What are gay sex toys?

What is Sex Toys?

Sex toys refer to a variety of products made to enhance sexual pleasure.


Sex toys include a wide variety of sexual aids for men and women. Sex toys can be inserted, can vibrate or move in other ways, can involve suction or squeezing. Some sex toys are made to mimic the inside of a vagina or anus and can be penetrated by a penis to experience a sensation resembling intercourse. Many sex toys, or adult toys, are made to fit inside the vagina or anus and to move in and out, also to simulate intercourse where other sex toys may stimulate the nipples, clitoris or any erogenous zone.


Sex toys can be used for masturbation, during foreplay or during intercourse. Some sex toys are also made for BDSM use to be used to cause pain or restrain a partner. Dildos and butt plugs are made for insertion and come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, and novices may sometimes be surprised how big dildos and butt plugs can be. Sex toys can be made of many materials including glass, plastic and metal. Some sex toys use electricity to stimulate erogenous zones. This is called electrostimulation. An important thing when choosing a sex toy is to make sure it can be easily cleanable. If you are using a sex toy for insertion, lubrication is strongly recommended.

