A cocky frat boy picks up a twink at the gym

by Jeremy Miller

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Reader discretion is adviced, this story contain graphic content depicting violence and rape which may not be suitable to all readers. This is a fictional story and do not portray real events or real persons.

‘Well, well, well! Look who’s here!’ I heard coming from behind as I was at the coffee shop with my boyfriend Drew on a Friday afternoon, enjoying being done with all my classes for the week.

‘Is that you Wilson?’ the familiar voice said. ‘Or should we call you Wilsonette now?’

‘Only if you’re stuck in 1974’ I replied to Logan, one of my frat brothers.

‘Oh, cocky as always!’ Logan joked. ‘I like it!’

‘You’re not gonna introduce me to your friend?’ Logan continued, insisting on the word ‘introduce’. ‘Didn’t your mom teach you manners?’

Spoiler alert: Logan is not my favorite frat brother. I tend to get along with pretty much everybody in the frat house. Logan is the exception. It’s been like that from pretty much Day 1. I always felt he resented not having had the chance to torment me as a pledge since pledge week got botched during my freshman year, because of Covid. He must have gotten it as a pledge himself and was looking forward to getting his revenge on pledges the following year as a sophomore but was denied that opportunity. But his beef was with me in particular. Since he’s a big guy, Logan is used to messing with others and others not messing back with him. But I’ve never backed down with Logan and he must not like that. And now that he knows I’m gay, that gives him even more reasons to mess with me. Logan being a senior now, he’ll be gone in a few months, and I’ll just suck it up until he packs up and goes. But that day couldn’t come soon enough. Luckily, the frat house is big enough that I rarely have to interact with him. We’re on different floors anyway. And he shies away from being a dick in a large group. It’s only when it’s just me and him.

‘Logan, this is Drew’ I said. ‘Drew, this is Logan, the biggest dick in the frat house’.

‘That’s uncalled for, Wilson!’ Logan replied. ‘Some say I’m one of the nicest guys in the house’.

‘Are you guys on a date or something?’ Logan then asked.

‘Oh, I see!’ he continued after drawing silence from both Drew and me.

‘Well, I hope you’re not hurting Zach too much’ Logan joked while looking at Drew, trying to be funny, since it was obvious that I was the top and Drew was the bottom and Drew’s dick was proportional to his small twinky frame anyway.

‘No way! Are you the one taking it up the ass, Wilson?’ Logan exclaimed after failing to draw a rebuttal from me on his snarky comment.

‘Why don’t you and your right hand get lost, Logan?’ I responded. ‘Go look for brains!’

‘Don’t worry, I’ll get going’ Logan replied. ‘I’d hate to interrupt your faggy little date’.

And Logan finally walked away.

‘Send me pictures!’ he joked, turning his head towards us one last time on his way out.

‘Sorry about that’ I apologized to Drew after Logan had left.

‘You know I’m big enough to defend myself’ Drew objected.

‘I know’ I said. ‘But this had nothing to do with you. Logan and I have a long history together, dating back all the way to my freshman year’.

Although Drew and I went back to our flirty conversation, Logan’s intervention had been a total mood killer. Even if we didn’t have any formal plan to have sex that evening, I had just hoped Drew would be sticking his big fat cock up my boycunt after our drinks. But none of that ended up happening as we both went our own separate ways.

‘Thanks Logan!’ I thought to myself after kissing Drew goodbye.

I ended up watching a basketball game with some bros at the frat house, two teams I didn’t even care about, and went to bed around midnight.

That following day, our frat house was holding a big joint party with one of the sororities on campus. That party was kind of a big deal and our biggest fundraiser of the year. But fundraising was just an excuse. Just like any other frat party, everybody was there to get drunk first and get pussy afterward. Or at least, that would have been my plan until a few weeks ago when I switched teams. And now that I had Drew’s horse cock all to myself, I had no reason to go look elsewhere.

The party was being held at the sorority house, which was bigger than our frat house, and my entire fraternity was there. We were all paired up with one of the girls from the sorority. My match was called Taylor, just like Swift. She was the typical cheerleader type I was boning all through high-school and college: blond, blue eyes, 5’8” and 120 lbs by the looks of it. And she had a nice pair of perky boobs despite her slim frame. Had I still been interested in pussy; I would probably have made a move on her. And it wouldn’t have been very hard as she was clearly into me and became flirtier and flirtier as the evening progressed and the booze was seeping through her system.

I was wearing a yellow T-shirt (school colors, baby!) that was just the right size, not so tight as to make it obvious I was showing off my muscles, but small enough that you could outline my big pecs under the loose fabric, without me even trying. The T-shirt also had super short sleeves that fell barely below my shoulders, which kind of put my arms on display, without being in your face like a tank top. I must say I looked like a pretty hot piece of ass. And I could sense that Taylor’s was not the only pair of eyes wandering on my upper body. This included a couple of closeted dudes I would probably have had dangling on my 8-incher, if it wasn’t for Drew.

As the evening went on, Taylor was becoming friskier, openly groping my chest and arms while whispering blond jokes to my ears. Her breath reeked of booze, enough to mask the gallon of perfume she had sprayed all over her neck earlier. I had to find a way to lose the bitch, and soon.

‘Hey Zach, we have a problem’ I heard a guy shout through the loud music. It was Tim, the president of our fraternity.

‘Logan is drunk as a skunk’ Tim shouted in my ear, trying to overcome the ambient noise. ‘He’s on the verge of becoming mean drunk, and we can’t afford to have him ruin the party. We’re gonna need someone to walk him back to the house and tuck him in bed like a baby’.

‘Why me?’ I asked. ‘You know I can’t stand the guy’.

‘We need a strong guy; in case you need to carry him home. He might not be able to make it on his own’ Tim argued. ‘And you’re the only one who’s not trying to score here anyway’.

Great!’ I let out, kind of annoyed by the thought process behind me being voluntold to take care of Logan.

‘Thanks Zach. We owe you one!’ Tim concluded, padding me in the back before I even had time to argue.

‘Hey Wilson!’ I heard Logan shout, as he was being dragged by two other bros. ‘Good to see you, Pretty Boy!’ he continued, clearly inebriated.

‘Fuck!’ I thought to myself. But I had to pick my poison. It was either fighting off Taylor for the rest of the evening or dealing with Logan in the state that he was in.

Although the frat house was only a couple of blocks from the sorority house, it felt like the longest two blocks of my life. Logan was plastered and was belching incoherent words in my ears. I could smell the mix of beer and Cheetos reeking out of his mouth, with a poignant stench of weed topping that. And he was all touchy feely, the way drunkards are.

We finally got to the frat house, and I helped Logan up the stairs. Once we got to his room, I sat him on his bed, untied his shoes, pulled down his pants, and removed his T-shirt, leaving him in his briefs. He badly needed to shower and down an industrial size container of Listerine. But I wasn’t going to put myself through the hassle.

‘Do I turn you on, Wilson?’ Logan asked.

‘Shut up and get in your bed!’ I told Logan, as I lifted the sheets for him.

‘Have a good night, Big Boy!’ I continued as I tucked him in bed, like a 4-year-old.

Logan was a big boy indeed. He was a linebacker in high school. He wasn’t good enough to play football for Michigan, where half of the players are heading to the NFL draft after graduation. He wasn’t that caliber. But he could easily have played college football in a division 2 school. He was 6’5” or 6’6” and probably 300 lbs. Although he was a strong muscular guy, he didn’t have my 6-pack, as his build was a mix of muscles and fat. Although he spent time at the gym, he spent even more time eating junk food, and it was hard to know who was winning the battle between Planet Fitness and Taco Hell.

‘As a linebacker, you need the weight!’ he always replied when teased about the layer of fat padding his muscles. I’m sure he was right. But if I had to choose, I’d always pick a quarterback or a wide receiver over a linebacker.

Logan was hairy, but not the nice well-kept body hair that I drool over, like Brandon, the Italian stud who popped my cherry. Logan’s chest hair was unruly. He had hair covering his lower stomach, like a dirty rug around his belly button, not the nice treasure trail of the sexy guys I jerk off to on Instagram. He even had velvety hair growing on his shoulders and his lower back. One time, one of our bros had photoshopped a picture of Logan next to the mugshot of Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind behind 9/11. Needless to say, he wasn’t my type.

After having tucked Logan in his bed, I went to my room and undressed. Since Logan and I were alone in the frat house, I walked to the bathroom naked to take a shower and brush my teeth before going to bed. Half of the guys walk around naked anyway, even when we have a full house.

While I was showering, I was thinking about how the whole situation was stupid, having to leave the party, strip Logan down to his underwear, and tuck him in bed. I had no clue how big Logan’s dick was, but it couldn’t be huge since he didn’t go very far during our March Madness bracket where we measured each other’s dicks. Although I never faced him head-to-head, so to speak, Logan lost in the early rounds while my 8 inches carried me all the way to the final, where I lost to one of the two black dudes in the fraternity. Anything short of a thick 8-incher would look ridiculous on Logan’s big linebacker frame. And I knew he was packing less than that. I just didn’t know how much less. I always suspected having a small dick was one of the reasons why Logan was so obnoxious and bitter, small dick energy at its worse!

When I opened the shower curtain, I almost jumped as I was faced with Logan, buck naked, holding his hardon in his right hand. It was like a scene out of a scary movie where the serial killer rips the shower curtain while holding a kitchen knife.

‘What the fuck are you doing here?’ I asked Logan. ‘You should be in bed’.

‘You know what it’s like to get fucked by a real man, Wilson?’ Logan mumbled, still in the bag.

‘What is wrong with you?’ I shouted. ‘You’re drunk! You should be in bed’.

I tried to walk past him to go back to my room, but Logan grabbed my arm.

‘Where are you going, Wilson?’ Logan asked, now wrapping both his arms around me.

‘Let go of me!’ I ordered.

But Logan started wrestling me and quickly pinned me down to the bathroom floor. I was now under him, overpowered by his 300 lbs.

‘What’s wrong, Wilson? I thought you liked having a dick up your ass’ Logan said. ‘I’ll give you something that little guy could never give you’.

I tried to free myself up, but Logan was bigger and stronger than me.

‘Leave me alone’ I shouted. ‘What the fuck you think you’re doing?’

‘I’m about to make you very happy, Wilson’ he whispered in my ear. ‘That’s what I’m doing’.

I was now lying naked on the bathroom floor of the frat house, on my stomach, with a 300-lb linebacker, reeking of booze and weed, pinning me down. I felt his hard dick in my ass crack while he put all his weight over me to hold me still. I could try to call for help, but I knew the frat house was empty, and nobody would hear my cries or come to my rescue. It was just Logan and me. And he was about to get his way with me, while all our bros were enjoying themselves at the party.

‘I was hoping to get my rocks off tonight’ Logan said, ‘and you’re the only hole around, Wilson’.

‘Please, let me go’ I pleaded. ‘I said no’.

‘And I said yes’ he replied.

I was about to get raped!

I just laid there, powerless, with Logan pinning me down, his cockhead now probing my hole. He tried to push in dry, but I clenched my ring shut as tight as I could.

‘Open up for me, Wilson’ Logan said. ‘You know you want it’.

‘No, I don’t’ I replied. ‘Leave me alone. You’re drunk!’

I felt his spit fall in my crack and Logan’s finger trying to push his spit inside my hole. But my hole still didn’t budge.

‘You little fucker!’ Logan said, annoyed that I was resisting his assault and that his cock didn’t slide in as he wanted. ‘I’m gonna get in whether you like it or not. You’re my bitch now’.

Logan let more spit drop in my crack, and he also rubbed some on his dick. As he was busy trying to lube his shaft with his right hand, he was only holding me with his left hand. I seized the moment to try to free myself up and lifted my 200 lbs along with Logan’s 300 lbs. Since he was distracted, busy lubing his cock, Logan lost his balance and fell on his side. And we started wrestling again, both naked on the bathroom floor.

Logan was bigger and stronger than me, but he never wrestled in high school like I did. And although all the booze in his system gave him liquid courage, it was also impairing his coordination. After a long struggle, I managed to get on top of him and pin him down to the floor. Given his strength, he could have easily lifted my 200 lbs, but I managed to grab his right arm and hold him in a wrist lock position, while pressing on his neck with my other arm.

‘If you move, I’m gonna fucking break your arm!’ I shouted at Logan. ‘Is that what you want?’

Logan didn’t respond. He just grunted on the floor, visibly in pain from me twisting his arm and his shoulder.

‘Are you gonna stay still?’ I asked.

‘Yes’ he cried out, still in pain. ‘Don’t break my arm’.

‘It’s up to you’ I responded. ‘If you try anything stupid, I’m gonna break your fucking arm’.

I was now the one on top of Logan with his bare ass exposed and my dick resting on top of him. My dick was completely soft as I had been laying on the cold bathroom floor, and there was nothing that turned me on about Logan and his hairy body anyway. But I really wanted to teach him a lesson. I was so enraged that I wanted to do to him the exact same thing he had tried to do to me a minute ago.

To try to get hard, I started thinking about Drew the last time he had his horse cock up my hungry hole, and how good the tickling of his power tool felt on my magic spot. I started rubbing my dick in-between Logan’s furry ass cheeks to provide the stimulation my dick required to come to life. Although Brandon, John, and Drew had all tried to turn me into a submissive bitch, there was still enough testosterone flowing through my veins that the thought of bringing a bigger and stronger dude to submission excited me.

I eventually managed to get hard enough and told Logan to get ready for my dick.

‘Now you’re the one who’s going to get fucked’ I told Logan. ‘And if you try to do anything stupid, I will break your fucking arm. I’ll fucking do it’.

‘No, Zack. Please!’ Logan pleaded. ‘Don’t fuck me!

‘Funny to hear that’ I said, ‘I don’t remember you stopping when I asked you a minute ago. Why should I listen to you now?’ I asked.

‘Please, please, Zack’ he said. ‘I’m sorry. I truly am, man!’

‘You’re lying!’ I replied. ‘You need someone to teach you a lesson. Just because you’re the bigger guy doesn’t mean you always get what you want’.

I let some spit drip down Logan’s ass crack, and with the tip of my dick, I started to lube up his virgin entrance. I was doing all this while maintaining a solid grip on him, trying not to repeat the same mistake he made a couple of minutes ago, by holding me with only one hand. I didn’t want to take the risk to lube up my dick as there was no easy way to do that without loosening my grip.

I spat one more time, positioned the tip of my dick on his frightened hole, and I started to push in. Logan’s still virgin hole was sealed shut, trying to resist the invasion, the same way my hole had a few minutes ago, but I kept pushing hard.

‘Open up for me, Logan’ I said. ‘Your hole is going to tire faster than my dick. You’re gonna make things more painful for yourself’ I added.

‘No, please, please Zack’ Logan kept begging. ‘Don’t fuck me!’

But I ignored his pleas and kept pushing in, with his hole barely lubed by my spit and my dick fully dry. Every time I had enough spit garnered in my mouth, I would let it drop into his crack and would leather his hole with the tip of my dick. After several minutes of Logan sobbing and me pushing hard, the tip of my dick finally managed to break through and forced his reluctant hole to open up.

‘Fuck, it hurts!’ Logan screamed.

‘I don’t give a fuck!’ I replied. ‘You’re gonna get what you deserve. You son of a bitch!’

As Logan became more agitated, I pulled on his wrist so that he felt pain in his arm and shoulder.

‘I’m gonna break your fucking arm if you keep moving’ I warned Logan.

Logan eventually calmed down a little, as it dawned on him that he had already been penetrated, whether he liked it or not, and that he was going to get railed. And it sounded like he was starting to cry, although I couldn’t really see from my angle.

‘Real men don’t cry!’ I told Logan. ‘Get yourself together, Big Guy! And take it like a man!’

I dropped more spit on the base of my pole that was still out, and I continued to push in. Inch after inch, I watched my rigid member disappear in the depths of Logan’s furry hole until my pubes were touching his ass cheeks.

‘See, you did it!’ I told Logan. ‘You took all my inches up your ass. How does that feel?’

‘It hurts’ Logan cried. ‘It’s too big!’

‘Well, get ready for more!’ I told him. ‘Because now, I’m gonna start fucking you for real’.

‘Please, please, Zack!’ Logan pleaded. ‘It hurts!’

But I pulled some of my meat out of Logan’s hole, and I rammed it right back in, extracting another cry from him.

‘See, it’s not so bad!’ I told Logan. ‘Just give it a minute and it’s gonna feel natural’.

‘No. No. Stop!’ Logan kept crying.

I started slow fucking him and got into a rhythm, pulling 4 our 5 inches of dick out of his hole and pushing them right back in, until I bottomed out. I couldn’t use the full range of my 8 inches as I couldn’t afford popping out of his hole. Although I couldn’t say Logan was enjoying being split in half, as he was still crying and begging for me to stop, I knew I had found his magic spot as I sensed some confusion in his voice.

‘See, you were made for dick!’ I told him, as I kept opening him up, stealing his manhood away from him, turning him into the girl he never thought he would ever be.

‘Get up on four!’ I ordered Logan, after a few minutes of railing him on the floor. ’And you’d better not try anything stupid!’ I warned him, giving a little twist to his arm, just enough to remind him of the hierarchy at the moment.

Logan, who had been lying flat on the bathroom floor until now, raised his upper body a little. With my dick still lodged deep inside his ass, and my right hand grabbing his wrist firmly, I brought my left hand to Logan’s cock underneath, only to discover that he was rock hard.

‘Hey Logan, why are you hard?’ I asked with a grin. ‘Are you a fag, Logan?’

‘No, I’m not a fag’ he objected. ‘You are!’

‘So why are you hard then?’ I insisted. ‘Dicks don’t lie, Logan’.

‘Do I make you hard?’ I asked. ‘Or is it having a dick up your ass that makes you hard?’

‘I’m not a fag’ Logan replied. ‘Please stop, Zack.’

‘That’s not what your dick is saying, Logan!’ I continued. ‘You’re hard as a rock. It looks like someone is enjoying having a dick in his ass!’

And I started jerking Logan‘s dick with my left hand in unison with my own dick commissioning his once virgin hole. It turns out Logan had a decent size dick, probably north of 6 inches. But his dick was on the skinny side and nowhere close to what was required to not look ridiculously small on his big linebacker frame. His dick was a bit skinnier than mine. And I’m not particularly thick, as I’ve found out when I started going out with guys. But his small girth was the perfect size for my fingers. And I knew that girth really well, as it was the same girth as Drew’s horse cock when he’s soft.

‘Please stop, Zach!’ Logan kept pleading.

‘Oh yeah! Say my name, Bitch!’ I joked. ‘It turns me on!’

I then cupped Logan’s hairy balls. They were big, especially in comparison to his pencil dick, and accentuated the skinniness of it.

‘Your balls look pretty full, Logan!’ I said. ‘They look like they need some draining. We’re going to take care of that!’

I went back to jerking his skinny dick. Logan was still crying, but he was a lot quieter than a few minutes ago. He was a lot less defiant and a lot more compliant, as if he had accepted his fate and understood there was nothing he could do about it. Maybe there was even something about it that turned him on. I kept jerking his dick, up and down, and up and down, and up and down... I could hear Logan’s breathing intensify, and I knew he was getting close.

‘That’s it!’ I told Logan. ‘Listen to your dick and cum for me!’

A few more strokes and Logan started grunting as I felt some gooey cream flying out of his dick and dripping along my fist. His skinny dick was being jerked against his own will. His G-spot was being lit on fire against his own will. And he was forced to give up his linebacker extract against his own will. He was mine!

‘Yeah, shoot for me, baby!’ I declared. ‘I knew I’d make you cum!’

When Logan started shooting, his hole clenched and literally chocked my cock inside him. All that tightness felt incredible on my rod, and I felt my cock swell with all the blood trapped in by his clenching ring. I also felt a rush of pride as I had managed to make my homophobic frat brother cum against his will, by sticking my stiff one into his abused hole. When I was being stretched by Drew, I always feared my skinnier dick would never be able to pleasure another guy the way his horse cock could. It turns out I could milk the cum out of another dude, even against his own will. And I felt a big rush of boyjuice travel from my balls to my blood-engorged cock.

‘I’m getting close too’ I told Logan. ‘Get ready for my babies. I’m gonna flood your hole, Bitch!’ I warned.

I gave him one more long thrust and buried my 8 inches, as deep as I could, and I started pumping my seeds inside his ass.

‘Yeah! Take it! Take it all, Logan!’ I yelled. ‘You know that’s what you wanted all along! Being bred by a bigger dick!’

And my dick kept throbbing and pumping more juice deep inside his used hole, until my balls ran dry. As I unmounted him, and we were now both resting on the bathroom floor, it dawned on me that I had just raped another dude.


‘What am I going to do now?’ I asked myself. ‘I could go to jail for this’.

A million thoughts raced through my mind: ‘Was this self-defense? Is there such a thing as self-defense rape? Like these wives who kill their abusive husband but end up not going to jail because the jury feels for their misery leading to the murder?’

I had to think quickly to try to fix my mess before any bro came back from the sorority party. Meanwhile, Logan was sobbing next to me, with tears coming out of his eyes.

‘It’s OK dude. You did good. You need to get some rest’ I told him.

If it was going to be his word against mine, I had to make sure things looked pretty bad for him. I went to Lance’s bedroom and grabbed a bottle of Scotch and a little shot glass. Lance was another bro and a whiskey connoisseur. He always kept some good stuff in the drawer of his desk. It was a shame to waste what was probably an expensive bottle on a drunkard like Logan who was already three sheets to the wind. But I had to do what I had to do. When I came back to the bathroom with the bottle of Scotch, Logan was still there, sitting on the floor with tears running down his cheeks. It was weird to see a big dude like him cry, especially if you knew the guy.

‘Here, have one of those’ I told him. ‘It will do you good’.

Logan drank the shot, and I poured a second one as soon as he was done with the first.

‘Here, have another one’ I told him.

Once Logan was done with his second shot, I brought the bottleneck directly to his mouth and made him drink straight from the bottle. I heard the ‘gulp, gulp, gulp’ sound of the booze gurgling into Logan’s mouth and down his throat. He must have emptied a quarter of the bottle when it was all said and done. Lance would be pissed once he found out. ‘At least another bro on my side’ I thought to myself. I then went to get a couple of sleeping pills and gave them to Logan with a glass of water. I watched Logan progressively fall asleep as I was caressing his hair and his neck to put him at ease. And I eventually heard snoring as Logan had passed out on the bathroom floor.

Now that I had Logan where I wanted him, I had to remember all those CSI episodes I used to watch with my parents when I was a teenager, trying to make the crime scene look like it was just Logan being drunk and passing out in the hallway.

I had to move the body to a more realistic location than the bathroom. I grabbed his under arms from behind and dragged his 300-lb body from the bathroom to the main hallway positioning him in a way that you would think he had been walking from the living room to his bedroom before passing out. I went to get some toilet paper from the bathroom and erased my fingerprints from the Scotch bottle. I then grabbed Logan’s right hand and pressed it on the bottle to make sure his fingerprints were on it, and I placed the bottle right next to him.

After that, I went to Logan‘s bedroom and grabbed the pair of briefs he had been wearing when I tucked him in bed, and I managed to put them back on him while he was laying on the floor. I went as far as angling his dick down, the way it probably would have been if Logan had just been walking down the hallway.

I grabbed more toilet paper to wipe out Logan’s cum puddle on the bathroom tiles. I figured out I didn’t need to go as far as using bleach. Even if some of his cum was still visible under the black light and his DNA was still on the tiles, it would have been plausible that Logan had just jacked off in the bathroom and left his babies on the floor.

I went back to Logan, lowered his briefs I had just put back on him, and stuck my fingers inside his spent hole in a desperate attempt to scrape out of his ass as much of my baby batter as I could. With some soapy water on a rag, I tried to clean his gaping hole the best I could. There was nothing I could do to retrieve my babies that were lodged 8 inches deep inside his guts. Using a vacuum cleaner to vacuum my juice out even crossed my mind. But unless a forensic team examined Logan’s hole in the next 24 hours, I was probably safe there. It was what it was anyway at this point.

Once I was done with every detail I could think of, I went back to bed. But I couldn’t fall asleep, with so many thoughts racing through my mind.

We have this unwritten rule in the frat house that if you pass out in your own bedroom, you’re off-limit. But if you pass out anywhere in the common areas, you’re fair game for any prank from the other bros. By leaving Logan there, passed out in the hallway, I knew it was going to create some commotion when the rest of the house came back after the party, probably just as drunk as Logan was.

Around 2am, I heard some noise in the house as some of my bros, the losers who couldn’t score at the party, were coming back home.

‘Hey guys, Logan is passed out in the hallway’ I heard someone shout out.

I heard laughter and chuckling as all the guys came to the hallway to see Logan, passed out in his underwear, with a bottle of Scotch lying next to him.

‘The fucker stole my Scotch’ I heard Lance say.

Then the door of my bedroom opened.

‘What the fuck, Zack!’ I heard Tim, the president of our frat house say. I pretended to be asleep and woken up abruptly by Tim. And I tried to look as out of it as I could.

‘You were supposed to take care of Logan and put him to bed’ Tim continued.

‘That’s what I did!’ I responded. ‘I put him in his bed and tucked him like a 4-year-old, like you asked me to. He was sleeping when I went back to my room’.

‘What more was I supposed to do?’ I asked. ‘Was I supposed to sit on a chair and watch him sleep? He must have woken up in the middle of the night and went to get another drink. Not that he needed one’.

I eventually fell asleep, although I did not get much rest. When I woke up the next morning, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I could have missed to make the crime scene look like it was just an accident. But I concluded I was fairly safe. Logan was already plastered when I brought him back to the frat house. With the amount of booze I made him drink on top of that, last night must just have been a big blur for him. I later found out that the bros who found him passed out in the hallway decided to shave off the left half of his chest hair but leave the right half untouched, forming a perfect line in the middle. Logan might not even remember me taking his virgin hole. And even if he did, it would be hard for him to sound credible, given the situation, and how bad things looked for him. It was his word against mine!

I also couldn’t stop thinking about my boyfriend Drew. Did I just cheat on him or did that not count, given the circumstances? But I was proud I could take care of myself and not let another guy get his way with me.

I texted Drew: ‘Hey gorgeous, can we get together later today? I need you.’


(To be continued…)

by Jeremy Miller

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024