Affair with Coach T

by Bill Drake

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We were careful, at least reasonably careful. So it's not like Coach and I had sex all the time. But I'd get a message when he was free and would text back if I was too. We found a parking place in the local state park that was usually deserted at night.

It was usually oral. Sometimes steady, regular blowjobs, sometimes Coach would fuck my face. It was all hot, and I loved the thrill of meeting up with him.

There was one time though when I pulled up to the parking lot, I had the sense something else was on his mind. Coach was in sweats and a winter coat.

"Hey," he greeted as I got out of the car and walked over. "Told Dan I was going to pick up some groceries. We probably have about ten minutes to play with."

"Cool," I said, feeling the excitement welling in me. I'd told my parents I was going over to my friend Tony's place. Which wasn't a lie. I'd head over after meeting up with Coach T. I wore only shorts and the cold air made my leg hairs stand on end. Like a lot of young guys, though, I was fine with just shorts in the winter, as long as I had a coat on.

"It's been a while since we've fucked," Coach said in a throaty voice as he stepped up and pulled me into a kiss.

I returned his tongue as we made out in the parking lot. Already, I was feeling warmer. His hands possessively gripped my mesh basketball shorts, kneading my buns with his strong grip. I was glad I had skipped the underwear, though I had a pair wadded up in my coat pocket for afterwards.

"Let's go somewhere more private," he said quietly, gesturing to the wooded area just off of to the side. I followed him there.

We made out again, clutching at each other and pulling each other's shorts and sweatpants down so our hard dicks clashed like swords and so we could feel each other's bare ass freely.

Coach's fingers were digging more deeply into my cleft now, and I enjoyed the slightly cool feel of their thickness against my pucker. I moaned into his mouth, letting him know I wanted this. He pressed against my ring. It was dry but I anticipated what it would feel like to breach me.

"Gotta be in you, Brian," Coach finally gasped as we broke for air.

"Can I suck you first Coach?" I asked. I loved his dick and I knew sucking him would help me get worked up to take that giant cock up the ass.

He nodded and put his hands on his hips, offering himself to me. I crouched down and started licking his tool. Up and down, as Coach watched. I took him in my mouth and started blowing him. Not to get him off but to get him excited. I was still learning technique, since before I'd actually found easier to passively take Coach's face pounding than to suck him just right.

I was getting the hang of it, though, and Coach tapped my face to let me know to ease up.

"You're too good at that, Chambers," he said quietly then helped me back up to a standing position. We kissed, more passionately now and I noticed Coach feel into his coat pocket. I wasn't surprised when he pulled out some lube. I stepped back so I could watch him slick up the large dong. It was just beautiful the way it jutted out from between his legs.

With a grin he dribbled some lube on my erection and put the vial back in his pocket.

I didn't need instruction this time. I turned around and kicked off my shorts. Spreading my legs, I leaned forward and braced myself against a tree.

Coach placed a hand on the small of my back to steady us both and he entered me. Slowly, patiently, he stretched me open. I gritted my teeth at the size but about three inches in he cleared a tight area and after that it was smooth sailing.

He pumped me steadily for about a minute. It was exquisite, the physical sensations of being fuck but also the mental part. Having sex with Coach. In a wooded park, like we were strangers cruising. Coach fucked harder.

"Yes," I hissed. I didn't want to make noise but had to let him know.

The man leaned down and circled his arm around my neck. Not a chokehold, but just a grip to lever me up to a standing position as he thrust faster and faster into me. I stood up on my tip toes and leaned back into the man's strong body. His cock rode me hard and was making my prostate go wild.

I could feel Coach Thompson's breath along my neck and then his tongue and teeth softly teasing my ear. I was so turned on at this point, and I had to hold off stroking since I didn't want to cum yet. His thrusts were getting more irregular now, and pretty soon I heard the telltale soft grunt of a man having his cum.

He held on to me, his ragged breath in my ear as I now jerked for me release. With the man's big dick buried up inside me, along with a healthy deposit of his seed, I gave it up. Six or seven heavy spurts coated that tree trunk in front of me.

My ass was a little sore after Coach pulled out, but I regretted nothing.

Coach was wiping off his cock with a Kleenex and tossed it on the ground before stuffing his meat back into his sweats. He looked at me with a smirk that I could make out even in the dim nighttime. "You're the best, Chambers," he said.

I took a deep breath, feeling vulnerable right then. "I love you, Coach," I said. I knew he didn't want to hear it, but I felt like I had to tell him.

"Oh," he said. I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Listen," I said. "I'm not gonna mess up anything. Promise. I know I'm just a piece of ass to you, but I just had to tell you."

Coach stepped up. If he hadn't just fucked me I would have sworn this was his normal supportive authority figure mode he was in. Except for his words. "You're not just a piece of ass, Brian. But... you know, I can't be your boyfriend."

"I know, Coach," I said. Part of me felt dumb, but part of me was glad I'd stuck up for how I felt.

"Come here," the man said and then he kissed me. Softly. It was amazing.

He patted my shoulder as we broke it off finally. "You know I love Dan, even if I have a lousy way of showing it. We can stop doing this..." he offered.

"I don't know what I want," I answered truthfully. I wasn't mad at Coach, though maybe I had a right to be. I was mostly mad at the situation.

"Well, you can decide. Anytime. No pressure, ever."

"Got it," I said.

"OK," Coach T said. "I gotta get to the grocery store. See you at school?"

"Yeah, Coach," I replied and started walking back to the parking area with him. It was still deserted and as we got closer to my car, Coach gave me another kiss.

"You're a good kid, Brian," he said, then went off to his own car.

* * * *

After that evening, we cooled it some, but couldn't keep from each other entirely.

Football season was over and I didn't see Coach Thompson as much, though I'd run into him in the hall at school. It was good we were cooling things. I didn't have the ability go cold turkey but we both seemed to appreciate a little distance. And it made the sex even hotter when we did have a chance.

But I guess we were overdue the next time I was over at RJ's house. My friend and I had both gotten some new games for Christmas and decided to meet up to play them. I had an early dinner with my family then went over to the Thompson-Mitchell house. I hadn't actually been since those times Coach first fucked me, and I had to laugh at how much easier it was to drive right up to the driveway instead of sneaking around.

"Hey Brian," Mr. Mitchell greeted me at the door. "Come on in." The guy wasn't Randy Thompson hot, but I could see why Coach went for him. He was in his mid-40s and still very fit, kind of a gym body kept lean with regular cardio. Thinning hair, but good looking. Kind of a DILF if I had to type him. I imagined what he must have looked like in college when they met. Yeah, I felt a twinge of guilt for being "the other man," but I just nodded and said hello as I stepped inside.

"Busy working?" I asked. Dan Mitchell was a freelance sports writer and had an office set up with multiple monitors for watching events.

"Fraid so," he grinned. "RJ's down in the den," Mr. Mitchell said.

Our friend Billy was down there with RJ. Fine with me, the more the merrier. I plopped down next to them and RJ tossed me a spare controller.

We lost track of time. "Shit, I gotta be home soon," I said. My parents had a 10 o'clock curfew for me unless I arranged for an exception ahead of time.

"Dude that sucks," Billy said, not pausing his game. His parents didn't seem to care what he did.

"Talk tomorrow?" RJ asked. "Maybe we can hit the mall or something."

"Yeah, sounds good." I said goodbye and made my way upstairs.

I almost didn't stop. But as I passed the living room, I saw the dim light of the TV inside. Coach Thompson was sitting alone watching a movie or some cop show. "Evening, Coach," I said. It's what I normally would have done, even before our affair.

Coach looked up. "Heading out Brian?" he asked. He stood up and silently motioned me to follow. Oh fuck, we weren't gonna do anything here and now were we? Still, I followed him. There was a formal dining room just off the living room. The family rarely used it though, preferring to eat in the kitchen area instead. The room was now dark and quiet.

My heart pounded. If anyone caught us - RJ or Mr. Mitchell - we'd have no good excuse for being there. But the chance of them coming in was slight.

Coach was silent and just had this horny intensity to him as he lowered his sweatpants and fished into his briefs. I crouched down in front of him, and the pat on my head told me I'd read his mind. That pat became a firmer hold when his other hand joined it to grip my skull.

Then he pushed that dick in. It had been a while since we'd had a facefuck session and the unexpectedness of it turned me on so much. Coach was fucking my mouth and throat while his husband was in the house, just upstairs.

Maybe Coach was turned on by the situation, too. Or maybe he was just horny. His thrusts were hard and urgent and that fat cock battered my throat right open. I knew he appreciated how I was able to do this, was able to take him. It just made me focus on doing it for him. The fingers gripped my ears tighter and I felt that dick firm up even more and knew Coach was cumming.

I tried to be quiet as he withrdrew but I had to suck the dripping saliva back into my mouth and catch my breath. Coach gave a silent pat to my neck and then crouched down and kissed me. I missed his kisses, they were so intense and sexual.

I got what he expected next. I stood up and unzipped.

I was grateful for my quick teenage sexual response now. A dozen bobs and I was feeding Coach T my jock seed. He slurped it and nursed my cock for a half minute before finally relinquishing it.

All done, he stood up and pulled his sweats back up as I tucked back in. He then sauntered back into the living room and plopped back on the couch.

I stepped out a couple of seconds behind him. He didn't say anything but gave me a quick nod before turning his eye back to the show.

I made it home before curfew, but barely.

* * * *

I made my way to Coach's office. He was organizing a spring break effort for Habitat for Humanity and was encouraging a lot of the players to participate and give up their trip plans. I was coming to tell him I'd join.

Only I noticed the office door was shut. Then it opened and out stepped Jared Michaels, the kicker on the team. Junior, cute guy. He seemed flushed and nervous, particularly when he saw me. "Hey Brian," he said, trying to act normal and not doing a good job.

"Hey Jared," I said. Michaels and I weren't close friends but we always got along well. "Is Coach in?"

He nodded, flustered. "Yeah, he's in there. See ya later, man."

I knocked at the door.

"Yeah?" Coach barked before looking up. His face was definitely flushed and I recognized the look he had. It was the same look he had after we had sex. "Oh hi, Brian," he said.

We just kind of looked at each other for a second. Me knowing what had just gone down, and Coach knowing I knew. But neither of us said anything about it.

"Listen, I was gonna let you know that I want to sign up for the Habitat thing."

The man smiled. His eyes challenged me not to tell a soul about what I just witnessed. I wouldn't. "Glad to hear. I'll, uh, put you on the list."

I paused. God, this man was so incredibly sexy. Apparently Jared thought so too. Jared with a steady girlfriend and religious parents. "All right, see you around."

"Yep," the man smiled, his steely gaze on me as I turned and walked out.

Fuck, my head was spinning from trying to process it all. I'd had my suspicions I wasn't the only guy. But now I knew why Coach hadn't made any overture for sex over the last month.

Or at least one of the reasons. I mean we really hadn't had an opportunity. The later daylight hours made the state park a no-go. And while Coach seemed to enjoy slyly flirting with me when I came over to visit RJ, he was a lot more cautious about actually doing anything with his son and husband in the house.

I think one complicating factor was I came out. First to my parents, who weren't perfectly accepting but were OK with it. They did seem to not want me to go out as much, maybe worried I might be getting into trouble. That kind of pissed me off, but whatever. It just felt a relief not to carry that secret. I thought coming out at school would be tougher, but it just kind of happened. About a dozen people had known already, but I started to let a few more. Must have picked the right gossip, because pretty soon the whole school knew.

A few of the guys on the team were noticeably more standoffish toward me, but nothing real bad happened. The main drawback is that Coach seemed more hesitant to hook up. Like people would be more likely to put 2 and 2 together now that I was out.

So Jared Michaels seemed to be picking up the slack.

I think that was the only time I felt really bad for Mr. Mitchell. Or RJ for that matter.

* * * *

I don't think anyone was surprised when the school gave Randy Thompson a special award, for his teaching, mentorship, and all around community service.

He deserved it, though I also knew there was another side of him. A sexual beast who couldn't seem to resist fucking his players even as he covered up his tracks with almost a pathological adeptness. As he gave his inspirational speech, filled with that disarming Coach T humor, I knew the kind of sex talk and deep growls he'd emit during sex. I knew how big his cock was and how quickly he could get off a second time. I knew the man liked sex on the harder, rougher side.

But the public version of Randy Thompson had the school and town eating out of his hand. He'd proved himself professionally and was their dream coach.
I was caught by surprise when I saw him in the hall at school the next day. I was used to him nodding or giving a playful barked "Chambers!" as he walked his way down the hall. Today, though, he stopped, greeting me in a friendly mood. "You got a minute to talk, Chambers?" he asked. It was the start of lunch period.

"Yeah, Coach?" I asked.

He kind of guided me to the side. We were in a quiet nook next to annex wing of the school. He had his normal school facial expression but his voice had a quiet conspiracy as he whispered. "What are you doing after school? I might have something lined up."

"Something?" I wasn't following.

Coach nodded. "You interested in a threesome? Can't say who it is now, but the guy's way hot."

Not what I was expecting, but I was a horny teenager eager for sexual experience. The idea sounded instantly appealing. "Um, yeah, I guess," I laughed nervously.

"You don't gotta," Coach said, clapping me on the shoulder. Like he'd just given me one of his personal pep talks. "But I have a feeling you'll love it Chambers."

"I'll be there, Coach," I replied.

He winked and spoke more softly even. "I'll text ya." And like that he was on his way.

* * * *

The address was one of those "luxury" apartment complexes mostly populated by young professionals. I punched the unit code Coach had given me into the intercom and then heard the buzzer and clack of the entry door opening. I made my way up.

Coach was the one there at the unit's front door, wearing his school khakis but nothing else. I got the feeling he'd started the fun without me. "Hey," he greeted quietly.

"Hey," I replied back. This was like so many of our earlier hookups but with a different dynamic. Hell, I was at some dude's place I didn't even know.

As I stepped in Coach stepped up and kissed me, pulling my hand down to cup his erection. He'd definitely started the fun with me. Thompson had a fuck hard, for sure.

"You OK with this?" he asked quietly. "I thought you might enjoy a chance to top for a change."

"You mean?" I was figuring out what Coach had planned. And yeah, I wanted to try the other side of things.

Coach nodded. "Davis in there is one power bottom. Just follow my lead."

And like that, I was following Coach T over to the bedroom. There was a guy there, naked and hard on the bed. I didn't recognize him but somehow I knew he was a St. Michaels alum and probably one of Coach's former players. Mid 20s, good looking, had that country club, finance bro kind of look about him. Nice muscle, light auburn fur like guys in their 20s often have. His dick was shorter but fat and two balls clung to the stalk.

"Hey," he greeted as I appeared after Coach T. He might have been a little nervous to have a stranger join but mostly he seemed turned on.

Coach undid his khakis and pulled them down. He was indeed naked beneath and very hard. "Davis O'Brien, this is Brian Chambers. Brian, meet Davis. What happens here, stays between us, right?" He looked over at me, I think to assure this guy I wasn't gonna talk.

"Right, Coach," I replied. I was already stripping down to fit the dress code.

Coach got onto the bed next to the guy and ran his mitt up the dude's firm, ripped torso. "Told you he's hot, right?" Meaning me.

Davis grinned a goofy grin and replied. "Definitely." Then watching me climb up onto the bed, too, he added to Coach, "I thought you were gonna stop fucking around with your players."

Coach laughed. "Yeah, that lasted maybe a year." He leaned up in the bed and fisted his cock as he watched me take a spot on the other side of Davis. It was a tight fit but we all managed.

I watched in excitement as Davis took over stroking Coach's big tool then licked his lips and leaned over and started sucking.

"Fuck!" Coach T hissed, looking down then up at me. "O'Brien here was a great linebacker. And he's as hungry a cocksucker as you, Chambers."

I scooted closer for a better look, then Coach guided Davis off and over to my hardon. Up to that point I'd only had Coach suck me, and I relished the different technique of another man. Not better or worse, but different.

"Pretty good, huh?" Coach asked in a low lusty voice.

I nodded. "Oh yeah."

And we kissed. At that moment I felt the magic of a threesome and was very glad I'd followed Coach's lead on this. I felt Coach's broad hairy chest up and made out with him while some 20-something guy I didn't know sucked me to completion.

I felt embarrassed I didn't have more sexual control, but they didn't seem to care. Coach met Davis for a powerful kiss, plunging his tongue between the guy's lips and tasting my sperm.

"All right, on your stomach," Coach growled and I watched in disbelief as this hot, buff guy did as instructed, flipping over and hiking his ass up. If I was in doubt that Randy Thompson was an ass man, Davis's buns were proof positive. They were round, sculpted and inviting.

Coach didn't seem to need much invitation. Quickly he lubed his big prick and climbed into place. Slowly he guided that meat into Davis's ass, parting those meaty buns and working open the guy's pucker.

Then, with a lithe motion, Coach stretched his beefy body on top of the hunk's and just powered his hips forward.

"Fuuuccck..." Davis let out in a low grunt.

Coach pulled his hips back and shoved in. Hard. Thwap! Then another one, harder. Thwap! Thwap! Thwap! Coach was just marauding that finance bro's ass, with almost cruel thrusts. Davis just nodded wordlessly, taking it and seemingly enjoying it, in a perverse masochistic way.

It was hot as fuck. And beautiful, just watching Coach in full rut. The married man, his ring visible as he gripped Davis's muscular shoulder with his meaty hand for leverage. Fucking even harder. I knew Coach T went wild like that when he fucked my face but to see him so charged in anal sex had me rock hard. Coach looked over and saw my reaction and winked. As if putting on a show, he went for the kill. Deep jackrabbit thrusts inside Davis O'Brien's ex-linebacker ass. Till Coach's body got that telltale tenseness and he let out a growl through his clenched teeth. "Oh fuck!" He held his body up as he unloaded, then slumped down on the poor bottom.

It took a second, but Coach caught his breath and rolled off, patting Davis's rump lightly. The two kissed, and Davis almost seemed to coo in horniness.

"OK if Chambers here takes a ride?" he asked the guy.

"Oh yeah," Davis nodded, almost dreamily then looked over at me with expectation.

I fisted my dick a quick second but figured I didn't need lube. I mounted the studly guy, who was radiating heat now. As I guided my dick in place I could feel the slickness of lube and Coach's cum. Then a well-fucked hole that gave little resistance as I pushed in. Deep in. This guy could take it, easily.

Holy hell, I loved this. Loved fucking. My hips were already in motion, maximizing the wet, nasty sensations on my cock. Part of the thrill was seeing Coach's eyes on me while I had my first fuck. Part of it was feeling of his cum lubing the way. Or the sensation of his hand running along my bare back, encouraging me. But even without all that, I was hooked.

I fucked faster now, working up my nut. I'd just cum ten, maybe fifteen minutes ago, so it would take me longer. But I felt it sneak up on me. And somehow Davis's loose sloppy hole was now pulsing and gripping my boner. I'd learn later that's because he was having his own cum. All I recognized at the time was my orgasm, powerful and so different than one bottoming or getting blown, much less masturbating.

Davis went to shower up and Coach and I just enjoyed lying in bed next to one another. I noticed his wedding band again and wondered what Mr. Mitchell would do if he ever found out. Apparently, Coach Thompson had a pattern and history of getting involved with his players sexually. I should have been jealous, but mostly I was happy I'd been one. Even if it wrong, even if it wasn't emotionally healthy for me.

Coach placed his arm affectionately around my shoulder. "Thought you might enjoy that, Chambers," he said.

"God yes," I said. Then sighing, "Coach, how many guys are there? Besides Mr. Mitchell."

The man just shrugged. "Now, or total?"

"God, either."

His hand was not at the back of my neck and his fingers were caressing my hairs there. I was mad that it gave me an erection, again, so easily. I could see his cock lengthening out, too. "Right now... four. Lost track of the total." He looked at me, challenging. Like he knew I could fuck his life up totally but he knew I wouldn't. "You probably think less of me," he said.

I shook my head. "I know you're a lying cheater, but I knew that when we started," I said.

Somehow my bluntness made the man chuckle. He reached over and took my wrist and brought my hand over to his hardon.

I didn't need convincing. I wrapped my fingers around it and slowly started stroking. The man matched my actions and we lay there, side by side, jerking each other as we kissed.

Finally Coach knelt up on the bed and straddled my chest. I knew what was coming. Indeed, his firm hands grabbed my head and he fed me his cock. His thrusts were wild and horny. Coach the Beast was back, pillaging my throat with his giant dong. I was loving it. Even if I'd just cum twice and wasn't sure I could nut again so soon, I felt that thrill of sexual stimulation.

"Goddamn!" I heard above me as Coach T's fucking grew more fervent. Then without fanfare he shot his wad deep, directly into my stomach.

"God, guys, that was hot to watch," Davis said. Coach and I uncoupled and I saw our host there, naked and toweling off. He was chubbed again but didn't seem in the mood for anything more. "You guys can wash off. I got dinner plans in a half hour. You can lock up behind you, OK?"

Coach nodded and sauntered over toward the master bathroom. He paused to give his ex-player a soft kiss. "Thanks for care of me, man," he said softly.

I could see Davis's contentment. "Yeah, Coach," he said equally quiet. "Anytime." A guess a part of him never lost the affection for this man, and I saw myself in him. I'd probably still be like that in a few years, dropping anything if Randy Thompson wanted a fuck.

I scooted to the edge of the bed. Maybe I could go home and shower there. I didn't have a spouse to deceive.

Davis watched me with a clear interest. "OK if I have your number, Brian?" he asked. "I, well, I have a girlfriend, but sometimes I like to get that itch scratched, you know."

"Um, yeah," I said. "It'd be cool to meet up again." I gave him my phone number, which Davis entered into his phone, then with an almost shy gesture he leaned in and gave me one last kiss before walking out.

by Bill Drake

Email: [email protected]

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