A Sight To See

by Kaden Benoit

14 Jul 2023 16435 readers Score 9.1 (230 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Ryan didn't like that he had to look for a new roommate. His current roommate, Gregory, was selected to take part in a "study abroad" program, and would be spending the next semester in London. Ryan knew that he would be screwed if he didn't find a new roommate in a timely fashion. He could barely afford to pay for the clothes on his back, let alone an entire two-bedroom apartment.

Ryan posted an advertisement online requesting a new roommate. A few people responded, but each of them had their own red flags. One loved stuffed animals a little too much, another one flat-out refused to split the rent, and another wanted to bring her giant pet tarantula with. Ryan was beginning to feel hopeless, and was certain he was going to wind up losing his apartment and be forced back into the campus dorms.

But along came Austin, and Ryan felt a weight lift off of his shoulders. Austin was a fellow university student who was looking for an apartment simply due to a desire to get out of the dorms. The dorms at their school were notorious for being decrepit, moldy, and cramped. Anyone with two braincells to rub together would want to move out of there as quick as they could.

The two texted and Ryan agreed to meet Austin at their school's dining hall for a quick interview. Although Ryan was sure that Austin was a good guy, he wanted to confirm that in person first. He would never forgive himself if he was forced to spend the rest of the semester with some psycho.

The day came, and Ryan grabbed a booth in the dining hall to conduct his interview with Austin. As he waited, Ryan sat wondering what Austin might look like. Through their texts, Ryan could tell that Austin was friendly and charismatic, but it was still hard to put a face to him. A few minutes later, Ryan's daydreams were cut short by a large hand tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey, are you Ryan?" the deep voice inquired. Ryan turned around and could hardly believe his eyes. Before him stood the largest, most stunning young man he had ever seen in his life: Austin.

Austin stood at a stunning 6'4". He had a chiseled, symmetrical face that was enough to make Ryan feel butterflies in his stomach. He had curly brown hair that was longer on the top but faded down on the sides, and a slight stubble on his cheeks and chin. His tanned body was large and muscular from years of consistent weightlifting. He was wearing a black t-shirt and gray shorts that were clearly a size too small, as the muscles beneath them pressed hard against the fabric. Every muscle in this young mans body was of the perfect size and definition. Just the sight of him made Ryan feel faint. If "flawless" was a person, it was Austin.

Ryan was in extremely good shape as well, but stood slightly shorter than Austin at 6'0". Ryan had also been lifting since he was a teenager, and the results showed. Ryan was especially proud of his large pecs, bulging biceps, and thick quads. Austin had similar features, but of better definition and size.

It was at that moment that Ryan remembered he had been asked a question. "Yes, I'm Ryan." he responded. Austin held his large hand out towards Ryan while flashing a gorgeous, pearly white grin. "I'm Austin!" he said.

Ryan shook Austin's hand, then motioned to the seat in front of him. Austin quickly made his way to the seat and sat down, dropping his large gym bag down on the floor next to him. It was then that Ryan noticed Austin's cheeks appeared slightly flushed, probably from having just finished a workout.

"So, I wanna be your roommate!" Austin said with a smile. "I'm so tired of the dorms, and need to get out of there. They're disgusting, and my current roommate is driving me insane."

"I don't blame you." Ryan responded. "The rent is $2,000 a month. I figured we could split it half-and-half. We would each get our own rooms, and would share the common areas like the living room and kitchen."

"Sounds fair to me!" Austin exclaimed.

"Do you work?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah! I work at the campus bookstore. They pay me $15 an hour and I work a lot, so I'll definitely be able to afford the rent!" Austin responded.

Ryan felt a feeling of anxiety wash over him as he stared at the gorgeous man before him. Ryan had been suppressing his sexuality his entire life, and had managed to do that by avoiding tempting situations. He knew that living with Austin was going to be an extreme temptation, and it would take a lot of willpower for him to not out himself, but he had no other choice. It was either Austin, or no apartment.

"That's really all I needed to ask." Ryan said. "My current roommate leaves tonight, so you're free to come move in tomorrow if you want!"

"Sounds great!" Austin said as he stood up from the table. As he reached down to the floor to pick up his gym bag, Ryan admired his veiny arms, and the way his bicep flexed as he raised the bag over his broad shoulders. Austin gave Ryan a friendly pat on the back as he left, accompanied by an ecstatic "See you tomorrow!"

Ryan turned and watched as Austin walked out of the dining hall. Austin's backside was just as gorgeous, if not more gorgeous, than his front side. Ryan watched Austin's tree-trunk arms swing at the sides of his muscular, triangular back as he made his way to the exit. Ryan then lowered his gaze to Austin's plump bubble butt which was packed tightly inside of his skimpy gray shorts. He couldn't wait to live with this guy.

The move-in process was quick and painless. Austin showed up the next morning with all of his belongings packed in various suitcases. He spent majority of the day setting up his room. Ryan would occasionally peek in to see how he was coming alone.

Of course, Austin managed to make his room look more like a home gym than anything. If it hadn't been for the bed, one might genuinely assume it to be one. It was full of weights, motivational posters, a mirror, and more. Ryan found the sight comedic, but wasn't surprised in the least. 

"How's your room coming along?" Ryan asked.

"Great!" Austin responded. "I've got it all set up!"

"Where did you keep all of this stuff inside your dorm?" Ryan said, taking notice of a strength training bench surrounded by dumbbells in the corner of the room.

Austin couldn't help but laugh. "My roommate wasn't the biggest fan of me. I had all of this stuff in our dorm."

"I'm surprised your roommate didn't snitch to the R.A. about you!" Ryan laughed.

"Oh, he did," Austin explained, "but the R.A. was scared of me so she let me keep it."

"How could anyone be scared of you?" inquired Ryan.

"People love to judge books by their covers." Austin answered. Ryan nodded in agreement. People often misjudged Ryan and Austin as cocky assholes simply due to their size and stature, but that couldn't be further from the truth. 

That night, Ryan laid awake in his bed scrolling on TikTok, his favorite pastime. At some point, Ryan saw the kitchen light turn on through the crack in his door. Assuming that Austin was probably grabbing a late night snack, he didn't think much of it. However, the light never turned off. Assuming Austin had just forgotten to turn it off, Ryan climbed out of bed to do it himself.

Ryan walked out of his room in just a t-shirt and a pair of briefs. He looked down the hall towards Austin's room and saw his door was open. Looking down the opposite end of the hall, Ryan saw a shadow moving about the kitchen that was definitely being cast by Austin.

Ryan planned to just turn around and go back to bed, but something caught his eye. For just a split second he could see what looked like Austin's bare back. Was Austin really in the kitchen shirtless? Against his better judgement, Ryan snuck down the hall to find out.

Ryan crept down the hall and peered around the corner and, sure enough, Austin was standing in the kitchen wearing just a pair of boxer briefs. Ryan could feel his dick growing hard at the sight of Austin's chiseled upper body. His pecs sat like two mountains just below his muscular neck and traps, and just above his washboard abs. His perky, nickel-sized nipples sat proudly at the end of each pec. His entire torso was hairless, but a slight stubble indicated that he had shaven any hair off.

Ryan watched was Austin opened a protein bar off of the counter, used his gorgeous hands to unwrap it, bring it to his sexy mouth, and take a bite. Ryan felt himself beginning to salivate simply at the sight of his roommate performing such an innocent task. Ryan tried to sneak a peek of Austin's bulge, but that sight was being blocked by the counter that Austin was standing in front of.

Once he finished the protein bar, Austin turned around and walked to the fridge. Ryan felt lightheaded at the sight of Austin's gorgeous, muscular bubble butt that was being hugged perfectly by his boxer briefs. The kitchen lights perfectly highlighted every muscle on Austin's back, especially his lats and delts.

Austin grabbed a bottle of water, cracked it open, and began to chug. Ryan watched as a few droplets of water escaped from Austin's lips, ran down his chin, and landed on his pecs. One droplet ran further down between his pecs, through his abs, and eventually absorbed into the waistband of his boxer briefs. Ryan never thought he'd see the day where he was jealous of a water droplet, but here he was.

Once done, Austin crushed the bottle in his hand and threw it into the nearby trashcan like a basketball. As he made back to the counter, he spotted Ryan. "Hey. What are you doing?" he asked.

Ryan felt his face grow red with embarrassment. "Oh, nothing!" he lied, "I was just about to grab a snack."

Ryan quickly entered the kitchen, stood next to Austin, and grabbed an apple off of the counter. He took a bite and feigned as if it was the best thing he had ever eaten. "Yeah, I needed this." Ryan said with his mouthful.

"You were really that hungry?" Austin said laughing. Ryan simply nodded.

Austin noticed the bulge in Ryan's briefs, the result of the erection he had had just moments prior. He wasn't sure what to make of it. Surely Ryan wasn't gay, right? After all, Ryan was a big, masculine young man. If he was gay, Austin was certain that he would be able to tell by looking at him. 

In a moment of pure clumsiness, Ryan dropped the apple on to the floor while attempting to set it back down on the counter. "Whoops. I'll get it." Ryan said, bending down to the floor.

While on the floor retrieving the apple, Ryan couldn't help but stare at Austin's heavy bulge that was now just centimeters away from his face. Part of him wanted to reach out and kiss it, or lick it, or suck it, but he knew that was an egregious wrong and didn't even dare. The last thing he wanted to do was make Austin angry. Ryan was big, but he was not a fighter. There was no doubt that a punch from Austin would knock him out. Unable to brush the erotic thoughts away, Ryan retrieved the apple and stood up as quick as he could.

Now, Ryan and Austin were standing just inches away from each other. Austin's pecs brushed lightly against Ryan's due to their proximity. The boys could feel their breath on each other's faces. As Austin stared Ryan in the face, he began to feel something he had never felt before when looking at a guy: attraction. This was a feeling he had only felt before while looking at other women, and the unfamiliarity of the situation frightened him.

Ryan felt the same way as he stared back into Austin's hazel eyes, but Ryan didn't feel ready to give into his homosexual desires. He wanted nothing more than to grab Austin by the head and kiss him on his beautiful lips, but couldn't bring himself to do so, even if the look in Austin's eyes said that he was feeling the same way. It felt like an eternity until one of the boys finally spoke up.

"Well, I guess it's time for bed." Austin said.

"Yeah. Definitely." Ryan responded.

Austin leaned in closer. With a devious smile on his face, he whispered a simple "Goodnight" into Ryan's ear. Ryan felt goosebumps rush through his body, and stood frozen in the kitchen for several moments after Austin departed for his room. He couldn't even believe what had just happened.

The next morning, Ryan was still not over the events of the previous night. The first thought that rushed through his mind was the look on Austin's face, and the way he had just whispered in his ear. The very thought of Austin's deep voice had him feeling faint. But there was no time to sit and think about it, Ryan had to get to class. He launched himself out of bed, and headed for the bathroom to take a shower.

In the fog of his tiredness, Ryan failed to realize that Austin was already in there. He swung the door open and was immediately greeted by the sight of Austin, fully naked, taking a shower. Austin screamed, Ryan froze.

"What are you doing?" Austin asked.

Ryan was too stunned to respond. Austin looked good clothed, but he looked even better naked. Ryan admired the way the water rushed over his muscular body, down his arms, over his legs, all the way to his feet. Ryan could now see Austin's gorgeous 6-inch flaccid cock that was complimented beautifully by some trimmed pubes, and Austin's heavy balls.

"Hellooooo?" Austin asked again. "You like what you see or something?" he asked, only half joking. Ryan was still unable to respond.

Without speaking a word, Austin grabbed a bottle of soap off of the bathtub and squirted a small amount in his hands. He rubbed it in until it foamed up, and then began lathering his muscular body in the bubbles. He guided his hands over his pecs, down to his abs, and then to his cock. He gripped it tightly and began slowly jerking himself off. That's when Ryan broke from his trance, and entered the bathroom further.

Ryan approached Austin with caution, and eventually worked up the courage to grab Austin's semi-hard cock in his hands. He began slowly jerking his cock back and forth, admiring the way that another man's dick felt. He had been touching his own dick every single day for years, but there was something exceptionally thrilling about touching someone else's.

Gentle moans escaped Austin's lips as Ryan continued working his cock back and forth. Ryan pulled the skin over the head of Austin's cock, rubbed it in a circular motion, before pulling it back again to expose the glans (a technique he frequently used on himself). The pleasure was intense, and the taboo of the situation made both boys love it even more.

"Have you ever been with another guy before?" Austin asked.

"No. This is the first time I've done anything." Ryan responded.

Austin leaned his head back. "Fuck. You're so good at this."

Ryan let go of Austin's cock for a moment to pull off his own clothes. He began with his shirt, exposing his own chiseled upper body. Unlike Austin, Ryan had a small amount of hair dusting his pecs and abs. Ryan then gripped the waistband of his briefs and yanked them down, exposing his cock. Ryan was rock-hard, a staggering 10 inched. Austin stared at it in amazement.

"Holy fuck. You're huge!" Austin exclaimed.

"I've heard." Ryan responded, stepping into the shower with Austin.

Ryan ran his fingers through Austin's silky hair before pulling him in for a kiss. The two boys began aggressively making out beneath the running shower water, melting into one another like butter. Although neither of them were touching their dicks, they both remained rock hard.

Ryan allowed his hands to explore Austin's soapy body, feeling Austin's rigid back and thick muscles with great intrigue. Austin began to do the same, slowly running his index finger down Ryan's spine, then grabbing a large fistful of Ryan's ass. 

"Damn. Your ass is fat as fuck." Austin said. Austin continued fondling Ryan's ass, noting that it felt slightly hairy. Despite Ryan being purely muscle, his ass was squishy and bouncy like a water balloon. Austin peered over Ryan's shoulder and slapped one of his cheeks, admiring the way that it bounced before returning to it's normal position.

Ryan guided Austin's lips back to his and began kissing him passionately once again on the lips while Austin fondled his ass. Then, Austin moved his hand to an area where Ryan had never been touched before...


by Kaden Benoit

Email: [email protected]

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