A Pair of Detectives

by TallyMans

21 Aug 2019 1943 readers Score 9.1 (51 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt



“Did you find out anything on the cell?” Quince asks Ray as he stands over his shoulder, “Where is the phone, by the way?”


“That’s evidence, “Quince says in alarm, “We need to go get it.”

“We don’t even know the man is really missing, Quince.”

“He has not been seen since Monday. Something is happening with the man, Ray,” Quince says with barely sustained anger, “What is going on with you, Ray, you seem distracted.”

“You find anything, amiss, with his credit cards, his financials that caught your attention?”

“No, everything looked as it should,” Quince states.

“Any activity at all on the credit cards?”

“No, nothing there either,” he answers.

“So, no activity, no withdrawals, nothing, nada, zilch…is that what your telling me?”

“Yes, “Quince answers.

“I think we need to go back to the Shockley residence. You agree?”


“Your son is missing? Is that what you are telling me, Mrs. Shockley?”

“Yes. My son is missing, Detective,” Mrs. Shockley says with a noticeable amount of alarm in her voice.

“Since when?”

“Last night,” she says, “…he received a cell call and left in a haste. He didn’t even bother to say ‘bye’ before he was out of the door.”

“Any idea as to where he was going, Mrs. Shockley?”

“All I was able to catch was the word, Palm, Detective,” the teary-eyed woman explains.

“Could that be Palm Avenue?” Quince says.

“There are a lot of things with Palm in it,” Raymond Kincaid, the Detective, adds to the heated conversation.

“Are you sure, Palm, was what you overheard?” Ray asks, pressing her strongly on the name, “Could it have been, Palms or even, Balmy, Mrs. Shockley?”

“No, Detective Kincaid, I heard, Palm,” she pleads, “I also found these, Detective.”

She takes from behind her back something in which both Detectives are quite familiar.


“Yes. He got up from that sofa, right there, when he left in such a hurry.” She points to the place where he is seated.

The Detective reaches between the pillowed seat cushions. He squirms around with his left hand. He stops.


“What? Detective?” the missing man’s mother asks.


The Detective opens his hand and shows what he just fished from the hidden treasures of the sofa.

“It is a condom. A Magnum-sized condom.”

“Did, umm, does your son have a girlfriend?”

“No, Detective,” she says, flatly, “My son is gay.”

“Do you know if he has a steady companion?”

“Not that I am aware, Detective,” she says, “He is quite secretive about his dawdles.”

“Dawdles, Mrs. Shockley?”

“I am unsure of the correct word as to describe what my son is engaged in, in his private life,” she says, “he is legally an adult, so I have no say-so with who and what, he does.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Shockley,” Detective Kincaid says, “Would you have a picture of your son for which we could have?”

“Why?” she asks.

“For our files. Our investigation,” Quince interjects, as he has been standing, quietly on the sidelines, mum, and witnessing the conversation between the mother and his partner.

“Here,” she says, as she handles a picture to Detective Wilkie.

It is a picture of Robert Shockley and Jaime Riley, the older man’s arm on the shoulder of his stepson, the care of each man for the other is quite apparent in the well-photographed picture.

The picture is reminiscent of a bay side condominium, perhaps of a very high vantage point.


“Why’d you want a picture of the boy, Ray?” Quince asks as they each take their place in the unmarked patrol car.

“The kid is missing,” Ray says, the irritation laced heavily in his words, “Plus, having his stepdad in the picture is a bonus. What is the chance that a father and son would go missing at virtually the same time?”

“It is quite odd,” Quince said, a spark has lit in his brain, “Something is fishy.”

Ray looks at the picture. The blue sky fills the background of the photo. Behind the pair is the back portion of a white sofa. Jaime’s hand rests on the shoulder of his stepdad. Each man has a mischievous smile on his face.

What is behind that glaring unintended smile?

“What’d you do last night?” Quince asks as he pulls off the curb from the Shockley residence.

“You want a coffee?” Ray asks as he stifles out a loud audible yawn.

“It must have been some night,” Quince says as he looks to his partner as he is overtaken with another yawn.

“It was.”

“…but your tryst, usually are,” Quince says, a note of jealousy in his voice.

“I had a threesome,” Ray brags.

“Mmm,” Quince says, his words laced with sarcasm, “…and all I have is my wife. Lucky me.”

“It was a college student…from Tallahassee and a man about my age.”

“A guy from Tallahassee, a Florida State student?” Quince inquires.

“Yes,” Ray answers with sharpness.

“Isn’t this missing kid, Jaime, a college student in Tallahassee?” the tumblers start whirling in Quince’s head, “I think that’s what his mom said.”

“I am not sure. I would have to check my notes.”

“Let’s go to the coffee house on Tamiami,” Quince says as Ray bellows out another protracted yawn.


“What happened?” Quince says as he pulls into the parking lot of the coffee house.


The umbrella shades them. It is an hour before the noon hours, Ray’s arm is outstretched over his head, while reaches for the clear blue sky, high above, while he releases another moaning yawn. There are cups of coffee in front of them, even though the daytime temperatures are approaching eighty-five degrees.

“It must have been quite a night for you in your bed, last night,” Quince says as he looks into the eyes of his suave partner.

“It was.”

“Tell me,” Quince cajoles him.

“Okay,” Ray begins his story, “I am standing in my living room, naked, when the two men arrived at the door, last night. Wednesday night.”


The sunlight bounces off the whiteness of his top floor, penthouse, condominium unit. Bathed in an all-encompassing pure light, he feels animalistic in this modern abode.

Ray is angle-propped up against the rounded steel railing of the balcony. His gruffly carpeted body, blankets of fur rolls like summer grass over a fertile pasture in his unabashed nakedness.

The elevator door opens. The cold stainless metal of the door hides the life that courses through this upright building shaped like an ocean liner. Its exterior, a colorless shade of white, paints the structure from stem to stern.

The fiery boldness of his youth is what he sees first, then, the pale skin of his heritage is next as Ray sees the pair, just inside the elevator.

His companion is opposite, tanned and older, as they stride from the elevator.

“Come on in, men,” Ray’s gracious greeting to his guest.

“Ray,” the kid smiles as his creep over his nakedness, “I like.”

“Me, too,” says the older man, as he brings his tee over his head, “we are gonna have some fun.”

“I need to fuck,” Ray says, bluntly.

“Me, too,” the kid says, “I am sure I have a third nut I can bust.”

“I am, too, “Ray says, “You tasted salty in the steam room, today.”

“His ass felt good today, too, while we out on Casey Key,” the other man interjects, “he milked me good of the cum-juice.”

“I am sure, he did, Doc,” Ray says, “I would have watched you two, but Raoul interrupted my little eye-spy session, then he told, Mike.”

The boy kicks off his flip-flops, his feet sent a shiver through his body as his feels the coldness from the floor. He raises the tank top over his head. His Velcro-fastened board shorts easily loosened and wind up on the floor, next to the previously discarded.

Once free of his burden, he stands as naked as Ray. His athletic youthful responses to the object of lust, his cock grows hard. It needs no stimulation to provoke a drip, the pre-cum happens because of his youth.

The man next to him gathers what is being offered, letting his fingertips brush across the boy’s leaking pee-hole. Jaime jumps at the delicate touch of Dr. Kilgore.

“Oh!” the boy squeals in bated delight as the good doctor brushes his hand across his ass.

“He ready, Doc.”

“I know,” the good doctor, says with a note of obvious glee in his voice, “I know I am ready to plug his sweet…tight…little hole, again.”

“Boy, your pappy still among the missing?”

“Yes, Detective,” the boy says.

“Maybe, I best start my search in earnest, then.”

All three laugh.


“So, both of y’all fuck the boy, Ray?” Detective Quince asks.

“Oh yeah,” Ray says, “We double teamed his ass. Right there. Right then.”

Quince looks around the open-air patio of the coffee shop.

“Whatcha lookin’ at, Quince?”

“Prying ears,” he answers.

“Did you want to hear the rest of the story?”

“Yes,” his partner answers.

“I am still surprised that a straight man, like you, listens to the tales of my hook-ups.”

“My life is boring. The only way I get to fuck now is in the missionary position,” he says, “I am lucky, if I even get my dick sucked, anymore. Oh, wait, I don’t. She quit doing that when she walked down the aisle.”

“Perhaps, you should join me, sometimes, when I go out to the Island at one of my sex parties.”

“Are there any women there?” Detective Quince asks.

“You know there aren’t,” Ray says, “I know some men who would love to play with a straight cop.”

“I’ll pass, just finish, your story,” Quince laments.


“You ever find out the name of the kid that you and the other guy, fucked?” Quince questions.

“No, he just arrived with my steady fuck-buddy. I had never seen the kid before last night but once he got there, I was sad to see him leave.”


“Sit on our cocks, boy,” the now-naked Doctor orders the red-haired lad.

Ray’s and the Doctor’s pair of cocks are intertwined like bound rope. Their cocks point up like twin towers of man-meat, each self-lubricating their spears from the cream-lava-like seed from the spout at the summit.

“I am gonna need some lube,” Jaime says, as he peers down at the waiting cocks, “I am not sure my hole can swallow the both of them.”

“You can try,” the Detective says.

Jaime peers into the face of the Detective. His cock pumps and spasms another droplet of cum as he stands over the outstretched pair.

“You will do it.”

Jaime nods his head, ‘yes’ to the Detective.

The Detective rams his finger into his mouth. The slobber moistens his lone digit.


“I thought we were going to fuck’em, Ray,” Kilgore says.

“We are. I just want to prime the boy’s hole before we stretch it out of shape.”

The boy squats over the Detective’s finger as he gently glides it into his ass. Soft gentle moans burst forth in cooed tones from the lad’s mouth as the finger whirls about in a circular fashion as his muscles weaken and loosen with the gyrations.

“Dammit, is he ready, already?” Kilgore says as his frustrations mount and his cock pulses, harder, as the blood streams through the many vessels inside of it.

Ray giggles, Mills has always been the impatient one when he wants to fuck.

“Sorry,” Mills pleads as the boy centers his ass over the men.

Jaime squats, his legs, formed into a square as he lowers his ass over its duo-arrow like target.

“Keep goin’ boy!” Are the harsh demanding tone of the more than powerful Detective.

The Detective’s chest heaves as he breathes and expels the air from his lungs as his anxiously waits to be ridden like a horse.


“You can do it, boy,” the Detective says, as the tip of his and the Doctor’s cock, feel the soft velvety folds of the boy’s posterior brushes against each other.

The boy gasps, as the crown-heads slide into his tenderness.

“Keep goin’!”

The Detective’s words are fierce.



He gets no rebuttal from those he seeks to control.

He gets what he wants.

When he wants it.

“Uh! Uh!” Dr. Mills Kilgore is the first to breathe out in alarm as he feels his cock being squeezed by the clamping ass. The Detective follows suit with a similar gasp.

As the girth-thickness of the twin’s cocks slide into his ass. He accommodates the poles of determined manhood. He pauses, letting his ass form to what his ass is devouring like some animal out for its prey.

He slides down further.


“That’s it, boy, you have done it.”

Jaime sighs. He moans, under his breath. He can feel the quivering as it starts in his back and works its way up his spine. The electricity created is searing as the dual pistons of the cocks in his ass, ram him like a battering bull.


“DAMN! The kid was able to take the both of you,” Quince says, loudly, as several other coffee drinkers have sat down upon the shaded seats around the table.

“You are going to have to excuse my friend, ladies and gentlemen, he is quite excitable,” Ray excuses her rather loud partner.

Ray can’t help himself but to laugh at the audacity of his vanilla sex-partner.

“What happened, next?” Quince begs.


As Jaime’s ass reeks of the vulnerable roughness by the two men, in the high-rise condo, is filled with the screams and squeals of absolute sexual abandonment of all three of the men. He pivots and rocks his ass on the cocks. His eyes roll back in his head as total ecstasy overwhelms this youth.

The boy’s body is drenched in his own sweat. His temperature is raised to unimaginable levels, his adrenaline and blood pressure, on similar levels.


A cell phone breaks through the clutter of the frenzied activity.

On the table, the phone vibrates across the glass surface.

The phone shimmies across the table before landing on the tile floor next to the entangled men.


“What the fuck?” Quince bellows, once again drawing the ire of his fellow patrons, “A cell phone rang!”

“We need to go,” Raymond says, his story, unfinished.

“That’s it! That’s it!” Quince says, as he rises from his seat, mired in shock and awe. His arms flailing about like a man possessed.

“C’mon, Quince, we need to get back to the station and make out the report about Mrs. Shockley’s missing son.”

As Quince lifts his butt off the chair, there is mark of discomfort, he fidgets and squirms, placing the cup of still warm java in front of his crotch. Ray’s concealed erection is noticeable. He sees the bulge, which is apparent in Quince’s thin wrinkled slacks.

Quince’s attempts to hide his natural reaction to a sex-fueled story, has even stirred Ray as he related his tale.

“Let’s go,” Ray orders.

As the men scoot between the chairs, Quince bumps the shoulder of a seated man.

“Excuse me,” Quince says as his hard-on brushes up against the man.

The man eyes the bulge, lingering for a second longer than necessary on Quince’s mound.

“Not a problem,” the man says, gruffly, as his own hand shoots to his crotch. The man’s own body had reacted to the close contact.


Their unmarked car is parked in a space along the tree line fronting US 41. The shopping center parking lot is sparse at this hour since it is midday and the whole world is at work. As the men walk to the car, questions linger in Quince’s mind.

“What is the youngest guy, you have fucked, Ray?”

As they get to the car, Ray looks to Quince, who is standing across from him on the driver’s side at the trunk. Ray is on the passenger side. Ray scratches his scruffy-bearded face before he answers his partner of many years. Quince has never asked him such a question before about his sex life.

“Back in high school, I fucked a guy, my age, we were sixteen,” Ray explains.

“No, I am not talking about something like that,” Quince quizzes his partner.

“Oh! The guy had just turned eighteen,” Ray explains, “He even showed me his driver’s license, since I didn’t want to be accused of any wrongdoing.”

“Where you’d meet the boy?”

“I was jogging on Lido, on the northern part of the beach,” Ray explains, “…and I kept seeing a kid lingering behind me, so I took off out into the woods.”

Quince just stares, his eyes rapt with attention from Ray’s words. His mouth ajar, wet drool spilling forth from the right corner of his flared mouth.

“I felt my cock swaggering back and forth in my Speedo’s,” Ray boasts, “I wasn’t hard, but I was pretty damn close.”

“You know that, that area of Lido is monitored, don’t you?”

“I did, but I was able to find out when they were going to be out there,” Ray explains, “One of the perks of being just a cop, back then, and not a detective.”

“What happened?”

“I duck into the trees and the kid comes hauling ass, after me,” Ray says, “I stood in wait as he found me.”


“We said next to nothing, except when I asked to see his driver’s license,” Ray says, “He handed it over, willingly. He was so primed to be fucked and he wanted me to be his first.”

“So, did you fuck him?”

“I did,” Ray says with a wide smile on his face, “we were behind some sea grape bushes when I slid my cock all the way into his virgin ass. The kid did not even squeal. Just a soft moan uttered as he swallowed me, up into that so soft and so tight ass.”

“You see the kid again?”

“Yeah, we are good friends,” Ray says, “You even know him.”

“What? I do.”

“Yeah, you do. We best get to the station; I am sure the Captain wants an update on the Shockley case.”


They get into the car shaded by the low hanging trees.


“Yeah, Ray,” Quince asks.

“Is your cock, hard?”

Quince looks to his crotch. Why? He knows he is rock-hard why gaze down when he knows he can feel his hardness.

“Yeah!” he answers with such ease in his voice, a barely sense of bravado in his single word.

“Take your cock out, Quince?”

“What? What?” alarm apparent in Quince’s voice.

“You heard me,” Ray says, “Take your cock before you hurt, yourself.”

Quince looks to his friend and partner. His friend has seen him naked in the locker room, and when they have had overnighters, picking up prisoners who have fled over stateliness. So, he is not bothered by the nudity, he is ill at ease with showing his raging boner.

“C’mon, quite being a pussy and show me your cock,” Ray pleads.

Quince scoots his back against the car seat as he unbuckles his belt and unsnaps his pants. Ray can see his longtime partner pubes, once he has freed them from their prison.

“No underwear?”

“Nope, Betty is out of town for a few days, so I decided to freeball, today, “Quince says nonchalantly as his bent cock pops out of his open pants.

Quince’s cock bends, almost unnaturally, in a semi-circle. He is also uncut.

“Whoa, bud,” Ray says, “You are hard!”

Quince’s hand goes to his curved snake. A steady stream of pre-cum is dripping from his swelled cockhead and pooling in his thick bushy pubes.

“When was the last time, you shot your wad, man?”

“This morning,” he answers.

Without invitation, Ray reaches for his friend’s cock. This is the first for Ray, as he has never touched his partner before. Quince says nothing. He spreads his legs, accepting Ray’s advances as he is stroked to even greater hardness.

There is traffic on the road in front of them but right now, in this instance, they are blissfully unaware of the world around them.


“What? What? Are you a doin’?” Quince says as Ray swiftly swallows his cock.

Ray answers in a muffled gurgled from a mouthful of Quince’s cock. He glides up and down the stiff tool. He straightens the bent fleshy instrument in his mouth. This fight against its natural curvature intensifies Quince’s ecstasy.

“OH! OH!” Quince moans as he grips the handle of driver’s side door with his left hand and further forces his partner’s head down with his right hand.

Ray applies suction on his partner’s tool.

Quince moans.


Quince screams as he dumps the contents of his balls down Ray’s throat. The vibrations rock through his tensed body, as he is unloaded. 


“Ray, there’s a man at your window!”


As Ray wipes his finger across his lips, shoveling the last tiny dribble of cum from the corner of mouth, he rolls down the window.

“Yes, sir, can I help you?” Ray asks the man.

The man squats down, looking into the interior of the car.

“I see I have interrupted something. Nice cock, by the way. I see I have come at a most inopportune time,” the man comments.

Quince is slow to tuck his cock back into his slacks, he is still hard, and his organ fights him.

“I enjoyed your story, sir. Here is my card. Either one of you give me a call. I am sure we can come to a mutual accommodation,” the man says as he turns and walks away.

The man’s words are short, sweet and to the point.

“Huh! Huh!” Ray’s nervous laughter fills the inside of the car, “Another card to add to my pile.”


“Get your cock in your pants, Quince, we’ve got a job to do,” Ray says, “I think we need to make another trip to the Shockley residence. I have a question for the woman.”

“What about the station?”

“We can go there after we finish,” Ray says, “By the way, you do have some good tasting cream.”

Quince does not say anything. An awkward moment of silence passes between the men after Ray made his comment. Ray does not seem bothered by his words.


“What you got planned when we go inside and see her, again, Ray?” Quince asks.

“Follow my lead,” Ray says, “I have a hunch that this impromptu visit may deliver to us some answers.”

In front of them is parked a car. A car with Leon County, Florida plates on it, along with a sticker with the word, US Senator in the lower right corner of the rear window.

“You see that?” Quince says.

Ray nods his head and a smile creeps, ever so slowly, across his face.

“Yeah, timing is everything,” Ray says with much energy in his bass voice.

They make their now familiar stroll towards the front door and ring the doorbell.

“This is a beautiful home,” Quince says.

“Yes, a house full of secrets, “Ray says, “known and unknown.”

Quince nods his head in agreement.

“Now, just to find them, “Quince says.

Ray looks to the crotch of his partner. He smirks before he makes his comment.

“You better keep that thing down, Quince, you may offend the lady of this fine house with such a big stick,” Ray says, needling his partner.

Quince does not say anything; he just pats down his cock as the door opens to the front door and the men are greeted with an old-fashioned monkey-suit dressed butler.

“We would like to see the lady of the house,” Ray says as the pair barges through the door, without the invitation of the butler.

They walk to the room where they had sat many times before.


Ray looks at his watch. It has been fifteen minutes since they walked through the door. He is growing impatient.

“Where is she?” he says as he paces around the room.

“Sit down, Ray,” Quince orders.

“Something is up,” Ray says.

In the background, a low ring echoes through the house.

“You hear that?” Ray says.

“Yeah, it sounded like a door alarm,” Quince says.

“You head out the front door,” Ray orders.

Ray heads for the interior of the house. He walks toward where he hears a loud shuffling. The hallway is long, his footsteps echo on the hardwood floors. He stops at a nearly closed door, which is slightly ajar, he pushes on it. It opens.

“Mrs. Shockley, how are you today?” Ray says as he sees her slipping a dress over her head and shimmying down her body.

“Detective!” alarm and surprise in her voice.

“Ray! Ray!” Quince’s voice carries through the house.

“When you get dressed, pleased come out to your living room,” the Detective says as he walks out of the hallway, “I suspect you have some answers to some of my questions.”

Ray walks and greets his fellow detective.

“Look who we have here, Ray?” Quince says with a marked tenor in his voice.

“Senator Caldwell.”

The Senator’s attire is disheveled.

His tie askew.

His pants wrinkled.

His shirt, untucked.

“You best zip up, Senator,” Ray says, “Your little guy might get out.”

The Senator zips his pants in haste as the woman of the house walks into the room.


“So, what can you two fine people tell me, about what my partner and I have walked into, today?” Ray says as he looks into the starkly frightened blue eyes of the United States Senator.

“I have no comment,” the Senator says, “As it would cause me, much undue stress.”

“You mean, your Senate seat, Mr. Caldwell?”

The Senator slowly bows his head. So ‘yes’ would be the answer.

His disheveled rag-a-muffin shaggy mop hair is caused by a sexual tryst.

Bed hair.

“So, do you have any news, Mrs. Shockley, regarding your missing husband?” Ray asks.

“I told you before I know, nothing, Detective. Nothing,” she pleads, “Have you heard anything from or about my son? From my son,”

“No, on both counts, Mrs. Shockley,” Quince says, “We’ve heard nothing.”

“What the hell have you two been doing then?” she raises her voice an octave higher as her anger and frustration builds.

“Perhaps, you have something to do with both of them being missed, Mrs. Shockley?” Ray says in a pointed matter-of-fact way, “Perhaps, you are keen to receive a substantial settlement in the advent of their absence, uh, Mrs. Shockley. Are you?”

“What are you saying?” she now yells, “I will sue your ass for slander, Detective Kincaid. You and your partner and the Sarasota Police Department.”

“Please do. Perhaps, you should explain the appearance of Senator Caldwell, here, then at your home?” Ray demands.

“There is nothing to explain,” the Senator says without hesitation, “We are acquaintances.”

“I am sure your constituents, might feel differently, “Ray says, “Your wife, too.”

The Senator looks to Mrs. Shockley, she returns the same intense stare at him. The fear in both of their eyes is apparent.

“I am sure the pictures that my fellow Detective and I have stashed away, out in our car. Those might help you in making the proper decision. Your recollection,” Ray says, “…I am sure the tape of this conversation would help too.”

Ray taps on his breast. The sound of a fabric brushing on plastic is easily heard in the silent room.

“A record of this conversation might sway a divorce attorney, otherwise, “Ray says.

Mrs. Shockley fidgets in her seat. She rocks nervously on her butt.

“We have been watching you, two, since, we were first called about the missing, Mr. Robert Shockley,” Ray says with an overabundance of confidence.

This was a lie.

All of it.

Neither is true.


“So, do you wish to make a statement, Mrs. Shockley? Senator Caldwell?” Ray says as he leans forward in his seat, his legs, spread, providing an intimating posture and room for his cock.

The room is quiet, except for a rustling noise down a back hallway. The prying ears of a wait staff anxious for news.

“We have been having an affair, yes,” the Senator speaks, “…it has been going on for years.”

Mrs. Shockley’s lets her face dive into open palm hands. The sounds of whimpering tears fill the room as she overtaken with emotion.

“Where is your husband, Mrs. Shockley?” Ray asks as he scoots to the end of his seat.

His pants bunch up in his crotch, squeezing his balls against leg. He feels constricted. Bound.

His hand goes to his cock, he shifts in his place, as he frees his wrapped cock.

The wife of the missing man lifts her face from her palms.

“I do not know where he is,” she pleads, “I swear. I swear to you, Detective.”



Saturday, late afternoon (a few months later)

The house is filled with loud booming music as the identical pair of twins walk through the front door. Traffic passes in front of the house, as the tourist flock to the overpriced rentals on Anna Maria Island.

There is loud senseless thumping music throughout the beachfront house. The walls shake as the lively tunes vibrate around the rooms.

This is a party.

“Hey, guys, c’mon on in,” the host says as his cock swings like a hairy pendulum between his legs.

He is naked.

“You can go into the bedroom, there, and strip off all of your clothes,” the host says as he points to a front bedroom, “the guest of honor is out back, in his proper place of honor by the pool.”

“Thanks, man,” the identical guest and his equally handsome brother walk into the bedroom.

“Come on out to the pool when you are properly, uh, un-attired,” the host says as he walks through the open slider and over the threshold to the pool.

His ass is covered in a light sheen of hair, neatly manicured by nature and genetics.

The twin’s barrel through the house, each rambunctious and full of horseplay on this warm summer day as dusk fast approaches. The men are now naked, as are the rest of the guest as this small gathering.

“Hey, Jay!” happily says one of the robust energetic twin waving to the swimming young man in the sundrenched Gulf side pool.

The flaming-haired youth waves frantically back to the twin. His eyes alight at the familiar face.

“It has been a while, since I have seen you, Doc. Since I got myself a new boyfriend,” Jay says.

Both twins, in synchronistic time, bring a powerful hand to their throbbing cocks and with a delicately stroke, their flaccid member begin perking up from the stimulation.

“Where is our guest of honor?” the second twin says as he surveys the party, “Ah! There he is!”

On a wispy square of green manicured sod, sits a naked man, blindfolded, handcuffed, and bound to a bench of varnished wooden constriction.  His wrist clasp in metal handcuffs on either side of a ‘T’ shaped piece of wood. His head, rests atop the upper portion of the capital ‘T,’ secured in placed by a snuggly secure strap. In his mouth is a ball-gag. The red ball of the gag muffles his silent protestations, but he has none. His balls and cock are bound in an opening on the lower end of the ‘T.’ A circular hole cut-out with a hinge making the ‘T’ swing like a door on a cabinet. His member is swelled and jutting out from the wooden cock-ring. Unseen by the audience in attendance, is a wooden dagger-like dildo shoved deep up in his ass, on this sword. It is on this, he sits.

The sun sinks into the blue azure Gulf of Mexico, the colors of the rainbow band in countless colors across the horizon. There are red and blues, greens and yellows, mingling in beautiful patterns as the sun slowly dips it orb into the sea.

“He is quite a sight,” says the man named Raoul as he laps up the dribbling cum from auspicious guest.

Raoul is bent on the grass sucking on the guest of honor’s hard cock like a dog munching on a soft chew toy.

The host stands behind the seated bound man, massaging his shoulders while his own stiff cock creeps up and down the spine of the ‘willing.’

He muffles under the gag, not from pain but building exhilaration.

Cum leaks like a washer-less spigot from his cock, by both men, a trail of clear essence glistens in the waning light of the sun on the seated man’s exposed back.

“All have arrived, now,” the host says, “as he moves from behind the seated man onto the lush green square of grass.

He holds up his arm, his cock sways about from his movements.

“Everyone comes to the grass.”

The twins stand off to the side, one a doctor, the other a reputable businessman.

The red-haired student with the three letters, F-S-U, tattooed on his freckled chest.

The Mexican, Raoul, in the employ of one of the twin businessmen.

“My friends, my friends,” the host says, “I have bedded all of you, here, but I have found my one true love and he is shackled to me for the rest of all time and his ex-wife, got nothing.”

“Raymond, shut the fuck up, Detective!” the good Doctor Kilgore says, “We want a taste of your lover, Robert Shockley’s cock. Who is on full display on the bench.”

“All you had to do was expose his wife’s affair with the Senator,” Doctor Kilgore proclaims, “…and you did, most conveniently, with the help of your detective partner, right, Quince.”

“That was the plan, after all, wasn’t it?” Ray says, “…and it came to fruition, flawlessly.”

Quince looks up from his lounge chair, his cock points toward the dusking sky.

“I need my cock sucked, “Quince says, “Who wants to do it?”

Quince drops his legs to the concrete of the pool, over the sides of the chair. His uncut hard cock is thrust upward to the sky.

“I will, lover,” Jaime Riley says, “I want that cock of yours buried deep into my ass, too, soon. Since your wife never wanted it as much as I do.”