A cocky frat boy is hiding a secret… no more

by Jeremy Miller

15 Apr 2023 29719 readers Score 9.1 (319 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

This week, I had to fly to Ann Arbor to attend a campus recruiting event at the University of Michigan Law School. As much as I hated campus recruiting as a student: attending all these cocktail events, trying to get noticed by the recruiters, kissing their ass, hoping to get an interview spot, and pretending to be interested in whatever the executives had to say, I actually love campus recruiting now that I’m on the other side of the fence, and that it’s my ass that students are trying to kiss.

Since I had never been to Ann Arbor before and I had heard that U of M had a beautiful campus, I had made plans to stay there over the weekend. Having been a student my entire life, until I started my first job a year ago, I kind of missed it. I missed the campus atmosphere. I missed being in control of my own schedule. And I especially missed the high concentration of eligible dicks you can find on a college campus. My goal while in Ann Arbor was to find a student party I could crash, and hunt for closeted dick. I was on a mission to find an ass-virgin frat boy, make him dangle on my dick, and help him find his true calling. That’s the kind of guy I am, always here to help!

After a bit of research on the Internet, I was able to find where the party neighborhoods were. In addition to the suit and tie I had to wear at the recruiting events, I had also packed my suitcase with my dick ‘hunting gear’. On the one hand, I kind of had to blend in enough to be able to crash a party without anybody questioning who I was and what I was doing there. But on the other hand, I also wanted to differentiate myself from the competition and leverage the fact I’m more mature and more masculine than most undergrad jocks.

My schedule on Saturday was pretty chill: run in the morning, exploring the campus during the day, hotel gym in the afternoon, calling my mom, like the good son I am, and quiet dinner at an Italian restaurant that was recommended to me. And then, I started to get ready for my night out. I opted for my favorite pair of jeans, which cup my ass perfectly and look like they’re painted on my thighs. I put on a white tank top that was one size too small and had a low neckline, barely above my nipples, and showcased my chest hair nicely. To wear on top of my tank top, I had brought a lumberjack black and red flannel shirt, with a hint of blue that made my blue eyes pop. I wore it with the top four buttons undone, tracing a V line that plunged below my tank top’s neckline. I kind of looked like a bearded cowboy, but without a hat and without the smell of manure.

My short beard was meticulously groomed to the 5-day length I like. I hadn’t manscaped my chest hair for quite some time and it had grown longer than the half-inch I try to maintain. It was probably closer to a full inch. Most college students don’t have much chest hair yet and I would definitely stand out, not only by having some, but also by displaying it so prominently. That might turn some guys off but would definitely attract the ones who were into that.

I took a last look in the mirror before heading out, and I must say I looked pretty hot! I felt confident the hunt was going to be successful.

The hotel where I was staying was right on the edge of campus, and since it was still warm in Ann Arbor in late September, I decided to walk up and down the streets where fraternity houses were. It didn’t take me long to spot a couple of parties I could crash. One of them was in a big house that didn’t look like it was a fraternity, but one of these old Victorian houses shared by multiple roommates. There must have been north of 200 students there, and the party was overflowing on the front porch and in the backyard. It wouldn’t be difficult to join the party, literally. Nobody would ever question what a 6’3” good looking guy is doing there, and it wouldn’t take me long to strike up a conversation with someone and pretend like I belonged there.

I went straight to the keg in the kitchen and poured myself a beer in a red plastic cup, and I started scouting the crowd. I had my gaydar fine-tuned to its highest setting.

When I attend parties like these, I’m often a pussy magnet. Not that I care about pussies, or at least not that type of pussies. Never been there. Don’t plan to… ever. But pussies just flock my way. And tonight was no exception. I still get some fun out of it though. I love watching the look of disbelief when I tell the bimbos that I’m gay, followed by the look of disappointment when they realize I’m not kidding. The dumb bitches then walk away realizing they just wasted half an hour of their precious time. If they had anything hanging between their legs, it would be their tail.

However, the knock-on benefit of being a pussy magnet, is that pussies eventually attract dicks. And I’m a lot more interested in that! Within five minutes of crashing the party, there was a circle of girls around me, quickly joined by a couple of guys; none I would ever fuck though. But I no longer felt like a complete stranger at the party. The other advantage is that girls are shorter than my 6’3”, even with high heels. And while entertaining a conversation with them, I could still scan the room for the closeted frat boys I was after. I had positioned myself close to the kitchen doorway, where a continuous flow of guys, to and from the keg, kept me abreast of the inventory.

And then I saw him.

He looked like your stereotypical frat boy: a bit shorter than me, probably around 6’0”, with broad shoulders, big arms, and big pecs. I bet he weighed more than my 190 lbs, even though I had three inches on him. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt that displayed his goods nicely. His big pecs looked like two mountains under the white fabric. His nipples could have drilled holes in his T-shirt if the air had been cooler. And his big arms were stretching the sleeves to their limit. He clearly spent time in the weight room and had big defined muscles to show for it, although those were just artificial gym muscles, sculptured to impress the ladies and maintain his spot on the totem pole at the frat house. I bet they’d be useless to open a jar of pickles. And he didn’t just do upper body work. Even though he was wearing sweatpants, you could still outline his big thighs underneath, and a nice ass that would be firm to the touch. He was blond, with blue eyes, and had a chin puff, just a little rectangle of blond hair right below his chin. He was wearing a baseball cap, visor in the back. He was hotter than hot!

Some people would call that a muscle twink, an expression that I’ve always felt was a complete oxymoron. He was a lot more muscle than twink. Personally, I would call him prime grade meat. And he looked cocky as fuck; the exact type of guys I like to put back into their place. Before the evening was over, I’d make him swallow his pride, his pride and my cock.

As I was enjoying watching all these girls working hard to grab my attention and outdo each other – I hadn’t dropped the bomb on them yet – I was trying to catch some of the conversation this guy was having with his bros, if you could call that a conversation. Their vocabulary seemed somewhat limited: bro, dude, beer, and pussy seemed to come back at regular intervals. But that’s OK. I wasn’t planning on discussing the latest advancement in quantum physics with him. He had a dick, and he had an ass, that’s all I cared about. And I bet they were both nice. But, in addition to his hot bod, what caught my attention was that he seemed to overplay his feminine conquests in a way that screamed: ‘secret to hide’.

While half listening to the girls around me and pretending I was interested in whatever conversation they were having, I kept feeling his gaze over me. Every time I looked in his direction, I caught him looking my way. And every time, he would look away, not turning his head completely and admitting he got caught staring, but moving his eyes ever so slightly, pretending he was watching the girl on my left. But he was digging me. And if I had to guess, he was obsessed by the chest hair peeking out of my tank top. Being blond with blue eyes, I bet he couldn’t grow much more than his little chin puff.

‘Sorry to disappoint you, ladies, but I like boys, not girls’ I eventually told them. ‘And I’m about to start the chase’.

I ditched the dumb bitches and walked to the other room, not staying long enough to even savor the look of defeat on their faces, although I still got enough of a glimpse to know I had the intended effect. I was a lot more interested in finding out if Jockboy would follow me. Let me rephrase that: I knew he would follow me. I just wanted to see how he was going to make his move.

I refilled my plastic cup at the keg and made my way out to the backyard. I found a group of random guys and joined their circle. I placed myself in such a way that I had a side view of the backdoor and could monitor people coming in and out. The guys I had joined sounded like engineering students and their conversation was a complete bore. But my presence with them was only tactical.

As expected, Jockboy passed through the backdoor. He was looking for something… or someone. As he was scouting the crowd, our eyes met. It only lasted a millisecond, as he continued to look around, pretending he was looking for someone else. But the subdued sign of relief on his face when he found me gave him away. He then spotted a couple of guys he knew and joined their conversation. His crew was probably 20 feet away from mine and he picked a spot where he was almost facing me. Similar to when we were inside, I could feel his gaze on me at all times, although he looked away each time I looked in his direction. But this time, I decided to keep looking at him, staring insistently. I knew he’d eventually be looking my way again. And when he did, his eyes would have to lock mine. A few seconds later, he looked in my direction again and saw me staring at him. We looked each other in the eyes for two or three seconds. He’s the one who looked away first.

I noticed there was another keg in the backyard. I made my way to the keg, refilling my cup, even though it was still three quarters full and didn’t really need a refill. And I stayed next to the keg, knowing it would give him an excuse to walk in my direction, which he did shortly thereafter.

As he approached the keg, pretending not to see me, I asked him: ‘Were you looking for me?’

‘Why would I be looking for you?’ he replied. ‘Do I even know you?’

‘Not yet, but you’re about to’ I said.

‘I’m Brandon’ I continued, extending my hand in his direction, which forced him to shake it if he didn’t want to come across as a complete douche.

‘I’m Zach’ he replied, extending his hand as well.

That initial handshake is always important when you’re trying to establish dominance over your prey. I wrapped my fingers around his hand and pressed hard, not fully crushing his bones, but applying enough pressure to make him uncomfortable. Since he wasn’t expecting that, he couldn’t react in time and was forced to endure the discomfort. I smiled at him while crushing his hand, my blue eyes looking down to his blue eyes, three inches below mine.

‘Nice to meet you Zach’ I said, letting go of his hand.

He wanted to shake his hand off, but that would have been a display of weakness. So, he played it cool, even though he was hurt, physically, and pissed he had let his guard down.

We started making small talk. I found out he was a junior, studying journalism with the hope of getting into sports coverage. Of course! I admitted to him that I wasn’t even a student and was just crashing the party. He sounded just as cocky as I expected, maybe even more so. While we were making small talk, we were sizing each other up, trying to determine which one would end up submitting to the other. I was older, taller, and hairier. But he was more muscular. And I was pretty confident my cock was bigger than his, although he didn’t seem to show any insecurity in that department.

He would flex his biceps every time he brought his cup to his lips, in a display of force. But I responded by scratching my chest hair, while looking at his little chin puff, with a look on my face that conveyed: ‘I used to have one of those when I was 15’. And despite showing off his muscles and playing it cool, he was intimidated.

I could sense he was fully closeted, and tonight was a prime opportunity to make him experiment. I knew I would end up making him spread his legs for me. But he was thinking the same way about me. How cute! Soon enough, he’d find out things don’t quite work that way with me. He was still cherry. But he wouldn’t be by sunrise.

‘What do you say we find a quieter place to talk?’ I said.

He just nodded, without saying a word. We went back inside the house and made our way upstairs. We tried to open several bedroom doors, but the first couple were locked. Luckily for us, the third one wasn’t. We both went in, and I locked the door behind us. This was clearly a college student’s room with just a bed, a dresser, a desk, and a couple of maize and blue pennant triangles pinned down on the wall.

Wasting no time, I got down on my knees, pulled Zach’s sweatpants down, and grabbed his cock through the fabric of his boxer briefs. His cock was already semi-hard and angled to the right. And there was a gooey wet spot where his dickhead stood. I started stroking his dick and it grew longer inside his boxer briefs, poking out past his hip bone. His tool was a lengthy specimen indeed. I dropped his boxer briefs, releasing his manhood, which swung free, right in front of me.

‘Wow, nice cock!’ I said.

‘Yup, 8 inches!’ Zach proudly said. ‘Second longest in the frat house’.

What was going on inside the frat house that he would even know that? But he was bragging a little, as you would expect from a cocky frat boy. His dick didn’t look like it was a full inch longer than my 7 inches. But he probably had me beaten by half an inch and 7 ½ was more like it. However, he was clearly unaware that, yes, length matters indeed, but girth matters too. If your dick is skinny enough that you can use it as a toilet paper holder, you’ve got a problem! Zach’s dick was long and skinny. The kind that can reach places most dicks can’t, but in a stealthy way. Mine might be half an inch shorter, but it’s probably twice as thick. He would find out soon enough. That’s always the risk when you show your cards too quickly, you expose yourself to embarrassment when you find out the other guy has more aces than you. But I allowed him to savor this moment and he had a big smile on his face.

As the old saying goes, you sometimes have to lose some battles if you want to win the war. With curious guys like Zach, you have to make them believe they’re in control of the situation, even if I was the one fully in charge. But he didn’t even know it. Before he had a chance to react, I grabbed his hard dick and put it in my mouth.

‘Fuck yeah, dude!’ is what I got out of him.

Even though he was rock-hard, Zach’s cock was still pointing downwards and couldn’t quite get fully horizontal, let alone pointing upward. That was fine by me because dicks that can’t get fully hard tend to swagger in all directions when I fuck them, making obscene sounds that turn me on when they slap against my abs. Zach also had a small pair of balls that weren’t hanging very low. His ball sack was barely wider than the base of his cock. I bet one of my balls could hold more juice than both his balls together. His small balls were covered in blond fuzz, contrasting with his thighs that were mostly smooth, and his blonde pubes, which weren’t very bushy, even though he didn’t appear to manscape.

I bobbed my head up and down the tip of his shaft a couple of times, and then started getting further down, swallowing his inches one-by-one, until I had his entire length in my mouth and down my throat, my nose buried in his blond pubes.

‘Holly shit, dude! Nobody has ever been able to take my entire dick before’ he exclaimed.

‘But I’m not nobody’ I would have gladly told him if I didn’t have a dick in my mouth.

Although deep throating a 7 ½-long dick is no small feat, the fact his dick was skinny and curved downward made it a bit easier. But I had no interest in deep throating him. Me burying my nose in his pubes was just a show of strength. I pulled back and started working his cock. I swirled around his dickhead with my tongue, while applying the right amount of pressure with my lips. And I handled the base of his shaft with my right hand, gripping it with more force than any girl ever would. And I looked up to watch his face as he appeared lost in pleasure.

‘Fuck yeah!’ he reiterated, while looking down at me, on my knees, his cock in my mouth. I bet the dumb jock thought he was the one owning me right now, not even realizing I was the one calling the shots.

I had barely started sucking his cock that I felt his whole body tense up. He started making faces and opened his mouth to warn me: ‘Fuck dude! I’m gonna cum’. And just like that, I was drinking his fraternal juice, straight from the tap, while he roared a long ‘Aaarrgghhh!’ and grabbed my head on both sides. He shot four or five squirts in my mouth, until his little balls ran dry, and he uttered a sigh.

‘Dude, that’s the best blowjob I’ve ever had’ he admitted as he was recovering from his orgasm.

‘I bet it was’ I thought to myself. A guy doesn’t blow like that, in 30 seconds, for no good reason.

‘I usually last longer than this’ he said, feeling he had to justify his lightning speed release to maintain his persona. But I had already started to break him. And it was just the beginning.

‘I’ve heard that before’ I responded, staying ambivalent as to whether I was bragging about my cock sucking skills or whether I was mocking his inability to last longer than a 200-meter dash.

I stood up and was again towering over him, me fully clothed, him still wearing his T-shirt but naked from the waist down, his softening dick hanging in front of him, and his sweatpants at his ankles.

‘What about me?’ I then asked.

‘You want me to suck your dick?’ he asked.

‘Are you any good at it?’ I asked back.

‘I don’t know’ he responded, kind of embarrassed. ‘That would be… my first time’.

‘Well, there’s a first for everything’ I replied.

I unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my jeans. But I didn’t touch the zipper. I looked at Zach, pointed down at my crotch, and looked back at him. He got the memo, and he brought his right hand to my zipper and pulled it down. Since my skinny jeans were kind of tight on my thighs, I had to lend him… a hand to help him lower them down to my knees. I was now in my boxer briefs with a visible bulge upfront.

Zach grabbed my shaft, which was already getting hard, but constrained by its fabric prison. He could feel my nascent girth. And, based on the sparkle in his eyes, he liked what he felt. While he was fondling my shaft, I started unbuttoning my shirt, while still staring at his blue eyes. And when I was done, I threw my shirt on the bed. I then removed my tank top, revealing my hairy chest and abs. Zach clearly liked what he saw, as I noticed his semi-soft dick getting back to life.

‘Let’s get you comfortable’ I said, while grabbing his T-shirt and pulling it up. He lifted his left foot and then his right one, freeing himself up from his sweatpants at his ankles, and kicked them to the side. He was now fully naked, while I was still in my underwear, my pants down to my knees.

‘Don’t lose the hat’ I said, while looking him up in the eyes. ‘You look hot with it’.

As I expected, Zach’s chest was completely smooth, with just the root of a few shaved hairs in the middle of his pecs and around his nipples. He didn’t have a treasure trail either, just a few individual hairs scattered between his pubes and his belly button, but not enough to form a solid line. His smoothness allowed me to see his washboard abs, the kind that would break your fingers if you tried to punch them. He had a couple of Chinese symbols tattooed on his chest and had both his nipples pierced, with silver barbells. His pierced nipples were hot as fuck and fitted well with his cocky jock persona. And it told me that the guy could withstand a little bit of pain.

I started pinching his rock-solid pecs, pumping him up. He rubbed his hand on my hairy chest. I could tell he wasn’t used to that and loved every second of it. Zach then brough his hands to the waistband of my boxer briefs and lowered them, allowing my hard cock to spring out.

‘Fuck! Your dick is huge!’ Zach exclaimed.

‘It’s shorter than yours, apparently’ I objected.

‘Yeah, but it’s the size of a fucking beer can’ he added.

‘Not quite’ I replied. ‘Lots of guys have taken it and are still alive’.

Mr. Universe, who thought he was hung like a stud, just got a reality check that his tool wasn’t the biggest in the room, not even close. That humbled him a bit.

I pointed at my hard cock and Zach got down on his knees, me pressing on his shoulders, pretending I was forcing him down, although he kneeled down quite willingly. He stared at my manhood for a few moments. My fat cock probably looked even more intimidating from up-close. He grabbed it with his right hand, and he opened his mouth to engulf my pointy dickhead. He started bobbing up and down the first couple of inches, trying to stretch his jaws to let it slide deeper down, with no success. Although I enjoyed having his lips circle my dickhead, it was quite an underwhelming experience. It was clearly Zach’s first-time sucking dick, and mine is not a beginner model.

‘I don’t really want a blow job right now’ I said, knowing too well Zach wouldn’t transform from newbie to master cocksucker by the time I was ready to shoot.

‘I want your ass instead’ I continued.

‘You can’t have my ass’ he responded, trying to regrab the upper hand.

‘I’m pretty sure I can’ I continued. ‘You’ve wanted me inside your slutty hole the minute you first saw me’.

‘I’m the one who fucks pussies’ he argued. ‘I don’t get fucked’.

‘Just because you haven’t until now doesn’t mean you’re not made for it’ I declared. ‘You’re going to get fucked tonight’.

‘You know I can always walk out this door’ he said.

‘I know you can’ I responded. ‘But you won’t.’

‘What if I’m the one who walks out’ I continued.

I pulled my pants back up, grabbed my tank top and my shirt and made my way towards the door.

‘Wait!’ Zach said.

‘What?’ I asked.

‘Don’t go’ he replied.

My gamble had paid off. Zach wanted my dick. From now on, he was mine. He was going to be a good boy and do what he was told.

I lowered my pants and boxer briefs back down and took them off completely, my hard cock waving in front of me. I made Zach grab my dick with his hand and his dick came back to life. I made him grab my balls with his other hand, so that he could feel all the weight of my maleness.

‘Lick my nipples’ I ordered.

He brought his mouth to my left nipple, his nose buried in my chest hair, inhaling my manly musk, while his tongue was foraging through the hair to locate my nipple. He was savoring every breath, his chin puff grinding against my chest hair. With his smooth skin next to my hairy chest and his hand stroking my girthy meat, there was no doubt who the alpha was. It wasn’t him!

Although I view myself as dominant, I never thought of myself as a predator. I only display predatory behavior when I’m faced with another guy who displays similar traits, kind like two lions fighting to gain control of the pride. There’s no glory in predating on a weaker man. And Zach had some predatory traits that fueled my fire. Although I wasn’t interested in taking control of a pride, just control of him. I was fighting his cockiness with more cockiness of my own. And he was slowly drifting down from his pedestal, until I would make him my bitch.

After he licked my nipples for a while, I led him to the bed.

‘Face down, ass up!’ I ordered.

He tried to fight back a little, but I gave him that look that I wasn’t going to tolerate any disobedience from him, and he submitted.

‘I know you’re scared shit right now’ I said, ‘but I’ll take good care of you’.

‘Let me rim you first’ I added. ‘You’ll love it!’

I lowered his chin to the bed cover and brought a pillow in front of his face. And I arched his back to make his ass point up, with his legs slightly spread open, his smooth pinkish rosebud exposed in-between his muscular jock butt cheeks. He assumed the position of a dog ready to play, although in his case, it was more the position of a bitch. I brought my hands on each side to spread his butt cheeks apart and give my tongue better access to his pristine hole. And I brought the tip of my tongue toward his forbidden place. I just swirled around his pinkish rosebud, and he let out a scream, which he quickly muffled with the pillow in front of him.

‘Ohmagawd, ohmagawd, ohmaaggaaawwwwddd!’ is all I could hear as I swirled my tongue around his entrance, making little circles around the lips of his ring. His hole started twitching, half-opening and closing in short intervals as Zach was overwhelmed by the emotions of having his ass eaten for the very first time. I took advantage of this to push my tongue deeper inside his spasming hole and he whimpered a loud ‘hhhuuuuhhhh’ still muffled by the pillow.

And I ate his ass alive, foraging as deep as I could, like my life depended on it, while I was still spreading his cheeks apart with my hands. My tongue actually tired from forcing his hole open and trying to squeeze through his walls. I had to give my tongue some rest by retracting and going back at swirling around his entrance, before forcing my tongue back down his hole again, as deep as it could reach. Zach kept moaning, as if he was in a trance. I had to keep raising his ass up as his knees were getting wobbly.

Once he was in a daze, I grabbed the small bottle of lube in the pocket of my jeans and poured a little squirt at the entrance of his twitching hole. And I teased his ring with my middle finger, making small intrusions in and out of his hole, while my other hand grabbed his hard dick, which was leaking precum on the bed cover. I poured more lube and inserted my finger deeper, to the second knuckle, and eventually all the way to the base. And my finger found his love nut as Zach let out a loud whimper in the pillow. I swirled my finger around his G-spot, making him tremble, to the point I thought his dick was going to shoot against his own will.

After another squirt of lube, I introduced a second finger, stretching his ring further and now giving double simulation to his love nut. Zach kept whimpering, overwhelmed by this newfound sensation he didn’t even know existed. He winced a little when I introduced a third finger, his ring clamping down on my fingers, in a desperate effort to push back the intruders. But my fingers eventually overwhelmed his defenses until his hole surrendered and gave my three fingers full access to his treasure cave, letting them slide in and out of his chute. I had successfully repurposed what had only been a discharge apparatus until this day.

While my fingers kept grazing his love nut inside of him, and my other hand was squeezing his hardness, I brought my mouth to his neck and started kissing the side of his neck from his shoulder all the way up to his ear. Zach let out purrs, only interrupted by whimpers each time I was brushing his G-spot.

‘You like that?’ I asked.

‘Fuck yeah!’ he responded. ‘It feels amazing’.

‘Do you want more?’ I asked.

‘Yeah, I want more’ he responded.

‘What more do you want?’ I asked.

‘I want your dick’ he replied. ‘I want your dick inside me’.

‘Do you want me to fuck you?’ I insisted.

‘Yeah!’ he said.

‘Then say it!’ I ordered.

‘Fuck me’ he said. ‘Please fuck me!’

Finally! I had got him to the point where he was begging, begging for me to breed him. The cocky frat boy, who twenty minutes ago had his dick in my mouth, thinking he was dominating me, was now begging for me to stuff my big cock inside his virgin hole. My cock was throbbing with excitement, unable to prevent its natural lube from leaking on the carpet down below.

While continuing to prep his ring with my fingers, I poured ample lube on my pole and greased it up with the gooey lotion. I pulled my fingers out and made him lay flat on the bed, his stomach on the bed cover and his firm ass forming two little hills with his mancave in the middle. I placed myself behind him, spread his ring wide with both my index fingers, and I brought my dickhead to his entrance.

Instead of pushing in right away, I decided to tease him a little. Building his urge to be deflowered until he begged me for it again. I slid my meat up and down his ass crack, making him feel the girth of my fuck tool, but without breaking into his hungry hole. I then pointed the tip of my dick to his entrance, swirling around his circle, applying a little pressure to make his ring muscles give way, but pulling out as soon as I felt his hole welcoming my arrival, denying him the right to join the club. And I slapped his flesh with my hardwood, making loud sounds that built both his anticipation and his anxiety. I did this for several minutes until Zach couldn’t take it anymore.

‘Put it in!’ he begged. ‘Fuck me! Please fuck me!’

‘You know my cock size is not made for first timers’ I said. ‘Are you sure you can handle it, tough guy?’

‘Yes, I want you inside me’ he reiterated. ‘Just fuck me!’

And in one prolonged plunge, I stuffed my monster inside his pristine cunt. It sunk probably four inches deep, until the girthiest part of my cock hit a snag. I could feel the sense of panic in Zach’s brain, his ring manically clamping down on my cock, trying to expel the intruder… with no luck. I pulled out a little, and pushed back in, overpowering his resistance, and forcing all seven of my inches inside him. He let out a strident cry in the pillow, like a stray cat yowling in an alley in the middle of the night. I would have loved to see his face, as excruciating pain pervaded his battered hole, but the scream of terror told me everything I needed to know. The cocky frat boy had just been made my bitch, his shithole repurposed into a pussy, ready to be impregnated by my alpha semen. In one plunge, I had driven all the cockiness out of him. The self-proclaimed alpha had become nothing more than a cum dump.

‘How are you making out down there, tough guy? I asked.

‘You’re so fucking big!’ he replied.

I know boys don’t cry. But what about frat boys? Do they cry when a girthy cock tears their virgin hole apart? Zach seemed to be in so much pain that I would not have been surprised to see tears falling onto the bed cover.

‘You’ll do just fine’ I said. ‘Just breathe’.

After staying still for a moment, to allow his stretched hole to adjust to my girth, I started thrusting in and out, ever so slightly at first, commissioning for communal usage what, until just now, had been his most private possession. Zach was still screaming in the pillow, although the volume started going down a notch. But on my side, his tight hole felt amazing on my cock. My thighs forced his to spread apart, which made him arch his back a little, giving me better access to his defenseless pucker. And I increased the thrusting in and out of his hole, which was getting accustomed to its newfound purpose.

Once his hole was broken in, I pulled out, lied on my back, and made Zach impale himself on my cock, facing the other way. He had his knees bent on each side of my thighs, his ass resting on my abs, and his hands holding his ankles behind him, with my hard dick up his stretched hole. And Zach started bouncing up and down my pole, like a seasoned whore doing a lap dance for a divorced trucker at a roadside nudie bar. At first, I allowed him to lift himself up and down my pole at his own rhythm, but I eventually started pounding, jackhammering him from underneath. His whole body was jerking from the assault. Although I couldn’t see them, his muscular pecs were jumping. And his piece of meat was flapping between his legs, bouncing like a punching ball in-between his thighs, his abs, and my thighs, making loud sounds as it was smacking our bodies in no particular pattern.

I got a rush of blood to my head, watching Zach get off on my cock, knowing my cock was exploring places no man had ever been to before. I was remodeling his insides, pushing walls back, making his mancave roomier to accommodate future visitors.

And Zach was now whimpering, the whimpering of a true bottom who had just found his calling, overwhelmed by the pleasure of his love nut being grazed from inside of him, and unable to control his manners. The high-pitch sound coming out of his mouth contrasted with his muscular jock body and was a stark departure from his cocky demeanor at the party an hour ago and his bragging about the number of pussies he had torn apart. Now, it was him who had become the pussy, and a hungry one at that. And it was his pussy that was being torn apart. If I could have recorded and replayed to him the sounds he was making while my big cock was hammering is G-spot, he would have been plain embarrassed. But it was a trip just listening to his whimpering and it only made me pound him harder.

But in the position he was in, Zach still had some control as he was able to lift his ass up and absorb the shock of my pounding underneath. I wanted to be in full control and have him endure the full power of my length. I lifted his torso off my cock, made him lay on his back on top of my stomach, and extend his legs in front of him. His pussy had been dilated so much by my fat cock that I had no issue sliding back inside him. He had his legs on each side of mine, the sole of his feet on the bed cover, and I started ramming my cock in his hole again.

Once I felt like he could take it, I grabbed the back of his knees and pulled them toward me, forcing his knees to press against his chest, kind of assuming the fetal position on top of me. His whole body weight was on my stomach, pressing on my rib cage. And aside from his forearms flat on the bed cover for support, I was now in full control. My cock could hammer his hole as deep as I wanted, and Zach had nowhere to seek protection. And I started boning his hole with brute force. Zach was being used like a pussy. And he loved it. In-between his moaning, I could still hear the sound of his cock banging against his abs and in-between his legs. It was exhilarating and made me even hungrier.

Zach was moaning both from his G-spot being hammered by my big cock and from having been turned into a pussy, him the cocky frat boy who was bragging an hour ago. I knew once his dick received the slightest attention, he wouldn’t last more than a few seconds. I let go of his right knee, wrapped my right arm around his leg, and reached for his long dick that was wavering in-between his legs.

‘What would your frat brothers say if they saw you like that, bitch?’ I whispered in his ear.

And with just a couple of thrusts, his cannon started shooting: one, two, three bullets, landing on his chest and neck, the remanent jizz dripping on his abs. The stimulation of my digits on his elongated pistol, along with my trash talk, coerced Zach into surrendering his collegiate elixir, forcing him to squander the production of his oval juicers on his smooth sculptured pecs. The forced release of his fraternal protein was accompanied by a loud groan, indicating the extorsion was met with excitement.

Since his small balls couldn’t produce that much juice and he had already released his first vintage in my mouth a few minutes ago, Zach only blew a little bit of diluted spunk on his stomach. But it was all about to change once my balls would join the party.

I yanked my cock out of his boypussy, extracting a big ‘humph!’ out of him. I grabbed my hard cock with my right hand, angled it up in-between his legs and I started shooting as well. My cock expelled more spunk than his cock ever could, ropes and ropes of my alpha juice, landing on his face, on his neck, and on his chin puff. One of my ropes even ended up in his mouth, making him savor the potency of my alpha elixir. And a couple more ropes landed on his chest, inter-mixing with his own juice. Zach was now covered in jizz, one quarter his, three quarters mine.

Zach remained on my stomach for a couple of minutes, both of us staring at the ceiling. I started circling my fingers on his perfect pecs and tracing the valleys of his cum-soaked washboard abs.

‘You’re so fucking hot, Zach!’ I said.

‘Thanks’ he said. ‘I can return the compliment’ he added.

‘So, how was your first time, rough guy?’ I asked.

‘Not what I expected’ he replied.

‘How so?’ I asked.

‘I always thought my first time, I’d be the one fucking the other dude’ he said. ‘I never expected to be the one being fucked’.

‘Nah!’ I said. ‘You were made for this. I knew the minute I saw you that you’d take my cock like a pro’.

‘Why is that?’ he asked.

‘You just had that look on your face that you wanted to be bred’ I replied. ‘You just needed to find the right guy to show you’.

‘And I just found him’ he joked.

‘Yup, two loads in 20 minutes. Not bad!’ I exclaimed.

‘But I swear I normally last longer than this!’ he insisted.

‘Huuhuhh’ I replied with a smile he couldn’t see from where he was.

I grabbed his cock, which wasn’t fully hard anymore but still had some life left in it.

‘It’s a shame to let such a nice fuck tool go to waste’ I joked. ‘But it’d be a shame to let you ass go to waste as well. Whoever is next will be a lucky dude’.

There was a pile of dirty laundry in the corner. I grabbed a pair of boxers and handed them to Zach for him to wipe his cum-covered stomach and face. He threw the boxers back onto the pile after he was done.

‘Do we even know whose room this is?’ I asked.

‘No idea’ Zach replied. ‘Hopefully, he doesn’t mind the smell of cum’.

We both got dressed. We agreed to not go back downstairs at the same time. Zach already had a lot to process, and I didn’t want his bros to see him reappear with me by his side. He went down first. I followed suit a couple of minutes later and walked straight back to my hotel.

I didn’t even get his number.

by Jeremy Miller

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024