A New Year Arrangement?

by Graham Nancledra

31 Dec 2022 3975 readers Score 8.4 (26 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Stephen and I were very privileged in that we both had a few friends which we got on very well. Stephen had his former army colleagues amongst his pals but also some really hot and very sexy guys who I also liked and had the good fortune to experience together. We had during the summer, all our best friends down to stay with us and I hired a yacht to sail us all over the Isles of Scilly for a couple of nights. Stephen’s friends, Mile and Carl, and Chris got on well with my friend Newton. Newton has never settled down with a guy. He loves playing the field and he is a very handsome, sexual and gregarious man. We’d met on a flight from London to Montego Bay when I was travelling to Jamaica to work for two years. He’d spotted me checking in at Heathrow, and arranged to have a seat next to me. I was delighted to have this handsome built Jamaican sitting next to me and even more pleased when he made a pass at me at 40,000 feet.

Our friendship completed that same evening in my hotel room in Montego Bay and continued during my work in the beautiful island nation at my temporary home at Lucea, (pronounced Lucy as in the girls name), when he was back in country to meet his parents. We stayed in touch after I was seconded to Mozambique and to the South West Pacific and beyond, and our friendship remained, though we had never even thought of a relationship together. Newton just loved playing the field, though he was always generous enough to share some of them with me at times when I was about. I was delighted to have him stay with me in Cornwall and we met often when I was working in London.

Just before Christmas Newton called me on my WhatsApp Video phone to wish Stephen and myself season’s greetings and asked if we had plans to come up to London. Our plans for the holiday were set. Christmas with my family and then Stephen and I were to drive to the North of Scotland for Hogmanay with his parents, who we had not been with for nearly three years. Newton was understanding and asked if we might pass through London on the way back. I was sceptical as it would add to what was already a long journey back to West Cornwall.

Then Newton surprised me announcing that he was not alone and that he had a special guest that he’d like to introduce me to. Knowing Newton, it would be a good looking guy who was staying with him for a couple of days before being dumped for a long while. He moved the phone around to show a handsome olive skinned, face, with thick black tidy medium length hair, very dark eyebrows and eyes, an aquiline nose, medium mouth with very sexy kissable lips. Newton announced that this was George, a Greek guy living in Belgium.  He gave me a small wave and a quiet, shy-ish hello. They had met in a gay night club in Brussels and danced the night away and spent the rest of the weekend, horizontal jogging with each other and jogging in many other positions; facts that didn’t surprise me in the least.

Newton moved the phone cam so I could see them both. I could now tell that they were both shirtless. I was asked what I thought about George and I said what I initially thought that he was a handsome number. I was teased by being asked if I wanted to see more. Being the sex pig that I am, of course I did. Newton told George to stand up, and as Newton also stood up, I got a glimpse of a pleasantly smooth and muscled body for a moment. George was a good four inches shorter than Newton, who is my height. The phone was adjusted so I could just see George and Newton panned the phone over the arms and chest of the man. He wasn’t as muscled as Stephen and me or Newton, but there was development there.

Again Newton asked what I thought. Then he asked if I wanted to see more. Of course I did and he asked George, who was extremely eager to please to turn around. He was trim, especially at the waist, with no excessive fat at all and he had a decent back. Lowering the camera lower Newton showed off the guys butt. I was a little surprised but delighted. George had a backside that any hot blooded gay man would love, and he had  a small but very sexy low tan line, as if he was used to wearing French style swim wear, and not the full blooded American style Speedo’s.

Now knowing that George was naked, I wanted very much to see what he had hanging. Newton didn’t disappoint, encouraging George to turn to face the phone, George was covering his crutch with his hands. I could just make out small, slight abs, and I was satisfied that there was no belly on the guy. He was decently fit. Newton was constantly asking if I liked what I saw, and he swung the camera onto himself, and flashed himself at me. I’d know him for so long and had been so intimate with him so many times that I knew just how big he was and that he was the equal of myself. He held the camera steadily at his cock and then George’s cock came into view alongside my friend’s meat. The Greek guy was massive. I was disbelieving at first, thinking it was a joke dildo but concentrating on the view I could see it was for real.

I could feel my cock beginning to grow in response. The next thing that happened was Newton moving away from the phone for a second and re-appearing to suck on the Greek guy’s extraordinary cock. It was a shame that Stephen wasn’t with me as I was sure he’d be as excited as myself.

Newton didn’t stay sucking on the cock for very long and stood up, grinning at me into the camera, his eyes saying it all, at the delight at his friend. I knew what he was going to ask. What did I think?

George was longer and thicker than Newton and I was wondering if he was the equal of Stephen or even bigger. The fucking thing was beyond massive. The first thing I said was that I needed a photo to show Stephen as he’d have to see it to believe it. Newton said it was not a problem. At the end of the call, he’d send some for me.

The camera was adjusted to sit on a stand or propped up somehow and I could see both guys sitting down together and slowly jacking off each other.

 I asked George what was his occupation. He worked at the European Union Commission as a civil servant in the transport directorate. He was twenty five years old, and an only child. He was gay and single. One Hundred percent he told me, and was very versatile and liked to play the field. He liked fucking just as much as being fucked. Now I was getting really hard and my mind was working overtime. I would have loved to have both Newton and George in bed with Stephen and me. I said to Newton that he must try to come down to Cornwall with George in the New Year and that I would talk to Stephen about dates. I wanted that handsome and uber-hung guy with Stephen and myself in our bed.

I heard Newton’s very distinctive doorbell ring, and he got up to answer the door, leaving George alone on the camera, and he made the heart shaped gesture at me and then stroked his cock and blew me a kiss. Newton came back to the camera and announced that he had another guest arrive and that he’d have to close. I just hoped that he’d remember to send me that photo of George to show Stephen. We wished each other a good night, and I knew that Newton was all set for a blast of a night and wondered who the lucky guy was joining both my good Jamaican friend and George.

I had an erection that needed attention, but I had no idea when Stephen would be returning home from his work, and I determined to hold off until we were together and chat about Newton’s call, hopefully with some evidence of what had happened and what I saw.

Ten minutes or so after the call had ended there was a buzz on my phone. Newton had kept his word and there was a full body shot of George standing three-quarters from the phone showing off that amazing cock. A few moments later Newton had texted me; ‘You’ll love the next photo’. Sure enough the next photo had my eyes wide open. It was a photo of a double fucking. The lower cock must have been George as it was so vast, and easily identifiable was the upper cock which I recognised as Newton’s, ‘Pride of Jamaica’, as he has nicknamed his dick. Both guys balls were hanging low, but the bottoms hole must have been totally stretched. I was pawing my cock when another photo was delivered. This time it was of George on his back, easily identifiable, with a huge cock in his arse and his own massiveness laying against his belly at least a couple of inches above his bellybutton.

Finally, I received a small video showing George, just wearing a T-shirt, swinging his dick around in what’s called the helicopter blade, and he was grinning from ear to ear. Lastly I had a text again from Newton. “Enjoy – we certainly will tonight. Let me know what Stephen thinks”.

I knew Stephen would be interested; it was just a case of how to present him the case. I certainly was very excited by what I had seen and Newton’s news that the guy was versatile was really splendid news.

Stephen arrived home exhausted. He’d been to Cheltenham leaving very early that morning. It’s a four hundred mile round trip – a lot in one day including his meetings. I was bursting with the news but took care of my man, preparing him some supper whilst he had a recovering shower.  I knew better than to ask him about the meetings, understanding his work for the government was classified, and asked about the journey. He looked at me with that knowing eye of his.

“You’ve been up to something, haven’t you”.

I vehemently denied it.

“Come on Gerren, I know you and your looks. What has happened”.

I came out with it, slowly at first.

“Newton video called me earlier this evening”.

“How is he”?

“He sends his Christmas Greetings and he’s the same old horny guy we know and love”.

Stephen wasn’t fully convinced.


“I passed on our regards and told him we are fit and well and looking forward to our festivities here at home and in Scotland”.


“He asked if we could visit London on our way back from the far North and I apologised and told him that it would add too much to our journey home”.

“Hmmm. OK, and”?

“He had a new friend with him”.

Stephen was going to have to drag it out from me.


“I was introduced on the phone cam”.


“A tasty guy, Greek working in Belgium. Very handsome”.

“Come on Gerren I know there is more”.

“The Greek guy is called George. Well they were naked together. The guy is not really built but has a decent body. I wouldn’t say no for sure, and I’m sure you’d be interested”.

Stephen gave me a quizzical sideways turn of the head, and relaxed at the table, sitting back in the chair and stretching his long legs forward. I stared at his crutch.

“So they were naked together, so you must have seen what was hanging”.

“I did after a look at the most delicious backside. Very fuckable I’d say. I’m sure Newton has had a few rides in there; they stood together, and I’d say the guy is at least four inches shorter than Newton”.

“So a short guy! Nothing objectionable about that; from what I recall about Newton, this George character must be about 5 foot ten or 6 foot”.

I nodded.

“Want to see what’s hanging then”?

Stephen really woke up now. “You saw it? You got a photo”?

“And a Video”. It was obvious that Stephen was getting hard. The movement in his shorts was evident. He beckoned to me. “Come on hand over the phone I want to see”.

I entered my password into my phone and opened up my WhatsApp and passed it to my husband. He looked at the first photo, the three-quarters body shot and gave an approving nod, then the scrolled down and almost dropped the phone.

“Never”! he called out. “Come on that has got to be Photoshopped”.

I assured Stephen that I had seen it next to Newton’s Pride of Jamaica and he was much larger. I pointed to the screen and told Stephen there was more. Looking at the image, Stephen’s eyes where almost like a cartoon character’s eyes when seeing something it really liked.

The double fucking photo. I told Stephen that I thought that the much larger cock fucking in the lower position must be George’s.

Stephen widened the screen to get the close up of the action. The top fucker was huge as well and black and obviously Newton. “I’d love to know who the bottom was taking those massive cocks”.

I told Stephen that I’d have wanted to be the guy taking the photo of the action.

Stephen was now grabbing at his cock as it stretched towards the left leg of his shorts. His cockhead would be exposed soon.

Stephen moved to the next photo, of George on his back his erection fat and going beyond his navel by at least two inches. Stephen was adjusting his shorts so that his cock was clear of the material and was jacking.

I was smiling, but a moment later I was beaming as Stephen caught the video of George swinging his massive meat around in the helicopter move.

As I had done alone earlier, Stephen was scrolling the photo’s around and around on the phone and jacking himself. He stood up and walked me over to our lounger his cock swinging to and fro as he walked. Before he sat down he removed his shorts totally freeing his cock and balls, and sat down with his legs wide apart.

“Newton tells me he’s versatile, and enjoys a good fucking as well as to fuck”.

Stephen was hooked. “A shame that we couldn’t pass through London on our way home from my parents, but do you think we could get the guys to come down here”?

“I was thinking the same”. I admitted, “but we’d have to check when they could both come here for a long weekend.

“Could we call Newton now”? Stephen was eager, stroking himself.

I considered it. “Newton did have another guest arrive as I was talking to him, and knowing the guy he could still be at it”.

“How long ago was that”?

“About two hours or so”.

Stephen reached over and gave my nipples a tweaking, looking in my eyes and whispered “Go on call him now. He won’t mind. There could be some fun to be had and I’ve had a long and tiring day”. He compounded the idea by licking my ear and nuzzling my neck. “Go on call the fucker, and let’s hope the guy is still there and I get a good look at that giant horse cock”.

 Of course I wanted to call Newton. He had asked me to report on Stephen’s reaction and why not now”. I sent a text first. ‘You up for a chat with Stephen and me’?

Within thirty seconds, my phone rang and Newton came up on the screen, now really sweating.

“Hey my friend, any reaction”?

“There most certainly is, he’s got his monster out and jacking right next to me now. What’s happening with you”?

“I left the guys fucking to make this call. George is being rammed by Mattias, Do you remember him”?

Oh yes I certainly did. He was the cutest guy, from Estonia, with a great humpy muscled body, golden flaxen hair, the deepest of blue eyes, about 29 or 30 years old, a talented throat, an absolutely insatiable backside and a constantly decent sized cock that was always hard. He was one of Newton’s regulars as opposed to many who turned up to be fucked rotten and put aside immediately afterwards.

I also immediately thought of Mattias fucking George. I’d have loved to have seen the opposite. I was wondering if the handsome Estonian would be able to take the Greek’s ginormous cock, I’d have loved to have just seen that and what Newton would have been doing at the same time.

“So what does your gorgeous husband think of George”?

Stephen took the phone from me, and spoke. “We must fix a date for both of you guys to come down here for a long weekend and as soon as possible into the New year”.

Newton greeted Stephen with a huge smile. “Yeah, we must. It’s a pity you guys cannot come to London”.

There was an apology but Stephen’s work was just too important to take off extras time plus the length of the journey.

Newton asked a favour of us. “Guys, please don’t talk about your height if you chat with George. He’s totally into very tall men like you. It’s a massive turn on for him and when we meet I want it to be a huge surprise”.

We promised, though I wondered if he had gauged my height during our earlier video chat. Newton was assuring that he had only seen the top of my body, and was very interested in fucking with me. He had not yet seen Stephen but Newton was determined that the moment could wait.

“Talking of fucking, I need to get back to the animals next door. Let’s arrange a date soonest”. He stood up and lowered his phone to flash his ‘Pride of Jamaica’ at us and left us alone.

We chatted about what could happen. Stephen reminded me that Chris was coming to stay for a week in January. He checked his calendar on his phone. 14-22 January.

Would we want to avoid Newton and George coming here at the same time? Newton had met and experienced Chris before with us. Would Chris object to having others stay whilst he was here. It was an easy question to answer. He’d love it.

It was something we were going to have to engineer, even if we’d have to re-arrange the dates Chris was going to be with us.

We were both extremely horny and needed to do something about it. I asked Stephen if he could wait until we were in bed of if he wanted to get off with me there and then. He paused. Still stroking his dick, he looked me in the face. “Let’s get up to the bed and get each other off”. We chased each other up the stairs, Stephen trying to divest himself of his shirt with difficulty, as usual his sleeves way too tight over his biceps and I had to help him roll the shirt down off his arms as he and I were glued to each other kissing each other deeply which didn’t help. When free of each other he announced that he needed a shower and headed to the bathroom. Stripping myself free of my clothes, I joined him in our double headed shower, and we cleaned each other before he pushed me to my knees making me worship his hugeness as the water cascaded down his fantastically sculpted body. As always, I was turned on by the sight of his massive body and obeyed my husband as he asked me to suck on his balls.

As I took them individually in my mouth, He was using both his fists to jack on his cock, using them as if it was some guys fuck shute and he was holding his head back into the water from the shower head, which then fell off his chin and bull neck, and down his chest and abs before falling onto my face as I licked and sucked his balls. One thing I was able to do in spite of not being able to take more than just over four inches of his cock was to take both of his balls in my mouth at the same time and run my tongue around them. This always pleased and excited Stephen and I loved it as I could see the full extent of the length of his humongous fat cock above my face when he would let go of it for a few seconds. It was always better when I could see another guy sucking on his cock at the same time, but that was a luxury unavailable this night.

I was however, able to reach around and feel his rock hard arse cheeks and move around to rub his abs and chest. He called out to me to work his nips. Yeah, I love teasing and working his nips as I get a great reaction when I do so. Pinching, twisting, and pulling on them, I felt his knees give way. Still licking both his balls in my mouth, I sensed that they were tightening, and the speed of his jacking increased. “He called out to me.

“Harder, work them Harder!”

I did so, almost like a pianist doing opposite things with different hands, gently playing with one nip whilst furiously working the other and then changing around the action on each. He gave me a warning that he was close. I moved my tongue to stretch out of my mouth to lick at his perineum, that wonderfully sensitive area of skin between the balls and the arsehole with the piss tube on its way from your balls and bladder to your dick. I pushed hard against it, and Stephen’s double handed wanking changed to single handed and he pushed my head against his balls. He was jacking so hard now that his balls were in danger of being pulled out of my mouth and his fist was almost hitting my nose.

“Yes! it’s coming”. He called out to me. I pulled and twisted his nips hard, squeezing them as hard as I could between my thumb and index finger, and pushed my tongue as hard as I could against his piss tube. He called out loud the fist orgasm, and I felt the rush of the first stream of cum pass from his balls against my tongue and caught the first stream fly out of his cockhead across the shower onto the near-by wall. Then a series of five or six more pulses pulsating against my tongue as more streams of cum shot through his cock to liberation from his balls. As each shot passed by Stephen’s weight pushed down against my head, but he used his hand hold me in place to support me.

Still the water fell down his body and onto my face. His body de-tensed as his orgasm subsided, and he gently allowed my head to fall away from him releasing his balls from my mouth. He let go of his cock which towered above my head. I released my tight grip of his nipples, and he gave a shudder of relief. Slowly his cock lost its erection if not it’s hardness and it came to rest against my forehead, with a small dribble of cum still attached to the flesh. Stephen lifted up his monster at the base by his balls by a couple of inches, and let it drop back onto my face, repeating the action beating my head with his heaviness, and smearing my face with the remains of his cum. Then he moved back slightly from me looking down on my wet face sliding his cock back against my nose until the massive head was against my lips.

With a huge sexy smile on his face, he told me to clean him. I was so happy, taking in his shiny glans into my mouth and licking it clean, tasting the sweetness of his sperm and looking up at my magnificent husband, the man I adored, and seeing the darker blond of his hair, now that it was wet, and the shower water falling down his musculature, but most of all the look of satisfaction and love on his face.

Later in bed, we sucked, rimmed, kissed, and licked each other before I fucked him for nearly an hour as we fantasised about the two of us with Newton, George and Chris. In the New Year, we were really going to make a great effort to get our friends with us at the same time. By God, we were going to have some fun.

by Graham Nancledra

Email: [email protected]

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