A Star is Born

by Junior

28 Aug 2023 2233 readers Score 8.4 (10 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

My name is Joseph Venu Oswal. I am going to tell you all my past so that you can understand what I have done. I am not trying to justify my actions but this way I hope I will be able to make some of you understand why things had to happen this way. I grew up in a small village of Kerala in a Christian household. My Grandfather was one of the first few Keralites who converted to Christianity. Back then it was not easy. I remember in my early childhood, when I was a seven-year-old in 1965, three kids in our school told me to leave our village. My father had to work double shifts, one as a watchman on a landlord’s farm and another at a factory of snack packaging to meet our family's requirements. When I was ten years old, my mother gave birth to a baby girl. We named her Priya. I heard my mother talking to my father once that they should stop bearing more kids. Back then, people used to bear as many children as possible because only very few used to survive their childhood. That was the condition back then with medical facilities being present only in the big cities. Around fifteen years of age, I realized I was different than the boys of my age. While they would talk about girls in our classroom like who’s breasts have become bigger over the summer break, I used to find those talks weird. Every time someone objectifies girls like that, it used to make me wonder how would I feel had someone talked like that about my little sister. After completing my schooling at the age of 20, my father made it clear he could not continue two shifts and that if I had to go to college, I would have to earn for myself. I could not go to the college in the town nearby as being a Christian boy, nobody would offer me a decent job and I was far too educated to get behind manual laboring part time jobs. To be honest, I didn’t try harder. It was in 1975, I was working in the same snacks packaging factory where my father used to work, as he had opted to continue as the watchman. I tried to save money so that my younger sister could go to college. My sister was fifteen years old back then. She completed her schooling at the age of 18, two years earlier than mine since she started early. It was her time to go to the college in the nearby town. By then, our state government had put us into a reserved category of Minorities due to which there was a certain quota in every state-funded institutions. Upon learning that she could even get admission to the colleges in the cities, I told her to study there. She tried to not be a burden on the family but I convinced her and she agreed. She and I, we travelled together to the city, of Champa, for the first time. We got down from the bus and I walked up to the ticket counter and got return tickets for us for the next evening. We directly went to the college, Sri Raviman University of Arts & Literature, and reached there before the counseling started. We waited our turn. Our turn came and she got the admission without difficulty as her grades were good. She wanted to opt for Political Science honors but that department seat was already full so she took on English honors, despite being not very good at it. We had our lunch at the canteen inside the college campus. We roamed around the campus, it was big, and then waited in the canteen. At 5 pm, a fresher’s orientation program started. We sat along with the other candidates and their family members in the big hall. There we realized the hostel mess will open tomorrow and the classes will start the day after tomorrow. I was crushed because we had already booked a return ticket for both of us. We went to a hotel in the late evening and got a room with separate beds. That night, my sister came to my bed in the middle of the night. I moved aside to let her lie down next to me. I was facing the ceiling and she hugged me. She felt like my little sister whom I had watched as a baby for the time time when Maa came out of the room holding her for me to see. She said, ‘Chera (as in big brother), please don’t leave me here. I will go back with you tomorrow’

I was also in tears from thinking I would have to leave her tomorrow. We hadn’t been ready to leave when we came here. The sudden decision had crushed both our hearts. We lay there like that and slept.

The next day we went to her college again, and we got most of the items from the institution. We went to the nearby shops for the remaining items and I realized most of the money that I had brought along was over. As I had already booked my return ticket for that evening, I bought a packet of biscuits and a water bottle. Then I gave the whole remaining money I had to her in her new room in the hostel. She asked, ‘Chera, this is too much. I can’t take all your money. You would need some for your return journey’

I convinced her that it was for the best. Back then there was no ATM and we did not have a bank account. Money order was the only way to send money and it used to take time. good thing, her roommate came and she stopped her argument over the money from the embarrassment. 

‘Hi, I am Tara’ the new girl said.

Her parents had also come to see her off. After some small talk, I came to know she was from a pure Brahmin family but her family was very progressive so they did not mind my sister being a Christian. My sister and I went out leaving them inside the room to settle down. Once we reached the main gate I said, ‘This is far enough. You should go back.’

She said, ‘At least let me come with you till the bus station’

‘You should go back to your room. It would seem rude if you won’t be in the room while your new roommate’s parents take their leave’

We hugged and I finally took my leave from there. The return journey was very quick considering it took me one whole night and a half day. I reached the next day in the afternoon back in our village with a half-eaten packet of biscuits and an almost empty bottle of water. My heart was wrenching from the pain of separation from my sister. 

With time it became normal. I would send money to her at the end of every month after saving from my weekly wage. And after her first semester, she came back to the house in December. 

My talks of marriage had started by then. I was 28 years old and by then, almost every man in my age group would be married. But I did not find any women attractive. Sure I had a couple of sex with the already married housewives by then but it was only because we both knew it was temporary. The next year, my father’s health deteriorated and very soon he became bedridden. When I was 30, my mom died. Later we came to know she had TB for which we thought she was suffering from a cold. With my dad being bedridden and me at the factory earning money for the family, it was difficult to manage the household. Thus I had to get married. Her name was Dimple. She was a Christian like us. We had a wedding in the nearby Baptist Church. Very soon she took the matters of our family into her own hands and started taking care of households. The next December, Priya my sister came back again. She had just given her second final semester. She was to stay with us for a month but very soon my wife and she started having clashes. At the time of her leaving for her final semester, my sister did not even say goodbye to us. I woke up to find my sister gone on the day of her leaving. After searching the house, I hurried to the bus station and there she was, waiting for the bus, at least two hours early. She was sitting on the empty bench and I sat down beside her. I waited for her to say something but she did not.

‘Leaving without even saying goodbye to your, Chera?’ I asked.

‘’I am sorry, Chera but I don’t want to be a burden on you anymore’

‘Hey, Hey, hey, don’t you ever think of yourself as a burden to me. You will always be my responsibility’

She seemed irritated and said, ‘Bhabhi (as in sister in law) was right. She should be your responsibility now’

I asked confused, ‘What do you mean?’

She looked down and said, ‘She is your wife. She is looking after our ill father and yet, you make her feel she is not enough’

I asked surprised, ‘Did she tell you that?’

‘Yes. Not directly but when we had our fight, she said to me many things and I did too in return but later I realised she is frustrated that you love and care for me more than you care for her’

I did not say anything and she continued, ‘she doesn’t not get enough money from you to run the household because I take half of the money you earn. And I don’t do anything for the family in return’

‘Did she say that? That you take my money and don’t do anything for the house?’

‘That’s not the point, Chera’ she said looking at me, ‘You will always be my big brother but you are married now and your wife should come for you first. Not me’

We sat there for some time and she finally said, ‘You should go. The sun has come up and your wife will be even more angry if she does not find you at home’

I got up from the bench and after saying goodbye I left for the house. That witch Dimple, my wife was going to see the wrath in me.

I think that was the first time we had a real fight. We had been together for a year and a half and she had completely lost fear of me. It was time to teach her a lesson and in our heated argument, I slapped her. She held onto her left cheek where I had slapped her and looked at me. She slapped me back and I lost it. I pushed her and she fell in the bed. I got on top of her and tried to choke her.

‘You whore. How dare you slap your own marad, (as in husband)’

As my grip tightened around her neck and her eyes started to become red, I found something in me that I had never known before. I started to get erect between my legs. I slapped her again and rubbed my erect penis over her body. The door to our bedroom was open but I did not care since the only other member in the house, my father was bed ridden. I pulled down my lungi, a type of cotton-made clothing that men wear it on their hips like a towel but longer. I pulled up her sari and took her right there. I kept my one hand on her neck, lightly squeezing it, and bit her neck from my mouth. It was the most satisfying orgasm I had ever had. But once done, I got up quickly and apologized to my wife. Turned out, she liked it too. 

She said to me, ‘For the first time, I have felt like you really want me’

We had sex two more times that same day. I was having the time of my life that I had completely ignored if I was going too far with her. One day I realised my wife was crying once I had had my orgasm. I looked down at her surprised. I asked her what happened. She did not say anything. But the next day, when I undressed her, I noticed many scars. I was leaving scars on her body from sex. I became a little bit worried and had sex with her gently. But it did not satisfy me. I lay next to my wife, exhausted and unsatisfied. She got on top of me smiling. She said, ‘I love you’

‘I love you too’ I replied.

By next July, my sister was staying with us after completing her graduation. My wife and she started to have their clashes every now and then. I wanted to take my sister’s side but I loved my wife too. But it was always my wife where I would go to, to try to make her understand and go easy on my sister. And with my sister, I would always ignore the fact that my wife and she had her clashes. I would always be the big brother I am to her. But things were changing. The fights with my wife seemed to come back to me too. My sister started to avoid me too and it was becoming unbearable. One day I made her sit and asked, ‘I know you and Dimple do not get along very well but I am your brother. You should not take your anger of her on me’

‘I am not angry at her’ she replied.

I said, ‘Well you are’

‘Ok may be a little’ she said, ‘But it’s not just that. Chera, you have always fulfilled all my wishes and so I don’t want to ask you for more. But will you do something for me one last time?’

‘Only on one condition. That it won’t be the last favour you will be asking’

She smiled and said ‘I love you so much, chera. The thing is, I haven’t been myself lately. I have really tried to get adjusted in the house but I can’t. After living in the city, I have changed. Now this rural life does not suit me. I can’t focus on studying for the job entrance exams and if I stay here, there is no scope for me’

‘What do you want to do?’ I asked.

‘I want to go back to the city again. There’s this advertisement I had seen in the paper about hiring some teachers for a private school. I can do that while I look for other good opportunities’

I agreed and she left the next week. With her gone, I was again upset and this time, I resorted to doing only one thing that satiated me, I drank alcohol and had intense sex with my wife. 

One day I came inside our bedroom from the factory and seeing me taking my lungi off, she said, ‘No. I am not in the mood tonight’

‘But I am. I have had a very bad day in the factory. Let me feel good’

‘I said no. Let me warm your dinner’ she tried to go past across me and I hugged her from behind.

‘I am hungry for you’

She broke off and went to the kitchen. I got angry but followed her. We had our dinner. I was quiet because I was angry.

‘Has Baba (father) taken his food’ I asked.

‘Yes’ she replied. ‘today he has soiled his bed again. I had to clean everything. My hands touched his feces...'

I made face and quickly finished the food because it was becoming difficult to continue with her telling me all the details. After dinner, I went to my father’s room and kissed him good night for the first time in a long time.

The next morning, my wife woke me up hysterical.

‘Baba is not breathing’

I ran from the bed to his bedroom and found my father lying on the bed. I came and put my ear to his chest and didn’t feel his heartbeat. I put my finger in front of his nose and he wasn’t breathing. My father had died in his sleep.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I sat on the bed and put my head on my baba’s chest and cried silently. Telling him sorry for not being enough. Meanwhile, my wife kept rubbing on my shoulders. After ten minutes, I sat straight and wiped my tears.

‘We have to inform the pastor’ I said.

I looked down at my father one more time before getting up that’s when I noticed something. He had something on his lips. I put my fingers and parted his lips, there were some remnants of a whitish substance. I gasped and got up.

I ran past my wife into the bathroom. I will know when I see it, I thought. I went around the kitchen. Then as I was moving around, I saw the dustbin, I opened the lid and there it was, a soft cloth with patches of wetness on the surface.

I picked it up and brought it in front of my crying wife.

‘What is this?’

Her face gave away everything and this time she cried for real.

‘I am so sorry. It was getting very difficult to manage your father on my own’

‘What did you use?’ I asked.

‘Dathura (a kind of poisonous fruit)’

I left her crying in the house and went out. I did not go to the factory that day. Instead, I went to a place where all the alcoholics would go. I went to a beer bar. Until then I had occasionally drunk alcohol. That was the beginning of my alcoholic phase. I drank and drank until I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was on a bed. I woke up with a headache and found myself in my own bedroom. Some voices were coming from outside the bedroom. Getting up slowly, I came out of the room and found my uncle, nephew, my in laws, and few neigbours inside the house.

‘Look he got up’ said someone and they all turned their heads toward me.

My neighbor said, ‘I know this is hard for you. But you should get a hold of yourself’

My uncle said, ‘You were unconscious and they had to bring you in a pulling cart. The whole village saw you’

The in-laws said, ‘I think it is okay. His father died. Nobody should blame him for losing himself today’

So apparently, they all blamed this on me and my dead father and not the real culprit. My wife.

The funeral happened the next day without my sister. The pastor said the body would decay fast in the summer and it would take time for my sister to come here. I felt like an observer. Everything was taken care of by my relatives and I just lurked around in the background. My in-laws stayed with us for a couple of days but I did not come out of the bedroom unless necessary. Once they had gone, I went back to the bar and drank. After two weeks, the factory fired me. That did not stop me from going to the bar. The thing is, I was scared of what I would do if I was sober and at home alone with her. My wife knew her place and she never interfered in my drinking. Very soon the money dried up and my wife started to work in the factory now that she did not need to stay at home to look after my father. I drank more, borrowing money from her. This went on for a year and finally, the day came when she left me. Another married man from her workplace in the factory ran away from his family too so it became evident they eloped. I wasn’t sad but my chicken to lay golden eggs was gone.

I started drinking on credit. The owner of the beer bar started disrespecting me and one day, I was chased out like a dog. As I was sitting outside the bar, a man approached me. That man changed my life. I will fast-forward the story from here. He introduced me to the world of drug smuggling. He chose me because I was fit for the job. Someone who has lost everything in his life. Was educated and knows rural households. One thing I did not tell him was that I had a sister. Something told me it would not be right to associate her name with me while I was working illegally. I started as a small dealer and was shocked to find so many buyers in our small village. With time, our business grew and we grew together. My boss, Ravinand was also a small-time drug mafia and when his business grew, we grew together and very soon I became his right hand. One day a letter from my sister came and she told me she was marrying a big actor from the Bollywood film industry. His name was Piyush Jayesh. I had seen a couple of his movies and he was a good actor. I could not believe the luck of my sister, a girl from a small town marrying a rich man like him. At her wedding, I was dressed in a white suit and pants. I reached the venue with a brand-new ambassador car. But there was one person who knew me. He was the younger brother of the groom and he told him about me. The groom told my sister. I had to leave before the wedding started because the groom’s family did not want me there.

My sister did try to fight for me but I told her she should not start-off bad with her new family. I gave her my blessings and left.

After two years, when I was on a cruise, coming back from Sri Lanka after collecting money from the dealers there, I received a letter from my sister. I opened the envelope and there was a photo of a small baby boy. I had become an uncle. I read the letter she wrote to me. She wrote that she is happy in her new life but that she misses me. She told me she would make some excuse and come to see me in Kerala from Mumbai the next month so that I could meet my nephew. They had named her Rihan.

It was 1995 when I got a phone call telling me my sister had died. The news shocked me. I reached Mumbai on a flight the next day. She was cremated before I could see her one last time. I met her husband and her son. I had to introduce myself to her son because he was a baby when she brought him to our house. That night as I stayed in a hotel and while checking out the next day, at the reception, I saw the name of my brother-in-law in the register by chance. It was dated three days earlier. The receptionist had gone inside leaving the register open in front of me when I had handed her cash. I assumed it must be someone of the same name and didn’t think much about it.

It was one month after my sister’s death, on the black and white Tv, the news started showing pictures of my brother-in-law coming out of the hotel with a fellow actress and it was rumoured they were dating. I used my connection and soon found out my brother-in-law had indeed stayed in various hotels over the span of six months. This was like a sucker punch to me. I felt like everything was repeating all over again. After a few more investigations, I found out he had indeed been cheating on my sister for a long time. Someone told me they had seen him approach a divorce attorney also.

I got him abducted. I saw my men interrogate him. I watched everything from behind a one-way mirror. He broke down easily and told us everything. He had tried to get my sister to divorce him but she did not agree. He consulted an attorney and he made him see that my sister will be entitled to half his fortune. He pushed her down the stairs and made it seem like an accident. 

I barged into the room and saw him recognizing me. I punched him in the face. When he recovered from my punch I took hold of his throat and choked him. His face became red and he started to beat his feet on the ground.

‘Don’t let his blood be in your hands, boss’ said one of my men.

‘He killed my little sister’ I said ‘ I won’t rest until I kill him myself’

‘What if there is something better?’ suggested my man. I loosened my grip and he gasped breathing again.

My man said, ‘We can have fun with him’

I looked in confusion and he continued, ‘Boss, you sit back and relax. And let Jimmy and I do the job’

‘Please let me go’ said Piyush, my brother-in-law.

Jimmy slapped him across his face and he cried in silence. 

I sat down in a chair in the corner and watched the game begin. I did not know what was going to happen but my two men assured me, it will be worth it than just killing him.

Jimmy and Surya untied Piyush from the chair. They tied his hands together in the front at the wrist. He looked at me and I took out my revolver and pointed its head towards him. They undressed him soon and I saw many bruises all black and blue on his front and back from previous beatings.

‘On your knees’ said Surya. Jimmy forced Piyush on his knees. Surya opened his fly, pushed down his pants to the knees, and took out his cock.

‘Open up’

Piyush opened his mouth and Surya pushed his cock inside his mouth. He put his hands on his head and started going in and out slowly. Jimmy looked at me and seeing my hateful expression, he pushed Piyush’s head from behind into Surya’s cock and a choking sound escaped. I felt something in me. Behind him, Jimmy took out his eight-inch cock and started stroking it. He made Surya aside and took his position. He pushed his cock inside his mouth. His cock was very thick and Piyush had to open his mouth wider. Also, Jimmy didn’t let him adjust and started to push deep inside his throat. I could see his throat bulge from the cock going inside his mouth. It looked really uncomfortable. Jimmy picked up his speed and after ten minutes he came inside his mouth. Surya came in front of him and pushed his cock inside Piyush’s mouth. His cock was seven and a half inches and it was going inside his mouth easily. After two minutes Surya pulled out and told him to go to the table. They cleared everything on the table and made him climb up. Piyush was made to lie on his back with his head hanging. Surya got in front of his mouth and pushed his dick inside. He started to choke real badly now. As he continued to choke, I felt good. 

Piyush choked and spit flew above. Surya pulled out his cock and slapped his face. Then he pushed his cock inside his mouth again. He tried his best to not choke again and kept going for ten more minutes until Surya came. 

The two men made him lie down on his back on the table such that his legs were wide apart and his private parts were directly visible to me.

‘Finger yourself’ said Jimmy. When Piyush started to protest Jimmy slammed the table with a loud clang. Piyush shivered and slowly started to stroke his cock. Jimmy had had enough and he hold his hand by force and directed it towards his asshole.

‘Finger this bitch’

‘Do it like a woman’ said Surya.

Piysuh started to finger himself. His fingers were dry and it became difficult for him to push in. He sucked on his two fingers and pushed inside his hole again. The middle finger of his right hand went inside. 

‘Lift your head and look at the boss’ said Jimmy.

He complied. Our eyes met and I had to look away. It was really unnerving to see him in that position.

‘You are an actor right? Let’s see how good of an actor you are. Act like you are enjoying fingering yourself’ said Jimmy.

He did and he did it damn good. He started slowly but soon started to moan. Jimmy spat on his hole and told him to use two fingers.

His acting of self-pleasure became a little bad as he found discomfort in two fingers but after two minutes of fingering, his two fingers were going smoothly. 

‘Now three fingers’ said Jimmy.

Piyush tried but just the tip of his three fingers went inside. He tried some more but they would not go in. He pushed it but it would not go more than half of it.

Jimmy said again, 'Three fingers in'

Piyush pushed and his face gave away how much pain he was in. He suddenly cried out. I saw Jimmy and Surya laughing at this and then I saw that he had three fingers inside his hole.

‘That’s not how you moan in pleasure’ said Surya.

Piyush fingered himself with three fingers but it was not as smooth as when he had two fingers inside. After five minutes, the two men decided it was time. They put him in a position like a dog and Surya got behind him while Jimmy was in front of his face. I had a side view of them.

Surya spat on his cock and started to push inside. As his cock opened the sphincter of his hole, Piyush screamed and Jimmy pushed his cock inside his mouth. They both fucked him slowly from both ends. It was a weird but interesting sight to me. The room was echoing with muffled screams. Jimmy was fucking his mouth with speed but Surya was having a hard time catching up with Jimmy. He used force but his cock was moving with friction inside Piyush's ass. In frustration, he slapped his ass and Piyush started to wail. Even with a mouthful of cock, his crying was distinctly audible. Jimmy also started slapping his face in between strokes and behind, Surya was also spanking his ass while fucking him. They weren’t doing it gently. I could see the imprint of their hands on his face and butt cheeks. Piyush was crying now. He wasn’t making that sound of choking anymore but his eyes were telling something different. His reddened face was flowing with his tears. Cry me a river I don't care, I thought.

‘I am not feeling this’ said Jimmy and Surya agreed from behind. They pulled out their cocks from their respective ends and made him stand on the ground. They pushed his body in such a way that he was lying on his stomach and his feet were standing on the ground. He was facing towards me.

Surya made his legs apart and entered from behind. Meanwhile, Jimmy tied another rope to his already tied wrists and pulled his hands forward. He pulled at it tightly from the other end and made his body stretch.

‘Act like you are enjoying this’ he commanded.

He tried to act but he was not able to.

Surya pulled his hair and made his head lift up. ‘Tell us how much you want this’

‘Fu..fuck me’ he breathed out.

‘Say it like you mean it’ said Surya as he pulled on his hair tighter while fucking him from behind.

‘Please fuck me’ said Piyush. 

Jimmy pulled the rope tighter and Piyush’s feet almost lifted off the ground. The table creaked and Surya had to let go of his hair. He put both his hands from under his arms and pulled him back towards him. The sound of his strokes changed. Earlier it was ‘Tap! Tap!’ but now there was no sound except for that slick wet sound of something going in and out.

‘I am making love to him’ joked Surya.

‘Say you love him’ commanded Jimmy.

‘I love him’ said back Piyush

Surya sucked on his right neck while fucking him and a breath left him.

‘I am going to breed inside your man pussy now’ said Surya in his ear. ‘you are going to bear my babies’

He sped up. ‘Pull the rope’ said Surya and bit his neck. Piyush screamed and Jimmy pulled the rope. Surya pulled him back and started depositing his load inside his pussy. After one minute, Jimmy let go of the rope and Surya also got up from on top of him. They untied his hands. 

‘My turn’ announced Jimmy and got undressed. He settled down on a chair facing me. He commanded the man to come sit on his erect cock. Piyush went there and slowly sat on his cock.

‘Now ride it’ he commanded.

Piyush started to fuck himself on his cock.

‘Give us your best acting. This will be your last fuck if you do it’ said Surya.

He started to act. He said seductively, ‘oh yes! Yes! You are so big’

‘It is baby. It is’ said Jimmy from behind. ‘Look at our boss and tell him how nice it feels.

Piyush looked at me and he kinda got lost in a trance. He became still.

But Jimmy was having none of this and he took hold of his hips and started to dick him from below. The feeling inside him broke his trance and he started to bounce on top of him.

‘Tell our boss how much you are enjoying this’

‘Please I can’t’ he cried out.

‘Why not?’ asked Jimmy.

‘I know him’

'So what? You will sit on his lap next'

Piyush looked at me with sad eyes and I gulped from saliva secreting in my mouth. He stared at me for very long while bouncing on his rapist's cock. His eyes turned from sad to cold, like he wanted to kill me right there if possible for making him do this.

‘Tell him or we won’t let you go’ said Surya.

Bouncing up and down on his cock, Piyush looked at me and said, ‘This feels so good. Aahh, aahh. This is the best fuck I have ever had in my life. ’

I could not believe what I saw seeing and hearing. It was too sensual and an erotic display happening before me.

He continued, 'aah, aah, your so big. You make all the other fucks I have ever had seem ordinary'

I sensed it right there even before the two men realised it. He continued, ‘All the other fucks I had had in my life were nothing compared to this. You have opened my eyes’

My blood boiled and my grip tightened on the pistol I was holding, and he smiled. He was really enjoying this. He moved his hips in a way something like I had only seen whores in the bars do. His bouncing up and down changed into moving his hips to and fro on Jimmy’s cock. Lost in pleasure, Jimmy stopped saying anything and he lost his control to him. Piyush looked at me and bit his lower lip. I thought I would enjoy seeing him suffer and I was, to be honest, but seeing him really enjoying this, I lost it. I got up and walked out of the room. I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I threw water on my face, twice and then looked at myself in the mirror. I don't know how but my hands went to readjust my erect cock but suddenly I unzipped my pants and pulled my nine inches out and started stroking it. I sped up. I masturbated myself in the bathroom from the anger that was building up inside me. I tried to keep my mind blank from so many conflicting thoughts and just focused on my anger. After ten minutes I came. 

I washed my hands and came out of the washroom. Before going inside the room again, I stopped to look from the one-way mirror. Surya was holding Piyush in the air such that his both legs were on Surya’s shoulder and his hands holding his neck while Surya was holding him from under his arms and thighs and fucking him from below. All those pleasures in his eyes were gone now. Piyush was crying as Surya was saying things looking at his face and deriving pleasure from seeing the man break down.

I felt a relief seeing the man suffer and opened the door, this time with confidence. He looked up towards me and before he could decide to act up again, Surya made him kiss him and continued fucking in the air.

‘Kiss me like you mean it’ said Surya.

They kissed. If I hadn’t known it better anybody looking at them would never be able to guess that the man getting kissed was an unwilling partner. They kissed and fucked for some time. Surya walked over to the wall and pushed his body against it. Now with his body pressed, Surya started to dick him better. The man was whimpering like a bitch getting fucked for the first time by a dominant lover. He kissed him hard. He sped up nearing his orgasm. He chewed on his lips and the man started to make the sound of pain. He bit hard every time he came then let go of the man. 

Piyush upon release sat down on the floor. Surya turned towards us and he smiled with a few amount of blood in his lips and teeth.

‘Do you want to go next, boss?’ asked Jimmy to me.

To be honest, I really wanted to. But he was the husband of my sister. No matter how much I hate him and my sister must have hated him too towards the end but that still doesn’t change the fact that he was her husband. I didn’t say anything and walked towards him slowly. The two men moved back behind me.

Piyush looked up at me. I tried to find any kind of remorse or sympathy I should be feeling for the man before me. But I felt nothing. The only thing I felt was a kind of satisfaction seeing his battered body, bruised lips, and wet eyes.

‘Boss I think we should wash him up for you’ said Surya.

I took out my revolver and shot Piyush in between his eyes.


I instructed my man to make it look like an accident. Two days later, his charred body was found inside his car at the side of the town leaving Mumbai. I got custody of my nephew now that both his parents were dead. My nephew filled the hole that was left in my life after the death of my Maa, Baba, and Priya. I was very happy. We were happy. Everything could have gone just like that and I would not have to be in this room with this kid, Raghav Jayesh, had the police not knocked on my door that day. It was two years after my nephew started living with me. When I opened the door, I found five policemen at my doorstep, and behind them, I saw the man who had destroyed my life once again. He was the same person who made me unwelcome at my own sister's wedding, the groom's younger brother, Anirban Jayesh. The father of the boy I was going to rape now.

To be continued...