Aaron Smith's Life Adventures

by Danny Galen Cooper

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Standing as if frozen into place, I considered what I had just done, what I had been compelled to do–taking Eric into me and keeping part of him with me. And this, along with his last words to me as he left, had immobilized me. I listened as the sound of the police cruiser drove away. When I was left in complete silence, I moved to the couch and sat in the darkness with my knees pulled under my chin.

Could the feelings coursing through my veins that had been sparked when I first saw Eric at the Fourth of July picnic have been the embryo of love? These were feelings I didn’t remember ever having. Even the ones I felt with Mitch, although just as strong, were different. I dropped my head forward. I could still taste Eric.

As the minutes ticked by, I played scenario after scenario in my head. How should I answer the door and invite Eric back into the house? A simple hug? A shower of kisses? Complete ambivalence? No, not that. Things were already perfect; maybe I should just say, “Welcome back.”

I sensed drowsiness invading my space, and I fought it. I needed to get up and make something for our late-night supper. I knew I didn’t want him to take me out; I wanted to keep him here and take him to my room after we finished eating. I tried to decide what to make, and as I considered the possibilities, I fell asleep.

The ringing of my phone woke me, and I was surprised to find that I had fallen asleep on the sofa. My father was calling, and the time read six fifteen.

“Are you alright?” were the first words out of his mouth.

“Yeah,” I answered groggily. I looked around the room. I was alone. Had Eric returned and I slept through his knock on the door?”

“I’m relieved. I just heard on the news about the shooting,” my father said. I could tell by the speed of his words that he’d been stressed.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I replied.

“The news said there was a shooting in our neighborhood. Several policemen were severely injured. Something about a party that went bad. I’m not sure.”

“Policemen were hurt?”

“The news wasn’t clear. I’m coming home this afternoon. I’ll give you a call when I’m back. Maybe we can grab dinner.”

“Sure. Of course, we can.”

“The catfish restaurant?” he asked.

“Always. I love you, Dad.”

“I love you, too, Son.” He hung up.

My heart began to race. A shooting. Policemen involved. Eric didn’t come back as he promised. With no hard facts about anything, I worked myself up and began to cry. The phone began to ring. I began to search the cushions for it. It rang again, and I realized it was still in my hand. Eric’s name was on the screen.


“Hey, Aaron. What’s the matter? You sound funny.”

I took a deep breath. “I just woke up. I fell asleep waiting for you.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. There was an incident, and I got bitten by a suspect, so I’m at the hospital. I had to get a couple of stitches. I need to go home and shower and get some clothes. They’ve taken mine as evidence.”

“So you’re at the hospital, naked except for some stitches.” Now I was fighting back the tears of happiness that he was OK. “Do you need me to come to get you? I can be there really fast.”

“My dad’s here. One of the guys called him. Anyway, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you. Give me an hour to get home and get dressed, and I’ll give you a call.”

“OK. I can’t wait.”

“Me neither.”

The phone went silent. I had wanted to tell him how I was feeling, but I knew he was surrounded by several policemen as well as his father. It wasn’t the right time.

Eric texted me about an hour and a half later. “My dad is clinging to me like fly paper. I’m in the bathroom–pretended I had to go. My hand is achy and my arm hurts where the bastard bit me. I want to escape and drive over to see you, but I had to take some pain meds.”

“I understand. I can come over, but if you need rest and your dad is there, I can’t even hold your hand.”

“Fuck this. I’m going to tell him.”

“Wait, Eric. Don’t say anything until your head is clear. He’s going to have to know at some point, but when you’re on pain meds is not the time.”

“You’re right. Shit. He’s banging on the door. OK. I told him I’m fine. Can we meet for dinner? He might want to come along.”

“I’m having dinner with my dad at CatFish Heaven. I’ll text you the time. We can have dinner together, and our dads can meet. Maybe they can talk about golf or something and we can sneak off to Dairy Queen for dessert.”

“Sounds great.”

“I’ll call you later when I know the time.” I put a heart emoji at the end and went upstairs to decide what to wear that would impress his father and make Eric want to jump me in the back seat. What a great life I had.

My father and I pulled into the parking lot of CatFish Heaven just a few minutes before six. I had warned him that Eric’s father was unaware that the two of us had started dating. My father was unaware of how strong my feelings for Eric were.

When my dad arrived late that afternoon, I filled him in on the true facts of the event in our neighborhood. Too much drinking and some drug use had caused a fight between a man and his brother-in-law. The man pulled a knife and stabbed one of his cousins who was trying to break things up. Several officers arrived on the scene. Eric had tased the man, but there was little effect. The man jumped him, and bit him several times, only two of which broke skin; the others were deflected by his uniform. Two other officers were injured as they tried to cuff the man; one with severe head lacerations and a concussion. No one had discharged a firearm.

Eric texted that they were pulling into the parking lot, and the four of us met at the door.

“Good to see you, buddy,” Eric said to me as he winked. His father shifted his gaze from me to my father. “And this is my father, Brian Smith. This is my friend Aaron, Dad.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said as I shook his hand. “This is my father, James Smith.”

Both Eric and Brian placed their hands out to shake my father’s hand. He shook them both.

“My dad’s a retired policeman who works for a detective agency,” added Eric.

“That’s impressive,” said my father. “I’m an account auditor.”

“He’s the head auditor.” The others turned to look at me. “Well, I thought that since Eric’s bragging about his dad, I could brag about mine.”

“And what do you do?” asked Eric’s father.

“I’m in my last semester, getting my degree in computer science,” I replied.

“With a specialization in data forensics,” my father added. “And, since we’re bragging, he doesn’t know it yet, but he’s being offered the position of senior data manager next week.”

“Congratulations,” said Eric as he moved forward and hugged me.

A moment of awkward silence followed.

“Let’s go in and celebrate our career developments,” Eric said as he raised his bandaged hand.”

“Eric.” His father’s tone was flat and corrective.

“Hey, Dad,” Eric said as he placed his uninjured arm on his dad’s shoulder. “It isn’t every day that a cop gets put on unpaid leave for tasing the mayor’s drunk and dangerously out-of-control son.”

Standing in front of a restaurant in full view of the public prevented my honest response.

“Let’s go inside,” said my father. “I’m really sorry to hear that, Eric.”

The four of us went inside and ordered. We got a family-sized catfish basket, an order of fried oysters, and a small peel-and-eat shrimp appetizer. I took Eric’s cup.

“I’ll get your drink for you,” I told him.

“Let me make sure you put in the right amount of ice,” he replied.

“How much ice and which drink?”

“About an inch of ice and regular Coke.”

“I just want to hold you and tell you that everything will be alright. There’s so much more that I want to say, but not until we’re alone.”

Eric must have sensed our parents walking up behind us because he said. “Thanks for doing the drink so I don’t spill it.”

“Whatever you need, I’ll be happy to help.”

“Sounds like you have a real friend this time,” said Brian. “Not like those losers you used to hang out with. Looks like you’re on the right track with this one.”

Eric and I found a table in the back corner. He looked at me. “I’m worried,” he said. “He said something nice about you.”

“He complimented you for finding a wonderful guy like me.” I grinned.

“You don’t understand, Aaron. He never says anything nice.”

“They’re coming; they seem to be in a really good mood.”  

The four of us sat discussing the weather. Eric and my father seemed to have an interest in the local baseball and hockey teams. I certainly didn’t care–too many bad memories from middle school physical education. Brian listened in and occasionally had something to add. I was happy to see that my father and Eric had something in common. Brian seemed to be making an effort to avoid looking at me or talking to me. Perhaps I was being paranoid. He was nowhere near the experience I had with Mrs. Epstein.

Brian was also the only one not to enjoy the fried oyster. He gobbled down the fried catfish quickly enough. I got refills on the drinks for everyone, and with everyone satiated, I knew it was time to leave, and I wondered how easily it would be to get rid of the parents without giving away Eric’s sexual preferences.

Eric’s father brought it up first. “I understand you boys wanted to go get donuts or some such crap for dessert. I figured that I could take Jim home and drop him off while Aaron takes Eric and then drops him off at home.”

My father piped in. “Do we still have that whiskey in the cabinet?”

“I haven’t touched it,” I admitted freely. “You know I’m a rum guy.”

“Then, I invite you in for a taste of some really good whiskey,” my father said to Brian.

“I’ll accept the offer, but only a taste. I have to drive back to Eric’s place.”

I shot a furtive look at Eric. He grinned back. “Let’s head out, then,” he offered.

The older men got up and left us without so much as turning back around and waving at us. Eric and I grinned all the way to my car. Eric chuckled a little. 

“Well, I guess they couldn’t wait to have a taste,” I said.

“I can’t wait to have a taste,” said Eric.

“Let me get the door for you, my injured one.” I opened the car door for him.  

“I’m going to expect this every time.”

“I’ll hire someone to be your official car door opener,” I teased.

“I thought you’d want to do it yourself.”

“Weren’t you listening?” I asked as I closed the car door. As soon as I got into the driver’s seat, I added, “I’m about to be the Senior Data Manager. I’m too important to be opening car doors for people.” I leaned over and kissed him. “Does that make it feel better?”


“Did that make your arm feel better?” I kissed him again.

“My arm feels fine,” said Eric. “I’m fucking drugged, man. My dad slipped me another pill just before he left us.”

“Could he suspect us and think that will keep us from playing around?”

Eric giggled. “Fuck no, dude; my arm was killing me.”

I started to laugh, too. “I think your dosage is a little high.”

“Nah. I’m always like this the first half hour or so and then I get all normal and shit.”

“I see,” I said. “And do these drugs keep you from getting hard?”

“Fuck no. Not as long as I can stay away. I’ll show you.” He began to unzip his pants.

“Not in the car, Eric.”

“Well, I’m sure as fuck not going to get out of the car and show you.”

I smiled and laughed. “That’s not what I meant. Let’s get some ice cream, and then we can head back to the house. The old guys should be finished with their whiskey tasting, and we’ll have the place to ourselves.”

“OK,” agreed Eric, and within three minutes, he was asleep. I decided that I’d drive slowly back home, giving my father time to have a nightcap and drive back to his new place. Eric and I could have some pre-sex ice cream, and hopefully, he’d be awake enough for us to have some post-ice cream fun.

Disappointment rained down on me as I noticed two cars in the driveway. My father and Eric’s dad were still at the house. I hoped they’d be almost finished. Eric was easy to rouse from his nap, and surprisingly, he was quite alert and coherent. I walked in as if I owned the place to put a little bit of pressure on the older men to get the hell out because I wanted to fuck my boyfriend, but they weren’t sitting at the table sipping on their whiskey. Nor were they in the living room.

A noise from above filled me with dread. My father was showing Brian the pictures of my brother and me. He had a huge collection of them on the dressers in his room. He’s spilled the beans about Eric and me.

“I think my dad might have told your dad about us,” I said to Eric. “That’s not how I wanted it.”

“If he outed me, then I won’t have to. Maybe they drank too much.” He sighed heavily.

“Want to go find out?” I asked.

“No, not really. Let’s go. You lead.”

“Chicken.” I laughed.


“That’s a rooster, not a chicken.” I kissed him, took his hand, and led him up the stairs. I could hear our fathers talking. “Take a deep breath, Eric. The moment of truth has arrived.”

He smiled and we walked to my father’s room. The door was closed, and I was stunned to hear my father say, “Fuck, Brian, your hole is so tight.”

I was frozen in place.

Then the voice of Eric’s dad, “It’s your dick, man, not my hole. You’ve got the biggest dick. It’s fucking awesome.”

There were some grunting noises, and Brian spoke again, “Oh, yeah, fuck me just like that. Oh, shit, yeah. Oh, Jim, kiss me, man.”

I turned to Eric; his face was one of shock. I took a step back and lost my balance, as Eric grabbed me to keep me from falling, I knocked a painting from the wall. It fell to the floor with a crash that seemed louder than a TNT explosion.

The door to the bedroom flew open, and I saw my father, completely naked, sporting a monster erection that was covered by a glistening condom. I immediately looked away, but as I did my eyes swept across the hairiest man I’d ever seen. His dick wasn’t quite as big, but it was uncut and dripping pre-cum.

“Oh, shit,” they both said simultaneously.

Eric and I had turned away.

“I’m sorry, boys,” said my father. “You know how it is. You start talking, find out how attractive the other guy is, and …”

“Yeah, Dad, I know.”

Brian interjected, “Well, Eric, I guess I won’t have to figure out how to tell you that I’m gay.” He chuckled. “And, I guess you don’t need to tell me something I’ve known about you since you were about fourteen.”

“What?” Eric exclaimed. “You’ve known?”

“I love you, son. Yes, I’ve known. I should have told you that I knew and told you about myself. Why don’t Jim and I put some clothes on, and we’ll meet you downstairs, and we can all talk.”

“The only thing I have to say right now,” said Eric, “is that I have fallen in love with Aaron.”

“After one day?” asked his father.

“Honestly, I knew when I first saw him. It’s strange, but that’s how it is. Even before he did that horrible Matt Leblanc impression, I knew.”

“It wasn’t horrible.” I defended myself. “Just not great.”

“Aaron, you have so many wonderful attributes. You’re handsome, physically fit, smart, and a great kisser, but it was horrible. Now, I think the old guys should go back inside their room and… whatever. The young virile men should go downstairs and have ice cream.”

“If you weren’t my son, I’d say, ‘Fuck you,’ but since you are, I won’t.”

I reached out and interlace my fingers with those of Eric. “I love you, Dad.” Eric and I began walking to the head of the stairs. “Play safe,” I called back.

“What about me?” asked Eric.

“Let me tell you something about you,” I said. “You haven’t seen my brother’s secret room. The one everyone knows about.”

“So how is it secret if everyone knows about it?” Eric asked.

“You don’t know about it.”


“And, anyway, that’s not why it’s secret. It’s secret because very few people know why he picked it for his room when he had a nice room upstairs.” I led him into the basement and to the room where I first discovered the joys of being with another man. I stepped inside and removed my shirt. I put my fingers to my lips, and he nodded his response. He removed his shirt as well.

I kicked off my shoes; Eric kicked off his shoes.

I unbuttoned my pants and unzipped them; he did the same.

I removed one piece of clothing at a time, and he removed the same clothing until we stood before one another completely naked.

Our erections pointed forward. I stepped closer until the tips of our dicks touched. He had to push down slightly on his so they would align.

Eric spoke first, his words soft and gentle. “I really do love you. It’s immense and overwhelming. You’ve changed the course of my life with just two words.”

“Two words?”

“You said Officer Smith.” He moved his hand from his manhood and brushed the fingertips against my cheek. “Make love to me, Aaron. I want to feel you; I want to be physically connected to you.”

I moved my hand to the back of his head, running my fingers through his hair as I did. Our lips met and locked, and we kissed. Eric moved me with his hands so that I sat on the edge of the bed. His mouth traveled to my neck and down to my chest. His lips circled my nipple, and I moaned in response. My stiffness rubbed in the valley between his pecs as he moved to run his tongue between my naval and my sternum. He continued toward my hard shaft and once reaching the head, he engulfed it; he took my entire erection into his mouth. I felt the head of my cock hit the back of his mouth and enter his throat. He ground his nose into my bush as he tried to make sure he had taken all of me. My fingers gripped his hair, and my pelvis responded by thrusting forward.  

When he pulled himself free, his face was red, but there was a smile on his lips. He positioned himself farther up my body and kissed me again. I wasn’t prepared for what he did next. He pushed me toward the center of the bed and flipped me face down. His uninjured hand pushed my left cheek to the side and he buried his face in my ass crack. His tongue went to work on the entrance to my hole, and I pushed my face into the mattress to keep my moans of pleasure from calling attention from the neighbors. I felt him blow a stream of air in the center of my aperture and then circle around it; my cock tensed, and I felt a release of pre-cum.

Eric began to kiss my back, and as he moved closer to my neck, I felt his hardness between my ass cheeks. He didn’t try to enter me; instead, the head of his cock rubbed against my hole. His lips caressed my neck, and I felt myself get lightheaded. I felt as if I were floating off the bed. I began to breathe more slowly as I soaked up the wondrous sensations.

Gently rolling onto his back, Eric pulled me on top of him. Our erections crushed together, and I rubbed our crotches against each other. Eric gasped and grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled us even more tightly together. I kissed him, forcing my tongue inside his mouth. His tongue fought back, and as I moved my head away, our tongues did a swordplay dance. I couldn’t wait any longer. I positioned myself on my haunches, grabbed his dick, and held it against my hole. I pushed down. There was enough spit present to allow his head to pop inside. Eric added more spit on his shaft, and I slid down until I had all of him.

I moved up and down, but my balance seemed off. Eric stabilized me by holding one of my legs and pushing slightly up on the other. I could tell he was enjoying what we were doing as I saw his eyes roll back several times. Feeling him move in and out of me also felt good, but the position was awkward, and soon I stood up on the bed looking down at him.

“Get on all fours,” he commanded, and I did as he asked. He stood behind me and pushed my ass down before he slid his hardness back into me. As he entered, I felt the pressure of fullness as my ass muscles stretched open, and then there was the emptiness as he withdrew. I whimpered, “Oh, fuck,” and lifted up to feel his face against my cheek. At one point, he pulled out and flipped me onto my back while he pushed me to the center of the mattress. He was back on top of me in an instant. He was back inside, and this time his cock rubbed hard against my prostate. I grunted, “Yes.”

Eric’s teeth were clenched together as he began to pound my ass. “I love you, Aaron.” I tilted my pelvis forward, and my legs crossed his back at the level of his lower rib cage. With each thrust, my dick seemed to swell more tightly until I was sure the skin would rupture. Precum oozed from my cock. The slapping sound of his balls against my butt grew more difficult to hear. I grabbed my dick and jerked it twice before it spilled its contents onto my chin and neck and chest.

Eric pushed himself into me with even more force, grunted a “Fuck,” and came. He kissed me; his erection was still deep inside me, but the pressure from his liquid forced some of it out, and I felt it drip down my ass valley.

I found myself looking deep into his eyes. I’d found love again, and I knew it. I wrapped my arms around him as I lowered my legs pushing him from within me. Eric rolled onto his side and held me to him. I saw his eyes moisten.

“What is it?” I asked softly.

“Until now, when I fucked a guy, it was jerking off. Sometimes not even as rewarding as jerking off. This was so different from that. We were together. Together. At one point, I wanted all of me inside you, and I do mean all of me.”

I smiled and kissed him. I placed my hand on the side of his head. “The difference is love, Eric.” I wanted to turn off the light and stay like that until morning.

“There are things I want to say, but I don’t know how.”

“I think I know them, but I still want to hear them.”

He kissed me again and again and again…


Eric and I stayed together; unfortunately, an infection in his arm damaged some of the nerves, and he was forced to retire from the police force. He found fulfillment volunteering for Samaritan’s Purse.  

My brother moved back to America, or The States, as he called it. He lived near Melbourne, Florida, and Eric and I visited him often.

I never took another boat trip, but the two of us did take a cross-country and a trans-Canada rail trip. 

As I look back on my life, I realize how many blessings I had. From a wonderful man who loved me and gave me the freedom to do many things that most never have the opportunity to do, to a father who understood and cared, a brother who knew when I needed him to keep me from hitting the ground head first, friends who, whether they realized it or not, helped steer me away from the abyss, and finally to a man who loves others and teaches me to love others even when I have difficulty seeing them as struggling people, I have had a glorious life of adventures. I’m just wondering what the next fifty years or more will bring.

by Danny Galen Cooper

Email: [email protected]

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