A cure of all your struggles

by ADayYoureGone

25 Nov 2023 2454 readers Score 8.1 (23 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Situation at work was going crazy. Mark wasn’t a closeted guy, yet still preferred his private life to himself. That’s not how things were going in the large office space – you snoose, you lose. One inaccurately shared private picture – and yet you are the most discussed (and disgusted) person in the entire 56 floors building.

It was completely heart breaking. No, he doesn’t care about the job… Yet the feeling of complete loneliness and emptiness was feeling his heart. “Do I need help?” – the thought of being helpless sparked like a firework. The ad on the bus station was ready to answer his prayers.

“Struggle with anxiety? 80% of people feel lost and lonely at least 3-4 times every week. They have no idea that the solution to their problems is several therapy sessions away. Well, you do know. What would be your choice?”

Mark has never believed in therapy, but at this point it looked like a chance. A chance to have some answers, no matter how stupid they are. After all, how could it possibly hurt?


Session 1.

Mark walked along a bright white corridor and knocked on the door. A soft voice invited: “Come in”.

After several steps he was welcomed by a doctor, who heartly invited him in.

Hello, you must be Mark? Great, make yourself comfortable. May I take your cloth?

Hello, doctor. No, no worries. I feel comfortable enough – replied Mark, sitting on the couch with a jacket on.

Sure. I’ve read once more all your stories and complaints that you described over the phone – I’m pretty sure we can work on that together. Why don’t you start? How was your job today?

Mark took a deep breath and immediately shouted out:

Everybody hates me.

Oh, I’m pretty sure that’s not true. Are your colleagues still making fun of you?

Yes, and it’s getting worse. Today they printed out my… private pictures and posted on the “Employee of the month” stand.

I believe they didn’t mean any harm, but yet you feel stressed. How about we do a little exercise to remove your tension?

What’s it about?

It’s called hypno therapy. The meaning of it is to put you in a little trance-like state, which opens your mind and allows me to understand the root cause of the problem. So… shall we?

Ahm… I guess.

Just close your eyes and make yourself comfortable. It won’t take long…


Session 8.

Mark walked along a short grey corridor and knocked on the door. A soft voice invited: “Come in”.

After several steps he was welcomed by a doctor, who heartly invited him in.

Hello, nice to see you again, Mark! Make yourself comfortable. May I take your cloth?

Hello, Sir. No, no worries. I feel comfortable enough – replied Mark, removing his jacket and putting it on the couch.

Sure. I hope our past lessons worked well for you? Why don’t you share your progress.

Mark took a slight breath and responded:

I defended myself. It was hard, but I finally did it.

Oh, I’m pretty sure that felt amazing. Did your colleagues fight you back?

Yes, but it wasn’t important. They tried to make fun of me, but I felt proud of myself more than ever.

I believe they didn’t mean any harm, but yet you feel stressed. How about we do a little exercise to remove your tension?

As always?

Yes. It never hearts to secure the knowledge… So… shall we?

Ahm… Sure.

Just close your eyes and make yourself comfortable. You know the deal…


Session X.

Mark walked along a long dark corridor and knocked on the metal door. A voice invited: “Come in”.

After several steps he was welcomed by a person, who invited him in.

Hello, nice to see you again, Mark! Make yourself comfortable. May I take your cloth?

Hello, Master. No, no worries. I feel comfortable enough – replied Mark, stripping down completely naked. He took off all his cloth and accurately put it next to the doctor.

Sure. I see our past lessons worked well for you. Why don’t you share your progress?

 Mark took a slight breath and responded:

I quit my job. It was hard, but I finally did it.

Oh, I’m pretty sure that felt amazing. What did you do?

Exactly as you advised. Wrote a dismissal letter and quit immediately.

Great job, is that it?

No, you were completely right. I was so blind and couldn’t see that the problem spread far beyond that. My friends – they were doing all the same, so I just deleted my social media profiles and decided to move on. Also, I made a decision to move out from my apartment and find for a better place.

Did you use my offer for temporary storage for your belongings?

Exactly, thank you very much. I wouldn’t survive staying on the streets.

Yes. It never hurts to give up to the moment when you are protected. So… are you finally, ok?

Ahm… I think I am.

Great. Just make yourself comfortable so we can finish the session.


Mark’s eyes became completely vacant as he stared at the dark wall beyond the doctor.

Opened metal door behind him triggered a little blow of a wind, but his naked body didn’t make a move. A tall person, dressed in a leather outfit walked in and stood behind Mark.

Is it done?

You tell me.

Leather man walked around and touched Mark’s face with the leather glove. A spark of a sensation rushed through his body, but the eyes were still staring at the invisible point. Two gloved fingers gently opened his mouth and rushed deeply into the throat, causing Mark to shiver, yet don’t resist an inch of it.

That’s impressive. What did you do?

Well, a true professional never reveals his secrets. Let’s say, Mark was a sensitive guy, who always wanted to get rid of his sensitivity and struggles it brings. It was a no way to go, cause in order to be his true self he needed to embrace it, and just stop fighting. That’s what I did for him.

Does he still feel everything as deeply as before?

Oh yes. Again, be my guest and try it out.

Leather guest reached his pocket and took out a small chain with nipple clamps. Quickly assessing naked body in front of him, he put clamps in place. A long leather boot stepped over naked balls, when he pulled attached chain back to him.

The result he saw was shocking. A loud moan left Mark’s lips when it happened, and a lonely tear dropped from his eye. His face yet still remained vacant with a little grin on it.

Amazing job. Is it a standard deal?

As always. 2 weeks probation, normal price. If you’re satisfied with the result, please bring object back to a final session to make results permanent. No refunds or returns are possible after that.

You have a deal doctor.


Man gently wrapped Mark’s neck with his leather glove and pulled him into the hallway. The sound of an opened trashcan and thrown away clothes could have been heard behind.

Leather man accompanied Mark to a big car on the parking lot and opened a door in front of him:

Make yourself comfortable.

A huge grin shinned on Mark’s face when he climbed on the backseat.

by ADayYoureGone

Email: [email protected]

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