Aaron's Discovery

by Danny Galen Cooper

26 Nov 2023 2693 readers Score 9.6 (92 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The damp gravel beneath my feet made little squeaking noises as I stirred them with the toe of my shoe.  I shivered slightly in the cold air that had accompanied that first week in February.  I had hurried and arrived early, hoping that Shane would be there to meet me.  We were about to get the results of our second test, and it had been a long three months.  I found that with each passing week, I wanted more and more to be with Shane, and the lack of physical contact was driving me to distraction.

He had been adamant about no intimacy, and I understood his viewpoint.  But he had taken it to mean no kissing, no fondling, nothing but hugging, and by hugging, he meant the kind that happens with a distant relative.  After that first night, he had even refused to come to my room; we always met in his.  He had a roommate, and the risk of his roommate walking in kept me from attempting to rub Shane through his pants.  I was horny all the time, and it seemed that I spent half my time in my shower relieving my stress.

Shane and I had not seen each other over the Christmas break.  I had gone to stay with my grandparents.  I enjoyed staying with them.  My grandfather had discovered “my secret” during a stay during my senior year of high school, but I still felt loved.  

There was a boy in their neighborhood named Richard who had lived there for as long as I could remember.  We often played together when I was younger, and as teens, we would toss a baseball while we talked.  He’d gone on to play baseball for his high school team, and I had turned to tennis.  He was on his way home when he saw me weeding my grandmother’s front flower bed.  He stopped by, and we got caught up on what each of us had been up to.

I’m not sure how we got onto the topic of kissing, but both of us admitted to not having kissed anyone.  I remember his saying, “I think we should practice.  I’ve watched some videos.”

“I’ve seen some, too,” I told him.  I didn’t tell him that they were guys.

That’s when he asked, “Want to practice with me?  It’ll be the same as it will be with a girl, right?  Neither one of us has a mustache.”

I laughed, but the idea excited me.  “Of course,” I said, trying to act as if it were no big deal.  “A mouth and a tongue are a mouth and a tongue.”

Richard looked around as if trying to spot a spy.  “Where can we go?”

“How about the shed next to the garage,” I suggested.

I saw a smile creep across his face.  “Perfect.”

I led him around the front of the house and to the side yard, and we slipped easily into the shed.  I didn’t want to waste any time, so I held his head between my stretched-out hands and pressed my lips against his.

We did a little closed-mouth kissing before I said, “Open your mouth.”  After he did, I ran my tongue along his lower lip, and as I did I moved my hand down to my crotch and ran my hand over my hardening dick.  At the same time, I pushed my tongue into his mouth.  He responded by pushing his tongue into mine, and I began to suck on his tongue.  I moved my hand to his crotch, and I could tell that his cock had hardened as well.

Richard moaned as I sucked his tongue and pressed my hand against his dick with more force.  He sucked my tongue into his mouth and began to pull it in and out of his mouth by applying and releasing suction.  I started to feel a little light-headed, and I wanted him to grab my crotch with his hand when he released my tongue and said, “I want to suck your peter.”

I nodded and barely whispered an “OK” as I undid my belt buckle.  Richard grabbed the waistband of my jeans and unbuttoned it.  He pushed the zipper down before pushing me back against a short stack of boxes.  I pushed my pants down, and my six-inch erection popped forward.  Richard grabbed it with his fingers and dropped to his knees.  He took my entire dick into his mouth and began to suck it.  The sensation was awesome.

I had jerked off before that moment, but this was no comparison.  His mouth was warm and wet, and his lips slid from the tip to the base and back again.  The room seemed to dim, and the floor seemed to tilt.  I grunted and unloaded into his mouth.  He swallowed my ejaculate with a brief cough.

As I looked up to smile at him and tell him to trade places, the door to the shed opened, and I saw my grandfather standing in the doorway.  He closed the door quickly and waited outside.  Richard and I were fully clothed and red-faced when we exited the shed.  Richard walked away without saying anything, and I turned to my grandfather.  “I guess you know my secret now.”

  “Next time,” he said.  “Latch the door.”  We had a long talk, and he advised me not to share the news with my grandmother.

As he put it, “She struggles with this issue.  Her brother Eugene preferred men, and her family shunned him.  She loved him a lot, and her knowing about you, Aaron, will distress her.  She’ll still love you,” he told me, “but she’ll worry about you and how your parents will respond.”

My parents did not respond well.  While I wasn’t kicked out of the house or shunned, it was obvious that they weren’t happy.  I got told that the funding to go to the university that I had chosen just wasn’t there.  So I ended up at the community college an hour and a half away; my last-minute approval put me in a single dorm room at the same cost as a shared one, but I hadn’t been able to take advantage of it.  That would change soon, I hoped.

I sat down on a bench next to the pea gravel walkway and thought about my grandfather.  We’d spent several days cleaning the third-floor bedroom; he’d used it for storage, and it needed some serious dusting and vacuuming.  He told me stories about growing up.  Some of them I’d heard before, but I didn’t remember all the details.  I enjoyed spending time with him.  

While I was there, my best friend from elementary school to the present day stopped by for a brief visit.  Tyler was there to do some last-minute Christmas shopping.  My grandmother served him some cake, and she stayed in the next room during the entire visit so we didn’t get to discuss anything very personal.  It was good to see him, and we promised to visit again at the beginning of summer vacation.

A form moved in front of me and disturbed my thoughts.  “Been waiting for me for very long?” asked the voice that I loved to hear.

“A lifetime,” I replied.  I swiveled to the side and looked at Shane’s handsome face.  He seemed slightly pale.  “Are you nervous?” I asked.

“Maybe a little.”  He smiled.  “But not for the results.  I know we’re both going to be negative.”

“Well, for sure you are, my little cherry bottom,” I laughed just a little.  “As for me, I was careful.  I’m expecting good results.  And about later, you don’t have to worry.  Nothing will happen without your approval.”

“I know,” he shrugged.  “I just don’t want to disappoint you, Aaron.”

I wrapped my arms around him and kicked at the ground.  “You couldn’t even if you tried.”

“Not in public, Aaron.”

“I’m sorry.”  I stepped back.  “Let’s go get those results.”

I stepped toward the clinic, and he remained where he was for a moment and then hurried to the doors of the health building.  We opened the doors to the clinic’s waiting room, it didn’t take long for the mood to grow dim.

Gloom, despair, and negativity pervaded the waiting area.  Only two chairs were filled, and the couple sitting in them looked as if they had just received devastating news.  I moved quickly to the window and told the nurse our names.  She immediately handed me an envelope with my name written on the front.  “We’re very short-staffed today.  There’s a number on the back to call if you have questions.”

Shane stepped up and was given an almost identical envelope and the same instructions.  The woman at the window turned her back to us.  We stepped back into the hall.

“Before we open the envelopes, Aaron, I need to tell you something.”

“OK.”  The seriousness of his voice made me swallow hard.

“I’m going back home at the end of the semester, and I’m not coming back here.”

A sense of relief rushed over me.  He simply wanted to tell me that he wasn’t coming back here.  He’s worried that I won’t want to go with him.  “Are you going to UT?”

“Yeah.”  He nodded and turned his head to look out through the glass door.  “But you’re not coming with me.”

I thought at first that it was a question.  It took me a moment to realize that it wasn’t.  The envelope crumpled in my hand as I made a fist.

“I’ve lost my infatuation with you.  That’s all it was.  Really.  And besides, my dad wants me to marry Willow Mae.  Her daddy owns the…”

I cut him off.  “It’s OK.  I don’t need to hear about your other plans.”  I’d felt something was off since we came back after Christmas, but I thought it was just nerves.  I bit my lip to keep from crying.  “I need to get back to my room and study.  Plus I have a paper to write.”  I walked away from him intending to go back to my room, but I began walking to the pizza joint where I often met the guys I’d made online arrangements with.  Each step was taken with a mix of anger and sadness.

“His daddy wants him to marry some woman, and he’s going to do it,” I grumbled under my breath.  “Well, fuck him.”  I pulled the door to Luigi’s Pizza and Pasta with a little more force than was necessary and twisted my finger in the process.  Realizing that I needed to calm down, I took a deep breath.  I nodded to the man at the register and took a seat at a table in the back.  The added darkness seemed comforting.

The waiter named Chad walked over to my table.  I remembered him from the first time I came into the place.  He had short light-brown hair then, and he was clean-shaven.  Since then, his hair had grown to shoulder length; I still liked it better short, but he was still attractive.  He kept his new facial growth short and neat, and I wasn’t sure if I preferred him with it.  What I hadn’t noticed before was how broad his shoulders were nor how narrow his waist was.  Had he been working out?  Or was he naturally this well-built?

“What can I do for you?” he asked with a smile.

“A root beer and a quick fuck in the back.”  I regretted saying it as soon as I heard the words come out of my mouth.

“No problem with the root beer, but I advise against a quickie in the back.  I sense some anger, and that never ends well.”  He continued to smile.

“What about a nice quiet dinner someplace, and if we hit it off, possibly some gentle kissing and caressing with the possibility of some prolonged sex?”  I saw his eyebrows move up as he waited for me to answer.

I sensed the stress within my body slowly escaping.  I nodded at him.  “That does sound like a better choice.  May I still have the root beer?”

“Of course.”  He winked at me and headed toward the kitchen.

I watched his ass wiggle slightly as he went.  A real date.  Maybe that’s what I needed.  Instead of just a hookup or a hope, perhaps I should try just meeting someone and getting to know him and allowing the intimacy to develop.  

When Chad came back to the table, I stood up. “I’m Aaron, and if you were serious about having dinner together, I’d like that.”

“I would, too,” he replied as he put my drink on the table.

“No place fancy until I strike it rich, but someplace quiet would be nice,” I said.

“Hey, student budget here, too.  What about a corner table in the dining hall tonight?  I think we eat in the same hall.  At least I’ve seen you in there.”

“The dining room next to the Becket Dorm?” I asked.

“That’s the one.”

“Sounds perfect.  The price is right.”

“And,” Chad added, “I hear it’s the company and not the food that makes the experience worthwhile.”

“Oh, come on.  The food is, oh, how do you say…”

“Barely adequate,” he laughed.  “How’s five-thirty sound?”

“Perfect.  I’ll be there.”  I sat back down.  “Thanks, Chad.”

“Sure.  Do you need anything else?” he asked.

“No.  Just this.”  I reached into my pocket and pulled out a five-dollar bill.  “Here, I think I’ll take my drink and go back to my room.  I’ve got a big date to get ready for.”

“Let me get your change.”

“You keep it.  For service above and beyond.”  I picked up my drink and sipped it.  The sweet root beer taste hit the spot.  I walked over to the door and looked back.  Chad gave me a little wave, and I nodded back.  I headed back to my room wondering which shirt in my closet would be the easiest for Chad to unbutton.

by Danny Galen Cooper

Email: [email protected]

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