All In The Family

by OldGayFox

7 Feb 2024 5803 readers Score 8.8 (56 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

He was standing behind the kitchen counter chopping vegetables for dinner and I was lying on his sofa, naked except for an old piss and cum stained jockstrap he’d told me to put on as soon as I’d arrived at his house. 

No problem.

“Are you busy at the moment?” I asked somewhat unnecessarily.

“Not too, what’s on your mind?” he replied.

“Why don’t you come over here and eat my arsehole for a while.” 

“Okay, be right there” he answered obligingly, putting down the knife and wiping his hands on his jeans

I sat up straight on the couch and raised my legs in the air just in time for him to kneel down and grab my feet, positioning himself so that he had a good view and easy access.

“I’m nice and clean, maybe a bit sweaty. Why don’t you take a sniff, just in case.”

Smiling, he leant down and pressed his nose against my pink hole, closing his eyes as he inhaled deeply.

“How is it?” I asked, knowing perfectly well that you could eat your dinner off it.

“Just fine” he answered.

“Maybe have another sniff, just to make sure” I suggested, knowing how much he loved the smell of my tight hole and hairy crack.

“Sure thing” he responded happily, pressing his nose even more firmly into my anus and inhaling as if his life depended on it.

“Just the way I like it” he reported when he finally came up for air.

“It’s all yours then” I said as his face disappeared between my butt cheeks and I felt his tongue flicking against my hole, teasing it to pucker and pout. He can actually work his way inside just enough to open me up slightly, not quite a full-on fucking but close enough, which is why I always make sure it’s spotless inside and out when we catch up for one of our sessions.

“Is this a private party, or can anyone join?” An unfamiliar voice from the door jerked me out of my rimming reverie. Looking up I saw an almost-replica of Richard standing there with a bemused look on his face. Richard, raising his head from my nether regions as if nothing was going on, looked over and smiled.

“Hi Tom, this is Sean, Sean, this is Tom, my brother.” And with that he lowered his face back between my butt cheeks and continued eating.

“Pleased to meet you Sean, don’t get up.” He laughed, clearly enjoying the situation and went over to the counter to pour himself a glass of wine. 

He was as handsome as his brother, maybe a few years older and a bit heavier, with a well trimmed beard and moustache to help with the sibling differentiation; Richard was clean-shaven. He seemed to be enjoying the show and I decided not to run screaming from the room, particularly after I noticed him adjust whatever it was he had in his jeans as if it was causing him some discomfort.

“Would you like help with dinner, or anything else?” he asked helpfully.

Richard’s face reappeared, covered in saliva and beaming from ear to ear.

“Maybe you could entertain our guest while I get back to the cooking” he suggested, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and getting to his feet.

“Sure thing!” said Tom, coming from behind the counter and taking off his shirt to reveal an attractively fleshy and hairy body, his belly slightly overhanging his jeans. “Anything to help.”

As Richard made his way back to the kitchen, adjusting his stiff cock in his pants as he went, Tom kicked off his boots and shucked down his jeans, stepping out of them before coming across to the couch. He was wearing an old stained pair of y-fronts which he kept on, and I wondered if Richard had told him of my predilection for such things. 

Instead of standing directly over me as I remained seated, he moved around to the back of the couch, positioning that luscious package behind my head, forcing me to turn around and kneel on the cushions, my jock-strapped bum facing the kitchen and giving Richard a ringside view of the proceedings.

“I worked these up for you” he said, rubbing the soiled pouch and answering my unspoken question. I mumbled my thanks as he pressed my face into his fragrant package, my hands working their way inside to fondle his furry balls. I gently brought them out through the leg hole and drew back in order to admire them more closely. They were like two large ripe plums, covered in soft fur, hanging heavily just waiting to be taken into my mouth.

“If you don’t mind, I’d quite like to suck on your balls for a while” I asked politely, before burying my nose in his ball-sack, the smell of sweat and spunk engulfing me. I took the lowest hanging fruit into my mouth and gently tugged on it as I sucked and licked and gauged just how hard I could go.

“Mmmmmm” was the welcome response, so I pulled a bit harder, taking the other one in my hand and pulling on that too. “MMMMMMMMMMMM” a bit louder still.  I could feel his hard shaft against my forehead, and needed to have it between my lips sooner rather than later. 

Releasing his ball from my mouth I tugged on his undies and pulled them down just enough to allow his stiff prick to spring out, dripping a long silvery thread of precum which took me no time at all to deal with. 

He laughed as I tongued his piss slit, revelling in its salty, spermy taste, his foreskin pulled back to expose the tip of his swollen knob. His shaft slipped into my mouth without further ado, and I pulled hard on his hairy scrotum as I buried my nose in his bush, coaxing ever more juice from his leaking cock. 

I was so fully engaged in sucking on his fleshy pole that I lost track of his brother’s movements until I felt a hard shaft slide up and down my exposed crack. Clearly the two of them had a well worn routine with dinner guests, and I was delighted to be on the receiving end.

A moist finger massaged my smooth hole, gentle but insistent, working its way in slowly until I could feel its full length in my passage, pushing as far as it could go until a spasm shot through me as it found that special spot deep inside. Then a second finger, opening me up wider, just as deep, another gasp. 

Tom’s cock was still bush-deep in my mouth, his hands on my head refusing to let me stop while my arse was being invaded. I could feel and taste a regular flow of juice leaking from his piss slit and I forced myself to concentrate on his pleasure as much as my own. No easy thing as Richard withdrew his fingers from my arse and replaced them with his thick cock, burying itself deep within me in one sudden almost violent thrust. 

Maybe it was the position I was in (classic doggy style) but I couldn’t recall Richard’s cock reaching quite so far into my passage before, nor could I remember feeling quite so stretched by it. Not that I was complaining. If my hard cock hadn’t still been constrained by the filthy jockstrap I doubtless would have cum all over the cushions by now. 

And then:

“Dinner’s ready guys, you’ll have to finish that later.” Richard’s voice, from the kitchen, unmistakeable. How could that be?

Dan slipped his leaking shaft from my mouth and I hastily peered over my shoulder to see if it was possible that I’d misheard his brother’s voice. I hadn’t. The gentleman who was currently fucking me was probably in his late sixties and undeniably related to my two horny brothers; an uncle perhaps? 

“Sean, I don’t think you’ve been formally introduced to our father, Brian.” Dan was quite matter-of-fact about the whole thing, while Richard was grinning from ear-to-ear and highly amused behind the counter.

“Good to meet you Sean” said Brian, withdrawing his cock from my bum with a loud squelching noise before slapping me, pleasantly hard, on my right buttock. “Richard has told me so much about you, I was very keen to meet you in person.”

Somewhat taken aback I stood up and, believe it or not, shook his hand as if we’d just met at a business function. He was solidly built, as hairy as his two sons and with a smiling slightly wrinkled face that made me want to kiss him, which I did. I also grabbed his cock, which remained defiantly stiff and seemed to take up half the room. 

“Pleased to meet you Brian” I returned, rubbing my abused arse for theatrical effect. 

“Would you like me to kiss it better?” he asked, only half joking. I was sorely tempted, but Richard intervened and called us across to the dining table. Nobody seemed interested in getting dressed, and Richard had stripped down to his own pair of piss-stained undies, which is how we all sat down and ate the delicious meal he’d prepared.

As for dessert…….

by OldGayFox

Email: [email protected]

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