All in the Eyes

by Simon Peter

7 Sep 2020 3504 readers Score 9.5 (78 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Raffi was waiting in line, with some forty or fifty passengers ahead of him, at the passport control. He didn’t mind the wait, though. He was enjoying the eye candy. He had booked this 6-day vacation to a resort, and the people around him were there for the same reason. The young guys in tank tops and shorts and flip-flops looked delicious, and hopefully, Raffi would score.

His eyes feasted on the hot bodies all around him. Suddenly, Raffi’s heart skipped a beat. One of the young men four people in front of him turned around. The guy’s face was handsome, true. Raffi had noticed this earlier from his profile. But he now saw that, when the guy turned around for two or three seconds, he was able to glance down at the guy’s crotch. His eyes widened. No way! The guy must have inserted a banana or a cucumber inside his light-blue linen shorts. Raffi had never seen a guy whose limp dick was as thick and long as the one he was gazing at, not in real life, that was. And definitely not displayed like this in public.

Raffi had no eyes except for that guy. He was a head taller than the others around him. His hair was dirty blond, cut short. Raffi could see the guy’s face in profile, and he liked what he saw, very much. A light brown beard, a classy nose. But he couldn’t tell about the eyes yet.

Impatiently, Raffi moved with the slow line, his heart beating, his eyes glued to the back of the guy’s head. It was not that Raffi craved for a big cock. He did crave for cock and that was why he was excited about this vacation, given to him by his parents as a college graduation gift. What Raffi needed to experience was some kind of a free gay relationship instead of the few furtive experiences he had had on the sly up until now. All he had tried with other guys was mutual jerk off and a few blowjobs that he had both given and received.

He watched the guy go through passport control and disappear. He heaved and shuffled on, waiting for his turn, wishing that he could have seen more of the guy, the imprint of the outlined huge dick inside the linen shorts vivid in his mind.

Raffi exited the terminal and looked for his ride, which was part of the package his parents had bought for him. He climbed onto the mini-van and took an aisle seat in the middle, enjoying the whiff of cold air from the van’s vent. It was quite warm outside, somewhere in the low 30s by his estimate, which was great for what he was planning to do: relax on the beach in his swimming trunks and watch the hot guys and their bulges; the outlined dick that he had glanced minutes ago jumped into his head and he felt a pleasant tingling in his balls. He closed his eyes and wondered what it would be like if he had a boyfriend with a cock that big. Or not even a big cock; he would settle for the guy’s body and face. Oh, the guy was sizzling hot.

With a start, Raffi opened his eyes, and just at his eye-level, approaching him, was the guy. Not any guy. The guy. And yes, oh yes, the huge tantalizing outline of his cock. He stared at the crotch as the guy approached down the aisle, and then with an effort, he glanced up. Their eyes met. Raffi melted.

The guy had those intense gray-blue eyes that bored into you, that seemed to get deep into your head, into your soul. Raffi must have paled as he felt his whole body shiver, held by the eyes. The guy stopped next to him, looking down, a hint of a smile on his face. He had a beautiful lower lip and Raffi would have given anything to lick it and suck on it. He involuntarily looked down at the bulge which was staring at him, right at his face, inwardly drooling at the defined cock knob outlined so beautifully. His arm muscles strained with the effort of restraining them from reaching out and grabbing that bulge.

Reaching for the straps of his backpack, the guy slipped it off and raised it to try to shove it into the overhead bin, and by doing so, lifted his t-shirt, exposing the most delicious hair trail thickening to disappear under the band of his shorts. The outline of cock became more defined, the knob sculptured, round and thick, right in front of Raffi’s face. The guy must be free-balling, Raffi estimated. Looking back up, he saw the guy bringing back down the backpack, deciding to keep it with him, and he looked down at Raffi, one eyebrow raised, a smile, and a nod of the head towards the empty window seat next to Raffi.

“Oh,” Raffi heard himself mutter as he straightened and moved his legs sideways. The guy slid in front of him, facing him, the crotch so magnetically and deliciously close to his face that he could actually have just bent a couple of inches and bit at it. With a sigh, the guy sat in the window seat, placing his backpack between his long legs.

“Wow, it’s so fucking hot outside,” the guy heaved as he settled down, spreading his thighs wide, almost touching Raffi’s knees.

All that Raffi could utter was an “Umm,” so noncommittal, yet inwardly he was so erotically excited. What were the odds? That this apparently such a beautifully hung guy who had so attracted him a short while ago was now sitting right next to him, almost touching? Raffi stole a quick glance at the crotch, and sure enough, the bulging cock was still inviting, and now in the seated position, even more pronounced, reaching halfway down the thigh. Raffi so wished that the shorts leg would pull up and the cockhead peek out. He snickered to himself silently, blaming his imagination for taking him to such erotic scenes.

“I’m Spencer,” the guy said as the van started to move, taking them to the resort.

“Uh… umm,” Raffi stammered, gazing at the proffered hand. “Umm… Raffi,” he finally managed to croak, taking the hand, painfully aware of his own sweating palm, as more drops of sweat dribbled down his sides from his armpits in spite of the cold air blowing from the van’s conditioner.

Raffi felt a squeeze as they shook hands; or was that his imagination? The guy seemed friendly. Still, Raffi couldn’t find anything interesting to say after the names and the hand shake. What was he going to ask this Spencer guy? How big is your dick? Are you going commando? Raffi snickered some more inside himself, but the beating of his heart was still going strong.

“Here on vacation, I presume?” Spencer said breaking the short silence.

Raffi nodded and looked at Spencer. Immediately Spencer held him with his eyes, mesmerized him, impaled him. Those eyes: so piercing, as if looking straight into his deepest thoughts. “You too?” Raffi finally managed to ask.

Spencer laughed. “Uhuh. I could do with some sunshine,” Spencer said pointing at his white legs, totally oblivious if the treasure he was packing inside his shorts.

Raffi looked down. The guy’s legs were moderately hairy, but the thighs were fairly smooth and the skin beneath the scant hair did look pale. But the form of those thighs and legs, so masculine, the knees, the calf muscles. Raffi imagined those thighs spreading his own hairy legs wide, those knees kneeling between his own open thighs, and oh, that outlined dick, hard and ready to stretch and plunder.

“You’re quite fit, though,” Raffi commented, but immediately bit his tongue. Was that very forward? Was he hitting on the guy? Spencer gazed at him, again the hint of a smile on his lips.

“So are you,” came the reply, and Raffi could sense more than just a compliment. Or his imagination again?

During the 50-minute ride to the resort, the two young men got to converse like any other two dudes who had just met would. Like Raffi, Spencer had graduated in May and was taking time off.

“So, Raffi, what kind of name is that?”

“It’s Armenian. I’m Armenian.”

“Wow,” Spencer smiled, showing his white teeth. “I should visit there. I live in Holland. My dad is German but my mom is Dutch.”

“I would love to visit Amsterdam someday. I’ve heard so much about it.”

“Yes? Like what?” Again the smile and piercing eyes.

“Like, you know, weed, and liquor, and, well, sex,” Raffi stammered, covering his embarrassment with a laugh, the uncontrollable glance down at the delicious crotch and outline .

“And you have none of that in Armenia?” Spencer said.

Raffi felt the atmosphere charged with his own lustful imaginings. “We don’t have weed,” he winked at Spencer.

“You forgo the weed if you have good sex.”

Raffi took in a deep breath. “Yes, I guess,” he said noncommitantly.

The conversation turned to other matters, thankfully for Raffi, because he was starting to have some tingling in his balls and had developed a semi-erection.

The two young men alighted from the van and collected their bags. They walked side by side to the reception desk, and checked in. Raffi wished that they shared the same room. How sweet would that have been? But, then again, wasn’t he lucky that he and the hottest guy on earth was checking into the same resort? How would Spencer look in swim trunks? How Raffi wished that Spencer would not wear those baggy trunks that most guys wore nowadays. How would his dick look inside a speedo? Oh, sweet Jesus in heaven.

Raffi checked into his room, unpacked, and decided to go for a swim before lunchtime. He scanned the pool area; no Spencer. The water was just right as he lowered himself into the pool. He swam for a while and then climbed out and lay on his back after applying some sun lotion. He was wearing white swim shorts with blue stripes on the side. He knew that he had a fit body, some chest hair, and not such a bad dick, nothing like what Spencer seemed to be packing, but seven uncut inches were nothing to laugh at. He sighed, placed his hands under his head and closed his eyes, soaking in the sun.

Some short time later, when Raffi was snoozing, he felt a shadow covering him. He opened his eyes to see this hunk towering right next to him. He raised himself on his elbows and smiled as he took in Spencer’s beautiful body. Spencer was wearing an orange tank top with wide underarms, cut off just below the pectorals, showing toned smooth abs and the beginning of that hair trail just above his navel, which Raffi had glanced at earlier, and a pair of blue swimming trunks with repeated red dolphins, reaching halfway down his thighs, and revealing the outlined package that had so captivated Raffi before.

“Mind?” Spencer said.

“Not at all.”

Raffi turned over onto his stomach as he felt his dick starting to rise.

“You need some protection, Raffi.”

Raffi gasped. Turning his head, he noticed the cute smile as Spencer grabbed the sun lotion bottle and squeezed some into his hands. When Spencer placed his hands on Raffi’s bare shoulders, Raffi could have ejaculated right into the towel under him. As the hands and fingers rubbed lotion onto his shoulders and down his back, Raffi moaned.

“You also need a good massage, my friend. You’re all so tied up.”

Raffi’s moan was louder.

“I give a mean massage, if you decide to have one.”

Was Spencer being a nice friend? Or was he making a pass? He didn’t seem gay. On the contrary, Spencer looked the stereotype straight hot stud of a dude. Well-formed, masculine, all-male, and, of course, hung like a horse. Raffi felt Spencer’s hands move down to the back of his thighs. Now he definitely had a hard-on, throbbing and painful. Instinctively, he grinded down onto the towel, which made his butt cheeks ripple. Spencer laughed.

This couldn’t be happening, Raffi was thinking. This could only happen in novels and movies, and maybe in dreams, but in reality, things didn’t move this way, not this fast, not with his cock rock hard and pressed under him, certainly not with this hunk applying sun lotion onto his naked skin.

“Looks like you can use some release, buddy,” Spencer said, knowingly, as he watched Raffi grind and moan onto the towel under him.

Spencer’s tone was a mix of mirth and sarcasm. Raffi glanced around, turned slightly onto his side towards Spencer and revealed his bulge.

“Yes,” was all the Raffi could say, his voice coming out hoarse.

“Damn, bro,” Spencer stood up, wiping his hands on his towel. “You’re sporting a good bone. Was it the sun, the lotion, or… my hands?”

”All,” Raffi said, not believing that he was admitting his attraction to Spencer.

“Then, you would definitely like my massage. But now I’m famished. I think I will go in for some nourishment.”

Raffi would have given an arm and a leg to nourish himself on Spencer’s cock, but he got up and quickly wrapped his towel around his waist to conceal his hard-on.

Buffet lunch, beer, coffee, back to the pool, the two young men enjoyed their time together. Raffi was desperate to hint at his attraction towards Spencer, but the latter did not seem to develop the conversation into something more concrete, except for the earlier offer of the massage.

Throughout the afternoon, as the two young men swam and lounged and took in the sun, Raffi kept imagining how sweet it would be if Spencer turned out to be gay, or at least bi, or if neither, if he could only be a straight dude interested in getting head. What would it be like slurping on that big dick, so deliciously outlined, so near and yet so inaccessible. Raffi would happily accept servicing Spencer in any way he could. One thing Raffi did notice, though. All this time together, Spencer had not ogled any of the hot babes in string bikinis, or had made any lewd comments like dudes usually did.

“About that massage?” Spencer surprised Raffi out of his reveries.

Raffi looked at Spencer who was gazing straight into his eyes. “Yeah?”

Spencer laughed. “Come on, buddy. Don’t look so scared. I don’t bite, I promise. You’d feel great once I get my hands over you and work those tied up muscles all loose.”

Oh, how would I love for your dick to work my throat loose, thought Raffi, inwardly sighing.

“Just lie on the bed on your tummy and relax,” Spencer instructed when they walked into Spencer’s room some fifteen minutes later.

Raffi did as he was told, his heart racing. Spencer fished out a bottle of oil from his backpack and started to dribble some on Raffi’s shoulders and down his back, bending over him from the side of the bed. Raffi buried his face into the pillow afraid that if he looked sideways at Spencer’s crotch, so close to his mouth, he would cream himself.

Spencer worked the shoulders, the back, the sides, down to the upper hips, strong hands, knowledgeable fingers, releasing all the stress that had accumulated in Raffi’s body. Raffi started to relax but he couldn’t stifle the moans, especially when Spencer moved to the thighs, lifting the edge of Raffi’s shorts up. Spencer worked the thigh muscles slowly, his hands sliding into the inner areas. Raffi was rock hard.

Working down on the leg calves, Spencer said, “You want to get rid of the shorts so I can knead your butt muscles?”

Raffi gasped. Yes, oh, yes, oh, please yes, he heard those shouts and screams in his head. Instead he whispered: “I got a boner, Spence.”

“I know, buddy. Let me help you with the shorts.”

Raffi lifted his ass as Spencer slid the shorts off exposing the firm and fuzzy butt cheeks.

“Nice butt, bro,” Spencer commented and Raffi knew that Spencer would have his cute smile as he said that.

Spencer grabbed the butt cheeks and kneaded them slowly, firm round pressure and with each round he spread the cheeks to expose the hairy crack and pink hole. He couldn’t miss the twitching of the hole as Raffi squeezed and grinded onto the bed under him. Spencer spilled more oil inside the crack, and as soon as he touched the hole, Raffi gave out a loud moan.

“Feels good, huh?” Spencer whispered.

Raffi moaned.

“Turn over, Raffi,” Spencer said, his voice turning husky, his shorts unbelievably stretched with his erection.

Raffi turned over slowly, his cock plastered onto his belly.

“You look so hot,” Spencer said, the smile disappearing from his face as a look of appreciation and lust replaced it.

Raffi could no longer stop himself. He reached out and grabbed the bulging shorts, gasping as he traced the outlined and hardening cock inside. He had been aching to do just that all day, ever since he spotted Spencer in the passport control line at the airport. As he explored the length and girth of the monster cock, he felt Spencer rub oil onto his chest and down his abs and on his dick and balls. He panted and squirmed under Spencer’s rubbing hands. But when he felt wet warm lips around his cockhead and the firm grip on his cock shaft, he almost cried out loud, his hand pressing on the bulging rod inside Spencer’s shorts.

With shaking hands, Raffi undid the shorts top button and unzipped it. When he pulled down the shorts, the huge cock sprang out. Raffi froze and gazed with wonder. He moaned as Spencer gulped deeper on his cock. Ever so slowly, Raffi moved towards the throbbing cock and kissed the round knob. Spencer’s cock was cut and veined, probably longer than 22 cm long and perhaps 15 cm in girth, Raffi estimated. He kissed and licked and then kissed some more. He had to stretch his mouth wide to be able to take the mushroomed head between his lips. As he pressed his lips under the ridge, he tensed and shot his load inside Spencer’s mouth.

Raffi let go of Spencer’s cock and sobbed.

“I’m so sorry, Spence. I couldn’t… couldn’t hold it… So fucking sorry.”

Spencer licked the squirting cock, smiling up at Raffi’s concerned face. He lay on top of Raffi, pressing down on him, finding his lips, kissing him deep as his hard cock grinded on Raffi’s slimy dick and balls.

“Sorry to have fed me your jizz?” Spencer taunted pressing harder on Raffi’s sprawled body, slick with oil. “Or sorry because you jizzed so fast?”

Raffi moaned as he felt the huge cock sliding up and down his own dick and balls, as Spencer’s hot body pressed on top of him. “I should have warned you I was about to shoot,” he sobbed.

“Do you think I wouldn’t know when a cock gets thicker in my mouth that it’s bound to explode? Raffi, baby, I loved swallowing your cum.”

Raffi could feel his cock going stiff under Spencer’s pressing body. He could also feel the huge cock slide under his balls and between his thighs. He instinctively pressed his thighs together around the thick hardness as Spencer humped him, embracing him, kissing and licking his face, moaning.

“I need to fuck you, Raffi,” Spencer whispered into Raffi’s ear.

Raffi grunted. He could never take such a huge cock up his tight ass, but he so desperately wanted to. He needed to feel this beautiful hunk of a man inside him. He held his arms around Spencer’s waist and slowly spread his legs. The knob that pressed at his hole felt like a fist.

Sepencer straightened on his knees, his monster cock pointing straight up, looking vicious. He reached for the oil bottle and greased up and down the thick shaft and around the flaring knob, a smile on his face, his intense eyes boring holes inside Raffi’s. Spencer lifted Raffi’s balls and dribbled some oil inside the crack, rubbing round the twitching rim muscle.

“Easy, Spence,” Raffi moaned as Spencer leaned on his arms and brought his hips into Raffi’s inner thighs, his cock throbbing inside the crack. Spencer started to apply some pressure on the greased hole. “Easy, baby, please. You’re huge.”

Covering Raffi’s face with kisses, Spencer thrusted. Raffi screamed as his ring muscle split wide to allow the thick cockhead to force its way into him.

With the huge knob inside the rim, the two men lay on top of each other, not moving, just taking in the sensations. Raffi bit into his arm so he wouldn’t scream any louder. Spencer, still just keeping the thick head inside the ring, pulled Raffi’s arm away from his mouth, raised Raffi’s head and pressed it onto his shoulder.

“Bite, baby,” he panted.

As Raffi bit down on Spencer’s shoulder, Spencer shoved the cock shaft deep with one thrust. Raffi drew blood.

“Don’t… don’t move… please Spencer. Just keep it in, don’t move,” Raffi begged as he tried to control his screaming from the searing pain. It wasn’t just the length of the rod impaling him; what was more excruciating was the thickness, splitting his tight hole. He grabbed Spencer’s firm butt cheeks with both hands, pressing him tight as he tried to spread his legs wider to ease the pain in his ass.

Spencer buried his monster cock and kept it deep, his body pressed on Raffi’s, his mouth all over Raffi’s face and neck, waiting for his new fuck buddy to relax, aware of the painful damage his huge cock was causing. Raffi tried his best, taking in deep and quick breaths, relaxing his rim muscle, feeling Spencer’s lips making love to him, licking on Spencer’s muscled shoulder, which he had bit into, tasting the saltiness of Spencer’s blood, squirming under the pressure of Spencer’s body on top of him, mesmerized by the intensity of Spencer’s eyes now exuding lust.

“You ok, Raf?” Spencer whispered to the sprawled body under him. “Pain gone?”

“Fuck me, Spencer. Oh, baby, fuck me,” Raffi groaned, not caring about the searing soreness of his ass. He could care less about the pain now that he had experienced the sensation of a thick cock of a beautiful man shoved up his butt hole. He had dreamed, he had imagined, and he had fantasized a lot about what it would be like to be fucked. But nothing, simply nothing compared to what his body was experiencing now.

Spencer started the fucking slowly, gently, not forcing himself, still slobbering and kissing Raffi’s face and neck and nibbling on his ears. He made sure to move his hips only without actually thrusting into the tight hole, fully aware of the pain that his cock could cause a tight virgin ass.

Raffi squirmed under Spencer. He gazed at Spencer’s gray-blue eyes and saw the intensity of the look as Spencer started fucking deep. Raffi felt that it was Spencer’s eyes that were fucking him. He was bewitched by those eyes, as they emitted sparks of lust which drilled deep into his head, with unbelievable power. It wasn’t the monster cock that was making Raffi’s whole body shiver and tremble. It was those lustful eyes, fucking his soul.

Raffi grabbed Spencer’s butt cheeks, driving his nails into the firm muscles hard, groaning, as his fuck tunnel took to the invading cock. Spencer’s thrusting increased in tempo as soon as he felt Raffi begin to respond. He fucked intensely. Meanwhile, as his ass was being plowed, Raffi couldn’t take his stare off Spencer’s eyes. He noticed two beads of sweat forming on Spencer’s forehead as he heaved and fucked. The drops slid slowly down into the eyebrows and further down the sides of his nose, as if they were tears. Raffi cried. His own tears of intense desire flooded out onto his cheeks as he took Spencer’s pounding.

“Oh, baby, yeah, so tight,” Spencer panted, his arms wrapped tightly around Raffi’s neck. “I love your fucking ass, Raffi. Oh, yes, you are so hot under me.”

All that Raffi could utter was variations of fuck. “Fucking…fucker… fuck me… oh fuck… hot fucking fuck…”

The pounding became more urgent, rocking the bed. Raffi felt Spencer’s cock swelling and spasming inside him. He realized that Spencer was cumming inside him. He exploded, shooting his second load between their pressed bodies, clamping his ring muscle with each squirt around the thick shaft inside his ass. His cum, trapped between their chests, mixed with all their sweat as Spencer emptied his balls in Raffi’s guts. After the intense moments of men shooting their loads, Spencer lay on top of Raffi, panting hard, his cock flexing inside the hole he had just fucked and seeded.

Ever so slowly, Spencer slid out of Raffi. Raffi groaned as emptiness replaced the fullness of manhood that had been the center of his being during the few minutes of love-making. Spencer licked down Raffi’s heaving body, slurping on the sweat and cum and oil, down to the slimy pubes and dick and balls, further down to the cum-seeping fucked hole.

Raffi wrapped his legs around Spencer’s licking head, post-ejaculation spasms raking his body that was being so serviced by the dream guy he had found only a few hours ago.

“You don’t need to shower anymore,” Spencer joked as he poked his head up from between Raffi’s spread thighs. “I fucking cleaned you.”

“You fucking fucked me, Spence,” Raffi rejoined staring down at the clear gray-blue eyes.

“I fucking sure did, babe,” Spencer smiled. “With a lot more to come,” he said mischievously.

The two young men showered and dressed for the evening, tees and shorts and flip-flops. The resort had a live band and people were drinking and dancing in the outdoor space right next to the waterline. Raffi ordered a glass of wine, Spencer a mojito. They sipped their drinks sitting next to each other at the makeshift bar, their knees touching.

“You sore?” Spencer murmured with his sexy smile.

“Fuck you,” Raffi joked.

“You can do that,” Spencer smirked as he sipped his mojito and surreptitiously placed his hand inside Raffi’s thigh.

“Yeah?” Raffi heaved, starting to erect. “You mean…? That I can… you know…,” he stammered.

Spencer held Raffi with his eyes, which shone with unnatural glint in the darkness.

“Do you think we could dance?” Spencer suggested after a few minutes.

“What?” Raffi gasped. “You mean you and me? Dance? Here? In front of every fucking body?”

Spencer nodded, the smile back, the eyes glinting, inviting, magnetizing. He pulled Raffi off the stool and led him to the middle of the dancers. He held Raffi close and the two men danced. Raffi closed his eyes to avoid seeing the glares of the people around him, but he wouldn’t trade those moments for the whole world. He felt Spencer’s erection pressed against his, and it wasn’t long before he tensed and cummed in his shorts, pressed against Spencer’s hardness.

Raffi’s room was not slept in. He spent the night with Spencer. The two guys were so horny for each other that it wasn’t until the early hours that Raffi had to slip out and return to his room. He couldn’t sleep. His dick was sore and hard. His ass was sore and sore. His lips, his nipples, his jaws, his whole being, everything about him glorified the sex that he had had. Spencer was his life. As soon as he thought that it would be five days later that he would have to fly back to Yerevan and Spencer back to Amsterdam, he started to cry. Hot tears. This was much more than he had hoped for when he set on his trip. This was heaven. But it was all going to disappear in five days.

He answered the knock at his door, wiping away his tears.

“Ready for breakfast?”

Oh, the smile, the body, the bulge, oh, the eyes.

Raffi pulled Spencer into the room, knelt, and yanked the shorts down, taking the limp but huge cock into his mouth.

“Didn’t mean this kind of breakfast,” Spencer said as he arched his back and erected inside Raffi’s gobbling mouth. “Not that I’m complaining, baby.”

It took a few minutes for Spencer to feed Raffi his breakfast. Licking his lips, Raffi stood up and planted a kiss on Spencer’s mouth.

“I want you every second, every meal, every living breath, Spence. I want you forever,” Raffi started to cry again. Spencer held him tight.

“Shh, why the tears, baby?”

“I have just found you. I don’t want to lose you.”

“Hey. We are going to fuck like rabbits, baby.”

“I know. But it’s only for a few days.”

“Shut up and let’s go get something to eat other than cock and jizz,” Spencer slapped Raffi’s butt as the two young men swaggered to the resort’s restaurant.

Note: The last I heard, Raffi stayed in touch with Spencer via email and a few phone calls. Two months later, Raffi visited Amsterdam upon Spencer’s invitation. Spencer proposed, on his knee and with a ring. Raffi accepted, held by the blue-gray eyes. They got married. Smile: Simon…

by Simon Peter

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024