Acing the Interview

by BiII1t

20 Mar 2023 4002 readers Score 7.0 (20 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Finally, a job interview!  

With a trillion-dollar corporation at that. I’ve been trying to nail job interviews for months since graduation. I haven’t had an ounce of recognition no matter what. No matter how hard I push. And that’s if I even get my foot in the door. These lying-ass recruiters are always setting me up to be embarrassed. I mean… It’s just such a shame that I can’t get in. I deserve to rise to the top. 

Look at me... I thought, visualizing myself.

The gym is my salvation. I’ve worked my ass off just to qualify for this interview. Only one problem though… my fuel, or “juice,” as people would call it, sort of puts me on edge.

Everyone needs help sometimes, even me.

I thought about therapy, and nearly shot myself in the head for even considering it. That shit is useless and takes forever. However, I’ve heard of an alternative from this blonde kid.

Some sort of discounted hypnotherapy per his referral. Heh.

Guess the fat fuck isn’t that bad after all.

The therapist turned out to be a sexy chick. I didn’t know that they were allowed to dress in the way she was dressing. Her legs were so juicy and disproportionate to her torso. She wore some really nice stockings and a short skirt. The look she gave me was so seductive, like I was the most interesting man in the world. Couldn’t blame her for how she felt. Those legs…

Wait, something is off. What’s in between…?

Is that? Nah…

“It was really sweet of Jason to refer you. You two must be really close friends.”

“Who?” I didn’t hear her.

“Jason?” she said, brow raised.

“The fat kid?”

“Yes,” she said. “I believe he prefers ‘thick.’”

I laughed. “Yeah! More like ‘too thick.’”

She pursed her lips and chuckled. “Yeah… are you ready to begin the session? Mr....”

“Carmichael,” I reached out my hand. “Pleased to meet you. And yes.”

“Mr. Carmichael! The pleasure is all mine,” she shakes my hand with a wide grin.


A couple of hours later, it was time for the interview. I felt the confidence of a god. That hypnotherapy mellowed me out beyond my expectations. There was absolutely no way that I could mess it up at this point.

The office was so serene, yet eerily empty. 

Must be closing hours.

“Mr. Carmichael!” a voice from the side said. I recognized the face. This was the HR manager that phoned me in, Rob. He had a good aura about him when I spoke with him on the phone. Warm, friendly. I could tell this was a genuine guy. I remember him telling me about his wife and him vacationing in my hometown for a week. Eventually, I’d be like him, vacaying with my wife in Honolulu or somewhere down in the Caribbean. That’s if I don’t retire sooner than I get married.

His body though…

I am by no stretch of the imagination gay, but it was so much more than I could have envisioned. You could swear this guy was Clark Kent getting lazy about his disguise. He had the most piercing of eyes, clean and focused yet calm. His smile revealing his shiny, milky-white teeth made me melt. Yet, even those couldn’t keep me distracted enough to ignore what was under that smile…

What?! The fuck is wrong with me?

“Sorry that I’m late,” he said. “Would you like to start in here with me?”

“Absolutely!” I replied, much quicker than I usually would for some reason.

I rushed inside, not wanting to keep him waiting. As I got closer to him, I slowed down. How couldn’t I? I couldn’t understand why, but I wanted that moment of being next to him to last much longer than it did. His cologne caught me off guard, but I was able to see his physique out the corner of my eye. That frame was so broad. I wished he was actually Clark Kent so he could lend me that x-ray vision. If I could imagine what he looked like, that hump in the upper portion of his torso indicated massive pecs. His posture was upright, so I was apt to believe that his back and core were definitely in proportion to the most conspicuous parts of his body.

Super-defined upper back, scoping from the bulk. Abs that could kill by standing still. And…

Those legs… Wait, what?!

“You can sit right there,” Rob said, smiling again. “You seem a little nervous. It’s okay. I understand. Big company. Fresh, young graduate. A buttload of pressure, I’m sure.”

“Yep,” I said, nodding emphatically.

Why isn’t the hypnotism working? I thought. And why do I feel so weird?

“So, let’s get started,” he said. “This shouldn’t be too hard… Alright, now Mr.

Carmichael, I have to skim through everything because you have an extensive, thick file that- “ “Ugghh…” I could feel my entire body set alight. I could hear my chest thump with quickness and volume. He looked good before, then he looked so much fucking finer. My eyes felt open for the first time. Struggling to respond, the only thing I could think about was him and his body. I could feel my excitement of his presence getting deeper and deeper. My crotch began to pulsate. It had never been this sensational. This fiery ecstasy imbued my groin, flooding my body. It felt good… great! Unbearably better than anything. Fuck! It was just so-

“Oooh!” I felt my erection burst. It was too much. It didn’t stop. It kept coming. I didn’t want it to stop. Please don’t. I wasn’t even looking at him anymore. My eyes rolled to the back of my skull. My legs shook as I stood up, still coming. This release! 

Wide-eyed and terrified, Rob launched from his chair, “Nice meeting you! It’s late and I forgot something important at home! Please take ca- “

“The pleasure is all mine!”

by BiII1t

Email: [email protected]

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