Gay Porn Bay

31 Jul 2014 Score 47 / 100 Not Mobile friendly

  • Videos 2 stars
  • Pictures 0 stars
  • Unique 2 stars
  • Size 4 stars
Review score 47
  • 4 stars Cost
  • 0 stars Updates
  • 3 stars Usability
  • 3 stars Claims

Gay Porn Bay is a true amateur site focusing on horny twinks, jocks and other college-age guys. There are 1338 downloadable, DRM-free videos - some very short and others are much longer, but I was disappointed to note that the site no longer updates. Lots of solo and hardcore videos of amateurs stroking, sucking and fucking.

Click here to visit Gay Porn Bay

Video info

Videos offered for download and streaming

1338 videos in MP4 format. Most vids sized at 576x432 @ from 150k to 800k, poor to amateur quality, some vids sized at 320x240. Videos are very short to average length full scenes, streaming also available, no DRM used.

Picture info

No pictures.

Site issues

This site no longer updates!

Pre-checked offers (called cross sales) on join page. Trial members may get limited access to site's content / features.

Membership Cost

Trial membership only gives you limited access. There are pre-checked options on signup page. If left checked, you will automatically be subscribed to another site.

  • Trial: $1.00 (recurring at $34.95 every 30 days)
  • Monthly: $34.95 (recurring every 30 days)
  • Quarterly: $59.95 (90 days, non-recurring)


Gay Porn Bay Review

Gay Porn Bay says they feature content submitted by members. That guarantees a lot of amateur guys stroking their dicks and homemade sex videos. Theoretically this means that the videos on this site can come from any part of the world, but almost every guy on the site is Caucasian, although I did run into a fair amount of Asian and Latin dudes. The models are indeed amateurs, and the majority of them are twinks and college-aged guys. Many are pretty good looking with athletic or slim bodies, and some of them have large cocks to play with.

Around 70% of the videos are solo masturbation vids and I believe that most of them are recorded webcam shows. There are a lot of guys wanking, but I have also seen guys sucking themselves off, fucking a melon, eating their own cum, fingering their butts or using toys. The remaining 30% are duos, threesomes and even a few orgy scenes. There are lots of blowjobs, guys fucking each other and I have even found some inter-generational action.

The good thing about amateur stuff like this, is that the guys always enjoy what they are doing and you can tell they are very comfortable because they usually are in the comfort zone of their own environment. If you are ready for a bunch of horny wankers and sexy amateur boys having sex on camera, then read on as I tell you about what this site offers in the member area.

There are 1338 videos inside Gay Porn Bay, and the most recent videos seem to have been added two years ago, so I guess it's safe to assume that this site is no longer updating. The videos are MP4 files that come at a size of 576x432 or some of the videos are even smaller and play at 320x240. You can watch the streaming videos at a default size of 448x336. You can enlarge the player to fit the size of your screen, but I wouldn't recommend it since most of the videos are of poor to amateur quality, which is to be expected from real homemade content. Some vids were offered in two different files, but I couldn't tell what the difference was.

The videos have been filmed with webcams, cell phone cameras or amateur handhelds and it shows. They are sometimes unfocused or blurry, and the audio is mono with lots of noise. The duration of the videos varies a lot; there are some that run for less than a minute, but there are others that are 25 minutes or longer, as well.

The site tries to create a community feeling and that's why you can search for other members and send them private messages. Members can also create photo albums or upload videos, but I haven't found any members who have actually uploaded stuff.

Gay Porn Bay has a few issues. First, is the fact that the site has not been updated in two years. Next, beware of pre-checked offers that are listed on the check-out page. The terms and conditions state that trial memberships might give you limited access, although they don't specify any of the possible limitations. When you first log in to the site, you will land on a page that is loaded with banner advertisements for a bunch of straight porn sites before you can continue to the actual members area.

Gay Porn Bay is an amateur site which offers 1138 videos of horny dudes stroking their cocks or having sex at their own homes. The guys here are mostly good looking twinks and college-aged guys. The videos can be streamed or downloaded to your computer, and since these are amateur videos, they are of amateur quality as well. While the site no longer updates, they do have a nice and interesting collection of true amateur videos. While I can't say that I was impressed by Gay Porn Bay, I didn't come away feeling disappointed, either.

Things we liked

  • Real amateurs in homemade videos
  • Videos are downloadable (no DRM used)
  • Can do 4+ simultaneous downloads

Things we disliked

  • Site no longer updates
  • Pre-checked offer on join page
  • Trial memberships might be limited
  • Most videos are small and amateur quality, some are short
  • Full-page ad when logging into member area

Click here to visit Gay Porn Bay

GayPornBay Screenshots

About Reviews

Online since 1999, GayDemon is a trusted guide to gay porn sites. On this page you can find a in-depth, detailed review of Gay Porn Bay ( with our honest opinion about this site. The review outline what you can expect to find as a member if you subscribe to GayPornBay. The review was as accurate as possible when it was written on the 31 Jul 2014, but sites constantly change. GayDemon cannot guarantee that you will find the exact same content or features when you visit. Please contact me or leave a comment if you have any questions.

Legal stuff

GayDemon only write reviews of gay porn sites that are legal and safe to visit. This review contain our honest options, however GayDemon receive commission from a membership sale if you decide to join this site. We can only continue to write reviews with your support through your purchases. (96722)