A Working Boy

by Scott Sauce

2 Dec 2022 3630 readers Score 9.7 (79 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“So when you find it, grab it, and hang onto it!”  

Those words were echoing around in my otherwise empty head, irritating the fuck out of me and keeping me wide awake. 

I leaned over and switched on my bedside light and sat up. It was 3.50 am. I was tired, frustrated, and feeling emotional. 

God, I thought. I love him!  I actually love him!

The realisation hit me like a truck. I felt sick. I thought love was supposed to make you feel great?  I just felt terrified and unsure of myself for the first time….ever!  I pulled my covers up to my chin and at there staring into the middle distance. How could this be?  How had this happened?

I hadn’t enjoyed a client for weeks. I mean, not like I used to. Not since the Texan. The delight was gone, worn away a little more with each passing man. I’d seen a regular today. A sweet man who always made me feel special. He was soft and gentle and he ate me out like a pro, like he really cared and wanted me to enjoy the sensation of his thick, hot tongue on my hole. But throughout I found my mind drifting. I’d actually thought to myself “Ethan doesn’t do it like that...Ethan does it better...”

When we had finished and he was getting ready to leave he asked if I was okay. Said I’d seemed a bit distracted. I felt like he seemed almost disappointed, perhaps only a little but still... disappointed… In me..!

It had become work, something I did between seeing the guy who really delighted me. What the hell was happening to me?

I sat there for a long time, the clock ticking out every second as I examined my life from every angle. 

The first guy, the chance encounter in the woods. The hairy body, his big gut, his eagerness when he realised I was going to let him do what he wanted and I wouldn’t tell.  His desire for my skinny little body, coming back for more and more so he could strip me off, touch me, slide his fingers into me, and then push his fat cock into my tight little hole.  He’d leave me naked in the woods, down by the stream.  I’d be covered in his cum, or it’d be leaking from my ass. But he’d taught me I caught take a cock in my ass, for real. He’d taught me the taste of another man’s spunk and that I could swallow it down like a greedy little boy.  That encounter had sparked a dream of sex and independence, two tickets to to ride in one, thank you very much.  He’d stamped my ticket a good number of times and left me starving for more. 

The second guy, more experienced, who’d fucked my hole in a disused, run-down old toilet block on the edge of one of the parks.  He had been my first taste of a man who knew what he wanted and was going to take it.  He’d fucked my face, shoving his cock as far back in my throat as he could and he didn’t give a fuck whether I wanted it or not.  That had been thrilling, but not more so that when he hauled me to met feet and bent me over the toilet so he could force his dick into me in single, powerful thrust. I remembered that like it was yesterday. He’d been happy to pay and happy to show me that other men would pay, too, and he showed me that men wanted their money’s worth. But he’d also taught me that I was worth more than I had figured, which had gently blown on that spark of an idea that I could do this, for the sex and the awesome waves of incredible sensation that came with that, but also for the dream of getting out from under parents who I felt very little for, with whom I had nothing in common. 

Then there was Danny and his brother Johnny, my first sort-of boyfriend. They had added fuel to the fire that was building.  They’d set me up with a little place, my palace. It was mine, where I could go to fuck. No more woods, no more filthy toilet blocks, but a place I could ride Danny’s clients until I couldn’t walk.  The sex I’d had in that place!  If you had a blacklight the walls, floor and even the ceiling must glow like a nuclear power plant. That was when I was at my hungriest, when I wanted it most, when my teenage hormones and associated appetite kicked into overdrive and I’d have literally taken client after client after client if Danny had let me.  I had more dick in my hole in that place that most people have in their lifetimes. It taught me that I was wanted, desired, and even lusted after.  It taught me that if you were good to them, clients would come back.  It taught me how different behaviour turned on different people, that they wanted to fuck, sure, but they wanted their little games too.  Most of all though, Danny and Johnny and their Ladd Logistics business taught me that with time, I could be free. 

Then came Stefano Valentini.  He was like a father to me in a way, if father’s regularly engaged in hot, passionate anal sex with their sons.  I loved his sex, his passion for a boy young enough to be his grandson, maybe even his great-grandson.  I loved his adventurous spirit and his desire not just to take me, but to make sure I was always okay.  By the time we were done we weren’t fucking, we were making hot love and it was always a thrill, always one of the best. He’d taught me more than I can quantify. That money really talks, that I could tap into wealth and make real wealth of my own, not just enough to be free but enough to be whatever I wanted. Stefano Valentini more than any person in my life had opened me up, examined what I was and wanted to be and said “hey, that’s perfectly okay and we’ll get you there”.  I had loved him in a way I could never describe and he had left me with a legacy that I could never repay. 

And from Stefano came many wonderful, hot, sexy, older guys, but none a better screw than Lord Jonty. Over the years he’d done every to me that it was possible to do between two humans. He was a naughty, dirty pervert and I utterly loved it.  He had the perfect cock and I knew him inside out and back to front. And by the time we were done he knew me intimately, inside and out. I loved that he could go for ages until I got on my hands and knees.  I adored that for him, the sight of me in that position, the view he got when he slid his Goldilocks dick into me from behind, was always enough to make him cum in less than a minute. That never got old.  Never went away.  Lord Jonty taught me about loyalty and that clients didn’t have to be here today, gone tomorrow.  He taught me clients could be my friends. Friends with extreme benefits. 

And Max.  Max who really was my friend, my confidante, my adviser in all things.  In the early days I had enjoyed taking his absolutely massive dick, the biggest I knew. It was long, sure, but it was thick and meaty and hairy. It was literally a monster and it split me in half every time. It had hurt going in every single time, and every time I had been thrilled absolutely with the pain and the fear and sheer size of the thing.  Sucking him was a delight, too. He was the only client who’d effectively given me up, stopped taking my ass when it suited him, but he continued to be my friend and adviser. He’d stopped bending me over his desk and shoving it into me….stopped for love.  

I grabbed my phone and, ignoring the time, I dialled. 

“Your apartment had better be on fire, young man” Max said, his voice hoarse from being woken before 5 in the morning. 

“I really need to talk.  I’m sorry….. I don’t have anyone el……”

“I’m coming over. Stay there.” And he hung up. 

Time passed slowly and painfully.  I felt unwell. I showered and dressed but that didn’t make me feel better.  Was this what lovesick was?

Max knocked.  It was his knock, easy to identify.  Who else would be around at this time, anyway?  I threw the door open and the sight of him there for me, concern etched on his face, brought more emotion out in me than I could handle.  I burst into tears and he caught me in his arms and hugged me tight and close. 

“It’s okay Finn” he said.  “It’s okay”.  He smoothed my damp hair with his hand. His voice was soothing and calm. We stood like that for a long time while I cried it out. 

I broke away from him.  “I’m so, so sor…..”

“You don’t ever have to say sorry to me, young man” he said, cutting me off.”  He pushed me away, held me at arm’s length and studied me with an accountant’s precision.  “As I know young Ethan won’t be stupid enough to break things off, I’m going to assume you have finally realised you’re in love with him and now you’re stuck.  Am I right?” He raised an eyebrow in that comical way he had. 

I part giggled, part cried again.  I was a mess.  I nodded, tears still dripping from sore eyes. 

He pulled me back into a bear hug while I gathered myself. “I don’t know what to do” I said eventually, and I really didn’t.  All my life I was clear about what I wanted and how I was going to get it.  Have lots of sex.  Make lots of money.  Get free.  Worry about tomorrow when it came. 

Well tomorrow was here and it was fucking with me. 

“My boy….” He said.  “Finn….” he added, a rare use of my name.  “You go to him and tell him and you find out where you stand. You talk like grown-ups…. I know you’re barely a grown-up but you have more experience than most.  You decide between you where you’re both going.”  He pushed me away again to look at me.  He stepped a little closer and with big, soft thumbs he wiped the tears from under my eyes. 

I looked back at him, met his gaze.  “Yes” he said, reading my mind, understanding what I was thinking. “Yes, and maybe you think about whether you have a change of career.” He said. 

We stood there for what must have been ages, but it felt like a second or two. Max was patient with me, understanding, concerned but constructive. “Finn, you can do whatever you want.  You know this.  That’s how you have lived your life since you were what, 13?  14?”

“But……” I started, but he was on a roll. 

“No, listen.” He said.  “At risk of pissing you off, I’m saying my piece. It’s what your dad should have told you if he’d cared enough.  You don’t have to sell your body to be liked, to be popular, or even to have the thrill of sex that I know you crave.  Maybe that’s not the only reason you do this, but let’s agree I’m not a million miles wide of the mark.  Listen to me, Finn.  I’m your friend no matter.  So’s Ahmel if you’ll let him be.  And Ethan.  Others too, and you know it.  Even some people who haven’t fucked your sweet, sweet little ass” and he chuckled at that, and it made me smile.  “If you want to carry on, you carry on.  We don’t care.  But if you want to stop, then stop.  We’ll all still be here.”

My bottom lip started to wobble.  

“And my god, it’s not like you need the money!” He said, suddenly turning back into Max my financial adviser. 

I laughed, taken by surprise. I suddenly realised that he was right.  I had friends, I just didn’t let them in.  I never had, ever since I was a kid.  And I didn’t need the money.  And I had achieved the goal I’d had since I could shoot strings of cum from my little boy cock:  I was independent. I could do whatever I wanted.  Maybe it was time to set a new goal?

“I need to call an Uber!” I said suddenly.  

“Why?” Max asked. 

“He’s in town.  He got in late last night but we agreed to meet later, tomorrow….I mean today.  I need to see him.  I need to know.  Maybe he won’t want what I….want” I said, finding that last word hard to reconcile. 

Max snorted with absolute derision and theatrically rolled his eyes.  “Come on.  I’ll drive you.”  

It didn’t take too long to get to Ethan’s place, a small townhouse on the outskirts.  He was planning to sell it now he was working with his father, but he’d been in and out of the country on business trips and just hadn’t found the time yet.  I leapt out of Max’s Mercedes and ran up the path.  I pounded on the door with my fist.  

I was here now.  I was ready.  I need to say it and ask questions. And I was as single minded and oblivious to everything else as I had been when I’d started out in my career. 

The door eventually opened and Ethan was there.  He was wearing boxers and an oversized t-shirt, his dark hair messy from sleep. First he seemed angry to be woken by some idiot pounding at his door, then he looked shocked that it was me.  

Here goes….

“Ethan I’m in love with you and I have never felt like that and I only just realised and I don’t know how you feel because you’ve never said anything and I need to know and I’m confused about it and……”. It came out at a thousand miles an hour and already I had tears streaming down my face from the emotion of it.  I felt foolish, but I couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out like rocks down a slope. 

Ethan took a single step forward. He took me by the shoulders and pulled me to him.  He looked me in my red and teary eyes and said “I love you, stupid” and he pressed his lips again mine and kissed me. It was a long, slow kiss that took my breath away and made me feel lighter than a feather.  Behind me I heard a car engine start up and drive away. 

Ethan pulled me into his home, our lips still locked together in a kiss that was turning hot and passionate. Our tongues were touching, exploring. He slammed the door shut and pulled me into his living room and we tumbled down onto a deep, fluffy rug he had on the floor.  We kissed and touched, he nibbled my ears and bit my neck and French kissed me again.  He bit my bottom lip and sucked it better, and we kissed some more. 

He reached down and literally ripped my shirt open, sending buttons flying. He caressed my body, pinching my nipples and running his finger around the outside of my belly button.  I shivered with delight.  I had reached a deeply emotional state, been somewhere I had never been, and this young man was making it all okay. 

He kissed down my chin, down my neck, across my chest, pausing at my nipple to bite and suck.  He kissed all the way down my torso to my tummy, where he kissed some more, his fingers tracing lines of fire around my sides.  

He unbuttoned my Levi’s with his teeth and between his mouth and his hands he pulled them down, catching my underwear and sliding them down my legs to my knees.  He opened his mouth wide, looking up at me with big dark eyes, and he took my growing penis in his mouth.  He swirled his tongue around, licking the head, sucking the shaft, bobbing up and down and pushing it into his cheek.  I sighed with a little shudder left over from crying.  

He worked his way to my scrotum, sucking each of my balls.  He stopped briefly to remove my jeans and underwear, then he pushed my legs back. He took my arms and folded them under the backs of my knees, and then he went down on me. 

His tongue around my naked hole was bliss.  He lapped, then probed, then lapped again.  His tongue was hot and wet, and he used his hands and fingers and thumbs to touch my cock, my balls, that sensitive area behind my scrotum, and of course my little boy pussy.  

As he tongued me he fingered me with a single thumb, alternating between pushing his digit inside and then probing my hole with his tongue. Powerful sexual energy washed over me in waves.  He was so good at this.  

It was his fault, damn him!  He’d ruined me for other men with his amazing tongue.

I allowed my legs to fall open and my cock sprang up, so he took it in his mouth and sucked it some more.  I moaned with the pleasure, my eyes tightly closed as Ethan explored me, touched me, licked me, and drove me into a sexual frenzy. 

He paused to strip, peeling his t-shirt over his head and dropping his boxers.  He pushed his body down on mine and I locked my legs behind his back. He pressed his lips to me and I could feel the tip of his erection at my entrance.  Simultaneously he invaded my mouth with his tongue and his hips flexed and the head of his cock slid effortlessly into me. I was so relaxed, so ready. I wanted him more now than ever. 

We remained like that for a minute.  I didn’t need the time to get used to him, but Ethan was thoughtful and caring and he allowed for it anyway.  Then he thrust as his kissed me more deeply and I whimpered as his penis filled me up. 

My body flushed with hot sexual energy and I felt like I was building to an orgasm.  I’d never felt this way and it took me by surprise. Ethan must have noticed, but he opened his mouth wide, making me follow his lead, and our tongues danced.  With quick flexes of his hips he screwed me, the feeling of his flesh inside me, sliding into me, parting my anal ring and caressing my insides, was the most amazing feeling I had ever experienced. 

He hooked my ankles over his shoulders, placed one hand either side of my head, and he fucked me.  His strokes were deep, penetrating me to my further reaches. Long, deep, and slow. I closed my eyes again.  I could hardly take it, it was that good. 

My dick was leaking juices, almost pumping out pre-cum every time he pushed down on me.  My body felt hot, on fire, and my groin felt like I had ascended to a new plane of sexual fulfilment. It was almost numb with the sensations that were flooding that area, like my nerve endings were in overload. I felt like I was continually on the edge of a never-ending, building orgasm.  

Ethan built up speed. His thrusts remained deep, but he was penetrating me faster and faster.  I was moaning loudly and he was breathing heavily, almost grunting as he fucked his beautiful penis into me.  

Then he shifted position again.  He knelt up and let my legs fall to either side. He took hold of my hips and he pulled me to him, pushing with his glutes as he did so.  It was penetration from yet another angle and it was driving me wild. 

The heat in my body was intensifying all the time.  His touch was like electricity over my skin. We were both perspiring, both panting for breath, both making animal noises as we fucked and fucked and fucked. I could feel the head of his cock moving up inside me, pulling out of my passage, then driving back inside.  My ring was tight around his shaft. He watched everything while I closed my eyes and let myself fall into these amazing, intoxicating sensations. 

He took me under my arms and easily lifted me so I was sitting on him, straddling his lap where he knelt.  He grasped my buttocks with my hands and lifted me, then pulled me back down, his penis now driving straight up into me.  I wrapped my legs around the back of him and my arms around his neck.  

He kissed like fire, my hands in his hair, his hands squeezing my bottom and lifting my weight.  His cock was engorged and pulsating and touching nerves that had never been touched inside me.  

Our bodies were slick with sweat.  My whole groin was practically in pain with sexual electricity and fire. My scrotum was tight. The sensation of his dick inside me, penetrating my anal ring and driving up my tight passage was so fantastic it as ludicrous.  I suddenly felt light-headed, like all the blood had rushed in a single second to another part of my body.  I whimpered through our kisses. The sensation in my groin reached another level and I cried out. 

“I love you so much” he said into our kiss, and then his cock throbbed inside me, exploding with cum. I felt it all, from the rush of blood to his dick, to the heat and wetness of his ejaculation. The second he came I orgasmed. It was an earthquake in my body, sending out massive shockwaves that overtook me and engulfed me.  I moaned then whimpered then cried out again as the volcano erupted and I shot spurt after spurt of spunk between our bodies as he filled me up with his own juices.  My face flushed red and I almost fainted with the overwhelming sensations. 

Ethan lay me gently back down on the rug and he lay down on top of me, his cock still half-way inside me.  He kissed me, our passion slowly dying, slowly giving way to normality.  I was panting, gasping for oxygen.  He had sweat dripping down his face. 

We looked at each other, our eyes meeting like it was the first time. He grinned and I did, then we both laughed.  He collapsed on top of me and his dick slid out of me and I lay there, Ethan on top of me, my ass leaking cum as we both laughed uncontrollably, our sweaty bodies pressed together. 

Eventually we got ourselves back under control.  

“Why didn’t you say?” I asked. 

“I didn’t want to pressure you. I fell in love with you that first time I stayed over.  You’re brilliant.  You’re wonderful and you don’t see it.  But I do.  I figured you’d either come around or you wouldn’t. But it would have to be your decision, not mine and not because of something I did or said.”

I smiled and blushed.  “Where did I find you….?” I asked absently.  We kissed, a soft and loving after-sex kiss.  “I’m going to stop seeing clients. I’m going to stop” I said with finality. 

He smiled.  “You know you don’t have to do that for me….?” He asked, and I could see he meant that.  He wanted a part of me, and he was quite prepared to share if I could only give him that part. 

“No, I do” I said.  “It’s not fair otherwise.  But I’ve never….”

“Nor me” he said.  “I never had a boyfriend, I’ve only ever had sex with you, and I’ve never been in love before.” He said.  He wanted me to know this whole thing was a first for us both.  

I giggled.  “Don’t hurt me, okay?” I said. 

“Okay, but don’t hurt me either.” He replied. 

We kissed again.  

“I assume I’m moving into your apartment?” He said, an eyebrow raised. 

“How did you know I was going to ask that?” I said, genuinely surprised. 

He chuckled.  “You like sex way too much not to have it on tap, and there’s no way you’re ready to give up your work AND move out of the place that your friend gave you.”

I got a tear in my eye.  He was right, spot on, totally accurate and he voiced it better than I ever could. 

“But I’ll do you a deal” he said.  I raised my eyebrow to say, okay, what?  He continued, “I know you’re used to your own space, so when you want your own space you gotta tell me.  We’ll work something out. It’s cool.” 

I pulled his face down to mine to kiss him again. I was totally at a loss to explain how he knew me so well, totally unprepared for the waves of emotion I got when I looked at him, or when he said something that was right, or just the way he was with me. 

“I want my space to be your space” I said.  “I’m done having my own space.  That was yesterday’s plan.”

We cuddled and kissed and touched as we lay there, nowhere near ready to go again, but just relishing the closeness of one another. 

“You mind if I still do my online stuff?” I asked suddenly, on a whim.  

He laughed.  “You mind if I join in from time to time?” He asked.  

He both laughed at that. What a show that would be.  

He kissed me deeply, not the kind of kiss that was winding down but the kind of kiss that built up to something. I felt him getting hard as his tongue lapped mine, mutual thoughts of a naughty cam show making us both return to sex and lust. 

He pushed me over onto my front, opened my legs with his knees, and slid back into my slick and gaping hole. 

I looked back over my shoulder and we continued our kiss while he made love to me. I didn’t need to cum again, but I did need to feel him sliding into me.  That was my passion and, besides, my last orgasm had been the most explosive I had ever had.  

Ethan didn’t last long, his dick overly sensitive from our first round and his passions heightened already. He pressed forward, gentle and loving, and I felt him cum.  

I sighed.  This was wonderful.  This was right.  This was the next stage of my life and I knew in my soul that it was what I wanted, just as I had known that day in the woods when that man had stumbled on me with my Spiderman briefs pulled down and my little cock in my hand. 

“I love you Finn.” He said he me, his warm body on mine. 

“I love you too, Ethan” I said. 

And we lay in each other’s embrace for the longest, happiest time. 


by Scott Sauce

Email: [email protected]

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