A Long, Hard Night

by The Donling

2 Mar 2023 1976 readers Score 8.7 (38 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I am a big man
(Yes I am)
And I have a big gun
Got me a big old dick and I
I like to have fun
Held against your forehead
I'll make you suck it
Maybe I'll put a hole in your head
You know just for the fuck of it
I can reduce you if I want
I can devour
I'm hard as fucking steel and I've got the power
I'm every inch a man and I'll show you somehow
Me and my fucking gun
I never can stop me now

– "Big Man with a Gun" by Nine Inch Nails 


"I see that," Emil, the baby brother, stepped slowly toward the bed. His smile softened lovingly as he held my gaze. He stripped off his tie and tossed it carelessly, followed soon after by another article of clothing. He turned undressing into a sensual strip tease until his glorious physique stood bare. His cock jutted proudly from his loins, only slightly thinner than his elder brother but equally as long. His member looked sculpted by a loving hand. If my men laid claim to anything in their lives it was that they had beautiful cocks. A long string of lubricant dripped from Emil's tip as he knelt on the bed. He took my outstretched hand and kissed the knuckles, then down the back of my hand and past my wrist. He looked so in love and my heart squeezed in my chest. Tears trickled past my lashes as I wondered once again why these men loved me like they did.

"You weren't supposed to be home until tomorrow," My voice trembled with joyful emotion.

"Surprise," Emil broke into an impish grin. "I called the property inspection a day short. I saw everything I needed."

"That bad," Elder brother wrinkled his nose in distaste.

"Let's say it's a fixer-upper opportunity and leave it there."

"What can we expect from the Trumps? I still don't want to buy anything from that family. I'm afraid I'll catch something horrible."

"Look on the bright side, the Scottish will love us." Emil beamed and clasped hands with his brother, "Anton."

Anton's grin grew feral as Baby Brother squeezed his hand in challenge. He responded in kind until they shoved against each other like rutting stags. I watched as their muscles bulged and strained, wishing I was between them. "Guys, the fun is over here." I rolled with my back to the bed, waving my glistening boner at them.

They paused their contest, looked each other in the eye, "truce?" Anton crooked an inquisitive eyebrow. Emil thought about it for a moment. He looked ready to agree when he suddenly launched onto me with a laugh.

"It's my turn, fucker!"

I screamed as nearly 400 pounds of sports honed, gym-perfected muscle bounded on top of me in a scene right out of Jurassic Park. They wrestled over me, knees stamping about on the mattress, with me ducking and laughing, smacking a hardon with a hand every chance I got. I caught Emil's shaft but he was slippery with his own lube – or that of his brother, I could not be certain – when he fell on me and latched on with a steamy, toe-curling kiss.

Emil kissed sweetly, full of tender longing and deep, hungry love. He combed long fingers back through my hair. I purred and arched my back in response. Massaging my scalp reduced me to a puddle of writhing, wanton need. I raised my legs in clear invitation and Emil wasted no time. He slid into me on top of his brother's creamy deposit and shuddered with desire.

"Fuck, but I need you," he bottomed out in my core, awakening that deep itch within me. I twined my fingers in his kitten-soft hair and pulled him deeper.

"Emil," I panted breathlessly. He moved slowly and deliberately across my prostate until his balls slapped heavily against my crack. He then rolled his hips with the liquid grace of a dancer and sawed his fleshy rod back out. Anton overwhelmed my senses but Emil overloaded them with his intensity. I uttered a long, ululating moan on the edge of screaming with every stroke. I never knew how he managed to go so slow and yet drive me nearly insane with pleasure. I lost track of how long we rocked together when it hit.

"Emil!" I hooked him with arms and legs in a sudden clench. My eyes shot wide open, my mouth hung in a silent scream as my prostate drew to that moment of explosive release. The next instant I screamed aloud as my second lover nudged me over the edge into convulsing ecstasy.

"The fuck, Anton!" Emil snapped angrily as I felt new pressure at my rear entrance. As I continued to climax my first lover joined his brother inside me. They stretched me to my abject limit but the new pressure on my prostate sent me immediately into a third body-wracking meltdown. 

"You got your turn, now it's mine." Anton grinned wickedly and pounded us both into submission with his beastial meat. Emil joined me with multiple orgasms, his puppy whimpers exposing how much he craved his brother's attention. Anton yelled out his fourth and final orgasm before reaching past Emil to kiss me. The brothers touched noses tenderly, their lips brushed, then they broke apart.

"I'm going to take a shower. You bitches came all over me."

"You soaked the bed before I got here, asshole!" Emil gritted his teeth in an uncharacteristic burst of anger. This stopped Anton in his tracks and he slowly turned.

"Are you complaining? 'Cause I distinctly remember that between the two of us, you were the cum slut."

He seized Emil roughly by the back of the neck and shoved him face down into the soaked blankets. "Eat it, you slut! You're a fucking come pig, admit it! You love this! You want to drink our come. You want to wallow in it, rub it in your hair, I've seen you! Quit lying, Baby Brother!"

"ANTON!" I pulled him off of Emil and he yanked out of my grip.

"If you want more of this I'll be in the shower." He gestured half-heartedly at his cock and stormed off. He paused at the door, looked back with a forlorn expression, then left the room. I drew Emil gently into my arms and caressed his cheek.

He stared blankly ahead. I might have taken his expression as trauma save that he was still hard as a rock.

"He's right," Emil met my gaze. "I like it, how fucked up is that?"

"What, so you love our smell and crave it? I was hiding in a blanket cave snorting your funk earlier. I missed you. If it's fucked up then we all are. I still love you." I kissed his sweet lips.

"But he's my brother, Chonay." He used my name for the first time tonight. It sounded musical in his Danish accent. He sighed, "I'm not supposed to get turned on by my brother."

I brushed his hair out of his eyes. "We can't help who we love, Emil. It doesn't make you good or bad, it makes you human."

"I bet nobody else would think that way about it." His eyes filled with pain and longing.

"Nobody else is here, Emil."



He looked up. "Fuck me, please?"


Author's Note: I write in a fantasy world where sexually transmitted diseases do not exist but in the real world, PrEP before you play and glove it before you love it. Carry on gentlemen!

by The Donling

Email: [email protected]

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