A Little Guy With A Big Surprise

by Str8SensitiveGuy

8 Aug 2020 9437 readers Score 9.3 (222 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

For Spring Break, Mark, Sam, Chad and I made the long drive down to Florida and spent seven days and six nights basking in the warm sun. We had hit up a couple of theme parks, but mostly, we were beach bums for the week. It had been the relaxing vacation I needed. All year long between my classes, my labs, my studying and my job, I was busy all the time. I had needed to decompress and that break was just what the doctor ordered.

During our Florida trip, Chad and I had shared a room together. When I first learned that this was to be the arrangement, I was a little concerned. Months earlier, Chad had been tormenting me; bullying me really. I am a particularly small guy. I am 5’5” and weigh less than 100 pounds. I am gay, though I had never come out. I have always been an easy target for bullies. Chad hadn’t acted alone, but he had been the main instigator. He was the one who had pushed things from merely verbal taunts into the physical realm. Without Chad’s leadership, that night when the three of them grabbed me, held me down, stripped me, tickled me, measured me and milked me probably never would have happened.

As it had turned out, during that “attack”, the three of them had discovered my “secret”. They had been expecting the little guy to have a little dick. Well, I didn’t. I have a massively huge penis that measures 8.5” soft and 11.5” fully erect. Especially on my slight frame of a body, it is monstrous. I guess I had earned their respect because after that night, my housemates never bullied me again. We had even begun to become a little friendly…well at least that had had been the case with Mark and Sam. Chad had been but standoffish. He tended to simply avoid me.

When the guys invited me to come along on their Spring break trip, I knew it was mostly to help divide up the expenses, but I had accepted any way. It had been a surprise that Mark and Sam would be buddied up all week and I’d be stuck next to Chad practically every minute of every day. Making matters worse, Chad was the exact physical type I was most attracted to. All three of them were strapping, muscular, good looking guys, but Chad had the dirty blond hair that was messed just right, the deep blue eyes, the well-proportioned and contoured body that was strong, but also just soft enough in all the right places. I thought it was going to end up being a long, awkward week.

Chad surprised me though. Right at the beginning of our journey he had apologized for what he had done. He had been genuine and sincere. I accepted his apology and we began to get to know each other a little. Along the long journey, Chad had started to get a little physical and dropped a few not-so-subtle clues.

That first night in our motel room, Chad crept into my bed and expressed his physical desires to me. That night, and all six nights, one of our beds had remained empty while we both slept together in a spooning position after having exhausted each other with lustful, horny sex. We didn’t talk much about it, we just did it. I wondered if the fun would continue back at school, back in the off-campus housing unit the four of us shared. Would Chad come visit my room late at night? Or was this just a vacation fling that was over when the trip ended? All I could do was wait and see.

We had been back from our Spring break trip for a week and nothing had happened. I missed my time with Chad. Did I just miss the physical contact or was I missing Chad as a friend, as a person? I still wasn’t sure. Yes, he had apologized for what he had done, but he was still the person who had been capable of those offenses. Yes, I was physically attracted to him, but was that enough? I wanted him to knock on my door so badly. Just thinking about him made me flush. I considered going to his room, but no. He had to come to me. He had to show me who he was.

Finally, on our ninth night back (not that I was counting) at around 1:00am, I heard a light rapping at my door. I leapt up and cracked it open. There stood Chad, still fully dressed from the day. He flashed me a half smile and my heart beat increased at the sight of him. He stepped inside and quietly closed the door behind him. He said, “I didn’t think Mark and Sam would ever go to their rooms. Is it okay that I’m here?”

Just his presence was causing a stir in my shorts. “Yes,” was all I managed to say as I was lost, gazing into those deep blue eyes.

He slipped out of his sneakers and stepped up to me. He slipped his hands under my t-shirt and slid them up my bare skin. I immediately responded with goosebumps all over. I tingled in anticipation. Then, Chad surprised me. He pulled me into him and kissed me. During our week of fun together we had never kissed. Honestly, I had never kissed anyone ever before. He had surprised me and it took me a moment to catch up. He started slowly and gently, our lips meeting each other’s. This was new to me. I liked it. I was continuing to firm up down below and I was sure Chad could feel it against his leg. Chad kept the lead. He had one hand under my shirt on my back, and the other hand was cupping the back of my head, guiding me and managing the intensity.

As I got into it he got more, Chad’s tongue parted my lips and found its way into my mouth. Our tongues met and explored each other. My erection blossomed and I could feel Chad stiffening as well, even through his jeans. The kissing was intense and more intimate than any of the physical things we had done all week on break. I slipped my hands under his shirt and explored his smooth skin for the first time in a week and a half. His nipples tightened in response. Not stopping the kissing, Chad guided me backwards to my bed, laid us down and kept on kissing me. His hand stayed under my shirt and explored my chest and stomach. I quivered from his touch and I wanted this to never end.

He paused a moment to remove both of our shirts. He had a gorgeous body. He was nicely tanned  from our week in the sun. The bronzy shade made his muscular arms and shoulders look that much more toned. His thin but soft belly was also a shade darker than I remembered and I was instantly reminded that I had seen few better sights in my life than that of Chad shirtless. I was now fully erect. How I had missed his body. Chad went back to kissing me. Deep, passionate kissing. Eventually his tongue left my mouth and worked its way down to my neck. Goosebumps sprang up on my body anew as I experienced yet another first time feeling with Chad.

As he kissed and sucked on my neck, I tingled all over. His hand slid down and he discovered my full erection. He lifted his head for a moment and flashed me an approving smile. That warm, wet and wild mouth continued to slide down my body. Down my chest, down my stomach, a brief plunge into my belly button and then down my treasure trail. He hooked a finger under my waistband and pulled my shorts off. I was throbbing in anticipation. Though I knew it was coming, I couldn’t help but gasp from the sensation as he took hold of my lengthy shaft in both hands. He took as much of me as he could take in his mouth and I leaned my head back and let this happen.

He just used himself, no toys. He hadn’t even brought the fleshlight with him. Despite my almost foot-long size, he provided me with full coverage by using both hands on the length of my shaft below his hard working mouth. My own pre cum and his saliva were all the lubrication he used. This was our first time together in my room, our first time anywhere outside of our week in Florida. I had been horny with anticipation for nine days now. Chad touching me was like a jolt. It was electrifying. I wanted to hold out and make this last longer but I was too horny. Soon I was gasping for breath as my body shook and spasmed and I climaxed.

I moved on top of Chad, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down. I explored the tan line around his waist with both my eyes and my hands. His sensitive tummy quivered from my light touch. His 5.5” member was rock hard and I reacquainted myself with his smooth, beautiful organ. He was glistening with pre cum and he moaned softly as I licked him clean. I deep throated all of him and he moaned softly. I used my fingers to tickle his testicles and they contracted in immediate response. I could tell that he too was extra horny from our nine day absence and I didn’t have to work too hard or long before he too curled his toes and convulsed in orgasm.

After, he stayed in my room for a little while longer and we talked quietly. He said, “I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to visit you now that vacation is over.”

I said, “Well now you know,” and I pressed myself against him. How I had missed being in the same bed with him.

“Yeah, I guess I do.” In the dark room I could sense him turn serious. “I think I really like you, Taylor. I mean, not just the things we do together, but I think I’m starting to…” he trailed off.

He’s feeling the same way I am! I thought for a moment before responding. “I think I know what you mean. It feels right when I’m with you but it’s complicated. I am still struggling with our past. That cannot be erased. We’ve come a long way and I want to move on. I’m just not sure yet.”

He took my hand in his and held it. We had done a lot of physical things together on that Spring Break trip, but like the kissing earlier, this was the first time he held my hand and it was a surprisingly intimate gesture. He said, “Give me a chance. I want to prove to you that I am not the guy I was back then. At the time, I was in denial with myself about who I was. I was going out with girls I wasn’t interested in. I was putting up a front for my friends. I didn’t know what I really wanted, but now I’m figuring it out.”

I said, “I think we need to get to know each other a little more. You know, talking. We know we enjoy the non-talking stuff. We need to find out if we like each other, if we fit together. We talked some in Florida but we need to do more of it. See if there’s more there than just the physical desire.”

Chad said, “Like a date? Should I ask you out?”

I laughed, “You don’t have to label it. Maybe we could just spend some time together doing some other things. Eat some meals together, go to the fitness center together. You know, normal stuff. Our schedules are different and we never see each other outside of the house.”

He was quiet for a moment then he squeezed my hand and said, “I’d like that. I have to go home this weekend for a family thing but maybe tomorrow night we could have dinner together.”

“Yes. Sounds good.”

He asked, “While we’re ‘getting to know each other’, can we still do what we already know how to do together?”

I didn’t hesitate, “Uh, yeah! If we don’t, I’m ending this now.”

We both laughed.

I asked, “What about Mark and Sam?”

Chad said, “I don’t think Mark and Sam are gay.”

We both laughed again.

“No, they definitely are not. I mean, do we tell them about us?” Neither Chad or I had ever come out to anyone but each other.

Chad said, “I don’t know. I’d have to think about that. It would be easier to not have to sneak around them but I don’t know how they’d react. I don’t know if I’m ready to take that step yet.”

I was a little disappointed by his response. It wasn’t necessarily fair of me. I hadn’t been brave enough to come out myself. But I also never was close enough to anyone that I would even consider that personal, intimate conversation. Mark and Sam were Chad’s friends. Chad would have to decide how to handle it.

It was around 3:00am when Chad kissed me goodnight and snuck off to his own room. I laid there in my now lonely bed still torn and confused. No matter what happened, I would always be physically attracted to him, but could I really be with him emotionally? Chad sure had seemed to change. Tonight hadn’t been like the week in Florida. It wasn’t just lust and sex. He had surprised me with the kissing and the hand holding. There was an intimacy and an affection that was new. Maybe... I felt a flutter inside me and I wished Chad was still next to me, spooning me.

The next night met in the on-campus dining hall and ate dinner together. We had never done this before. Chad was more popular than I was and people kept stopping by our table to say hi to him. I didn’t mind, especially since Chad kept his focus on me. We talked about our respective days as we sat across from each other at the table. Chad has longer legs and bigger feet than me and he accidentally bumped my knees and toes. This led to us playing a discreet game of footsie under the table. Chad was a size 11 and he dominated my 7.5’s in our mock battle. We had a nice talk during dinner and an even nicer silence in my room later.

That weekend, Chad had gone home to his family as he had said. It was his sister’s 18th birthday and he had promised he’d be there. On the Saturday, I had spent the day working a long 8 hour shift at my job, grabbed some dinner at the dining hall and then went to the library to work on a project for one of my classes. It was around 9:00 when I finally made it back to the house. Mark and Sam were right there by the door, apparently waiting for me.

“What’s up?” I asked.

Mark said, “We have a surprise for you.”

Uh oh. The last time they had a surprise for me… No. We were all way past that. I was still apprehensive, “What’s that?”

Just then, three beautiful, well-developed girls rounded the corner and entered the room. Oh no. What had they done?

Sam said, “You’re always working so hard, we thought you deserved a break. Some fun.”

Trying to steer away from what was obviously supposed to happen, I said, “We just had a vacation.”

Mark said, “Not this kind of vacation. Look, you’re a cute little guy but you don’t get the attention from the ladies that you deserve. We know how busy you are so we set up this little event for you.”

I said, “Guys, I appreciate the thought, but I’m okay. I don’t…”

Sam cut me off, “Look, you are a lucky man. These three lovely ladies heard a rumor about you and they are here tonight just for you! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity bro. We won’t let you pass it by.”

I looked from Sam to Mark and back again. They were a united front. I said, with a hint of resignation in my voice, “What ‘rumor’ might they have heard?”

Mark smiled widely, “Oh, you know…”

Great. I had always been so careful to not reveal my secret. I didn’t want people knowing. They end up staring at me and I feel like an attraction in an exhibit at the zoo.

Sam said, “Dude, you are about to become a legend!”

I tried, “I don’t have time to…”

They turned around and pushed me forward. Mark said, “Taylor, meet Tammy, Megan and Sarah.”

They were beautiful girls and if I was at all straight, this would have been a dream come true. As it was, I needed to figure out how to just get through the night.

The three of them giggled and I couldn’t help noticing their eyes glancing down towards my crotch. I was in my usual baggy sweatpants attire and I could tell they were having trouble believing the “rumor” they were told. They giggled, took me by the hands and led me to my room. Mark and Sam were left laughing in the hall as one of the girls, I couldn’t match their names with their faces, pushed the door closed behind the four of us.

I said, “Look, ladies, we don’t have to do this…”

Tammy #1 (they were all Tammy to me at this point) said, “Oh, we’re doing this.”

They literally pushed me down onto my bed and began to undress me. I am a small guy with hardly a muscle on my body. Any one of these three girls outweighed me by a good twenty pounds. Against all three of them at once, I had no chance.

I felt my Nikes getting untied and slipped off. Tammy #2 said, “He’s so little. Look at how tiny his feet are!” They all giggled some more.

Suddenly my shirt was off, exposing my bony rib cage, my concave chest and my shallow belly button. One of them tried tickling me and I twitched and writhed from her groping hand. Off came my socks and my pants and I had flashes of that night months ago. That night, it had been three hot guys and I couldn’t help but get an erection. Tonight, these three girls were pretty, but they weren’t turning me on.

My underwear went down and all three Tammies let out a collective gasp. Even though I was completely flaccid, one of them said, “Oh my god! It’s huge!”

That gave me my first sign of life down there. I felt a twitch. I didn’t want it to, but being examined, evaluated and commented on aroused me. Even if it was from girls. They continued to ooh and ah and I continued to grow. They began to handle my member and I stiffened even more. Tammy number 3 lightly dragged her long fingernails along the length of my shaft and that was another new sensation for me. I stiffened further. She exclaimed, “It’s like a foot long!” and I was now fully erect.

I was turned on in a technical sort of a way, but these girls were not doing for me. They put in a good effort. There were six hands and three mouths that repeatedly stroked, sucked and explored me. It wasn’t unpleasant. As a physical response to touch, I remained hard but I could tell I wasn’t going to reach orgasm. They were persistent, however, and it became clear that they wouldn’t leave until their job was done. After more than an hour, I decided I needed to move this along. I closed my eyes and I pictured Chad; his floppy blond hair, his blue eyes and his crooked smile. Then I pictured him naked. I imagined it was him touching me. That was all it took. I began to convulse and the Tammies laughed as they jerked me off.

When it was over, they gave me one last look head to toe. Tammy #3 said, “Who would have ever thought the biggest dick would be on the smallest guy?” and they all left, giggling.

As I laid there spent, and a little raw from being yanked on for more than an hour, I couldn’t help but feel guilty. I didn’t instigate what had happened, but I felt a little unfaithful. Would Chad care? Would he be upset or jealous? I guess I a little jealousy could be okay. It would be nice to know he cared.

I cleaned myself up, got dressed and found Mark and Sam on the couch. They were trying not to laugh. I said, “Please don’t ever pull a stunt like that again.”

Mark said, “Oh, don’t worry dude. We won’t have to. After tonight, all the girls you could ever want will come to you.”

They couldn’t hold the laughter in any longer. Sam said, “You’re welcome.”

I went back to my room.

The next night, Sunday, Chad got back from his weekend at home around 8:00. All four of us were in the great room and Chad was playing it cool. He was talking with Mark and Sam about the Celtics, about video games and whatever else they were all interested in. I wasn’t a part of that conversation, but I kept shooting looks at Chad. I noticed that he was stealing as many glances at me as he could as well. Eventually I made my excuses and headed to my room.

I had hoped that Chad would show up. I left my door ever so slightly ajar. It wasn’t until after midnight, but he did come. He didn’t rap on my door this time, he simply glided the door open, slipped inside and quietly closed it behind him. He left his kicks by the door and joined me on my bed. He took the book I had been reading out of my hands, closed it and placed it on my desk. His expression was serious and his deep blue eyes bore into me. He said, “So I hear you had quite the weekend while I was away.”

I flushed red with embarrassment. Of course Mark and Sam couldn’t wait for me to leave the room so they could tell Chad all about what they had done. I stammered, “Look, I didn’t know…They made me…I didn’t want to…”

Chad’s serious expression faded into a big smile. I swatted at his arm. “You jerk.”

He laughed quietly.  “So, how was it? Your first time with girls, or even with A girl, right?” Still a big smile on his face that gave me a pang despite the fact that I was right next to him.

Chad had been with many girls over the years. It wasn’t hard for him to do that, he just preferred guys. He preferred me. I answered, “It was like a school assignment. It was something that I had to do. It wasn’t horrible, but I wasn’t into it. Those girls probably thought I was tantric or something because it took over an hour for them to get me to cum.”

Chad let out a low whistle. “Maybe I should be a little jealous. You’ve never lasted an hour with me.”

“Very funny. I never lasted an hour with you because you are so…you know…when I’m with you I feel so… Anyway, with those girls, I just wanted to get it over with. You shouldn’t feel jealous because in the end it only happened because I closed my eyes and thought about you.”

He gave me a mock “awe” but then he turned on his side and pulled me into a spoon position. He put his lips to my ear and whispered, “I missed you.”

I let myself enjoy the cradling for a minute, then I pulled away slightly, turned my head to look at him and asked, “Did you know what they had planned for me? Were you a part of this?”

“I won’t be offended by your suspicion. My history is what it is and I will make up for it if you give me the chance. But NO. I had no idea about any of it until I got back tonight. Honestly.”

I studied his face. I believed him. “Good. Don’t let them pull any shit like that again. Please?”

He pulled me back into his embrace and said, “I won’t. Besides, once was one thing but if it happens again, I will be jealous.”

Now it was my turn to smile. He put his lips back to my ear and whispered again, “More talk later.” He kissed my ear and moved down my neck. My body tingled all over and my sudden erection protested against my shorts. His exploring hands found my rock-hard tool and Chad said, “There’s my nightstick!” We spent the next hour doing what we had gotten so good at with each other over the last few weeks.

Afterwards, I had assumed Chad was going to gather his things and slink back off to his room, but instead he held my hand again and we talked. He told me about his weekend with his family. He told me about each of them and how important they all are to him. It was nice to hear Chad talking this way. My own family life was horrible. I don’t speak to them anymore and I doubt they spend any time thinking about me. Hearing about Chad being a mutual part of a loving, supportive family made me see him in yet another light. He was following through on his promise. He was opening up and we were learning about each other. Chad already knew some of what I had been through with my family so I decided not to end on a depressing note by mentioning them now.

It was late and we both needed some sleep before tomorrow’s classes. Chad got up and gathered his things. Before leaving he said, “I actually have more to tell you about my weekend. We are still on for tomorrow night at the fitness center, right?”

We had made plans to meet there around 9:00. I was not into pumping iron but I did enjoy a good run. I was going to run on the treadmill while Chad lifted weights. After, we would meet up by the ellipticals and casually glide side by side while we talked. I said, “Yes, we’re still on.”

He said, “See you there.” He winked at me and slipped out of my room. I missed our double room at the motel in Florida where spent all six night in the same bed. I laid there in my empty bed waiting for sleep to come. The digital clock was taunting me as the minutes ticked by. It was now after 2:00am. What else could he have to tell me about his weekend? What happened? What did he do? Was it something bad? Would I ever trust him? I needed to get some sleep.

Monday came and as usual, I didn’t see Chad all day. He had his classes and I had mine. After dinner I studied in the library. There was a guy in there who I didn’t recognize, but he seemed to be looking my way a lot. It was approaching 9:00 so I packed up my things to head over to the fitness center. I had my book bag in one hand and my gym bag in the other as I pushed out the door. The fitness center was just a couple of buildings over from the library. I was aware that the guy from the library had also decided to leave at the same time as me. He was not far behind me as I walked up the path. It was full dark outside and I didn’t see any other people around.

As I approached the fitness center I felt hands grab me from behind. I was being pushed off the path to the side of the building. The guy said, “Don’t make any noise or you’ll make this worse.” I did as I was told.

He asked me, “You’re Taylor, right?”

I nodded. He grabbed a fistful of my shirt and pushed my back against the brick wall of the building. My head bumped hard against the jagged façade and I saw stars. My eyes began to water and a couple of tears spilled out. Who was this guy and why was he doing this to me. He was still grasping my shirt. I was feather-light in his strong grip. I felt the cool night air on the skin of my abdomen.

Both of my bags had dropped to the ground and I said, “Please take anything you want.”

He scoffed and said, “You mean the way you took what you wanted from me?”

“I don’t know what you…”

“My girlfriend is Sarah. Or was Sarah. You were with her the other night. So what, you just go around taking out your dick for other people’s girlfriends?”

I vaguely remembered that one of the Tammies was named Sarah. “I didn’t…”

He cut me off again. “Shut up asshole. She said you have a massive foot-long cock. She said you ruined me for her.” He pulled my shirt up higher and craned his head down to get a look at my body. He examined my scrawny chest and my narrow 26” waist that barely held up my sweatpants. He said, “No fuckin’ way.” He slid his other hand down the length of my torso, wiggled it under my waist band and found my soft, but still sizable, 8.5” monster. His eyes bulged out at his discovery and he removed his hand. He attempted to knee me in the balls but he only made partial contact as he aimed too low and his knee hit the brick wall between my legs. We both yelped in pain. He had made enough contact that I wanted to curl up into a ball and whimper.

Still bunching up my shirt in his left fist, he held me pressed against the bricks. I thought I heard running footsteps in the distance. He made a fist with his right hand and said, “Let’s see how much of a man you really are.”

The footsteps were getting closer, faster and louder. The guy cocked his right arm back. Pinned against the wall, I was trapped. The fist was swinging right towards my face. I was about to close my eyes, but just then the running footsteps were upon us and my assailant was suddenly air-born as I heard contact and a whoop sound. He landed, sprawled on the pavement, a good ten feet away.

 I looked over at my rescuer and saw Chad, panting from the exertion. He stepped over to the guy on the ground and said, “Hey fucker, didn’t your mommy ever tell you to pick on people your own size?”

The guy tried to gather himself. He said, “This doesn’t concern you. This is between me and Taylor. He stole my girlfriend.”

Chad chuckled, still panting, “If you aren’t man enough to keep your girl, you only have yourself to blame.” Chad pulled the guy up to standing position and added, “You stay away from Taylor. If you ever touch him or even speak to him again, I will find you and I will stomp the shit out of you. Now get the fuck out of hear.” He ran away.

Chad turned to me and asked if I was okay. I couldn’t help it. My eyes welled up again and tears spilled out. Not so much from the pain, but because I was looking at Chad. He saved me.  Chad hugged me. I felt safe in his arms. He held me for a long minute with my face buried in his chest and I began to calm down. Chad said, “The gym will have to wait for another time. Let’s get back to the house.” Chad picked up both of my bags along with his own that he had dropped moments before ramming that guy at full speed with all of his force.

I was a little wobbly on the walk home. I listened in awe as Chad recounted how he was on his way to meet my at the fitness center when he saw, from a far distance, that guy pushing me around. It was clear to him that I was in trouble, so he didn’t think, he just sprang into action. He said, “I’m sorry couldn’t get there soon enough to stop him from kneeing you.” Trying to lighten the mood with a laugh he added, “At least you have plenty of nad protection down there.” He tried a cautious smirk.

I replied, “Right, but getting kicked in the dick is picnic either.”

We made it back to the house and, thankfully, Mark and Sam were out. Chad said, “Let me see your head."

I said, “It’s alright. I’m fine.”

He insisted. He went and got the first aid kit he had in his room. I guessed it was probably for sports injuries. He used some kind of antibacterial rinse on my wound and it stung. He said I wasn’t bleeding but he thought I should go to the emergency room. He thought I might have a mild concussion. I said I didn’t think I did and he said that head injuries are nothing to mess around with.

We compromised and went to the on campus medical office. After a quick examination, some basic questions and reflex tests, it was determined that I would live. Chad told the nurse that I wouldn’t be alone overnight.

Back at the house, Mark and Sam still weren’t home.  We made our way to my room. Chad helped me out of my shirt in a way that wouldn’t aggravate my injury. He took care of me, almost like a parent caring for a sick child. He gently guided me to the bed. He took off my running shoes, my socks and my sweatpants. He took off his own clothes, got in next to me and pulled up the blanked. He spooned me in our familiar position and again I felt safe. I felt loved.

I said, “Thank you. You saved me tonight and took care of me after. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t…”

He said, “Please don’t thank me. It doesn’t make up for what I did. I want to always be there for you.” He pulled my tighter into him.  “If you’re up for it I want to tell you about the rest of my weekend.”

I’d forgotten about that. I couldn’t take any bad news right now. I felt a lump in my throat as I said, “Okay, I’m listening.”

Chad sighed and said, “I thought a lot about what we had talked about. You know, about getting closer, being honest, getting serious… I really like you, Taylor. When I’m not with you I can’t stop thinking about you. I miss you. And I don't just mean the physical stuff, as awesome as that is, I mean you. Just being with you.”

He had my attention, but what did this have to do with what he did last weekend?

Chad continued, “So I did something I never thought I would do. Something I didn’t even know if I would ever want to do. You know, my sexuality has been a complicated issue for me, but since you, it has become clearer. With you, it’s not that I’m attracted to a guy that I enjoy physically. I want to be with you. Now please don’t think that I did what I did as some kind of grand gesture to prove to you that I’ve changed and to win you over. No. I did what I did for me.”

I waited. “Well, what did you do?”

“I came out to my family.”

My mouth dropped open, “Oh my god!”

Chad continued, “I told them that I am gay. I told them that there is a guy that I like very much at school. That his name is Taylor and I have real feelings for him. I told them that it is early in our relationship and I don’t know yet if he will eventually feel the same way about me, though I hope he will.”

I know how much Chad’s family means to him. This was huge. I couldn’t believe he did that. I asked, “I know how hard that must have been for you. How did they react?”

He said, “Really well. My parents couldn’t hide their shock. My sister somehow wasn’t surprised. She said she sort of suspected, whatever that means. After the initial shock wore off, my mom said she was proud of me and my dad said he just wanted me to be happy.”

I could only imagine what it would be like to have a family like that. I said, “For what it’s worth, I’m proud of you too.” This was not the same Chad from months ago. If I was honest with myself, I was already in with him. “You have nothing to left to prove. Who you were back then wasn’t really you. Who you are now is all that matters. I’m in.”

He squeezed me tighter into his strong body and just held me for a while. I told him that I didn’t think I was up for sex tonight. He said he just wanted to take care of me.

I said, “If you need to head back to your room before Mark and Sam get back, I understand.” I meant it, but I got a little misty eyed at the thought of him leaving.

Chad said, “I told the nurse you wouldn’t be alone and I meant it. I am not leaving you alone tonight. You couldn’t throw me out if you wanted to.” I didn’t want to.

He kissed me deeply and I felt like I melted into him. He didn’t cram his tongue into my mouth, he was gentle but passionate. He rolled me over onto my back and went down to the foot of the bed and gave me a nice long foot rub. I was relaxing so much I didn’t even notice my headache anymore. He worked his way up my legs, knelt on the bed straddling me, and began massaging my back, shoulders and neck.

I was moaning softly into my pillow when there was suddenly a knock on my door. Before we could react, the door swung open and Mark and Sam were standing there in midsentence saying, “Hey Taylor, we’re ordering a late night pizza do you want-” their brains processed what their eyes were seeing.

Mark said, “Chad! What are you doing to him? Are you still tormenting him? I thought we were past all of that a long time ago?”

Sam said, “Wait a minute. Chad? Why are your clothes off too?”

Uh oh. Chad was in a tough spot. What was he going to do?

Chad moved off of me and sat on the edge of the bed. Fortunately, his underwear was still on. He cleared his throat, “Mark, Sam… I am gay. I’ve known it for years, but I’ve been in denial. Taylor and I began a relationship with each other when we were on Spring Break and now we are together. I am sorry to be so blunt. I hope this is not too weird for you guys, but this is for real.”

Mark and Sam looked to me for verification. I said, “Everything he said is true.”

There was an awkward silence for a moment. They looked at each other and sighed in relief. Sam said, “For a second there we thought maybe he was molesting you in secret this whole time.”

“No.” I assured them, “Only consensual acts among willing partners going on here.”

They laughed in relief. Mark said, “Cool. Hey, wanna get some pizza?”

Chad looked at me then back to them, “Maybe next time.”

Sam said, “Cool. Have fun. Be safe,” and they closed my door as they left.

Chad and I both held our breath for a moment then burst out laughing.

He rolled me over again and continued my massage. He used his big, strong hands but he was gentle at the same time. He left me all tingly when it was over. He rolled me back onto my back and kissed me again. His hand slid down my chest and my stomach and eventually he found my full erection. He said, “Oh, I found my nightstick!”  He added, ironically, “So you’re still not feeling up to it?”

I said, “It’s a miracle! You cured me!”

Chad kept his promise and stayed with me all night. And most nights after that.