummed around my dick.  “Oh god!” I cried.  Then he took his other hand and firmly grasped my sac and balls.  “OH FUCK YEAH!” I cried then.

I lasted way longer than I thought I could.  Tanner tickled my hole and squeezed and pulled my nuts just right as he sucked me better than anyone ever had.  My fattened head had to push past his throat opening with a thunk every time he took me in again but it went and he kept taking every inch of me.  I was amazed I didn’t shoot immediately; when I finally did feel the build-up it was off-the-charts intense.  I tried to keep relatively quiet but there was no way.  “Oh god.  Oh fuck.  Oh holy fuckin’ mother of OH MY FUCKING GOD HERE IT GOESSSSSSSSSSSS!”

He growled hungrily while I shot what felt like a gallon of my babies.  My fingers were dug into his shoulders and traps and I did my best to stay standing.  He knew just when to pull on my balls so that the explosion was nuclear; then he just rubbed them as I shot and shot and made it last until finally came down.  He finally pulled back slowly and gave my balls a lick and then a kiss to each one.  “Good boys!” he praised.

“Fucking hell Coach!” I gasped when I could finally make words again.

“It’s hot when you call me that Al; but honestly I love it when you call me by my name.  Sorry; I’m a romantic I guess.”  His look up at me was sincere.

I pulled him up and kissed him hungering for the taste of me in his mouth.  I held him tight and didn’t think about my dick still wet and sloppy with drool and still dribbling cum on his pants until I saw the marks after.

“My turn … Tanner,” I claimed.  His eyes lit up and he straightened some standing in front of me.  “And sorry about the mess on your slacks.”

He laughed at that.  “Wait ‘til you see what a mess there is inside.”

I ran my hands over his chest on the crisp cotton of his dress shirt.  Then I felt his dick through his pants and heard his breath catch when I squeezed it.  I’m bigger than Tanner; but he’s plenty big with a fat seven-incher and probably seven and a half.  He moaned as I continued sizing him up.  “Very nice,” I told him.  He grinned and it was as electric as when he was humming around my dick-head.

I opened his belt and pants.  He had tight boxer briefs on in red with a white waistband.  I knelt to get his shoes off and saw the underwear was CK; nice!  I maneuvered him around until he was sitting on a bench there by the door.  Then I got myself into position and pulled his foot to my face.  He was still in his dark dress socks; and I rubbed my face with his sole and toes and inhaled of him.  He smelled of shoe leather, mild sweat, and his own scent; I was aware of my spent dick recharging.

I took my time with each socked foot and then  getting each sock off; and then I lingered on each foot.  I rubbed each on my face and licked and sucked every inch while he moaned and told me nobody had ever done that or made him feel that way.  I tongued between each set of toes and sucked every one; I savored the taste of him as much as the smell.  His feet were wide like his dick; maybe it’s true there’s a direct relationship?

I put his feet back on the floor and rubbed my hands up the wiry hair of his thick calves and thighs; my hands felt the maleness of him and transmitted it to my again-raging dick.  I leant in and stopped with my face a millimeter from contact with his bobbing wet exposed helmet.  I inhaled deep and my senses exploded with desire and something again familiar.  I leaned farther and buried my nose in his thick tangle of pubes and inhaled again; my body was wracked with the blast of desire sparked by his most essential smell.

On a whim I took his ankles, stood, swiveled him sideways on the bench, pushed his legs back until they hit his torso, and I dove into his fuzzy rosebud.  He shouted in surprise but it didn’t stop what I was doing.

OH MY GOD the earthy scent of him, the hint of his soap, and the hint of something more than earthy there just beyond my tongue’s tip.  I tongued his crack and pushed on his rose-bud as I passed it the first and second times; the taste had me raging hard and ready to OWN that hole.

“Oh fuck Sherbourne,” he hissed.  “Fuck if this is what you want fuckin’ TAKE me!  Just get me lubed enough to take that bat you’ve got there; it was already all the way in my intestines when I was sucking you!”

I heard the words, registered his desire, and felt the sparks increase inside me.  But my only actions were eating that hole and gripping his ankles; and I ate until he was gaping and begging.

“Goddamn you’re fuckin’ driving me nuts here Al,” he said after who knows how long I’d been licking, biting, sucking, and tongue-fucking that hole of his.  He was sweating; I could smell it and it just made me more determined to fuck him.

“Condoms?” I gasped.

“In the bedroom,” he painted.  “And when I started to get to my feet he said, “I’m completely clean and it’s been way too long.  If you want me like this it’s safe.”

I knew it was wrong but my cerebral functions were completely dominated by my dick and balls.  I hocked up a big glob of spit and landed it on target to a very loud long moan from him.  He reached back still bent in half having at some point begin holding his legs up like that and he got his hands on his cheeks and pulled himself more open for me.  My first stab at his surprisingly tight hole as I tried and pushed my spit in prompted a gasp and a cry; my second jab got my fat dick-head inside with a painful tug back of my foreskin for the tightness of him and got an agonizing cry from him followed by loud breaths.

“FUCK you’re big!” he yelled.

I was holding-up with just my knob inside his clenched opening.  “And you’re fuckin’ tight Tanner!  Are you okay dude?”

“I don’t care man; just fuckin’ wreck my hole.  Fuck me ; we both need this!”

I slammed down into him until my groin knocked painfully into his tail-bone and he shrieked and then ended with a long moan of pain.  I’d stabbed through his second ring and felt like I was in his core inside a vise of muscles that had been conquered.

He surprised me and unclenched his shut eyes and grinned up at me.  “Come on fucker; do it!  You got me now so fuckin’ use me mother-fucker!”  He surprised me again by slapping my face; hard!  “Wreck my hole with that big fuckin’ dick that’s splitting me apart. DO IT fucker!”

Something snapped in me and I just started wailing on him.  I raped that hole as he shouted and grappled at my butt with his nails dug in pulling me deeper.  I slammed into him over and over, harder and harder until it hurt me with every impact, and faster and faster.  Goddam his man-pussy was tight and hot as an inferno.  His muscles were so fucking hot to see as my thrusts and his levering to increase the force moved them and flexed them.

I pulled his feet together and began rubbing my face on them.  “Oh fucking god yes!” he moaned and I rubbed them harder and sniffed deeper while still assaulting his insides.

Tanner was jerking around and shrieking like a crazy man until his body suddenly went very tight and his head raised off where it had been hanging off the end of the bench.  His face was contorted and suddenly all there was were grunts.  Instinctively I railed him even harder and only thought about planting my seed.  Then he let out a long low moan and suddenly was jerking as a blast of his cum rocketed over his head.

I was aware of his man-pussy clenching even tighter around me and felt myself losing it.  I was enflamed by the hotness of his fat hard dick flexing and spewing his cum in pools all over his muscle-jacked torso.  And then my balls were emptying.

“OH FUCK ME I fuckin’ feel you filling me!”

I was in the paralysis of the release.  It felt like I was emptying gallons of my seed inside him and couldn’t stop my body ejecting every drop left in my balls.  I was still slamming into him until my dick-head was too sensitized and I yanked it out of him.  He cried-out as I ripped my fat head free of his clenched pucker.  Then he cried-out again when a rogue blast flew out and up and then splatted right on his face.  Then he laughed; an amazing sight this sweaty, naked, cummy stud laughing and his ab muscles flexing as he did.

“Whoa!” I shouted with both surprise at my blast, pride, and regret that my babies were wasted.

“Fuck dude!” he grunted and got himself seated and then on his feet and pulled me into him roughly claiming my mouth.

I panted through my nose and inhaled our combined sweat and cum; it was like a spell had my senses spinning and still exploding.  We practically climbed all over each other kissing and groping.  Until finally we broke and sort of fell into each other with our chests heaving.

“God Coach,” I started at the exact same time as he spoke.

“Jesus Sherbourne!”

We both stopped and laughed and then did about ten rounds of, “No you go.”  I finally stopped that by saying and pointedly looking down, “The guy whose ass is dripping cum in globs all over the floor goes!”

He looked down and laughed.  “Amazing I didn’t burst like a balloon you pumped so much in me.”

“I appreciate the exaggeration of my virility,” I said with mock primness.

Then he took my face in his hands and kissed me very gently.  My entire body felt like I was cumming all over again.  Then he looked at me very seriously.  “Here’s no exaggeration Al: that was the most amazing fuck I’ve ever had.  All of it was mind-blowing.”

“It wasn’t your mind that blew,” I cracked and looked toward where his own cum was puddled behind where his head had been when he blasted that first one.

Tanner gently but firmly pulled my face back to where we were eye-to-eye.  “I love having fun and that was fun Al.  But I’m also a serious guy when I’m serious.  This was more than fun for me; I’m just sayin’ there’s something here more than a tawdry hook-up.”

I felt it too.  But reality was creeping back as my brain functions were returning after being released from the tyranny of my testicles.  I was painfully aware that I had tons of baggage being a single dad struggling to get his career kick-started and I couldn’t impose on my aunt and uncle enough to have time to have any kind of a relationship.

“Tanner, I have a really fucked-up full-time life, and I have three wonderful kids who are depending on me to figure that the fuck out.  I can’t … “

He silenced me with a tight embrace and a long kiss.  Then with a sly grin he said, “I didn’t ask you to move-in with me … at least not for longer than tonight which Mrs. O’Halleran promised us when we left.”

I laughed at my aunt’s name being so formal.  She was Aunt Siobhan to me and Sibby to my Uncle Paddy.  And I laughed at myself for presuming that one great fuck and this amazingly hot stud I’d just filled with my seed would want me to run away with him.  But I also needed to be honest with both of us.  “I have to work tomorrow and be there no later than eleven.  I’d like to see my kids in the morning.  I’d like to spend the time until then with you.”

“Only if you promise we won’t wear clothes until you leave tomorrow.”

I looked over Tanner’s amazing body and inhaled deep of our combined strong scent and the maleness;  the miasma in the room was thick with masculinity.  His matted ginger wiry chest arm and leg fur which I wanted to suck the cum and sweat out of.  His wide feet I wanted to rub and rub my face against some more.  His fat hanging dick I wanted inside me.  His handsome face looking at me expectantly.

“You might have to force me to put them on when you boot me out of here.”

Again my compliments to Naughty Eric and my thanks for bringing this memory of my spent youth back to me.

by Al&Kent

Email: [email protected]

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